[Newbies] Re: Adding menu options to Omnibrowser

2009-05-24 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Rob,

I haven't done this in a while but I believe you need to do this:

- Create a subclass of OBCommand. This class will be responsible for 
indicating when the menu option should be shown, how it is shown and how 
it should be performed. I think there's more, but I don't know what.

- Implement #isActive to indicate when your menu option should be shown. 
For example, I think this will limit you to class side methods:

  ^ (target isKindOf: OBMethodNode)
and: [(target classNode isKindOf: OBMetaclassNode)
  and: [requestor isSelected: target]]

You may want to add a constraint to limit this to unary selectors 
otherwise you'll have to prompt for arguments.

- Implement #execute. This will actually do the work. If you're just 
dealing with unary methods then something like this is probably what you 

  target theNonMetaClass perform: target selector

So here you could prompt for arguemnts, inspect the result, do whatever.

- Implement #label, #longDescription, #group, #keystroke to control the 
display of your menu. Have a look at the other OBCommand subclasses for 

- Link up your command by adding a cmdXXX method to OBCodeBrowser. 
Basically you need a method like:


Have a look at the "commands" protocol to see what I mean.

The next browser you open should have your new menu option. There are 
many existing OBCommand subclasses you can examine for inspiration.

Hope this helps,

Rob Rothwell wrote:
I thought it would be nice to add a right click option to class methods 
that "ran" that method...for use with examples and such.

So, for example, instead of typing "MyClass exampleThisOrThat," when 
browsing you could just right click and "run it."

Any tips on where to start?  I have no knowledge of OB...


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[Newbies] Re: [on] how to match partial regexes? how to match and delete string prefixes?

2009-03-29 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Oscar,

Oscar Nierstrasz wrote:

Hi Folks,

Is there a way ask a regex if it matches any part of a string?  matches: 
wants an exact match, and matchesPrefix: clearly only matches a prefix.  
The best I found was to abuse matchesIn: and check the size of the 
response, but this is not very clean.

Have a look at #search: as I think this will help you.


A second question: I would like to strip a string prefix if it matches.  
Since this is a literal string, I should not need regexes.  But I cannot 
find a nice existing method to do this.  With regexes I must escape all 
special regex chars:

I can't think of anything off the top of my head but the great thing 
about smalltalk is you can easily add what you need. For example, you 
could use #beginsWith: when adding a method to String.

copyReplacePrefix: prefix with: replacement
  self beginsWith: prefix
ifTrue: [^ replacement , (self copyFrom: prefix size to: self size)]
  ^ self

Then you will be able to do:

'abracadabra' copyReplacePrefix: 'abra' with: ''

Next step would be to write a few unit tests and then attach both as to 
an enhancement request at http://bugs.squeak.org.

aliasesAsRegexes ifNil: [
aliasesAsRegexes := aliases collect: [:alias |
alias := '\/' asRegex copy: alias replacingMatchesWith: '\/'.
alias := '\~' asRegex copy: alias replacingMatchesWith: '\~'.
alias := '\:' asRegex copy: alias replacingMatchesWith: '\:'.
alias := '\.' asRegex copy: alias replacingMatchesWith: '\.'.
alias asRegex
^ aliasesAsRegexes

I don't think /, ~ or : have any special meaning so why do you need to 
escape them? Even if you did, a better way might be to do:

  copyWithRegex: '[/~:.]'
  matchesTranslatedUsing: [:ea | '\' , ea]

But if you're just replacing '.' then you can use:

alias copyReplaceAll: '.' with: '\.'

Hope this helps.

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Why do lengthy installations "shut down" Squeak?

2009-02-24 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Rob,

Rob Rothwell wrote:
Just wondering why, since Squeak has processes, when install something 
large via the Universe Browser, etc... I can't do anything else in 
Squeak while it is installing?  Is this by design?

It seems like it could just be a low priority background task and you 
could keep working...

Was hoping a Monticello/Universe expert would chip in but since they 
haven't here's my 2 pence.

Firstly, I suspect no one has tried to do background code loading. Apart 
from some very large packages like Magma, it's usually bearable. And, if 
they did try and do background loading it wouldn't be straightforward.

For instance, if you're loading a package that makes signficant UI code 
changes such as Polymorph then I suspect it would be dangerous to keep 

Or if you're making changes to classes that are being loaded your 
changes may be clobbered or vice versa,

Hope this helps.

- Zulq
Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Number formatting printf/sprintf for Squeak?

2009-02-16 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Lukas,

Lukas Renggli wrote:

| printer |
printer := WASequentialPrinter new , 'CHF ' , WASignPrinter new ,
(WANumberPrinter new separator: $'; precision: 2; accuracy: 0.05;

self assert: (printer print: 12.34) = 'CHF 12.35'.
self assert: (printer print: -12.39) = 'CHF -12.40'

Are there any plans to develop this into a more compact form?

For example (ugly, sorry!): 'CHF {f+-,.05}' % #(12.34).

