Re: [Newbies] Grafoscopio and the Data Week: Critical code+data literacy practices and pocket infrastructures from/for the Global South

2018-02-05 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am sorry but I don’t understand what your project is about.   The words you 
use are very precise words that have a technical meaning that I do not possess.

Can you give us a simple example?  I am looking for the junior high school 
version of your explanation.


Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] asUppercase doesn't work

2017-03-08 Thread Joseph Alotta
It works for me (I did this in the workspace) :

'test' class ==>  ByteString

'test' asUppercase ==> ‘TEST'

It is difficult to tell from your email what is the problem.   I would 
recommend that you test little things like
this in a workspace window.  I am suspecting that your method is not being 
called in the way you think it is.



> On Mar 8, 2017, at 1:21 PM, alaztetik [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Hi everbody, 
> It is nice to be here with you. This is my first post and I'm very excited! 
> I'm reading "Squeark by Example" book and encountered an interesting error. 
> --- 
> I created a method named "testString" and here is its content: 
> testShout 
> ^self asUppercase, '!'. 
> When I test it, it doesn't work and gives this error: 
> doesNotUnderstand:#asUppercase. 
> But when I replace the text: 
> testShout 
> ^self opy asString translateToUppercase, '!' 
> It works! Where am I making a mistake? 
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Re: [Newbies] CogSpur on a Mac

2017-01-17 Thread Joseph Alotta
Try using uncompress. 

Uncompress myfile
Tar myfile

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Jan 17, 2017, at 4:40 PM, Dan Norton [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> I'm trying to help someone many miles away install CogSpur on a mac. I run 
> Linux as a newb.
> On the mac they have run:
> $ curl -L -o CogSpur.tgz 
> But when they try to unzip:
> $ tar -zxvf CogSpur.tgz
> tar: Unrecognized archive format
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
> Thanks.
>  - Dan
> ___ 
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Re: [Newbies] String question

2016-12-28 Thread Joseph Alotta
I think you are using the period as a join operator.  The join operator is a 

> On Dec 28, 2016, at 4:26 PM, obrienj [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Why does the x := 'Transcript show: 'abc'.'. yield x := 'Transcript show: 
> 'abc Nothing more expected ->'.'. ?
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[Newbies] Re: remove allInstances?

2016-09-23 Thread Joseph Alotta
maybe they were garbage collected before the crash or on startup.

> On Sep 23, 2016, at 9:23 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Woop woop, alarm alarm, error error.
> Sorry my alarm just went off.  If Squeak quit after a become and you are 
> seeing differences after not saving things, something is wrong. 
> Be afraid, be very afraid.
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 10:15 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Newbies] Re: remove allInstances?
> Nice.  That causes Squeak 5.0 to unexpectedly quit. 
> But when I start again, there are no instances of Books. 
> Sincerely, 
> Joseph 
> > On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:59 AM, Louis LaBrunda [via Smalltalk] <[hidden 
> > email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > Books allInstances do: [:b | b become: nil]. 
> View this message in context: Re: remove allInstances?
> Sent from the Squeak - Beginners mailing list archive at
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: remove allInstances?

2016-09-23 Thread Joseph Alotta
Nice.  That causes Squeak 5.0 to unexpectedly quit.

But when I start again, there are no instances of Books.



> On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:59 AM, Louis LaBrunda [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Books allInstances do: [:b | b become: nil]. 

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[Newbies] remove allInstances?

2016-09-22 Thread Joseph Alotta

The main program I am working on now is called Books.

If I evaluate

Books allInstances => anOrderedCollection( aBook aBook aBook )

How do I set them all equal to nil like

Books removeAllInstances.

Books allInstances => anOrderedCollection().



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: [ANN] Squeak 5.1 released;; Trunk open again

2016-08-24 Thread Joseph Alotta
Did you notice the beer?  I gave you two hearts  :-)

PS.  It is the same beer Dr. Who drinks!

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[Newbies] Re: [Vm-dev] [ANN] Squeak 5.1 released;; Trunk open again

2016-08-23 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On Aug 23, 2016, at 12:48 PM, Chris Muller-3 [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Someone please get this man a beer! 
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > 
> > We are happy to announce the release of Squeak 5.1! 
> > 
> > Visit the Website [1], read the release notes in the image or outside [2], 
> > and try it out for yourself [3][4]! 
> > 
> > Thank you all for the contributions! :-) 
> > 
> > Happy birthday Squeak! It has been (almost) 20 years!!! [5] 
> > 
> > Best, 
> > Marcel 
> > 
> > [1]
> > [2] 
> >
> > [3]
> > [4] (to be updated soonish) 
> > [5]
> >
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: Project on squeak language

2016-08-22 Thread Joseph Alotta
Is //modification a new way of doing comments?

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:45 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Hi Roger! 
> That was a nice try!
> I modified methods:
> addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph
> super addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand:  aHandMorph.
> aCustomMenu add: 'clear' action: #clear.
> drawColor := Color red.//modification
> drawColor := Color yellow.//modification
> drawColor := Color green. //modification
> drawColor := Color blue.   //modification
> [Ron Teitelbaum]
> What this does is create a menu with one item clear and then it sets the 
> drawColor to red yellow green and then blue.  Since blue is the last color 
> you end up with blue.
> Try creating drawRed, drawYellow, drawGreen, and drawBlue methods
> For example
> drawRed
>drawColor := Color red.
> Now add to your menu properly.
> aCustomMenu add: 'clear' action: #clear.
> aCustomMenu add: 'red' action: #drawRed.
> Where add is what you see in your menu and action is what happens when you 
> select the menu item.  (it calls: self drawRed)
> Do that with all your colors and you should be all set!
> You can also add menu items to adjust the size of the brush.  Maybe make 
> small brush, medium brush and large brush menu items?  Works the same way as 
> changing color.  You need a brushSize instance variable. And initialize 
> brushSize := 2.
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> initialize
> super initialize.
> self extent: 500@700.
> drawColor := Color black.
> mouseDown: evt
> brush := Pen newOnForm: form.
> brush roundNib: 2.
> brush color: drawColor.//modification
> lastMouse := evt cursorPoint - bounds origin.
> brush drawFrom: lastMouse to: lastMouse.
> self invalidRect:
> ((lastMouse - brush sourceForm extent corner:
> lastMouse + brush sourceForm extent)
> translateBy: bounds origin).
> The initial color is black.
> When i click the command "change color" on the menu  and i chose for example 
> the green color, the result is the blue color. I don't understand why ?
> And after the first choice, i must restart the program with the Workspace for 
> change another color. So i can't make several choices at the same time.
> How can I solve these problems ? and to change size of the brush ?
> Thank you in advance.
> 2016-08-21 3:14 GMT+02:00 Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]>:
> From: roger mpouma
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 2:42 PM
> How can i make  this please ?
> I thought to add "color" and "size" commands as "clear" command in the custom 
> menu code. After that, add "color" and "size" methods...
> [Ron Teitelbaum]
> What I was thinking is making buttons on the panel. Color buttons with a 
> highlight around it so you can see what is selected.  You could instead add 
> something like Red or Blue to the menu.
> On your class add some instance variable called drawColor or something like 
> that.
> When the menu item Red is called you would do
> drawColor := Color red.
> Then in mouseDown:
> brush color: drawColor.
> Initialize your color to something like black
> Initialize
>drawColor := Color black.
> So that the user is not required to use the menu to get the default color 
> (black).
> Hope that helps,
> Ron
> 2016-08-20 20:26 GMT+02:00 Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]>:
> Have you considered having a menu bar with colors and line sizes.  The users 
> can select the color and line size which will change your program to use 
> those settings.
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of roger mpouma
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:51 PM
> To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about 
> Squeak.
> Subject: Re: [Newbies] Project on squeak language
> I have already implemented the canvas on which we draw, the possibility of 
> drawing with the brush but with only a single color and a single size, a 
> capacity to erase what we have already drawn with the "Clear" command on the 
> custom menu code. 
> So, i'd like to add the possibility of changing the color and the size of the 
> brush presenting the choices of color and brush size.
> The differents methods are:
> "Methods"
> extent: aPoint
> | newForm |
> super extent: aPoint.
> newForm := Form extent: self extent depth: 16.
> newForm fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
> form ifNotNil: [form displayOn: newForm].
> form := newForm.
> initialize
> super 

[Newbies] Re: printf not working on 5.0

2016-08-12 Thread Joseph Alotta
okay, thanks.  i will watch them.

