[ bebas promosi ] Start Forex TANPA MODAL, FREE $5 cash reward and $10000.1128pm

2007-11-28 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Anda dapat memulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar uang, karena anda dapat $5 
cash rewards. Anda 
dapat trading dengan $5 karena spesifikasi Quantitynya flexible. Pada 
perusahaan Forex Trader lain, 
membutuhkan sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk mulai Trading Forex, karena 
spesifikasi lot nya "strict".
Ingin bukti??? silahkan kunjungi:

[ bebas promosi ] 0621 Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 and $10000 free!

2007-06-21 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 
For more detail please visit 
Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0307pm Easy Forex 4 beginner, open your account and get $5 free!

2007-03-07 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0307am Start Forex TANPA MODAL, FREE $5 reward.

2007-03-06 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, anda mendapat kesempatan untuk mulai 
Trading Forex tanpa 
harus keluar Duit, bahkan anda dapat $5 cash rewards. Padahal perusahaan Forex 
Trader lainnya 
membutuhkan sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk mulai Trading Forex, karena 
spesifikasi lot nya yang 

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0306am Why do Forex Traders Fail?

2007-03-06 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
It is a sad fact that 90% of traders fail, and many very quickly give up. Why? 
When we went through a 
phase of losing trades we treated it as a temporary setback and went back to 
the drawing board. We 
analysed the reasons of our failure and we sought the guidance of Top Traders, 
Mentors and Coaches to 
put us back on the path of success and profitability.
For more detail please visit
Best Regards

[ bebas promosi ] 0305am Start Forex TANPA MODAL, FREE $5 reward.

2007-03-05 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, dan $5 cash rewards, beberapa Forex 
Broker memberi 
kesempatan kepada anda untuk mulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar Duit. 
Padahal dengan spesifikasi 
lot nya yang "strict", perusahaan Forex Trader lainnya membutuhkan 
sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk 
mulai Trading Forex..

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] Cara SIMPLE tuk SUCCESS di forex. Start with as little as $1!

2007-03-02 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Ternyata bermain dengan Forex itu sangat simple, bisa di mulai dengan $1 saja, 
ini karena persaingan 
antara para dealer yang sangat ketat, maka kemudahan-kemudahan pun ditawarkan.
Selain dengan start trading yang cukup murah juga ditawarkan virtual trading 
(untuk pemantapan dalam 
bermain Forex) dengan di kasih modal $10,000. 
Malahan untuk live trading (bermain Forex sungguhan) dikasih $5 cuma-cuma. Ini 
benar-benar kesempatan 
yang benar-benar sayang untuk dilewatkan.
Lebih detailnya di http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
selamat mencoba

[ bebas promosi ] 0302pm Forex is the real Internet business, begin with as little as $1

2007-03-02 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] Forex trading TANPA MODAL, GRATIS $5 rewards

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, dan $5 cash rewards, beberapa Forex 
Broker memberi 
kesempatan kepada anda untuk mulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar Duit. 
Padahal dengan spesifikasi 
lot nya yang "strict", perusahaan Forex Trader lainnya membutuhkan 
sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk 
mulai Trading Forex..

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0227pm With As little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 0227am Begin Forex with as little as $1

2007-02-26 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
How to begin trading in Forex, it is simple. The fee for trading Forex also can 
start as litle as $1 only, it is not 
expensive. Where the best company also you can find them easily.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0226pm Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 free!

2007-02-26 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 
For more detail please visit 

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] CARA SUKSES di forex, START with as little as $1!.

2007-02-25 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses di forex di tak lepas  dari persiapan mental dan kemampuan 
menganalisa pasar dari 
seorang trader. 
Bagaimana seorang trader harus bersikap dan analisa apa yang tepat diterapkan 
di sesuaikan dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri, secara simple di bahas di site ini.
Start with as little as $1 di-http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/ 
Di site ini tersedia situs-situs yang saling berkompetitif untuk menarik anda 
sebagai trader ataupun investor. 
Siapapun anda adalah berhak dan mampu untuk bermain forex, karena setiap orang 
mampu menganalisa 
dengan karakternya masing-masing
Sukses selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0225pm With As little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-25 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0225am Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-24 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0224pm Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH reward

2007-02-24 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, some Forex Broker 
allows you to start trading 
with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other 
over-the-counter market makers require at 
least $500 to start with. 
For more detail please visit
Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0221pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-21 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0221am Start with $1 to join in daily volume of $1.4 trillion of forex market.

