Dear All, 
    Herewith, we forward some short stories and quotes narrated by virtuous 
  Salaam, Peace on Earth
  PH Pro


  One day Ibn al-Nabbaj came and said to Ali (kamarallah wajhu): "O Amirul 
Mumineen, the Treasury House of the Muslims is filled to the capacity with 
every kind of yellow and white." Hearing that Ali (kw) exclaimed: "Allahu 

Then he walked out of his house leaning on Ibn al-Nabbaj until they reached the 
Treasury House. Ali then called for the people of the city of Kufa to come and 
kept on handing out everything therein until not a single Dinar or Dirham 
remained, while saying, "O yellow, O white, go and deceive someone else."

Once the Treasury House was empty, he ordered it to be washed, and then he 
performed his prayers therein before he returned to his house.

[Narrated: Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal]
  Salman al-Farisi (ra) once said, "The parable of a believer in this world is 
like that of a patient under the direct supervision of his physician. The 
physician knows the patient's illness and cure. Should the patient desire a 
variety of food that otherwise would hamper his recovery, the physician will 
say to him, 'Do not touch this food. If you do, it will kill you.' Hence, the 
physician will keep on advising his improving patient, and he will enjoin on 
him a strict diet until he is completely recovered.

Like that, a believer may desire many comforts in this world, some of which, 
Allah, blessed is His holy name, has availed as worldly favors bestowed upon 
other than His particular cherished servant. Therefore, Allah, the most 
exalted, may deprive His true servant from many desirable comforts in this 
world, and He may further prevent them from reaching him, and He will do so 
over and over, and until He takes back his soul, and only then will He let him 
enter paradise of eternal bliss."
  [Narrated: Safwan ibn Amru]
  Umar (ra) was once walking along with some of his companions when they passed 
by a trash dump. Umar (ra) stood there for a moment pondering, and his act 
disturbed his fellows. When Umar (ra) noticed that they were offended by the 
stench, he commented, "This is the world you care so much to hoard, and this is 
what you trust most and rely upon for your needs."

[Narrated: al-Hassan]
  Umar (ra) used to walk out of his house secretly at night. One night Talha 
saw that, and he followed him. Talha saw Umar going to one house, and in a 
while he came out and proceeded to another house before he returned to his own 

In the morning Talha went to the house he saw Umar entering at night. he 
knocked on the door to find a blind old woman who was infirm. He asked her: 
'Who is the man that visited you last night?' She replied: 'He has been taking 
care of me for such a long time now. He brings he whatever i need, and then he 
removes the adverse.'

Talha excused himself and left, adding: 'I damned myself and I said to myself, 
'May your mother mourn you and be bereaved of you O Talha, are you spying on 
Umar and questioning his deeds?'

al Fatiha.

[Narrated by al-Awza'i]
  Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas visited Salman al-Farisi during his last illness when 
Salman cried. Sa'ad inquired: "Why would you cry when you will soon reunite 
with your beloved companions, you will see and drink from the Hawdh, the pond 
of eternal satisfaction of Allah's messenger (saw), and when you know that when 
Allah's messenger (saw) passed away, he was pleased with you!"

Salman replied: "I am not crying in fear of death, nor am I in any way attached 
to this world, but I happen to remember the words of Allah's messenger (saw) 
saying, 'Suffice yourselves in this world with as little provisions as a 
traveler carries with him on a short journey,' and here I am, and when I just 
looked around me now I saw all these luxury pillows surrounding me. This made 
me cry."

Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas (ra) commented: 'I immediately looked around and I saw 
nothing but a worn out washing basin next to his bed.' Sa'ad then asked Salman: 
"Advise us O Abu Abdullah. We want to make a covenant with you and which we 
promise not to break after you pass." Salman replied, "Remember your Lord when 
you endeavor something, remember Him when you judge something and remember Him 
when you raise your hand to pledge something." 


[Narrated by al-`Amash]
  Harith bin 'Umaira said: "I once went to the marketplace in the city and I 
met some friends with whom I chatted a little. Somewhere within the range of my 
view, I noticed a man wearing an old worn garment, and he was sitting in front 
of his house busy wielding a red leather belt. When he perceived that I noticed 
him, he looked at me, nodded his head, and he made a gesture with his hand and 
he shouted, 'O servant of Allah, wait in your place for me!' 

