
I have successfully got Ubuntu 16.04 up and running on a BBB using this 
Interestingly enough I notice that I get two virtual usb network 
interfaces: USB0 and USB1.  This is apparently used when I connect the BBB 
mini-USB interface to an Ubuntu PC, the Ubuntu PC detects the usb gadget 
and creates eth1 and eth2 interfaces and tries to obtain dhcp leases from 
both of them.
How do I change the BBB system so that only one virtual USB network 
interface gets configured?

Also, regarding bridging:

I have success in bridging bluetooth PANU devices to the eth0 port of the 
BBB using the brctl tool.  Unfortunately, I cannot bridge the virtual USB 
ethernet interface to eth0 for some reason.  Here is a post of my 
interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
#iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto pan0
iface pan0 inet dhcp
  hwaddress 10:00:00:f5:cf:0d
  pre-up ifconfig eth0 down
  pre-up brctl addbr pan0
  pre-up brctl addif pan0 eth0
  pre-up brctl addif pan0 usb0
  #pre-up brctl addif pan0 usb1
  pre-up ifconfig eth0 up
  post-down ifconfig eth0 down
  post-down brctl delif pan0 eth0
  #post-down brctl delif pan0 usb1
  post-down brctl delif pan0 usb0
  post-down brctl delbr pan0

Note: The pan0 bridge does successfully get an ip address via the bridged 
eth0 interface.

My goal is to program the BBB to act as a USB-to-Ethernet adapter.


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