2007-02-20 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the "direct access" trading of 
foreign currencies. With an 
average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, forex is 46 times larger than all the 
futures markets combined and, for 
that reason, is the world's most liquid market. In the past, forex trading was 
limited largely to enormous 
money center banks and other institutional traders. But in just the past few 
years, technological innovations 
and the development of online trading platforms allow small traders to take 
advantage of the significant 
benefits of trading foreign currencies with forex. 
For more detail please visit

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0219pm How to Calculate the Profit of Forex Trading

2007-02-19 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The objective of forex currency trading is to exchange one currency for another 
in the expectation that the 
market rate or price will change so that the currency you bought has increased 
its value relative to the one 
you sold. If you have bought a currency and the price appreciates in value, 
then you must sell the currency 
back in order to lock in the profit.
For more detail please visit
It is very simple. You can work it with it and making money with it.
Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0217pm Amazing Forex Trading Techniques, start with $1 only

2007-02-17 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
You need to know before you start forex trading...Experienced traders will 
often say "trend is your friend" or 
"do not overtrade". What does it mean? The explanation below will lead you to 
pages where you can read 
more about basic trading guidelines. It is just basics - you will need to read 
much more related literature to 
become a successful trader.
More detail in 
It is very simple. You can work it with it and making money with it. Start with 
$1 only.

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] Rahasia Tambah Income lewat Forex, Hanya dengan $1.

2007-02-16 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Anda tahu forex? Syukur kalau suddah tahu...Bagi yang belum tahu, forex itu 
sama dengan perdagangan 
valuta asing, singkatan dari Foreign Exchange. Volume tiap harinya rata-rata 
$1.4 trillion (wow...), ini 46 kali 
lebih besar dari pasar Saham/Future, karena itulah forex merupakan pasar dunia 
yang likuid.

Dengan platform  industri yang begitu maju, beberapa perusahan forex broker 
memberikan anda 
kesempatan untuk perdangan forex (trading forex) dengan hanya $1 saja! padahal 
perusahaan forex broker 
lainnya butuh modal minimal $500..

Bagaimana... anda mau tahu lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjjungi situs

Sukses selalu

[ bebas promosi ] GAK PERLU MODAL tukTrading Forex, GRATIS $5 rewards.

2007-02-15 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, dan $5 cash rewards, beberapa Forex 
Broker memberi 
kesempatan kepada anda untuk mulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar Duit. 
Padahal dengan spesifikasi 
lot nya yang "strict", perusahaan Forex Trader lainnya membutuhkan 
sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk 
mulai Trading Forex..

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0215am Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH reward

2007-02-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, some Forex Broker 
allows you to start trading 
with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other 
over-the-counter market makers require at 
least $500 to start with. 
For more detail please visit

Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0214pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0214am The way success in trading forex, start with $1.

2007-02-13 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. As a trader 
looks at the Trading platform, 
makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders lose 
because the game is hard and 
they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.
What next...For more detail please visit
Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0214am Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH reward

2007-02-13 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, some Forex Broker 
allows you to start trading 
with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other 
over-the-counter market makers require at 
least $500 to start with. 
For more detail please visit

Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0213am Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH rewards

2007-02-13 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, some Forex Broker 
allows you to start trading 
with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other 
over-the-counter market makers require at 
least $500 to start with. 
For more detail please visit

Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0212pm Cara simple untuk sukses di forex, Start with as little as $1!

2007-02-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses di forex di tak lepas  dari persiapan mental dan kemampuan 
menganalisa pasar dari 
seorang trader. 
Bagaimana seorang trader harus bersikap dan analisa apa yang tepat diterapkan 
di sesuaikan dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri, secara simple di bahas di site ini.
Start with as little as $1 di http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/ 
Di site ini tersedia situs-situs yang saling berkompetitif untuk menarik anda 
sebagai trader ataupun investor. 
Siapapun anda adalah berhak dan mampu untuk bermain forex, karena setiap orang 
mampu menganalisa 
dengan karakternya masing-masing
Selamat mencoba
Semoga sukses slalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0212pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0212am Untuk Trading Forex, GAK PERLU MODAL, FREE $5 REWARDS

2007-02-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, dan $5 cash rewards, beberapa Forex 
Broker memberi 
kesempatan kepada anda untuk mulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar Duit. 
Padahal dengan spesifikasi 
lot nya yang "strict", perusahaan Forex Trader lainnya membutuhkan 
sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk 
mulai Trading Forex..