> On Aug 12, 2016, at 3:57 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Bert, 
> Thank you for the magic incantation.  It worked.  What will I do when I don’t 
> have someone to tell me what the magic words are? 
> I filed out the code from 4.3 and filed in the same code into 5.0.  Did it 
> miss a part?  It is all in one project area or is there parts in other places 
> in the image? 
> How would I debug something like this going forward? 
> No need to debug, you simply need to learn how to use Monticello, our 
> preferred source code versioning system. Changesets have pretty much fallen 
> out of style.
> Maybe someone else can supply better pointers to tutorials, but here are some:
> - Bert -
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] Re: Version 5.0 running hot

2016-08-11 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thanks Chris.  I will keep this in an open window and let you know if I see 

> On Aug 11, 2016, at 11:21 AM, Chris Muller-3 [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joseph, nothing in the base Squeak 5 should make your image that busy. 
> You might be able to get a list of things your image is doing by 
> executing this code in a workspace: 
>MessageTally spyAllOn: [ (Delay forSeconds: 10) wait ] 
> Wait 10 seconds for the window to appear. 
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > I just switched from version 4.3 to 5.0.  I like the new features, thank 
> > you. 
> > 
> > But I have 5.0 running, hidden from my desktop, and I am reading my mail. I 
> > notice the laptop is getting very warm on the 
> > bottom.  I look at the Activity Monitor and find that Squeak 5.0 accounts 
> > for 50% of my processing load.  (I have 4 cores, so 
> > I think it is 50% of all 4.) 
> > 
> > When I save and quit Squeak, it immediately starts to cool off. 
> > 
> > Again, Squeak 4.3 could run hidden in a window and never affect my power 
> > consumption. 
> > 
> > What is 5.0 doing that 4.3 is not? 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Version 5.0 running hot

2016-08-11 Thread Joseph Alotta
I just switched from version 4.3 to 5.0.  I like the new features, thank you.

But I have 5.0 running, hidden from my desktop, and I am reading my mail. I 
notice the laptop is getting very warm on the
bottom.  I look at the Activity Monitor and find that Squeak 5.0 accounts for 
50% of my processing load.  (I have 4 cores, so
I think it is 50% of all 4.)

When I save and quit Squeak, it immediately starts to cool off.

Again, Squeak 4.3 could run hidden in a window and never affect my power 

What is 5.0 doing that 4.3 is not?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: printf not working on 5.0

2016-08-10 Thread Joseph Alotta
Somehow the code was hooked into ByteString, but I can’t see where or how.

Maybe there is a part that I forgot to copy.  Is it possible that the package 
makes modification to ByteString somewhere?



> On Aug 10, 2016, at 4:38 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> So you are all set now?
> Ron
> yes, that is the one. 
> > On Aug 10, 2016, at 2:19 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] <[hidden 
> > email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi Joe, 
> > 
> > I'm not aware of printf  is it this:  
> > 
> > Ron 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta 
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:19 PM 
> > To: [hidden email] 
> > Subject: [Newbies] printf not working on 5.0 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > I was using printf extensively, but when I migrated to 5.0 printf does not 
> > work.  I filed out the package and filed it back in, but the compiler can’t 
> > find it. 
> > 
> > '%8.1f' class ==>  ByteString 
> > 
> > 
> > '%6.2e' printf: 412.343434 >>  MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>printf: 
> > 
> > 
> > Help! 
> > 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
> > below: 
> >
> > To start a new topic under Squeak - Beginners, email [hidden email] 
> > To unsubscribe from Squeak - Beginners, click here. 
> > NAML 
> View this message in context: Re: printf not working on 5.0
> Sent from the Squeak - Beginners mailing list archive at
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] printf not working on 5.0

2016-08-10 Thread Joseph Alotta

I was using printf extensively, but when I migrated to 5.0 printf does not 
work.  I filed out the package and filed it back in, but
the compiler can’t find it.

'%8.1f' class ==>  ByteString

'%6.2e' printf: 412.343434 >>  MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>printf:




Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: mix ins

2016-08-03 Thread Joseph Alotta
I was able to get everything working fine on 5.0.  I like it better than 4.3.  
I think you guys have done a great job!! 

Thank you.


> On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:07 PM, Joseph Alotta <> wrote:
> Hi Bert,
> I downloaded Squeak 5.0.  Seems to work well.  But I have a few issues:
> 1.  How do I make the system font bigger?
> 2.  How do I make the flaps disappear? 
> Sincerely,
> Joe.

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[Newbies] Re: General Questions to the Squeak Community

2016-08-03 Thread Joseph Alotta
> 1. The community seems TINY for such a cool project. At this point it seems 
> to mainly consist of people in academics and "old-timers" that have stuck 
> around since a time when Squeak was more popular. Is this correct or am I 
> maybe not looking in the right places? 
> It seems a shame if such an amazing project were to die out because of lack 
> of popularity, considering all the possibilities that this level of 
> intractability with the programming environment enables. 

I’m trying to change that.  I’ve started a meetup group in the Chicago area for 
learning Squeak.  I am hoping to have a lot of young people get interested in 

I have programmed in many languages and I find smalltalk to be the easiest to 
read and understand.  I’ve written code in come languages, that 6 months later 
was completely foreign to me.  I couldn’t remember what I was thinking when I 
wrote it, nor even if I wrote it.

With smalltalk, I don’t find that.  I actually enjoy programming.



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[Newbies] Re: mix ins

2016-08-02 Thread Joseph Alotta
Hi Bert,

I downloaded Squeak 5.0.  Seems to work well.  But I have a few issues:

1.  How do I make the system font bigger?

2.  How do I make the flaps disappear? 



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[Newbies] Re: mix ins

2016-08-02 Thread Joseph Alotta

What is the procedure for upgrading?  Should I file-out the classes, download 
the new version and then file-in?



> On Aug 2, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Bert,
> I don’t have these methods.  I get an error.  See attached:
> Are you using Squeak 5.0?
> - Bert -
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: mix ins

2016-08-02 Thread Joseph Alotta

I don’t have these methods.  I get an error.  See attached:



> On Aug 2, 2016, at 9:38 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Firstly, these methods exist already.  They are defined in 
> SequencableCollection, a  superclass of Array, so Array inherits them:
> #('abc' 'def') join => 'abcdef'
> #('abc' 'def') joinSeparatedBy: '/' => 'abc/def'

Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 11.29.27 AM.png (68K) 

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[Newbies] Re: mix ins

2016-08-02 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On Aug 2, 2016, at 9:38 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Thirdly, to keep these "extension methods" in your own package, put them in a 
> method category that starts with an asterisk followed by your package name. 
> That is, if your Monticello package is named "Foo-Bar", then put your "mix 
> in" Array methods into the category "*foo-bar" which will mark them as 
> belonging to your package, not the package the Array class is in. The 
> extension methods will be stored and loaded with your package.


I am not sure how to do this.  My project is called Books.  Is this what you 

Object subclass: #Array
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: ‘*Books’



PS.  Thanks for the bit about the join methods and the changes.  :-)

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[Newbies] mix ins

2016-08-02 Thread Joseph Alotta

I want to add a method to the Array class.

#(‘abc’ ‘def’) join =>  ‘abcdef’

#(‘abc’ ‘def’) join: $/ => ‘abc/def’

I am afraid that if I add it to Array directly, it will get lost in a new 
update.  I want to keep it in my project area.

In ruby, this is called a “mix in”.

How can I do this?



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[Newbies] Re: indexing into a collection

2016-07-26 Thread Joseph Alotta
Ben, Ron, I made a small example, and it works as you said it would:

a := #( #(1 2)  #(3 4)).
b := a asOrderedCollection.
b  => an OrderedCollection(#(1 2) #(3 4))
c := b select: [ :i | (i first) = 3 ].
c => an OrderedCollection(#(3 4))
d := c first
d =>  #(3 4)
d at: 2 put: 5
d =>  #(3 5)
b  => an OrderedCollection(#(1 2) #(3 5))

Okay, I will check my other code.



> On Jul 26, 2016, at 6:25 PM, Ben Coman [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> As Ron said, you should not be getting a copy.  If you still have a 
> problem, perhaps best if you post code for a complete example: 
> * class definition (with just two instance variables) 
> * instance variable accessor methods 
> * instance creation & adding to collection 
> * select statement 
> * updating object 
> cheers -ben 
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 5:53 AM, Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Hi Joe, 
> > 
> > If the orderedCollection contains your object DrivingDays then select 
> > should give you the object and not a copy. 
> > 
> > You don't need to add it back to the collection just update the object. 
> > 
> > Check your code for anything that might be making a copy. 
> > 
> > All the best, 
> > 
> > Ron Teitelbaum 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta 
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 3:04 PM 
> > To: [hidden email] 
> > Subject: [Newbies] indexing into a collection 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > I have a OrderedCollection of DrivingDays. 
> > 
> > 
> > an OrderedCollection(2016-01-02| quigley s| nil|18§ 
> >  2016-01-03| marianos fresh| nil|5§ 
> >  2016-01-04| fresh thyme| nil|5§ 
> >  2016-01-05| panda express| nil|3§ 
> >  2016-01-06| peets| nil|7§ 
> >  2016-01-07| starbucks| nil|3§) 
> > 
> > I want to select aDrivingDay object from the list by date, update it by 
> > adding mileage and places visited and put it back into the list. 
> > 
> > If I #select the OrderedCollection, I get a copy of the item, not the same 
> > one in the OrderedCollection. 
> > 
> > How do I select an item in the list for update? 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe.
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] indexing into a collection

2016-07-26 Thread Joseph Alotta

I have a OrderedCollection of DrivingDays.

an OrderedCollection(2016-01-02| quigley s| nil|18§ 
 2016-01-03| marianos fresh| nil|5§
 2016-01-04| fresh thyme| nil|5§
 2016-01-05| panda express| nil|3§
 2016-01-06| peets| nil|7§
 2016-01-07| starbucks| nil|3§)

I want to select aDrivingDay object from the list by date, update it by adding 
mileage and places visited and put it back into the list.