I immediately stood up and asked my friends, 'Who is this man?' They replied, 
'This is Salman!' Meanwhile, the man went inside his house and he came out 
shortly after that wearing a clean white robe and he cheerfully hastened 
towards me, shook hands with me, and he then said to me, `How are you doing?' I 
was in shock and I said to him, `O servant of Allah, who are you? We have never 
met before this day, nor do we know each other. What do you want?' Salman 
replied, `But of course! I swear by Him who holds the destiny of my life that 
as soon as I saw you, my soul recognized your soul. Are you not Harith bin 
Umaira?' I said in amazement expecting him to explain himself, `Indeed I am!'

He continued, `I heard Allah's messenger (saw) say, `Souls are loyal soldiers. 
Among them those who recognize the sovereignty of Allah will know one another 
and live in harmony, while those that negate the sovereignty of Allah will 
disagree and be indifferent towards one another.''

[Narrated: Abdul `Ala bin Abi Masawir]
  Abdullah bin Mas'ud (ra) once said to his companions: "You fast, pray and 
recite more than the companions of Allah's messenger (saw), yet they are better 
than you." Someone in the gathering asked: "O Abu Abdur Rahman! Why is that?" 
  He replied: "Because they were less attached to this world than you and they 
were more desirous of the hereafter than you."

[Narrated by Abdur Rahman bin Yazid]
  Abdullah bin Mas'ud (ra) said: You are only guests in this world and what you 
own is only a borrowed trust. Eventually the guest will depart and the borrowed 
trust must be returned to its rightful Owner.

[Narrated by Dhahhak bin Muzahim]
  Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghifari (ra) once said: "My bosom friend Allah's messenger 
(saw) advised me to love the meek, and that should I have to look at people's 
fortune in this world, to look at those who have less luck than me and he 
advised me to avoid looking at those who have better luck than I do. He advised 
to me speak the truth even if it tasted bitter and to fear no tyranny or 
censorship of an unjust ruler when it comes to defending the truth of Allah 

[Narrated: Abdullah bin Samit]
  A man once visited Salman al-Farisi (ra) and saw him engaged in kneading a 
dough for baking his daily bread. The man was surprised and he commented, "What 
are you doing! Do you regularly do that yourself?" Salman replied: "I have sent 
my helper in an errand and I hate to impose two jobs on him in the same day." 
Then man then said: "I bring you the greetings of so and so." Salman asked: 
"When did you arrive to this town?" The man replied: "It's been some time since 
I arrived to this town." Salman then commented: "To convey someone's greeting 
is a trust and should one fail to deliver it at the time he reaches his 
destination, he will be asked about it on the Day of Judgment."

[Narrated Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal]
  Abu Darda (ra) has said that Allah's messenger (saw) once prayed thus: "My 
Lord, grant me to love You, to love those who love You, and guide me to do what 
will earn me Your love. O Lord, grant me to love You more than myself and my 
family, and more than my thirst for a drink of cold water on a day of scorching 

[Narrated: Abu Idris]
  Abdu Darda (ra) has said that Allah's messenger (saw) said: "Free yourselves 
from the worries of the world as much as you can, for whosoever treats his 
worries in this world as his most serious concern, Allah, blessed be His name, 
will minimize his real loss in his eyes, and He will cause his fear of poverty 
to broaden and to be constant. On the other hand, whosoever regards the 
hereafter as his major concern, Allah, blessed be His name, will group his 
immediate needs together to become manageable, He will fill his heart with 
richness and broaden his satisfaction and contentment. In fact, whenever a 
servant turns his heart wholly towards his Lord, then Allah, blessed be His 
name, will cause the hearts of His believing servants to flow towards him with 
love, kindness and mercy while abundant divine blessings will flow towards him 
to serve his immediate needs more swiftly."

[Narrated: Ummu Darda (ra)] 
  (selected posting from Yeni Osmanli)
  Publication & EO

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