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0211pm How Important the Fundamental Analysis in Forex.

2007-02-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of non-visual information to evaluate 
trading activity and make 
trading decisions. Whereas technical analysts utilize charts and mathematical 
indicators to quantify price 
activity, fundamental analysts utilize market news and market forecasts to 
qualify price activity.
More detail please click (or copy and paste) the foolowing site 

It is very simple. You can work it with it and making money with it. Start with 
as little as $1!
Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] Untuk Trading Forex, GAK PERLU MODAL, GRATIS $5 .

2007-02-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Dengan spesifikasi Quantity yang flexible, dan $5 cash rewards, beberapa Forex 
Broker memberi 
kesempatan kepada anda untuk mulai Trading Forex tanpa harus keluar Duit. 
Padahal dengan spesifikasi 
lot nya yang "strict", perusahaan Forex Trader lainnya membutuhkan 
sekurang-kurangnya $500 untuk 
mulai Trading Forex..

Untuk lebih detailnya, silahkan kunjungi

Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0210am Cara join di Forex Market sepeti Bank-Bank.

2007-02-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Alasan Forex market di referensikan oleh interbank market adalah karena sejarah 
membuktikan bahwa 
memang forex market didominasi oleh bank-bank, termasuk Bank Central, Bank 
Commercial dan Bank 

Bagaimanapun juga, persentase partisipan forex market selain bank tumbuh pesat 
termasuk perusahaan 
multinasional besar,  manager money global, register dealer, international 
money broker, trader future/saham 
dan privat speculator.
Anda bisa join... tidak seperti yang anda bayangkan, beberapa dealer memberikan 
anda kesempatan 
hanya dengan 1$ saja. Karena itu, anda bisa bekerja dengan forex dan  
menghasilkan uang dengan forex..

Untuk lebih lengkapnya sillahkan kunjungi
Sukses Selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0209pm Start trading in Forex market with as little as $1!

2007-02-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with
For more detail please visit

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0209am Begin Forex with as little as $1

2007-02-08 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
How to begin trading in Forex, it is simple. The fee for trading Forex also can 
start as litle as $1 only, it is not 
expensive. Where the best company also you can find them easily.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
good luck
4beginner team

[ bebas promosi ] 0208pm Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 free!

2007-02-08 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 
For more detail please visit 

Good Luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0207am Cara simple untuk sukses di forex, Start with as little as $1!

2007-02-07 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses di forex di tak lepas  dari persiapan mental dan kemampuan 
menganalisa pasar dari 
seorang trader. 
Bagaimana seorang trader harus bersikap dan analisa apa yang tepat diterapkan 
di sesuaikan dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri, secara simple di bahas di site ini.
Start with as little as $1 di-http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/ 
Di site ini tersedia situs-situs yang saling berkompetitif untuk menarik anda 
sebagai trader ataupun investor. 
Siapapun anda adalah berhak dan mampu untuk bermain forex, karena setiap orang 
mampu menganalisa 
dengan karakternya masing-masing
Dukses selalu

[ bebas promosi ] 0207pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-02-07 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

Best regards

[ bebas promosi ] 0206am Cara mudah bermain Forex, start dengan $1 saja

2007-02-05 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Ternyata bermain dengan Forex itu sangat simple, bisa di mulai dengan $1 saja, 
ini karena persaingan 
antara para dealer yang sangat ketat, maka kemudahan-kemudahan pun ditawarkan.
Selain dengan start trading yang cukup murah juga ditawarkan virtual trading 
(untuk pemantapan dalam 
bermain Forex) dengan di kasih modal $10,000. 
Malahan untuk live trading (bermain Forex sungguhan) dikasih $5 cuma-cuma. Ini 
benar-benar kesempatan 
yang benar-benar sayang untuk dilewatkan.
Lebih detailnya di http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
selamat mencoba
4beginner team

[ bebas promosi ] 0204pm How to Begin Forex with as little as $1.

2007-02-04 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the direct access trading of 
foreign currencies. With an 
average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, Forex is 46 times larger than all the 
futures markets combined and, for 
that reason, is the world's most liquid market

With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with


[ bebas promosi ] 0130pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-30 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0130am How to End Loses in forex Trading.

2007-01-29 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0129pm How to Start Forex with as little as $1.