If I #select the OrderedCollection, I get a copy of the item, not the same one 
in the OrderedCollection.

How do I select an item in the list for update?



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[Newbies] Transcript

2016-07-18 Thread Joseph Alotta
Why is it slow to write on the Transcript.  I thought with a powerful computer 
like this, it would be fast.  Is it really doing that much or is there 
something in the code sleeping to a clock?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: evaluating strings as blocks

2016-07-11 Thread Joseph Alotta
thank you.

> On Jul 11, 2016, at 11:17 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> Have a look at Complier.   
> Then try 
> Complier evaluate: '1+1' 
> All the best, 
> Ron Teitelbaum 
> From: Joseph Alotta 
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 12:14 PM 
> Greetings, 
> For debuting purposes, I want to build a string with calculations and then 
> evaluate it. 
> Something like: 
> string := ‘2 + 2 - 5’; 
> and then do: 
> string asBlock value => -1 
> How can I get this to work? 
> Sincerely, 
> Joe. 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: evaluating strings as blocks

2016-07-11 Thread Joseph Alotta
thank you.

> On Jul 11, 2016, at 11:18 AM, David Mitchell-10 [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Look at Compiler
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 11:13 AM Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> For debuting purposes, I want to build a string with calculations and then 
> evaluate it.
> Something like:
> string := ‘2 + 2 - 5’;
> and then do:
> string asBlock value => -1
> How can I get this to work?
> Sincerely,
> Joe.
> ___
> Beginners mailing list
> [hidden email]
> ___ 
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[Newbies] evaluating strings as blocks

2016-07-11 Thread Joseph Alotta

For debuting purposes, I want to build a string with calculations and then 
evaluate it.

Something like:

string := ‘2 + 2 - 5’;

and then do:

string asBlock value => -1

How can I get this to work?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: sorting by key1 inside of key2

2016-07-07 Thread Joseph Alotta
thank you, ben!!

> On Jul 6, 2016, at 11:17 PM, Ben Coman [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> [:a :b | (a category) = (b category) 
> ifFalse: [ (a category) < (b category) ] 
> ifTrue: [ (a payee) < (b payee)]]. 

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[Newbies] sorting by key1 inside of key2

2016-07-06 Thread Joseph Alotta

I have a collection of Transaction objects.  They have instance variables of 
category and payee.

A category might be “Office Expense”  and a payee might be “Costco” or “Amazon”.

I want to sort by categories and then payees.

Office Expense, Amazon…..
Office Expense, Costco

Here is some of my code:

sorted := trans asSortedCollection:  [:a :b | (a category) < (b category)].

sorted do:  [ :tr |  | cat pay |
  cat := tr category.
  pay := tr payee.

  stream nextPutAll: (tr myPrintFormat2).

How do I make the sort block sort on both keys?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: '($1,925.46)' asNumber

2016-07-01 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thanks, Ron.  I needed to preserve the negative, so I append a minus sign, then 
use your snippet.

str := '($1,925.46)' .
('(*)' match: str ) ifTrue: [str := '-', str].
str := str reject:  [:e | '($,)' includes: e].
num := str asNumber  => -1925.46



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[Newbies] '($1,925.46)' asNumber

2016-07-01 Thread Joseph Alotta

I want to convert a String with parenthesis and dollar sign to a Number or 

 '($1,925.46)’ asNumber

Is there something out of the box that does this, or do I have to write it 
myself, character by character?

Should I use a ReadStream?



Beginners mailing list

Re: [Newbies] CSV file help

2016-06-18 Thread Joseph Alotta

That is perfect!  Thank you so much.  I love the simple yet elegant solutions.

I tested it with the large file and it works great.  And best of all, it is 
included in the basic system.



> On Jun 18, 2016, at 12:25 PM, Rudolf Rednose [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hello Joseph, maybe
> findTokens:',' escapedBy: '"'
> is sufficient.
> for example:
> |data fields|
> data := OrderedCollection new.
> data add: '02/04/2016  Thu,,"COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, 
> IL",37.00' copy.
> data add: '02/05/2016  Fri,,"ELECTRONIC PAYMENT 
> RECEIVED-THANK",-443.52' copy. 
> data add: '02/06/2016  Sat,,"COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, 
> IL",50.86' copy. 
> data do:[ :item |
> fields := item findTokens:',' escapedBy: '"'.
> "show result in Transcript"
> Transcript cr; show: 'Line: ', item; cr; show: 'Number of Fields:', 
> fields size asString; cr.
> 1 to: fields size do:[:n| Transcript show:( n asString,' [', (fields 
> at: n),']');cr]
> ].
> Line: 02/04/2016  Thu,,"COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, 
> IL",37.00
> Number of Fields:16
> 1 [02/04/2016  Thu]
> 2 []
> 3 [COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, IL]
> 4 []
> 5 []
> 6 []
> 7 []
> 8 [37.00]
> 9 []
> 10 []
> 11 []
> 12 []
> 13 []
> 14 []
> 15 []
> 16 []
> Line: 02/05/2016  Fri,,"ELECTRONIC PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK",-443.52
> Number of Fields:16
> 1 [02/05/2016  Fri]
> 2 []
> 4 []
> 5 []
> 6 []
> 7 []
> 8 [-443.52]
> 9 []
> 10 []
> 11 []
> 12 []
> 13 []
> 14 []
> 15 []
> 16 []
> Line: 02/06/2016  Sat,,"COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, 
> IL",50.86
> Number of Fields:16
> 1 [02/06/2016  Sat]
> 2 []
> 3 [COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, IL]
> 4 []
> 5 []
> 6 []
> 7 []
> 8 [50.86]
> 9 []
> 10 []
> 11 []
> 12 []
> 13 []
> 14 []
> 15 []
> 16 []
> Sincerely, 
> Rudolf.
> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Juni 2016 um 22:42 Uhr
> Von: "Joseph Alotta" <[hidden email]>
> An: [hidden email]
> Betreff: [Newbies] CSV file help
> Greetings,
> I am needing conceptual help with parsing these troublesome CSV files. I was 
> breaking the lines using String >> findToken:
> but I found lines where extra deliminators were added. Notice the three 
> following lines, the first and third line have extra commas from Oak Brook, 
> IL and the second line does not have the comma.
> 02/04/2016 Thu,,"COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, 
> IL",37.00
> 02/06/2016 Sat,,"COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, 
> IL",50.86
> I think I need to parse with the double quotes in mind, but I don’t know 
> where to break it.
> Also, I was reading in the squeak pages that someone had already written code 
> for this, but I couldn’t find anything.
> has two methods, CSVSubstrings and 
> Does anyone know where these are now?
> Sincerely,
> Joe.
> ___
> Beginners mailing list
> [hidden email]
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
> below:
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[Newbies] Re: CSV file help

2016-06-17 Thread Joseph Alotta
So which package should I use to parse CSV data?

> On Jun 17, 2016, at 5:05 PM, cbc [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> these methods are now in the package located at:
> MCHttpRepository
> location: ''
> user: ''
> password: ''
> (follow Ron's excellent advice on how to use this).
> That said, I would no longer use this package to parse CSV - I've recently 
> switched over to Avi's parser as well.
> (My package still has some interesting uses for the data once you pull it in. 
>  Of course, it isn't documented.)
> I should clean up the page that you found - I had forgotten that it even 
> existed!
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am needing conceptual help with parsing these troublesome CSV files.  I was 
> breaking the lines using String >> findToken:
> but I found lines where extra deliminators were added.  Notice the three 
> following lines, the first and third line have extra commas from Oak Brook, 
> IL and the second line does not have the comma.
> 02/04/2016  Thu,,"COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, 
> IL",37.00
> 02/05/2016  Fri,,"ELECTRONIC PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK",-443.52
> 02/06/2016  Sat,,"COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, 
> IL",50.86
> I think I need to parse with the double quotes in mind, but I don’t know 
> where to break it.
> Also, I was reading in the squeak pages that someone had already written code 
> for this, but I couldn’t find anything.
> has two methods, CSVSubstrings and 
> Does anyone know where these are now?
> Sincerely,
> Joe.
> ___
> Beginners mailing list
> [hidden email]
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
> below:
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[Newbies] Re: CSV file help

2016-06-17 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On Jun 17, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> I haven't tried it but I would probably start with Avi's CSV Parser 

I tried to download it, but the .mcz file could not be read.

I also tried pasting 

location: ''
user: ''
password: ‘'

Into a workspace and evaluating it and it does nothing.

Can you provide instructions, please?



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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] CSV file help

2016-06-17 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am needing conceptual help with parsing these troublesome CSV files.  I was 
breaking the lines using String >> findToken:
but I found lines where extra deliminators were added.  Notice the three 
following lines, the first and third line have extra commas from Oak Brook, IL 
and the second line does not have the comma.

02/04/2016  Thu,,"COSTCO WHSE #0388 0990388 - OAK BROOK, 
02/06/2016  Sat,,"COSTCO WHSE #1088 0991088 - BOLINGBROOK, 

I think I need to parse with the double quotes in mind, but I don’t know where 
to break it.

Also, I was reading in the squeak pages that someone had already written code 
for this, but I couldn’t find anything. has two methods, CSVSubstrings and

Does anyone know where these are now?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: set variables before initialize and write out files before exit

2016-06-13 Thread Joseph Alotta
thanks Ron, I hadn’t thought about class variables.  



