[Newbies] Newbie Image Blowout

2008-11-22 Thread Tony Giaccone

Ok so this is kind of a Seaside Question, but also kind of a Newb  
question. I'm going to ask it here because I think it's mostly a  
newbie problem.

I created a seaside app, that seemed to hang the smalltalk process.   
When I hit the URL the page never rendered, and the image seemed to  
freeze up.

In fact it brought my Mac pretty much to it's knees. I assume some  
kind of infinite loop sucked up all the swap space.

Subsequent restarts of the image showed the same behavior.

In the end I seem to have ended up corrupting my image, by forcing a  
quit in the middle of a save that was taking forever.

So now when I try to restart my Squeak/Seaside image, I get the message:

Read failed or premature end of Image file.

after that image, the Squeak process crashes.

I think I'm kind of in a bad place. I've done development over the  
course of several days.   Have I lost all that work? Is there any kind  
of journal file that might have changes to the image?  How badly am I  
toasted when my image goes south like this? Should I be making copies  
of the image as an additional protection strategy?

Tony Giaccone
Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] body tag in seaside

2008-11-21 Thread Tony Giaccone

I've made a casual examination, and I can't quite figure out which  
component creates the body tag.
Of course I want to be able to set the class, but what I'd really like  
is  for someone to point me to a place where I can read about how to  
do this?

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Removing a method...

2008-11-09 Thread Tony Giaccone

I'm working with the SeaSide Squeak Image.   5.8-578.

Try as I might to be prefect. Sometimes I make a mistake and create a  
method with a signature it shouldn't have. So I try to use the   
Refactor Method- remove,  menu selection.

When I do this, I get a waring about  Browse References.

If I say no, nothing seems to happen.

I I say yes, I get a References To: browser with pointers to other  
classes where a method (message?) with the same signature is used   
However, none of those references will ever be to my class, they are  
made against classes that already exists.

I don't want to touch those references, but I do want to remove my  

How do I do that? It's totally not clear to me.

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Total newb...

2008-10-14 Thread Tony Giaccone
Ok, so I'm really new to smalltalk. I've done a few basic tutorials  
and have a simple understanding of the syntax. My pervious programing  
experience is mostly java/C with a bit of Objective C in the mix.

I'm trying to figure out how to do what seems like a simple thing.

I have a set, I'd like to find out if an object exists in the set.

In a general form. Let's use the a relatively simple case.

Assume I have classes Rock Paper and Scissors.

validHands := Set new.
validHands add: Rock new; add Paper new; add Scissors  new.

Assume I have a player object which responds to the method   
throwsAHand with an instance of Rock Paper or Scissors.

how do I craft

validHands contains: aPlayer throwsAHand

I know that contains: takes a block, and that this isn't correctly  
done.. but I'm trying to get the a handle on how to do this.
The intent is to return a boolean, that indicates if the object the  
player threw is in the Set of valid objects that can be thrown.


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