[ bebas promosi ] *~* SPONSORED ADS *~* ::~~::~~ WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLOpeR ~~::~~

2009-12-26 Terurut Topik WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLoPer
I would like to offer my skills website service covered:

* Corporate Web (html, php, flash)
* ecommerce web site support online payment 
* ecommerce Shopping Cart system 
* Content Management System (CMS) 
* Online Product Catalogue  web site  
* Web Portal (Advertising, Forum, Blog, etc) 
* Special Web site development 
* PHP scripts  MySQL database 
* Database Configuration (transfer, backup, editing) 
* Web hosting service 
* Domain name registration 

~*~ http://www.web5rus.com ~*~

~~ Web Solutions Developer ~~

[ bebas promosi ] *~* SPONSORED ADS *~* ::~~::~~ WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLOpeR ~~::~~

2009-12-26 Terurut Topik WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLoPer
I would like to offer my skills website service covered:

* Corporate Web (html, php, flash)
* ecommerce web site support online payment 
* ecommerce Shopping Cart system 
* Content Management System (CMS) 
* Online Product Catalogue  web site  
* Web Portal (Advertising, Forum, Blog, etc) 
* Special Web site development 
* PHP scripts  MySQL database 
* Database Configuration (transfer, backup, editing) 
* Web hosting service 
* Domain name registration 

~*~ http://www.web5rus.com ~*~

~~ Web Solutions Developer ~~

[ bebas promosi ] *~* SPONSORED ADS *~* ::~~::~~ WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLOpeR ~~::~~

2009-12-25 Terurut Topik WeB SoLutiOns DeVeLoPer
I would like to offer my skills website service covered:

* Corporate Web (html, php, flash)
* ecommerce web site support online payment 
* ecommerce Shopping Cart system 
* Content Management System (CMS) 
* Online Product Catalogue  web site  
* Web Portal (Advertising, Forum, Blog, etc) 
* Special Web site development 
* PHP scripts  MySQL database 
* Database Configuration (transfer, backup, editing) 
* Web hosting service 
* Domain name registration 

~*~ http://www.web5rus.com ~*~

~~ Web Solutions Developer ~~