> On Jun 10, 2016, at 12:17 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> I'm not sure in what context you mean.  Why wouldn't you run this in the 
> #initialize method? 
> JoeAccountingParser class>>configure 
> InPath := '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles/'. 
> OutPath := '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles processed/'. 
> JoeAccountingParser >>initialize 
> self class configure. 
> fileParser := FileParser new. 
> fileParser inPath: self class InPath. 
> fileParser outPath: self class OutPath. 
> JoeAccountingParser class >> process: aFile 
> ^(self new) process: aFile; yourself. 
> JoeAccountingParser process: aFile 
> fileParser readThis: aFile. 
> fileParser process. 
> fileParser write. 
> This is a bit refactored and it uses the configure method I recommend to you 
> earlier.  This configure method could be anything including a method to read 
> an external file for details. 
> Solutions like a factory method pattern come to mind if you don't want to 
> use #initialize. 
> JoeAccountingParser class >> process: aFile from: inPath to: outPath 
> There is also Behavior #startUp and #shutDown on the class side. 
> See Smalltalk #addToStartUpList: #addToShutDownList: 
> These fire when an image is started or shutdown.   
> I think a bit more explanation of what problem you are having is needed. 
> All the best, 
> Ron Teitelbaum 
> > From: Joseph Alotta 
> > Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 12:23 PM 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > My object needs to have some variables set before it can run the 
> initialize
> > method and also it needs to have run an exit method. 
> > 
> > f := FileParser new. 
> > f inPath: '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles/'. 
> > f readThis: 'rei mastercard.csv'. 
> > f process 
> > f outPath: '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles processed/'. 
> > f write. 
> > 
> > 
> > Is there a better way to do this? 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe. 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> ___ 
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[Newbies] set variables before initialize and write out files before exit

2016-06-10 Thread Joseph Alotta

My object needs to have some variables set before it can run the initialize 
method and also it needs to have run an exit method.

f := FileParser new.
f inPath: '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles/'.
f readThis: 'rei mastercard.csv'.
f process
f outPath: '/Users/jja/Desktop/accountingfiles processed/'.
f write.   

Is there a better way to do this?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: run to here

2016-06-03 Thread Joseph Alotta
great! thanks!

> On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:28 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> From: Joseph Alotta
> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 10:54 AM
> Thank you. 
> If I am in a loop, and I want to back around, it doesn’t seem to work. 
> For example, my loop is at count := 1.  I want to look at count := 3.  So I 
> go to the top of the loop and click “run to here” and count should be 2. 
> [Ron Teitelbaum] Yeah I know it.  There are two tricks you can use here.  
> First is go to the bottom of the loop and do “run to here”.  Then use Through 
> a few times to get back to the top of the method.  Anything selected above 
> the execution point even in a loop is the past J. 
> The other trick is to just change count J.  It is Smalltalk so just select 
> the count ivar in the debugger on the right bottom windows.  Just select 
> count and next to it change the value and accept it.  It’s a hack but it 
> works fine J.
> All the best,
> Ron
> Sincerely, 
> Joe. 
> > On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:03 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]> 
> > wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi Joe, 
> > 
> > "run to here" only goes forward not back.  It works like continue with a 
> > future break point (your cursor location).  For it to work you need to 
> > place the cursor somewhere ahead of where you are and then select "run to 
> > here".  It should in most cases take you to where you are trying to go. 
> > 
> > If you are trying to go backwards, and it is safe to do so, select the 
> > method you want to debug in the stack.  Then press the restart button.  
> > This will restart the execution to the beginning of the method you have 
> > selected.  You can then use the "run to here" method to get to the right 
> > location in your method to start debugging. 
> > 
> > All the best, 
> > 
> > Ron Teitelbaum 
> > 
> > > From: Joseph Alotta 
> > > Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 10:33 AM 
> > > 
> > > Greetings, 
> > > 
> > > I am using the debugger and wondering how to use the “run to here” 
> > > function. 
> > > 
> > > I think you have to be in the top of a debugger pane to go down to the 
> > > spot 
> > > where the cursor is. 
> > > 
> > > But how does it work if you’re many layers into a program. 
> > > 
> > > I want to debug the message just before the one that bombs. 
> > > 
> > > Are there any usage tips? 
> > > 
> > > Sincerely, 
> > > 
> > > Joe. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___ 
> > > Beginners mailing list 
> > > [hidden email] 
> > >
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
> > below: 
> >
> > To start a new topic under Squeak - Beginners, email [hidden email] 
> > To unsubscribe from Squeak - Beginners, click here. 
> > NAML
> View this message in context: Re: run to here
> Sent from the Squeak - Beginners mailing list archive at
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: run to here

2016-06-03 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thank you.

If I am in a loop, and I want to back around, it doesn’t seem to work.

For example, my loop is at count := 1.  I want to look at count := 3.  So I go 
to the top of the loop and click “run to here” and count should be 2.



> On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:03 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> "run to here" only goes forward not back.  It works like continue with a 
> future break point (your cursor location).  For it to work you need to place 
> the cursor somewhere ahead of where you are and then select "run to here".  
> It should in most cases take you to where you are trying to go. 
> If you are trying to go backwards, and it is safe to do so, select the method 
> you want to debug in the stack.  Then press the restart button.  This will 
> restart the execution to the beginning of the method you have selected.  You 
> can then use the "run to here" method to get to the right location in your 
> method to start debugging. 
> All the best, 
> Ron Teitelbaum 
> > From: Joseph Alotta 
> > Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 10:33 AM 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > I am using the debugger and wondering how to use the “run to here” 
> > function. 
> > 
> > I think you have to be in the top of a debugger pane to go down to the spot 
> > where the cursor is. 
> > 
> > But how does it work if you’re many layers into a program. 
> > 
> > I want to debug the message just before the one that bombs. 
> > 
> > Are there any usage tips? 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] run to here

2016-06-03 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am using the debugger and wondering how to use the “run to here” function.

I think you have to be in the top of a debugger pane to go down to the spot 
where the cursor is.

But how does it work if you’re many layers into a program.

I want to debug the message just before the one that bombs.  

Are there any usage tips?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-31 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On May 26, 2016, at 5:50 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Have a look at the Hierarchy for the class Url
> Notice the class method: #urlClassForScheme:
> That should give you a better understanding of why url methods are in 
> FileDirectory.
> For browser like methods see HTTPClient.

Sorry, Ron, all I got from this email after a day of trying to understand it, 
is that I do not have the background to grasp what you are trying to tell me.  
It seems you need to know all of this already before you know how to use it.

I thought the purpose of encapsulation is that you do not need to know the 
inner workings of an object to use it.

Is there something more basic about urls and httpclients that I can start with?



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-26 Thread Joseph Alotta
I saw a lot of code in FileDirectory for urls.  What’s that all about?  Can I 
use FileDirectory to browse the web?  If not, is there another web browser 



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-26 Thread Joseph Alotta

> Extra credit: Why would you use a class variable?  We know that an instance 
> variable is used to store data within the context of an instance.  Why would 
> you want to store data in the context of a class? 

Window closeAllWindows needs to have a list of all the windows, and sends each 
one the close message.   Or if a instance of a class needed to communicate with 
other members of its class.  For example, a class of helicopter bots that fly 
together as a group.  They would need talk to each other to avoid collisions.



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-26 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On May 26, 2016, at 8:29 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> One more question for you.  I mentioned returning a newly created instance or 
> a specific class from a class side method.  Can you name another reason why 
> you would write a method on the class side?  

When you want the class as a whole to do something.  When there is only one 
instance of an object and other is not desirable or logical.

For example, one compiler: two is not practical.  One instance of the number 
Pi.  One instance of Nil. Why would you need another?  

> Why would it be a good idea to put a method on the class side instead of the 
> instance side?  (a hint for you, I’m thinking of something where nothing is 
> returned. (of course in Smalltalk if nothing is returned you get back self, 
> what I mean is that nothing useful is returned)) Bonus points for 2 or more 
> answers with or without returning
> something J.

You would put a method on the class side when the method applies to all 
instances of the class.  For example, Window closeAllWindows.  Or Process 
stopAllProcesses.   Or Smalltalk saveImage.

I don’t think this is what you had in mind, though.



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-25 Thread Joseph Alotta
Hi Ron,

> Excellent.  Remember that you should also look at the super classes for 
> methods.  UnixFileDirectory is the instance of “FileDirectory default” but 
> it’s also a subclass of FileDirectory so the methods you can call include 
> UnixFileDirectory and all the methods on the class hierarchy including the 
> methods on FileDirectory.  Please see the method categories on FileDirectory 
> that I mentioned.

Okay, thanks.  I tried to do something with that, but I got an error.  I think 
I was trying to use a class method on the instance.

> The question I asked was a bit different.  When you ask for the #entries of 
> the instance “FileDirectory default” what class is each file?

It is an Array of DirectoryEntry objects.

> By the way, based on the question you asked there is a method on 
> FileDirectory to determine if the file exists before you read it (it’s in the 
> method categories I pointed out to you).  What is that method?


