Re: [Newbies] remembering variables

2008-06-03 Thread Herbert König
Hello Peter,

phm Can I get the debugger to show a tree of message sends, that I can browse?
phm Something like that?

I should have a ready made reply for this:

Cris Muller, author of Magma created the TracingMessagesBrowser. This
shows senders and implementors in an indented List.

What you have to know is you can drag over messages in the indented
list to select many and with shift right click (on windows) you get
remove from this browser.

You need this when you implement a message with a name that everybody
loves and your implementors shows you a hundred implementors.

Search the archives of Squeak dev and most important, get it from
Squeak map. You'll like it. An algorithm encompasses 10 classes and
you can work on it in *one* window.



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Explorer and MessageTally [was: remembering variables]

2008-06-03 Thread Klaus D. Witzel

On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:57:48 +0200, peter h meadows wrote:

Ah. Well, more often than not the variables in my code stay as one  
'type' of thing. And I thought that generally they would otherwise  
things would get really confusing!?

For this part of your question use Squeak's explorer. Try (World explore)  
to get an idea what it is about, for example expand the submorph branches  
that you see there.

Sometimes when I try to understand how a program is working I get lost  
in the debugger. What I'd like is a kind of overview of what's going on.

For this part of your question try (MessageTally spyOn: [Object  

Something I can browse and focus in on the parts that seem interesting.

For MessageTally the parts of a computation which really do something are  

In theory I can do this with the system browser but it doesn't tell me  
how everything fits together. I want to see an overview of how all the  
parts fit together.. Who uses what.. Which bits are connected.. The  
order in which things are done, etc.

MessageTally tells you how the parts of your computation fit together,  
who's using what, and the order in which things are done.

Can I get the debugger to show a tree of message sends, that I can  
browse? Something like that?

Yes, MessageTally does that for you: a tree of message sends. From the Spy  
results, you can select a class and browse it for more details, or a  
method and browse its senders or implementors for more details.

Any ideas? thx.

peter == peter h meadows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

peter Oh. I'm still very new to smalltalk. It seemed like it would  
help me to
peter understand what's going on. I wanted it to remember everything.  
E.g if
peter the thing is an array it will tell me what has been stored in  
it. Also,
peter wouldn't it help with code completion? If it knows what type of  

peter it was in the past it can guess which messages I want to send to
peter it. That would be useful.

But the problem is that a given type in the past is not any indication  

a type in the future.

You're not thinking smalltalk yet.  Stop worrying about types. :)

Oh, and they aren't types.  They're instances of classes.

If you want to see what's going on, learn to single step in the  

It's quite informative.

Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] Explorer and MessageTally [was: remembering variables]

2008-06-03 Thread Herbert König
Hello Klaus,

KDW Yes, MessageTally does that for you: a tree of message sends. From the Spy
KDW results, you can select a class and browse it for more details, or a
KDW method and browse its senders or implementors for more details.

interesting idea to use it this way! But MessageTally IMHO only shows
what it finds on the stack when it peeks. So it can miss some methods
running seldom and quick.

So you can do MessageTallytallySends: [your tallied block] which
uses the simulator (sloow!!) but gets you everything.

And to be real useful with long class names and deeply nested sends
one might have to patch some of the class side methods of MessageTally
in the defaults category.

After looking I see it has become better with 3.9 so the latter
applies only for 3.8 and older.



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Creating a SUnit Test for A Morphic Object

2008-06-03 Thread Jason Burke
Hello All,

I'm new to the list here, and I have a question on creating SUnit tests for
Morphs. In my latest bi-annual Squeak Peek, something clicked that hadn't
in the past 3 years of periodically checking into Squeak: It started to make
sense (I usually give up in frustration after a week or so, but the, Squeak
by Example book has really helped this time. Kudos to the writers).

So, I started digging around in the Morphic classes, and I stumbled across,
what appeared to be, a bug in LedDigitMorph. I played around with it until I
felt satisfied that it was indeed a bug, and then submitted a report to The powers that be agreed that this looked like a bug, and
asked me to do a little more footwork on it (I had submitted my fix with the
report). However, I'm not quite sure how to accomplish what was requested.

Here's the bug (mantis ID: 0007067), and a test case:

LedDigitMorph does not change its state after receiving a digit: message.
You have to click on the morph before it changes. The test case is:

myDigit := LedDigitMorph new openInWorld.
myDigit digit: 2.

