You may have wondered if there are people out there
who consistently make money from the stock market. And
yes, there are people out there who are consistently
making money from the stock market because if they
were not making money from market they would not be
there and the markets would not be there too. These
people are no smarter than you. They do not work any
harder and neither are they lucky than you.

But, unlike you, they never seem to worry about having
money because they know one or two secrets of making
money in the stock market. You see most people miss
the big idea here. They think it takes a lot of money
to make a lot of money. But that is not how it is
done. The idea is to make pennies consistently and to
use them to build vast personal fortunes. The stock
market is a proven wealth builder and can and should
benefit all participants. It is only fair that each
one of us should be entitled to a piece of the action.

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