I see what is happening.  I thought the on: method changes the path, like cding 
a directory.  But it gives a new instance.

dir := FileDirectory default.
dir on: '/Users/jja/Desktop’ ==> UnixFileDirectory on '/Users/jja/Desktop'
dir fileExists: 'categories.CSV’ ==>false
dir pathName 

dir := FileDirectory on: '/Users/jja/Desktop’ ==> UnixFileDirectory on 
dir pathName ==> '/Users/jja/Desktop'
dir fileExists: 'categories.CSV’ ==> true

So on: is the equivalent of new, in that it gives a new instance.

Thank you,



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-25 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On May 25, 2016, at 3:38 PM, Hannes Hirzel [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Have a look as well at
> What exactly do you want to do? 
> —Hannes 

I saw that.  It comes up first on google.  It is 100% accurate and 100% 

That is why the Terse Guide is the most popular documentation.  As far as it 



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[Newbies] Re: FileDirectory

2016-05-25 Thread Joseph Alotta
Hi Ron,

I get an instance of UnixFileDirectory.  And there are only 6 methods for 
UnixFileDirectory, none of them doing what I want.



> On May 25, 2016, at 2:43 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> The hardest part of FileDirectory is understanding default. 
> So start with: FileDirectory default. 
> Note that default is on the class side.  Once you inspect that you are now 
> on the instance side.  Have a look at the categories #enumeration, #'file 
> status', and #'file operations', and #'file name utilities'   
> when you get a file from that instance you are no longer on FileDirectory. 
> What class are the file entries? 
> Let me know if that helps. 
> All the best, 
> Ron Teitelbaum 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From: [hidden email] [mailto:beginners- 
> > [hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta 
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 3:22 PM 
> > To: [hidden email] 
> > Subject: [Newbies] FileDirectory 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > I am looking for some documentation or snippets of code for using the 
> > FileDirectory class. 
> > 
> > I want to check if a file exists before I try to read it. 
> > 
> > I also want to look at a list of files in the directory. 
> > 
> > I did search SBE and google but found nothing. 
> > 
> > Sincerely, 
> > 
> > Joe. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> ___ 
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[Newbies] FileDirectory

2016-05-25 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am looking for some documentation or snippets of code for using the 
FileDirectory class.

I want to check if a file exists before I try to read it.

I also want to look at a list of files in the directory.

I did search SBE and google but found nothing.



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: size of character

2016-05-23 Thread Joseph Alotta
I see.  Thank you.

> On May 23, 2016, at 9:52 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> On 23.05.2016, at 17:25, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > ‘j’ size ==>  1 
> > 
> > $j size ==> error. 
> > 
> > Why shouldn’t the size of a character be 1? 
> Because it’s not a collection: #size is part of the collection protocol, but 
> it doesn’t make sense to send #at: to a character. 
> - Bert - 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
>  smime.p7s (5K) Download Attachment
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[Newbies] size of character

2016-05-23 Thread Joseph Alotta
‘j’ size ==>  1

$j size ==> error.

Why shouldn’t the size of a character be 1?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] help with morphic

2016-05-19 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am having trouble getting started with Morphic.  I tried the tutorial on and found it too hard to follow.  Now I have morphs on my screen and 
I don’t know how to close them.

I looked for videos on Morphic and found only a technical comparison of 
changes.  Is there a video designed for beginners that someone not an egghead 
can follow?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: whats the difference between over and through

2016-05-18 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thanks for all the help.  Thanks for the sample code also.  My debugging is 

> On May 17, 2016, at 3:30 PM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Nice description Herbert!  That reminded me of one extra thing.  It's kind of 
> hidden but very useful. 
> If you need to get out of a loop but don't want to restart and add a halt, 
> you can click on some place in your code then select "Run To Here" from the 
> pop up menu (right click on windows). 
> That will continue your code until it gets to where the cursor is currently 
> located and resume debugging from that location. 
> That's pretty useful too. 
> All the best, 
> Ron 
> > From: Herbert König 
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:33 PM 
> > 
> > Hi Joe, 
> > 
> > a practical tip if you debug loops: 
> > 
> > myCollection collect: [:each| "You need 'through' to get into the loop" 
> > 
> >  self doThis. "Through or over are ok here" 
> > 
> >  self doThatWhichTakesLongToRun. "use over to go over this long running 
> > method" 
> > 
> >  somethingElse doMore "here you need to press through again or you'll 
> > learn about the inner workings of collect :-))"] 
> > 
> > I want to mention three things: 
> > 
> > 1- if you are inside a loop with no other block inside you can always 
> > continue with pressing 'Through'. This will then go through the next 
> > iteration 
> > of the loop but step over the method sends inside the loop. 
> > Methods inside the loop seem to take much longer if you go over them via 
> > 'through' than if you go over them via 'over'. Especially on slow hardware. 
> > 
> > 2- if by accident you press 'over' while debugging the last send inside a 
> > loop 
> > you get to the outer context of your loop which is very confusing at the 
> > beginning. To get back into your loop you have to step 'into' the block 
> > you'll 
> > see there. 
> > 
> > 3- if you've seen enough after being 'through' three iterations of of a 
> > 1000 iteration loop you continue one level above (top pane of the 
> > debugger) and debug 'over' that loop. 
> > 
> > Most important : experiment. 
> > 
> > I have no Squeak at hand so take the above just as a coarse description on 
> > what you may encounter on your debugging journey. 
> > 
> > I usually debug my code into life and I still manage to press the wrong 
> > buttons while debugging :-)) 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers, 
> > 
> > 
> > Herbert 
> > 
> > Am 17.05.2016 um 19:36 schrieb Ron Teitelbaum: 
> > > Hi Joe, 
> > > 
> > > This is a very good question.  It's something that if you been using the 
> > debugger for a long time comes naturally but when you are new it seems 
> > strange. 
> > > 
> > > Take this code for example: 
> > > 
> > > | lock | 
> > > lock := Mutex new. 
> > > lock critical: [Transcript show: 'I am here'] 
> > > 
> > > debug this code and play with the different options to see how this 
> > > works. 
> > In general there are a number of times where what you want to debug is 
> > inside a block.  Getting into that block can be a real pain.  In many cases 
> > you 
> > really just want to say take me through this outer code and into that block 
> > so I can debug what is inside it. (in this case Transcript show: ) 
> > > 
> > > "Over" will skip it and "Into" will take you down the rabbit hole of code 
> > that surrounds it. 
> > > 
> > > In this case try debugging that code using the different options and see 
> > how much easier getting inside that block is when you use Through. 
> > > 
> > > I think the accepted description is: 
> > > Through: if the debugger is going to execute a block, with this button 
> > > you 
> > can step though this block. 
> > > 
> > > and it makes sense when you think I want to step through what is inside 
> > the block.  "Take me through the inside of this block". 
> > > 
> > > Does that make sense? 
> > > 
> > > All the best, 
> > > 
> > > Ron Teitelbaum 
> > > 
> > >> -Original Message- 
> > >> From: [hidden email] [mailto:beginners- 
> > >> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta 
> > >> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 1:07 PM 
> > >&

[Newbies] whats the difference between over and through

2016-05-17 Thread Joseph Alotta

What’s the difference between over and through in the debugger?

Is there something that goes to the next line of code?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Need a local tutor for Squeak

2016-05-16 Thread Joseph Alotta
It would be very hard to compete with meetup.  They have a moat because they 
were first.  I run a meetup group and I have 1000 members, just because they 
are on meetup and not somewhere else.

Same thing for eBay.  Everyone hates it.  But it is where the buyers and the 
sellers are.



> On May 16, 2016, at 12:39 AM, askoh [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Ron: 
> Have you thought about a virtual equivalent to Is there something 
> available already? 
> All the best, 
> Aik-Siong Koh 
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[Newbies] '1921' romanNumber

2016-05-13 Thread Joseph Alotta
Shouldn’t this work?

'1921’ romanNumber

I get an error index out of bounds.


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Need a local tutor for Squeak

2016-05-13 Thread Joseph Alotta
what’s a terf space?

> On May 13, 2016, at 8:24 AM, Ron Teitelbaum [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe and Craig,
> Not sure if it will help but I’ll donate a Terf space for you to use for 
> lessons.  You can drink virtual coffee while learning Squeak in Squeak! J
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> Chief Executive Officer
> 3D Immersive Collaboration Consulting
> [hidden email]
> Follow Me On Twitter: @RonTeitelbaum
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Joseph Alotta
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 9:14 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Newbies] Re: Need a local tutor for Squeak
> Thanks Stephan and Craig, 
> I will keep it in mind.  I haven’t given up on a local tutor yet. 
> Sincerely. 
> Joe. 
> > On May 13, 2016, at 1:44 AM, Stephan Eggermont [via Smalltalk] <[hidden 
> > email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > On 12/05/16 15:23, Craig Latta wrote: 
> > >  If you decide you'd be willing to do remote lessons, I'd be happy 
> > > to help online live from Amsterdam. 
> > 
> > As I've observed in several smalltalk workshops given at the yearly 
> > FOSDEM conference, Craig is very patient and clear in explaining, and 
> > has an enormous experience in all things smalltalk. He'd make an 
> > excellent tutor. 
> > 
> > Stephan Eggermont 
> > 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > Beginners mailing list 
> > [hidden email] 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
> > below: 
> >
> > To start a new topic under Squeak - Beginners, email [hidden email] 
> > To unsubscribe from Squeak - Beginners, click here. 
> > NAML
> View this message in context: Re: Need a local tutor for Squeak
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> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: Need a local tutor for Squeak

2016-05-13 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thanks Stephan and Craig,

I will keep it in mind.  I haven’t given up on a local tutor yet.