The morph will not show the number 2 until you click on it.

I solved this bug in my image by changing the digit: message to this:

digit: anInteger

digit _ anInteger \\ 10. make sure it stays between 0 and 9
self changed.

The response I got back asked me to create a SUnit test for this issue (One
that fails before the patch and passes afterwards).

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do this (though I'd be happy to continue
to work on it). Can someone give me some guidance on how to go about
creating SUnit test cases for this Morphic object?


Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] Creating a SUnit Test for A Morphic Object

2008-06-03 Thread squeak414
Quoting Jason Burke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello All,

 I'm new to the list here, and I have a question on creating SUnit tests for
 Morphs. In my latest bi-annual Squeak Peek, something clicked that hadn't
 in the past 3 years of periodically checking into Squeak: It started to make
 sense (I usually give up in frustration after a week or so, but the, Squeak
 by Example book has really helped this time. Kudos to the writers).

 So, I started digging around in the Morphic classes, and I stumbled across,
 what appeared to be, a bug in LedDigitMorph. I played around with it until I
 felt satisfied that it was indeed a bug, and then submitted a report to The powers that be agreed that this looked like a bug, and
 asked me to do a little more footwork on it (I had submitted my fix with the
 report). However, I'm not quite sure how to accomplish what was requested.

 Here's the bug (mantis ID: 0007067), and a test case:

 LedDigitMorph does not change its state after receiving a digit: message.
 You have to click on the morph before it changes. The test case is:

 myDigit := LedDigitMorph new openInWorld.
 myDigit digit: 2.

 The morph will not show the number 2 until you click on it.

 I solved this bug in my image by changing the digit: message to this:

 digit: anInteger

 digit _ anInteger \\ 10. make sure it stays between 0 and 9
 self changed.

 The response I got back asked me to create a SUnit test for this issue (One
 that fails before the patch and passes afterwards).

 Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do this (though I'd be happy to continue
 to work on it). Can someone give me some guidance on how to go about
 creating SUnit test cases for this Morphic object?



Hi Jason, I'm a newbie too, but thought I'd have a go at this.

Looking at the changed method, it passes up through its owner morphs the
rectangle that needs redrawing, which are then checked by the WorldState. So you
can test that the world has a redraw needed:

DigitTest  testDigit
| myDigit worldState |
worldState := WorldState allInstances first.
myDigit := LedDigitMorph new openInWorld.
worldState doOneSubCycleFor: World world.  clear out any redraws 
myDigit digit: 2.
should: [worldState checkIfUpdateNeeded].

This works. It will need someone more experienced than me to judge its
(in)elegance, or whether it risks doing anything nasty in particular cases.


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Proper object removal

2008-06-03 Thread Rob Rothwell

After much help already, I think I need some training in proper object

When my application creates an object and stores it in an OrderedCollection,
and than wants to delete it, I am trying to do so quite explicitly with
something like:

self selected do: [:each |
self abstractors remove: each.
each := nil.

which removes the object from my application (it's collection), and yet when
I look for my object in the system with

DataAbstractor allInstances.

I still see the object I removed, even with an explicit Smalltalk
garbageCollect or garbageCollectMost.  Anything I create just seems to hang
around forever.

Any help understanding what I need to do to make sure my objects really go
away when I am done with them would be greatly appreciated!

Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] Proper object removal

2008-06-03 Thread Herbert König
Hello Rob,

RR After much help already, I think I need some training in proper object 

RR DataAbstractor allInstances.

if you inspect this you get an inspector on an Array. To the left
select any entry with a left click (on Windows) and select objects
pointing to this value. You get another inspector with an array of
the objects pointing to the object you can't delete.

Again inspecting one of these objects you can see how it points to
your original object. This might give you a clue. And manually
deleting these references (setting them to nil in the inspector) will
eventually free your original object for garbage collection.

If some of the objects you find are WeakArray or such you are in the
(to me) murky area of finalization and weak references. Squeak dev
would be the place to ask.

You don't state the size of your problem. Is it three or is it
thousands of instances hanging around?.

I once tried the pointer finder tool but wasn't satisfied with it.

And the swiki has a page on cleaning up junk.

RR I still see the object I removed, even with an explicit
RR Smalltalk garbageCollect or garbageCollectMost. 

RR  Anything I create seems to hang around forever.

Sometimes saving and reloading an image does a more thorough job than
garbageCollect. Maybe because of the above mentioned weak references.



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