Hi Phil,

Q1)  I would suggest looking at rc_pwm.c which is in the 
Robotics_Cape_Installer source code.  A comment in the code says that there 
are 3 PWM subsystems; subsystem (ss) 1 and 2 are used by the built in motor 
drivers but ss 0 can be accessed from UART1; which leads one to believe is 
the the UART for GPS based on the comment from the PinMux online manual. 
 But the online manual for RoboticsCape says that UART2 (not UART1) is for 
GPS so either the code comment is old/wrong or the documentation is wrong. 
 Looks like a bit of experimenting is required to figure out which UART 
port is the correct one, but my guess would be that UART2 is the correct 
one.  You can then look at rc_motors.c to see how the pwm functions are 
used to configure the pwm subsystem and set duty cycle and frequency.  All 
this should be done after a call to the PinMux API to configure the pins 
for PWM. 

Q2)  What is your level of comfort with electronics modifications?  Then 
motor PWM signals are not mapped directly to a connector but you could 
access them via a hardware hack.  Remove the built in motor driver chips 
and solder in wires to the appropriate pads.  You could also try soldering 
directly to the appropriate built in motor driver pins as well.  In either 
case your soldered in wires should be hot glued or RTV'd in place to 
provide some strain relief.  It's a total hardware hack but it would allow 
you to used the robotics cape software as is.  This is assuming your new 
motor driver also uses 2 extra pins to control direction and braking (CW, 
CCW, short-brake, and stop) same as the TB6612FNG chip.  If it does not 
they you'll have to use the GP0 or GP1 IO pins to provide that 
functionality as your new motor driver needs.  Honestly this approach may 
be better suited for the BBBlack as all required I/O is mapped directly to 
and the header pins; but then you would loose all the other built in 
features of the BBBlue/Robotics cape.

If it were me I would go with the first approach and configure GPS UART2 
for PWM output.  Let me know if you have any question with this approach 
and I can look at the code a bit closer.


On Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 8:31:03 PM UTC-8, Phillip Glau wrote:
> I'm trying to build a differential drive robot using some 6v motors with 
> encoders from Pololu. Their amperage exceeds the capabilities of the built 
> in motor controllers on the BB Blue.
> I've got a larger separate motor controller that will accept PWM signal 
> for control.
> Question 1: Which physical connector on the BeagleBone Blue do I connect 
> to in order to access 2 channels of PWM? I'm not clear how PinMux 
> <http://www.strawsondesign.com/#!manual-pinmux> works as described in the 
> manual. I'm assuming it means that once I figure out which physical 
> connector to attach to, that I can then change the functionality to PWM. 
> (Seems like perhaps the GPS connector is the correct one??) Unfortunately 
> the online manual doesn't seem to give practical example code of this 
> functionality.
> Question 2: Is it possible to access the PWM signal of the built in motor 
> controllers? This would be ideal as then the external motor controller 
> would be functionally transparent to the roboticscape software that 
> already exists. Again, I can't figure out if this is possible or which 
> connectors to tie into to access the PWM signal that drives Motor Channels 
> 1 to 4
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
> - Phil

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