> On May 13, 2016, at 1:44 AM, Stephan Eggermont [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> On 12/05/16 15:23, Craig Latta wrote: 
> >  If you decide you'd be willing to do remote lessons, I'd be happy 
> > to help online live from Amsterdam. 
> As I've observed in several smalltalk workshops given at the yearly 
> FOSDEM conference, Craig is very patient and clear in explaining, and 
> has an enormous experience in all things smalltalk. He'd make an 
> excellent tutor. 
> Stephan Eggermont 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] Re: new and initialize

2016-05-11 Thread Joseph Alotta
Sorry, it doesn’t work on the Mac.  The window gets black and then redraws.  I 
think maybe it means “refresh”.



> On May 11, 2016, at 5:07 PM, cbc [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi.
> On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> More questions:  why isn’t there a command key for debug it? 
> I just learned this today - we do have a command key (well, command key 
> sequence) for debug it:
> Shift+Cmd+D to "Debug it"
> -cbc
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] Re: next or break in a loop

2016-05-10 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On May 10, 2016, at 12:03 PM, Louis LaBrunda [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Joe, 
> At each test for the type of data you can also test to see if you found type, 
> something like 
> this: 
> stream := ReadStream on: myCollection. 
> [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [:item | | notFound | 
> item := stream next. 
> notFound := true. 
>   (notFound and: [your column test1]) ifTrue: [notFound := false. 
> stream upToEnd]. 
> (notFound and: [your column test2]) ifTrue: [notFound := 
> false. stream upToEnd]. 
> (notFound and: [your column test3]) ifTrue: [notFound := 
> false. stream upToEnd]. 
> ]. 
> Not pretty but it should work. 

I added a flag and set it as one of the conditions.

Also, to make reading simpler, I stacked all the booleans.

bool := bool and: (condition).
bool := bool and: (another condition).

It is not pretty, but it avoids endless seas of parentheses.



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[Newbies] Re: next or break in a loop

2016-05-10 Thread Joseph Alotta

I was trying to use the ReadStream, but the issue is to get execution to go 
back to the top.  If I send the upToEnd message, it still executes from the 
same line and goes through the rest of the tests.



> On May 9, 2016, at 3:56 PM, Louis LaBrunda [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> You can map your collection to a stream and then use the stream methods to 
> traverse the 
> collection. 
> stream := ReadStream on: myCollection. 
> [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [:item | 
> item := stream next. 
> "I'm not sure upToEnd is the right method here but it is close.  Look around, 
> I'm sure you will 
> find what you need." 
> item doSomeWork. 
> (when you think you are done with item) ifTrue: [stream 
> upToEnd]. 
>     ]. 
> Lou 
> On Mon, 9 May 2016 16:00:58 -0500, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> >I don’t think any of the solutions work for my case. 
> > 
> >I want to evaluate several different variable for each step, make 
> >calculations and if all of the conditions are met, then skip to the next 
> >item, otherwise, do the next step of calculations. 
> > 
> >The project is reading comma deliminated bank or credit card files, taking a 
> >column of data, counting various characters, and trying to determine what 
> >kind of data it is.  For example, a column of data with two slash characters 
> >and eight digits per line is likely to be a date field.  A column of data 
> >with more than 3 letter characters and a percentage of digits and a 
> >percentage of hash signs is likely to be a payee field.  A column of data 
> >with no spaces, no digits, no special characters is likely to be a type of 
> >transaction field.  A column of data with one period per item, and only 
> >digits or a minus sign is  likely to be a amount field, and a column of data 
> >with a high percentage of zero length items and the rest having C or K and a 
> >pound sign and four or more digits is likely to be a check number field. 
> > 
> >I am doing a lot of tests for each field and I don’t think the switch is a 
> >good fit. 
> > 
> >Sincerely, 
> > 
> >Joe.
> -- 
> Louis LaBrunda 
> Keystone Software Corp. 
> SkypeMe callto://PhotonDemon 
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: next or break in a loop

2016-05-09 Thread Joseph Alotta
I don’t think any of the solutions work for my case.

I want to evaluate several different variable for each step, make calculations 
and if all of the conditions are met, then skip to the next item, otherwise, do 
the next step of calculations.

The project is reading comma deliminated bank or credit card files, taking a 
column of data, counting various characters, and trying to determine what kind 
of data it is.  For example, a column of data with two slash characters and 
eight digits per line is likely to be a date field.  A column of data with more 
than 3 letter characters and a percentage of digits and a percentage of hash 
signs is likely to be a payee field.  A column of data with no spaces, no 
digits, no special characters is likely to be a type of transaction field.  A 
column of data with one period per item, and only digits or a minus sign is  
likely to be a amount field, and a column of data with a high percentage of 
zero length items and the rest having C or K and a pound sign and four or more 
digits is likely to be a check number field.

I am doing a lot of tests for each field and I don’t think the switch is a good 



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[Newbies] next or break in a loop

2016-05-09 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am in need of a way to go to the end of a do loop.

myCollection do:  [ :item |

(blah blah) ifTrue: “we found an item of the first type”
 next item.

(blah blah) ifTrue: “we found an item of the second type”
 next item.
(blah blah) ifTrue: “we found an item of the third type”
next item.
(blah blah) ifTrue: “we found an item of the fourth type”
next item.

(blah blah) ifTrue: “we found an item of the fifth type”


Some other languages have “break” or “next” or “goto LABEL” to skip the 
processing of the rest of the loop in case the item is found in the first test.

How do I implement this in Squeak?



PS.  This is not a homework project.

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Machine gun the Balloon!

2016-05-07 Thread Joseph Alotta

I would be interested in looking at your balance tree algorithm.

Do you have some code that I can inspect?



> On May 7, 2016, at 12:42 AM, Kirk Fraser [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Newbies, I learned by examining a Dictionary until I understood how it works 
> and that got me a job. I also got a little help from an old college chum 
> after I started a Smalltalk special interest group of the Portland PC Club. 
> Beyond that it was learning by doing, hiring an offshore consultant for a 
> special project to make a database using a Balanced Tree algorithm (which 
> oddly is not part of Squeak when that one data structure could replace most 
> of the rest of them.  Then there was the occasional help by Squeak experts on 
> various things like how to turn off preferences or where to find code to work 
> with a camera. A big help has been focusing my attention on writing a new 
> computer language in Smalltalk which requires lots of work that most 
> programmers never do.  But I still can't count myself as an expert because I 
> don't know lots of important things yet like how to use FFI or how to write 
> an FF or how to make Squeak work on a Windows 98 computer which i have to use 
> to run a CNC machine.
> Experts, my OP was mainly  to talk you into doing some real useful work on 
> Squeak instead of aggrandizing yourselves on work that is not truly useful - 
> you know replacing all the collections with a Balanced Tree might be nice or 
> making sharp examples of Secure Sockets or FFI that people can use or get 
> Squeak repaired so it can work on Win 98 or without Halos replacing menus or 
> how to make most of the programs one might download from CNet but I guess it 
> rings a bell with the real newbies that there isn't enough help anywhere.  To 
> translate that, I as an intermediate programmer need to be taught how to be  
> senior programmer.  So we need better mentoring for everyone.
> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Phil (list) <[hidden email]>wrote:
> Joe,
> On Fri, 2016-05-06 at 13:23 -0700, Joseph Alotta wrote:
> > I am a beginner with Squeak and the problem I am facing is not
> > knowing how to go about using the tools available. 
> Having gone through this myself not too many years ago, yet before
> things really started to get crazy (in good and bad ways) in the Squeak
> world, I appreciate what you're saying.  Squeak and its dialects can
> seem pretty impenetrable until you learn 'the basics' which
> unfortunately are a bit of a moving target (esp. re: the tools and UI)
> depending on what you're trying to learn/do.
> >
> > There is a lot of language information, but not a “here’s what we do”
> > best practices for developers.  I don’t mean coding, but I mean, how
> > to find the resource I need.  How to build your project in pieces
> > that you can test, etc.   
> This is where things probably get pretty tough once you get beyond the
> absolute basics.  In its effort to get better, things are constantly
> being broken in ways that are often no big deal once you get over the
> hump and learn your way around.  However, they're changing enough to
> 'break' a lot of the existing tutorials and they're changing often
> enough that said tutorials don't seem to be getting updated to reflect
> the changes in later releases.  As if this weren't enough, there are
> factions with different views on overall direction which directly
> impacts things like best practices and is why we have different
> 'distros' ala Squeak/Pharo/Cuis/etc.
> > What I was looking for is an Apprentice kind of relationship, but
> > nobody seems interested or nearby. 
> >
> That's probably going to be difficult as Smalltalk has a very small
> population of programmers vs. other languages.  So getting someone with
> experience to spend 1-on-1 time with is going to be difficult and/or
> expensive.  Your best bet to get started is to read the mailing lists
> (I would recommend this list, squeak-dev, and cuis as they are all good
> places to ask basic questions) and just ask when you get stuck.  There
> are a few good written works you can use as a starting point (you might
> want to check out something from and
> there are several people who have put together some good intro material
> on YouTube (For example Lawson English  href=" ?list=PL6601A198DF14788D" 
> rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> ?list=PL6601A198DF14788D and the late James Robertson https://www.youtu
> ha

[Newbies] Re: Machine gun the Balloon!