2007-01-29 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the direct access trading of 
foreign currencies. With an 
average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, Forex is 46 times larger than all the 
futures markets combined and, for 
that reason, is the world's most liquid market

With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0129am How to Become Successful Trader with as little as $1.

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


Good luck

[ bebas promosi ] 0128pm Start $1 in making forex income

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

tx and rgrds

[ bebas promosi ] 0128am Cara sukses trading forex/valas dengan $1

2007-01-27 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses  di trading forex/valas adalah sangat berhubungan erat dengan 
 persiapan  mental dan 
keamampuan analisa market dari seorang trader trader.

Bagaimana trader menggunakan  kemampuan  dan analisanya  yang cocok selalu 
berkaitan erat dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri. Bagaimana cara-caranya? diterangkan dengan cukup 
sederhana di situs berikut 
ini. Anda pun bisa memulai trading forex/valas dengan $1 saja

Untuk lebih detainlnya, silahkan kunjungi situs


Semoga sukses selalu
Valas team

[ bebas promosi ] 0127pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-27 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.

Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 

This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.


Tx and rgds

[ bebas promosi ] 0127am Cara untuk sukses trading forex/Valas dengan $1 saja

2007-01-26 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses  di trading forex/valas adalah sangat berhubungan erat dengan 
 persiapan  mental dan 
keamampuan analisa market dari seorang trader trader.
Bagaimana trader menggunakan  kemampuan  dan analisanya  yang cocok selalu 
berkaitan erat dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri. Bagaimana cara-caranya? diterangkan dengan cukup 
sederhana di situs berikut 
ini. Anda pun bisa memulai trading forex/valas dengan $1 saja

Untuk lebih detainlnya, silahkan kunjungi situs


Semoga sukses selalu
Valas team

[ bebas promosi ] How Important the Forex Trading Fundamental Analysis.

2007-01-25 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Foreign exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of 
another. The world's currencies 
are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example 
Euro / Dollar or Dollar / Yen. 
With a daily average turnover of approximately $1.4 trillion, the foreign 
exchange market, also known as the 
"Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world. 

Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of non-visual information to evaluate 
trading activity and make 
trading decisions. Whereas technical analysts utilize charts and mathematical 
indicators to quantify price 
activity, fundamental analysts utilize market news and market forecasts to 
qualify price activity.

More detail please click (or copy and paste) the foolowing site 


It is very simple. You can work it with it and making money with it. Start with 
as little as $1!
Best regards

[ bebas promosi ] 0124pm Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-24 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

Best Regards

[ bebas promosi ] 0123pm Cara simple untuk sukses di forex, Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-23 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses di forex di tak lepas  dari persiapan mental dan kemampuan 
menganalisa pasar dari 
seorang trader. 
Bagaimana seorang trader harus bersikap dan analisa apa yang tepat diterapkan 
di sesuaikan dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri, secara simple di bahas di site ini.
Start with as little as $1 di-http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/ 
Di site ini tersedia situs-situs yang saling berkompetitif untuk menarik anda 
sebagai trader ataupun investor. 
Siapapun anda adalah berhak dan mampu untuk bermain forex, karena setiap orang 
mampu menganalisa 
dengan karakternya masing-masing
Selamat mencoba
Semoga sukses slalu
what is forex team

[ bebas promosi ] 0122pm Start trading in Forex market with as little as $1!

2007-01-22 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with

For more detail please visit


Best Regards


[ bebas promosi ] 0122am Begin with $1 to join in daily volume of $1.4 trillion of forex market.

2007-01-21 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the "direct access" trading of 
foreign currencies. With an 
average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, forex is 46 times larger than all the 
futures markets combined and, for 
that reason, is the world's most liquid market. In the past, forex trading was 
limited largely to enormous 
money center banks and other institutional traders. But in just the past few 
years, technological innovations 
and the development of online trading platforms allow small traders to take 
advantage of the significant 
benefits of trading foreign currencies with forex. 

For more detail please visit


Good Luck


[ bebas promosi ] 0120pm Start trading in Forex market with as little as $1!

