Contrary to most people's experiences, the FOREX
market is not a voracious "black hole" that seeks to
swallow up your hard earned money. The FOREX market is
simply a market like any other market, whether you are
selling bushels of wheat, fresh fish, or currencies.
It has no agenda to deprive you of your cash. It's
just a harmless ol' teddy bear that needs to be
cuddled and loved. And, if you learn to love it, it
will love you back, and in very generous and tangible
ways. On the other hand, if you are determined to
think of it as your enemy, then you have no choice but
to defeat it; and, of course, it will fight back. As
any professor of quantum physics or spiritual leader
will tell you, how you perceive a thing will determine
how that thing will respond, it's a principle of
cosmic proportion.

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