2016-05-06 Thread Joseph Alotta
I am a beginner with Squeak and the problem I am facing is not knowing how to 
go about using the tools available.

There is a lot of language information, but not a “here’s what we do” best 
practices for developers.  I don’t mean coding, but I mean, how to find the 
resource I need.  How to build your project in pieces that you can test, etc.  

What I was looking for is an Apprentice kind of relationship, but nobody seems 
interested or nearby.



> On May 6, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Kirk Fraser [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> Byte magazine which published the balloon concept for Smalltalk rising above 
> the ivory tower of a lighthouse guiding the way in a sea of computer 
> languages is out of business. I think it is time for the Squeak balloon to be 
> grounded to connect with the reality of why computer languages exist - to 
> make things easy for application developers.  So I propose all Squeak 
> developers stop "improving" Squeak for one year and spend the time writing 
> useful applications in Squeak.  That could lead to a basket of new ideas for 
> next year.  Maybe make this a regularly scheduled event - a half year for 
> applications and a half year for Squeak?
> The reason motivating this suggestion is on the advice of a Squeak-Dev 
> member, I downloaded the latest all in one and to my chagrin, I found an 
> improvement that made Squeak as worthless as a balloon full of machine gun 
> holes.The Workspace window gets halos with a right mouse click on a 
> standard 2 button laptop mouse.  So I'll return to an older Squeak for now.  
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: conceptual design help

2016-04-29 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thanks for all the help.

I like the idea of having the code sense the format of the data and acting 

For separators, I could count the number of each kind of separators in the file 
and compare it to the number of lines.  Say 3 or more separators per line.

Then I can parse by columns and look for the dominant data type.  For a column 
that is 60% matching a date type, I can assume it is a date column and the 
mismatches are headers.

The amount should be numeric.

The payee should be mostly letters, etc.

One issue I have is knowing what to call the object that does this.  It would 
not be a Transaction, because this is a function of many Transactions.

FileLoader?  FileAnalyzer?

Also, at this point I should be looking for missing dates and duplicates.  

Duplicates are troublesome, since everytime I download the file, it starts from 
the beginning of the year again.  I keep downloading them because I think they 
will only keep data for 6 months or so.  

Also duplicate transactions are valid.  Suppose I go into a coffee shop and buy 
a cup of coffee, then go back the same day, same store for a refill.

Your thoughts?




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[Newbies] conceptual design help

2016-04-28 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am writing a program to consolidate all my personal finances for tax time 
next year.  (This is not a school project.)

There are transaction files from several banks and credit card companies.  Each 
has a similar format, CSV, but they vary in many ways, order of items, extra 
notes, pipe delimited or tabs, etc.  I want to read them and load them into a 
collection of transaction objects.

1.  Should I have a FileReader object?

2.  Should it have subclasses like FileReaderAmericanExpress, 
FileReaderJPMorgan ?

3.  Or should it have different methods like loadAmericanExpresFile, 
loadJPMorganFile ?

4.  Is a Collection of Transaction objects, the structure that you would load 
the files into?

The rest of the project would be to do data checking on the files, to make sure 
there are no duplicates or missing dates.  Then write reports that I can give 
to my accountant.

I would appreciate some design help?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: go to the end of a loop

2016-04-26 Thread Joseph Alotta
thank you.  i will studying this.



> On Apr 26, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Balázs Kósi [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> categoriesByPayees := Dictionary new.
> FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'payees-by-categories.txt' do: [ :file |
> " With #readOnlyFileNamed:do: you don't have to worry about closing the 
> file,
> it ensures that #close is sent to the file, even if you leave the block 
> through an Exception. "
> [ file atEnd ] whileFalse: [
> | parts |
> parts := (file nextLine findTokens: $| escapedBy: Character tab)
> collect: #withBlanksCondensed.
> " We collect the parts #withBlanksCondensed, so we don't have to call 
> it repeatedly in the loop.
> You can use unary selectors in place of blocks with one argument. You 
> may look at the implementation
> of Collection >> #collect: and Symbol >> #value: to find out why. I'm 
> not sure what you really want is
> #findTokens:escapedBy:, it cuts the string along | characters if they 
> are not preceded by a tab."
> parts size > 1 ifTrue: [ 
> " We skip blank lines or categories without at least one payee. "
> | category |
> category := parts first.
> parts allButFirstDo: [ :payee |
> (categoriesByPayees
> at: payee
> ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ]) add: category
> " Your implementation only remembers the last category 
> encountered for a payee.
> We can collect all the categories. " ] ] ] ]​

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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: go to the end of a loop

2016-04-25 Thread Joseph Alotta
Hi Louis,

This is not a school project.  I was looking for a local tutor but could find 
none.  So this is me doing this instead of working crossword puzzles or sudukos.

So your advice would be:

(f atEnd) whileFalse: [  
line := f nextLine

(line size < 2) ifFalse:  [ “process line”].




> On Apr 25, 2016, at 10:06 AM, Louis LaBrunda [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Joe, 
> Better than checking for #nextLine answering nil, I think you can send the 
> file stream #atEnd 
> to see if there is any more data.  You would then use a #whileFalse: and move 
> the #nextLine 
> call into the second block of the whileFalse:.  Then test for empty lines 
> with something like: 
> (line size < 2) ifFalse: [...putting all the code that does the work on a 
> line with data in 
> here...]. 
> Lou 
> PS.   If this is not a school project, we can be of more help, we just don't 
> like doing 
> students projects for them as they learn more with just a few hints and not 
> real code. 
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2016 10:16:33 -0500, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> >Greetings, 
> > 
> >I have this code: 
> > 
> >** 
> > 
> >read 
> > "read the category file into the dictionary 
> > the first item is the category, the rest of the line are payees 
> > 
> > office expense|home depot|staples|costco 
> > groceries|natures best|jewel|trader joes|fresh thyme 
> > " 
> > 
> >| f line | 
> >f := FileStream oldFileNamed: myfile. 
> > 
> >[(line := f nextLine) notNil] whileTrue: [| array cat payees | 
> > 
> >   array := line  findTokens: $| escapedBy:  Character 
> > tab . 
> > 
> > cat := array first. 
> > payees := array reject: [ :i | i = cat ].   "rest of the line" 
> > 
> > payees do:  [ :p |   mydict at: (p withBlanksCondensed) put: (cat 
> > withBlanksCondensed)]. 
> >   ]. 
> > 
> > 
> >f close. 
> > 
> >* 
> > 
> >I am getting some blank lines in the data file.  Lines with just a Character 
> >cr.  I was wondering how to handle that.  In other languages, there is a 
> >break for the loop, to go to the end.  I can do: 
> > 
> >(line size < 2) ifTrue: [ f nextLine.]. 
> > 
> >But that would interfere with the notNil idiom at the end of the file.  So 
> >where do I put this.  Is there a common way to jump to the end? 
> > 
> > 
> >Sincerely, 
> > 
> > 
> >Joe.
> -- 
> Louis LaBrunda 
> Keystone Software Corp. 
> SkypeMe callto://PhotonDemon 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
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> below:
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[Newbies] go to the end of a loop

2016-04-25 Thread Joseph Alotta

I have this code:


"read the category file into the dictionary
the first item is the category, the rest of the line are payees

office expense|home depot|staples|costco
groceries|natures best|jewel|trader joes|fresh thyme

| f line |
f := FileStream oldFileNamed: myfile.

[(line := f nextLine) notNil] whileTrue: [| array cat payees |

   array := line  findTokens: $| escapedBy:  Character 
tab .

cat := array first.
payees := array reject: [ :i | i = cat 
].   "rest of the line"

payees do:  [ :p |   mydict at: (p 
withBlanksCondensed) put: (cat withBlanksCondensed)].

f close.


I am getting some blank lines in the data file.  Lines with just a Character 
cr.  I was wondering how to handle that.  In other languages, there is a break 
for the loop, to go to the end.  I can do:

(line size < 2) ifTrue: [ f nextLine.].

But that would interfere with the notNil idiom at the end of the file.  So 
where do I put this.  Is there a common way to jump to the end?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: debugging by using a global variable?

2016-04-21 Thread Joseph Alotta
Thank you.  I found the menu now.  Wow!  There is a lot of other interesting 
things there.



