[Newbies] Re: Traits

2007-09-25 Thread Klaus D. Witzel

Hi Nick,

on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:00:50 +0200, you wrote:

Armed with new knowledge of Traits gained from the excellent Squeak By
Example I tried:
Smalltalk allClasses select: [:each | each hasTraitComposition]

which gave:

an OrderedCollection(ActionSequence BalloonBezierSimulation BalloonEngine
BalloonEngineConstants BasicRequestor Behavior BrowserProvider
WorldMenuProvider XMLTokenizer ZipConstants ZipFileConstants)

However browsing to a random class say ActionSquence, doesn't show any
evidence of Trait composition. Is this a problem with the current  

You're right, (TraitComposition allInstances reject: [:each | each  
isEmpty]) size gives just 17 in my squeak-web image but TraitComposition  
allInstances size reports 325. Could you report your find on  
bugs.squeak.org, this should be investigated if empty TraitComposition  
should really populate the image. Perhaps #traitComposition was used  

Also is there a way to browse a Trait say TPureBehavior

Just select that name and alt-b opens a browser on TPureBehavior.


My image is based on: sq3.9-7067web07.08.1



Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] Re: Quinto game in SBE

2007-09-25 Thread Scott Wallace
The olpc etoys image now contains the compatibility code, as update  
1666simpleSwitchMorph-apb for etoys2.2.

For the moment, the TestCase subclass included with Andrew's fileout  
is omitted, since SUnit is absent from the olpc and Squeakland plug- 
in images.  In due course we'll get that SimpleSwitchMorphTest code  
into the development version of the olpc code base, however.

  -- Scott

On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:48 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

Likewise for OLPC.

- Bert -

On Sep 24, 2007, at 19:14 , Andreas Raab wrote:

Hi David -

If you can find a bit of time to assemble a set of patches which  
will make those examples work, I'd be happy to fold them into the  
system to make sure these examples work out of the box.

  - Andreas

David Corking wrote:

Bill Kerr wrote:

1) the final line of the SBECell initialize method:
self turnOff
triggers a MessageNotUnderstood error
doesNotUnderstand: #turnOff


turns out that my problem was that I was using an old 3.8 image

I learnt from the book how to file out and file in - as soon as  
I tested my

code in the 3.9 image it worked fine!

 A friend sent me some other information from the bugs site  
pointing out a

bug in SimpleSwitchMorph in earlier versions:

 Summary:0003530: SimpleSwitchMorph does not actually  

switch functionality

In 2007,  many people's introduction to Squeak may be with an image
derived from 3.8 (*).  So I wonder if the book should not mention  

patch prominently at the start of the First Application chapter.
By the way, I probably learned a lot about Squeak by wrestling with
this for a while this weekend without access to internet or a 3.9
image :)
(*) such as Croquet SDK, OLPC Etoys ...

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