Re: [Newbies] Drawing an Arc.

2006-07-09 Thread Hilaire Fernandes
Hello Claudio,

You may want to give a try to my simple DrGArcMorph in the enclosed
change set.

To use it:

a :=DrGArcMorph new
a center: [EMAIL PROTECTED] radius: 100 origin: 0 length: 3.1415
a openInWorld

origin and length are in radian unit


Claudio Acciaresi a écrit :
  Hello, I`m trying to draw an arc using Morphs, exists an easy way to do
  The acrs that i´m trying to create are like smiles of a face.
  I see FaceMorph, Gesture morph, but i do not want to use a PolygonMorph.
  Thanks a lot
'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 9 July 2006 at 
12:23:31 pm'!
DrGPolylineMorph subclass: #DrGArcMorph
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'DrGeoII-GeometryView'!

!DrGArcMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 1/17/2006 12:29'!
center: aPoint radius: aFloat origin: anOrigin length: aLength
|step costep sinstep csteX csteY mobile|
step := 5 / aFloat * aLength sign.
(aLength / step) abs  100 ifTrue: [step := aLength / 100].
costep := step cos.
sinstep := step sin.
csteX := aPoint x * (1 - costep) + (aPoint y * sinstep).
csteY := aPoint y * (1 - costep) - (aPoint x * sinstep).
mobile := aPoint + (aFloat * (anOrigin cos @ anOrigin sin)).
vertices := OrderedCollection new add: mobile; yourself.
0 to: (aLength / step) truncated -1  do: [:i|
mobile := (mobile x * costep - (mobile y * sinstep) + csteX)
@(mobile x * sinstep + (mobile y * costep) + csteY).
vertices add: mobile].
mobile := aPoint + (aFloat * ((anOrigin + aLength) cos @ (anOrigin + 
aLength) sin)).
vertices add: mobile.
self computeBounds! !
Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] Drawing an Arc.

2006-07-09 Thread Claudio Acciaresi
Thanks a lot for your answer, I file in what you sent me, but DrGArcMorph
is subclass of DrGPolylineMorph and i do not have this last class.
Can i install it with SqueakMap?

- Original Message - 
From: Hilaire Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Newbies] Drawing an Arc.

 Hello Claudio,

 You may want to give a try to my simple DrGArcMorph in the enclosed
 change set.

 To use it:

 a :=DrGArcMorph new
 a center: [EMAIL PROTECTED] radius: 100 origin: 0 length: 3.1415
 a openInWorld

 origin and length are in radian unit


 Claudio Acciaresi a écrit :
   Hello, I`m trying to draw an arc using Morphs, exists an easy way to do
   The acrs that i´m trying to create are like smiles of a face.
   I see FaceMorph, Gesture morph, but i do not want to use a
   Thanks a lot

 'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 9 July 2006 at
12:23:31 pm'!
 DrGPolylineMorph subclass: #DrGArcMorph
 instanceVariableNames: ''
 classVariableNames: ''
 poolDictionaries: ''
 category: 'DrGeoII-GeometryView'!

 !DrGArcMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 1/17/2006
 center: aPoint radius: aFloat origin: anOrigin length: aLength
 |step costep sinstep csteX csteY mobile|
 step := 5 / aFloat * aLength sign.
 (aLength / step) abs  100 ifTrue: [step := aLength / 100].
 costep := step cos.
 sinstep := step sin.
 csteX := aPoint x * (1 - costep) + (aPoint y * sinstep).
 csteY := aPoint y * (1 - costep) - (aPoint x * sinstep).
 mobile := aPoint + (aFloat * (anOrigin cos @ anOrigin sin)).
 vertices := OrderedCollection new add: mobile; yourself.
 0 to: (aLength / step) truncated -1  do: [:i|
 mobile := (mobile x * costep - (mobile y * sinstep) + csteX)
 @(mobile x * sinstep + (mobile y * costep) + csteY).
 vertices add: mobile].
 mobile := aPoint + (aFloat * ((anOrigin + aLength) cos @ (anOrigin +
aLength) sin)).
 vertices add: mobile.
 self computeBounds! !

 Beginners mailing list

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[Newbies] Fun with Dates

2006-07-09 Thread Bert Freudenberg
Here's a fun little snippet of code to let you plan unusual birthday  
parties. Just insert a list of dates and get a list of parties, like  
celebrating the nd week of birth ;-)

| start end parties birthday birth number party |
start := (Date today subtractDays: 14) asSeconds.
end := (Date today addDays: 365*5) asSeconds.
parties := SortedCollection new.
#('1/3/1995' '7/30/1999') do: [:each |
birthday := Date fromString: each.
birth := birthday asSeconds.
1 to: 9 do: [:digit |
{false. true} do: [:repeatDigit |
number := digit.
12 timesRepeat: [
#(1 60 3600 86400 604800) with:
#('seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'days' 'weeks') 
[:unit :units |
party := birth + (number * 
(party between: start and: end) 
ifTrue: [
parties add: (Date 
fromSeconds: party) -
asString, ' ', units, ' since ', birthday asString)]].
number := number * 10.
repeatDigit ifTrue: [number := number + 
Transcript clear.
parties do: [:each | Transcript show: each asString; cr].

- Bert -

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] implementation

2006-07-09 Thread math su

I was reading code when I find several implementation of # selector.
But they all have the same body. (Except for Integer).

So why?


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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: implementation

2006-07-09 Thread Klaus D. Witzel

Hi Math,

on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 23:42:28 +0200, you wrote:


I was reading code when I find several implementation of # selector.

You have perhaps seen that in a recent 3.9 image?

But they all have the same body. (Except for Integer).

You can switch on the preference to show annotation panes in browsers,  
then you'd see that the methods (except for CArray and Integer) are indeed  
the same code+version: there's only one # method propagated by the  
traits system.

So why?

Hope that helps.



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