> On Apr 21, 2016, at 8:58 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> The menu item is behind the blue button in the workspace’s title bar:
> - Bert -
>> On 20.04.2016, at 21:00, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> bert, 
>> thanks.  I heard something ding when I dragged it, but nothing happened.  I 
>> couldn’t find the item on the menus. 
>> Sincerely, 
>> Joe. 
>> > On Apr 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] <> > href="x-msg://213/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=4891050i=0" 
>> > target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external" class="">[hidden email]> 
>> > wrote: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > On 20.04.2016, at 17:19, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
>> > > 
>> > > Greetings, 
>> > > 
>> > > My code has some complex parts and I think it would be good to pull 
>> > > parts of it out and practice with it in a workspace window. 
>> > > 
>> > > For example, I have an Array of Transaction objects, that is a instance 
>> > > variable.  It is mostly populated from reading a file. 
>> > > 
>> > > What would be the best method to extract this array? 
>> > > 
>> > > Assign it to a global variable? 
>> > That’s one way to do it. 
>> > 
>> > You can also drag that instance variable from the inspector to the 
>> > workspace, which will create a variable reference. 
>> > 
>> > In the latest trunk image this should work seamlessly: If you drop an 
>> > Array, the workspace variable will be named something like “array12345” 
>> > and be bound to that Array. 
>> > 
>> > In the stable release image, you have to first enable the workspace’s 
>> > “accept dropped morphs” flag from its menu button. It will create a 
>> > variable named “transfer12345” and put the morph in it. You will have to 
>> > refer to the Array as “transfer12345 passenger”. 
>> > 
>> > - Bert - 
>> > 
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: Help! can't see inside a Bag

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta
How did you put the screen shot in your email?

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Apr 20, 2016, at 4:54 PM, cbc [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> There is a possibility of duplicates.  For example, if I go to Starbucks buy 
>> a coffee, then buy a second cup.  There would be two transactions same 
>> amount, same day. 
>> What about OrderedCollection?
> OrderedCollection would also work, especially if you want to see what order 
> they happened in. If you just care about counting the times it happened, Bag 
> might be better.
>> How do I send #asSet to the bag, give that the bag is an instance variable 
>> in my larger object?
> In the explorer (right where you tried exploring the dictionary value in the 
> bag), select the bag variable.
> Then, down int eh bottom pane, type in 
>self asSet
> and explore that.
>> > On Apr 20, 2016, at 2:43 PM, cbc [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > HI Joe, 
>> > A Bag is a structure to hold multiple, possibly repeating, objects in it.  
>> > One of the benefits is to know how many times an object is inside of the 
>> > bag - how many times it repeats. 
>> > 
>> > Bag is implemented with a Dictionary it in - the key is the objects that 
>> > you put into the bag, and the value is the count of how many times it was 
>> > put into the bag (hence all of the 1's that you see - they were probably 
>> > just added once to the bag). 
>> > 
>> > The explorer is optimized to make Dictionary navigation fast and 
>> > convenient for normal Dictionaries - you can see and select the key, and 
>> > get to see the details of the values in the dictionary. 
>> > It is not optimized for looking at the dictionary in the Bag, where you 
>> > care about the key (and mostly not about the value - at least for your use 
>> > case). 
>> > 
>> > To explore the values in the Bag, I would suggest one of two ways of 
>> > getting at the data: 
>> > 1> send #asSet to the bag, and explore that 
>> > 2> send #keys to the dictionary, and explore that 
>> > Either should work. 
>> > 
>> > One more thing to think about - if you aren't going to have multiples of 
>> > your Transaction objects (or don't care to know that you have multiple of 
>> > them) in your Bag, you might want to consider using a Set instead. 
>> > 
>> > Thanks, 
>> > cbc 
>> >
>> > On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> > Help! 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I have a data structure as the screenshot below shows. 
>> > 
>> > There is a Bag with Transaction objects. 
>> > 
>> > I can’t see inside the Transaction objects? 
>> > 
>> > Why is there a Dictionary? 
>> > 
>> > I can see the beginning of the transaction data, but I can’t the the whole 
>> > line? 
>> > 
>> > When I explore, it opens a window on Integer 1.  Where are all the 1s 
>> > coming from? 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Sincerely, 
>> > 
>> > Joe. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > here is the link:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ___ 
>> > Beginners mailing list
>> > [hidden email]
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ___ 
>> > Beginners mailing list 
>> > [hidden email] 
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
>> > below: 
>> >
>> > To start a new topic under Squeak - Beginners, email [hidden email] 
>> > To unsubscribe from Squeak - Beginners, click here. 
>> > NAML
>> View this message in context: Re: Help! can't see inside a Bag
>> Sent from the Squeak - Beginners mailing list archive at
>> ___
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>> [hidden email]
> ___ 
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> [hidden email] 
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[Newbies] Re: Help! can't see inside a Bag

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta
There is a possibility of duplicates.  For example, if I go to Starbucks buy a 
coffee, then buy a second cup.  There would be two transactions same amount, 
same day.

What about OrderedCollection?

How do I send #asSet to the bag, give that the bag is an instance variable in 
my larger object?

> On Apr 20, 2016, at 2:43 PM, cbc [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> HI Joe,
> A Bag is a structure to hold multiple, possibly repeating, objects in it.  
> One of the benefits is to know how many times an object is inside of the bag 
> - how many times it repeats.
> Bag is implemented with a Dictionary it in - the key is the objects that you 
> put into the bag, and the value is the count of how many times it was put 
> into the bag (hence all of the 1's that you see - they were probably just 
> added once to the bag).
> The explorer is optimized to make Dictionary navigation fast and convenient 
> for normal Dictionaries - you can see and select the key, and get to see the 
> details of the values in the dictionary.
> It is not optimized for looking at the dictionary in the Bag, where you care 
> about the key (and mostly not about the value - at least for your use case).
> To explore the values in the Bag, I would suggest one of two ways of getting 
> at the data:
> 1> send #asSet to the bag, and explore that
> 2> send #keys to the dictionary, and explore that
> Either should work.
> One more thing to think about - if you aren't going to have multiples of your 
> Transaction objects (or don't care to know that you have multiple of them) in 
> your Bag, you might want to consider using a Set instead.
> Thanks,
> cbc
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Help!
> I have a data structure as the screenshot below shows.
> There is a Bag with Transaction objects.
> I can’t see inside the Transaction objects?
> Why is there a Dictionary?
> I can see the beginning of the transaction data, but I can’t the the whole 
> line?
> When I explore, it opens a window on Integer 1.  Where are all the 1s coming 
> from?
> Sincerely,
> Joe.
> here is the link:
> ___
> Beginners mailing list
> [hidden email]
> ___ 
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[Newbies] Re: Help!! screenshot bounced

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta
okay, i did, but it shouldn’t be this hard.

> On Apr 20, 2016, at 10:18 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> On 20.04.2016, at 17:42, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > I would like to send the list a screenshot of my problem, but it bounced.  
> > What is the appropriate way of sharing a screenshot? 
> Upload your screenshot somewhere and send the URL to the list. 
> - Bert - 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
>  smime.p7s (5K) Download Attachment
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> below:
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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: debugging by using a global variable?

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta

thanks.  I heard something ding when I dragged it, but nothing happened.  I 
couldn’t find the item on the menus.



> On Apr 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Bert Freudenberg [via Smalltalk] 
> <> wrote:
> > On 20.04.2016, at 17:19, Joseph Alotta <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> > 
> > Greetings, 
> > 
> > My code has some complex parts and I think it would be good to pull parts 
> > of it out and practice with it in a workspace window. 
> > 
> > For example, I have an Array of Transaction objects, that is a instance 
> > variable.  It is mostly populated from reading a file. 
> > 
> > What would be the best method to extract this array? 
> > 
> > Assign it to a global variable?
> That’s one way to do it. 
> You can also drag that instance variable from the inspector to the workspace, 
> which will create a variable reference. 
> In the latest trunk image this should work seamlessly: If you drop an Array, 
> the workspace variable will be named something like “array12345” and be bound 
> to that Array. 
> In the stable release image, you have to first enable the workspace’s “accept 
> dropped morphs” flag from its menu button. It will create a variable named 
> “transfer12345” and put the morph in it. You will have to refer to the Array 
> as “transfer12345 passenger”. 
> - Bert - 
> ___ 
> Beginners mailing list 
> [hidden email] 
>  smime.p7s (5K) Download Attachment
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> below:
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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Help! can't see inside a Bag

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta

I have a data structure as the screenshot below shows.

There is a Bag with Transaction objects.

I can’t see inside the Transaction objects?

Why is there a Dictionary?

I can see the beginning of the transaction data, but I can’t the the whole line?

When I explore, it opens a window on Integer 1.  Where are all the 1s coming 



here is the link:

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Help!! screenshot bounced

2016-04-20 Thread Joseph Alotta
I would like to send the list a screenshot of my problem, but it bounced.  What 
is the appropriate way of sharing a screenshot?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: f(x, y) or Table

2016-04-13 Thread Joseph Alotta

> On Apr 13, 2016, at 8:15 PM, jelena [via Smalltalk] 
>  wrote:
> ___ 
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> below:
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[Newbies] f(x, y) or Table

2016-04-13 Thread Joseph Alotta

I find a lot of my data needs two indices, f(x,y) instead of one, f(x).

f(x) would be implemented easily with a Dictionary,

but how do you implement f(x,y)?

I guess this is another way of asking is there a Table object or a Tuple object,

of even a graphics object Screen that has x,y coordinates with a value?



Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Need a local tutor for Squeak

2016-04-05 Thread Joseph Alotta
I need a local person to help me with Squeak Smalltalk.  I like in the
Western suburbs of Chicago, in Downers Grove.  I want someone to show me all
the things I am missing and to help me use the tools more effectively.

I am thinking we could meet at a coffee shop once a week for an hour.  I
would pay for each lesson, $70.


Joe Alotta

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