I'm currently trying to set up cross-compiling for the Beaglebone Black. I 
am running Eclipse on my windows machine and Linaro-arm cross compiler. I 
can compile on Windows and run the program just fine on the BBB. My problem 
is trying to get the remote GDB to work. I'm run gdbserver on the BBB: 
gdbserver TestLED.elf

Process TestLED.elf created; pid = 2415 Listening on port 12345 Remote 
debugging from host

I've set up remote debugging in Eclipse using the GDB in the Linaro 
toolchain. I get the following in the console when I start up GDB in 

$1 = 0xff Cannot access memory at address 0x0 Cannot access memory at 
address 0x0 The target endianness is set automatically (currently little 
endian) No source file named C:\Path\To\source\file\src\main.cpp.

I've built it using the debug option. So I'm assuming it compiled it with 
the -g flag.
I added the flag just in case and get the same error :(

EDIT: It appears I can step through it just fine in GDB on the bbb. So the 
problem seems to something in Eclipse.

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