2007-01-20 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with

For more detail please visit


Good Luck


[ bebas promosi ] 0120am Easy Forex... Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-19 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
May I open a demo account and try the system first?
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! 
How do I choose between Mini and Standard Forex account?
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
For more detail please visit

Good Luck


[ bebas promosi ] 0119pm Forex is the real Internet business, begin with as little as $1

2007-01-19 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

Good Luck


[ bebas promosi ] 0118am Cara simple untuk sukses di forex, Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-17 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Cara untuk sukses di forex di tak lepas  dari persiapan mental dan kemampuan 
menganalisa pasar dari 
seorang trader. 
Bagaimana seorang trader harus bersikap dan analisa apa yang tepat diterapkan 
di sesuaikan dengan 
karakter trader itu sendiri, secara simple di bahas di site ini.
Start with as little as $1 di  http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/ 
Di site ini tersedia situs-situs yang saling berkompetitif untuk menarik anda 
sebagai trader ataupun investor. 
Siapapun anda adalah berhak dan mampu untuk bermain forex, karena setiap orang 
mampu menganalisa 
dengan karakternya masing-masing
Sukses selalu


[ bebas promosi ] 0117pm Begin Forex with as little as $1...It's simple

2007-01-17 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
How to begin trading Forex, it is simple. The fee for trading Forex also can 
start as litle as $1 only, it is not 
expensive. Where the best company also you can find them easily. 
For nore detail please visit 


Best Regards


[ bebas promosi ] 0116pm Easy Forex 4 beginner, open your account and get $5 free!

2007-01-16 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/
Good Luck


[ bebas promosi ] 0115pm The way success in trading forex

2007-01-15 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0115pm Income from trading Forex, get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual)

2007-01-15 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more information please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0115 The success way in trading forex

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0115 Simple forex...get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual) at the first time.

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the "direct access" trading of 
foreign currencies. With an 
average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, forex is 46 times larger than all the 
futures markets combined and, for 
that reason, is the world's most liquid market. In the past, forex trading was 
limited largely to enormous 
money center banks and other institutional traders. But in just the past few 
years, technological innovations 
and the development of online trading platforms allow small traders to take 
advantage of the significant 
benefits of trading foreign currencies with forex. 
For more detail please visit http://www.bigjumping.com/forex-information
You can trade the forex and get free $5 (live) and $1 (virtual) at the 
first time.

[ bebas promosi ] 0114 How to Overcome What Makes You Hate Your Job

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Begin Forex with as little as $1...It's simple
How to begin trading Forex, it is simple. The fee for trading Forex also can 
start as litle as $1 only, it is not 
expensive. Where the best company also you can find them easily. 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 0114 Simple Forex, Free/gratis $5 dan $10000

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Trading Forex atau Valuta asing adalah salah satu trading yang terbesar di 
dunia, sekarang ini tak hanya 
bank atau perusahaan besar yang bisa trading di forex, perseorangan pun bisa 
dan anda pun bisa, Malah 
anda di kasih $5 (live) dan $1 (virtual), mengapa tidak anda coba
Untuk lebih detailnya silahkan kunjungi:

[ bebas promosi ] 0114 Get a Job! Tips for Organizing Your Resume

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Whether you're a Vice President of Marketing or a recent college grad, your 
resume is the 'key' to opening 
those doors of employment. It is an employer's first impression of you and 
believe it or not, many hiring 
officials spend less than thirty seconds reviewing it. With only fleeting 
moments to make a first impression, it 
is imperative those your resume be organized.

Polish your shoes, practice your handshake, and take note of some tips for 
creating an organized resume 
those will catch those eye of even those most weary of HR associates: 

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0114 Easy Forex 4 beginner, open your account and get $5 free!

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free!  and get $5 free!
More detail in 


[ bebas promosi ] 0114 The simple way to success in forex. Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The way to success in forex is always related to the mental preparation and 
market analysis ability of the 
How the trader manage his attitude and what proper analyse, those are suitable 
to his character himself. 
With the simple way it will be explained in following site and you can free to 
start trading forex
In this site also have many forex company (dealer) which they are very 
competitive each other. Whoever 
you are, you have right and ability to play forex, due to every one have 
analyse following their character 

[ bebas promosi ] 0114 The way success in trading forex

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0114 Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 free!

2007-01-14 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 0112 Take a Job or Make a Job?

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Are you considering being an entrepreneur? Are you considering starting a 
career? If so, it is good to know 
the pros and cons of each. The Following table will help you learn the 
difference in roles and mindset 
between an entrepreneur and an employee.
Find them at http://www.freewebs.com/some-job-info/take_a_job_or_make_a_job.htm

[ bebas promosi ] 0112 Forex is the real Internet business, begin with as little as $1

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 0112 The way to trade forex and make it profit

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 0112 Calculating The Profit of Forex Trading

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The objective of forex currency trading is to exchange one currency for another 
in the expectation that the 
market rate or price will change so that the currency you bought has increased 
its value relative to the one 
you sold. If you have bought a currency and the price appreciates in value, 
then you must sell the currency 
back in order to lock in the profit. 
For More detail please visit 


[ bebas promosi ] 0112 Do you know forex? Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex is the name given to the direct access trading of foreign currencies. 
With an average daily volume of 
$1.4 trillion, Forex is 46 times larger than all the futures markets combined 
and, for that reason, is the world's 
most liquid market.
With its industry-leading platform, some company allows you to start trading in 
Forex market with as little as 
$1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require 
at least $500 to start with
For more detail please visit

[ bebas promosi ] 0112 How to Overcome What Makes You Hate Your Job

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
I’ll be those first to admit those I hated my job. It took many years for me to 
come to these realization since I 
kept accepting promotions in the hopes those those awful ache inside of my 
chest would go away. This 
ache was not a medical condition … it was me longing to have a career where I 
could be happy. 
For more detail please visit:

[ bebas promosi ] 01/12 Easy Forex 4 beginner, open your account and get $5 free!

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free!  and get $5 free!
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 0112 Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-12 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 01/12 The way to trade forex

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 01/12 Begin Forex with as little as $1...It's simple

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
How to begin trading Forex, it is simple. The fee for trading Forex also can 
start as litle as $1 only, it is not 
expensive. Where the best company also you can find them easily. 
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 The simple way to success in forex. Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The way to success in forex is always related to the mental preparation and 
market analysis ability of the 
How the trader manage his attitude and what proper analyse, those are suitable 
to his character himself. 
With the simple way it will be explained in following site and you can free to 
start trading forex

[ bebas promosi ] 01/12 Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 free!

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 

For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 Get a Job! Tips for Organizing Your Resume

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Whether you're a Vice President of Marketing or a recent college grad, your 
resume is the 'key' to opening 
those doors of employment. It is an employer's first impression of you and 
believe it or not, many hiring 
officials spend less than thirty seconds reviewing it. With only fleeting 
moments to make a first impression, it 
is imperative those your resume be organized.

Polish your shoes, practice your handshake, and take note of some tips for 
creating an organized resume 
those will catch those eye of even those most weary of HR associates: 

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 01/12 The way to trade forex

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline.

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 With As little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 Making money in 24 hrs/day by trading forex, get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual)

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Unlike other financial markets, the foreign exchange market has no physical 
location and no central 
exchange. It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and 
individuals trading one currency 
for another. The lack of a physical exchange enables the forex market to 
operate on a 24-hour basis, 
spanning from one zone to another in all the major financial centers.
For More detail please visit http://www.bigjumping.com/forex-information
And find them to Get free $5 (live) and $1 (virtual)

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 The best forex trading...get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual)

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The best forex (foreign exchange) basics information as the first step in big 
jumping to be a good trader, 
such as Forex trading introduction information, techniques common guidelines, 
technical and fundamental 
analysis information,etc.
Also you can get free $5 for live tarding and $1 for virtual trading.
For more detail please visit

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 Get a Job! Tips for Organizing Your Resume

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Whether you're a Vice President of Marketing or a recent college grad, your 
resume is the 'key' to opening 
those doors of employment. It is an employer's first impression of you and 
believe it or not, many hiring 
officials spend less than thirty seconds reviewing it. With only fleeting 
moments to make a first impression, it 
is imperative those your resume be organized.

Polish your shoes, practice your handshake, and take note of some tips for 
creating an organized resume 
those will catch those eye of even those most weary of HR associates: 


[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 Forex is the largest financial market in the world. Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Foreign exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of 
another. The world's currencies 
are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example 
Euro / Dollar or Dollar / Yen. 
With a daily average turnover of approximately $1.4 trillion, the foreign 
exchange market, also known as the 
"Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world. 
Start with as little as $1! in 
You can also join in the forex market. It is very simple. You can work it with 
it and making money with it.

[ bebas promosi ] 01/11 The way to trade forex

2007-01-11 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Many traders aspire to be successful traders, but few succeed. An amateur 
trader looks at the Trading 
platform, makes a trade and loses, makes another trade and loses more. Traders 
lose because the game is 
hard and they trade with emotions, lacking a purpose and discipline

Many traders keep making impulsive trades; they do not have any trading plans 
or a system, and no money 
management rules. To put it simply, an amateur trader will cut short his 
profits, and let the losses run. 
Professional Traders accept the importance of psychology, yet the novice 
traders ignore it. You have to 
practice sound money management and you should watch your capital. In this 
case, the markets only exist 
because losers bring money into the market, which is necessary for the Industry.

For more detail please visit


[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Simple Forex, Free/gratis $5 dan $10000

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Trading Forex atau Valuta asing adalah salah satu trading yang terbesar di 
dunia, sekarang ini tak hanya 
bank atau perusahaan besar yang bisa trading di forex, perseorangan pun bisa 
dan anda pun bisa, Malah 
anda di kasih $5 (live) dan $1 (virtual), mengapa tidak anda coba
Untuk lebih detailnya silahkan kunjungi:

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Play forex trading...get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual)

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Forex (foreign exchange) basics information as the first step in big jumping to 
be a good trader, such as 
Forex trading introduction information, techniques common guidelines, technical 
and fundamental analysis 
Also you can get free $5 for live tarding and $1 for virtual trading.
For more detail please visit

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 How to Overcome What Makes You Hate Your Job

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
I’ll be those first to admit those I hated my job. It took many years for me to 
come to these realization since I 
kept accepting promotions in the hopes those those awful ache inside of my 
chest would go away. This 
ache was not a medical condition … it was me longing to have a career where I 
could be happy. 
For more detail please visit:

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Start with as little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 The simple way to success in forex. Start with as little as $1!

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The way to success in forex is always related to the mental preparation and 
market analysis ability of the 
How the trader manage his attitude and what proper analyse, those are suitable 
to his character himself. 
With the simple way it will be explained in following site and you can free to 
start trading forex
In this site also have many forex company (dealer) which they are very 
competitive each other. Whoever 
you are, you have right and ability to play forex, due to every one have 
analyse following their character 

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Forex 4 beginner, Free account and Get $5 free!

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Some company's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your 
order form, including 1 
(mini) or 10 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement 
will be 1 cent (1%).
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one  company's 
account, you can try the 
system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any 
case, you can open your 
company's account for free! and get $5 free! 

For more detail please visit 

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Take profit when the trade is good. Get free $5 (live) and $10000 (virtual).

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Before entering a trade, decide how much profit you are willing to take. When a 
trade turns out to be good, 
take the profit. You can take profit all at one go, or take profit in stages. 
When you've recovered your 
trading cost, you have nothing to lose. Sit tight and watch the profit run.
For More detail please visit http://www.bigjumping.com/forex-information
And find them to Get free $5 (live) and $1 (virtual)

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 Be a participant like many banks in the forex market, why not?

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
The reason that the forex market is referred to as an interbank market is due 
to the fact that historically it 
has been dominated by banks, including central banks, commercial banks, and 
investment banks. 
However, the percentage of other market participants is rapidly growing, and 
now includes large 
multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, 
international money brokers, futures 
and options traders, and private speculators.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/whatisforextrading/Forex_trading_FAQ.html
That's why, you can work with forex and making money with forex.

[ bebas promosi ] 01/10 With As little as $1 in making Forex income.

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Making income through Forex it is really simple, it will be started with as 
little as $1 only. It is due to the 
competition between Forex dealer. Therefore they offer the easyness to get 
Forex profitable.
Beside that, some of them give $10,000 for virtual trading (for exercising  to 
be a good  trader) and give free 
$5 for live trading. 
This is best challenge and you cannot missed it.
More detail in http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

[ bebas promosi ] 01/09 Cara mudah bermain Forex, start dengan $1 saja

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik ichsan_ezin
Ternyata bermain dengan Forex itu sangat simple, bisa di mulai dengan $1 saja, 
ini karena persaingan 
antara para dealer yang sangat ketat, maka kemudahan-kemudahan pun ditawarkan.
Selain dengan start trading yang cukup murah juga ditawarkan virtual trading 
(untuk pemantapan dalam 
bermain Forex) dengan di kasih modal $10,000. 
Malahan untuk live trading (bermain Forex sungguhan) dikasih $5 cuma-cuma. Ini 
benar-benar kesempatan 
yang benar-benar sayang untuk dilewatkan.
Lebih detailnya di http://www.freewebs.com/forextrading4beginner/

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