I'm always disappointed with Squeak's string formatting/generation 
facilities and if Seaside has this framework, maybe it is a good base 
for compact string format language?

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Splitting Excel csv into lines

2008-12-27 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Stephan,

It's a bit hard to understand. Especially without tests. I would 
probably split it into a few methods such that each method tells the 
reader a manageable chunk of what is going on. I've sketched a few other 
things as well to give you some ideas:

splitIntoLines: aString
  | in |
  in := aString readStream.
  ^ Array streamContents: [:out |
[in atEnd] whileFalse: [
  out nextPut: (self readLine: in)

readLine: aStream
  inQuote := false. "instance variable "
  " Use a stream to build the string instead of #, "
  ^ String streamContents: [:out |
| char |
" Give clear indication of what an end of line is "
[((char := aStream next) = Character cr) and: [inQuote not]]
  whileFalse: [self readNext: aStream onto: out].
" Use stream methods where you can"
aStream peekFor: Character lf]

readNext: inStream onto: outStream
  | char |
  char := inStream last. " the loop calls next for us "
  " This used to be ifTrue: [ ifTrue: [ with no ifFalse: "
  (char = $" and: [inQuote]) ifTrue:[
" Common tasks given to helper methods "
char := self lookFor: Character tab on: inStream.
char := self lookFor: Character tab on: inStream
  ifFound: [inQuote := false].
  char = (Character tab) ifTrue:[
inQuote ifTrue: [inQuote := false]
  ifFalse: [
self lookFor: Character tab in: aStream
  ifFound: [inQuote := false].
  " BTW, not sure this was right - don't you want CRs
  that aren't part of EOLs? "
  char = (Character cr) ifFalse: [out nextPut: char]

lookFor: aCharacter in: aStream
  ^ self lookFor: aCharacter in: aStream ifFound: []

lookFor: aCharacter in: aStream ifFound: aBlock
  aStream peek = aCharacter ifTrue: [
aBlock value.
^ aStream next.
  ^ aStream last

Hope this helps,


step...@stack.nl wrote:

String lines doesn't handle separating Excel copy-and-paste very well,
because soft enters in a cell get splitted into separate lines.

Ive done now:

splitIntoLines: aString
"Return a collection with the string-lines of the receiver."

| input char temp inQuote|
input := aString readStream.
^ Array streamContents: [ :output |
temp := ''.
inQuote := false.
[ input atEnd ] whileFalse: [
char := input next.
char = $" ifTrue: [
inQuote ifTrue:[
input peek = (Character tab) ifTrue: [
char := input next.].
input peek = (Character cr) ifTrue: [
char := input next.
inQuote := false]]].
char = (Character tab) ifTrue:[
inQuote ifTrue: [ inQuote := false]
ifFalse: [
input peek= $" ifTrue: [
input next.
char = (Character cr)
ifFalse: [temp := temp, char asString]
ifTrue: [
inQuote ifFalse: [
output nextPut: temp.
input peek = Character lf ifTrue: [input next]

I would be interested in (speed & elegance & mistakes) improvements to it.


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Squeak Guilt

2008-12-16 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Ryan,

How about taking some Java libraries relevant to your area of interest 
and porting them to Squeak/Smalltalk?

I've ended up using Python for most of my work because of the libraries 
available (BeautifulSoup is one). Although Python is OK, I would love to 
be working in a Smalltalk environment. To keep involved in 
Squeak/Smalltalk I have been porting some of the libraries that forced 
the decision. This meant reading and understanding a lot of relevant 
Python code and working in Squeak on something the community may find 
useful. It seems like a good compromise to me.

Now if only I had time to release something useable? ;)

- Zulq

Ryan Zerby wrote:

I'm in a position where I want to learn Squeak/Smalltalk because it's
cool, but I find myself thinking that I should spend my time working
on something that might actually advance my career.  I used to be a
Java Programmer, but am now a Build Engineer, so  I don't directly
program anymore.  I feel that I should be keeping my Java skills up...
but that just isn't as spiffy

Anyone else in this boat? Is there a Squeak Support Group? A 12 step
program?  Anyone have a good rationale why I can go ahead and spend my
time on Squeak without feeling guilty? :) :)

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Saving DNU for later

2008-12-16 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Tim,

You can use mail out bug report. You get to preview the email before it 
is sent. You can then either change the To: and send it yourself or copy 
the text you require.

- Zulq.

tjohn...@iwu.edu wrote:


I was saving a few DNU debug opportunities "to be investigated later" just by minimizing 
their windows.  Today though I have been clearing out cruft.  It appears that my few DNU 
saves are holding on to some objects I would like to get rid of, but I don't want to get rid of 
these DNUs!  How can I save them for later?  If I "fileOut" from the debug stack's menu, it 
only files out the class method.  I could "mail out bug report," but then I think it will go to 
the squeak-dev mailing list and people will yell at me.  I could get out a piece of paper and a 
pencil, but that would take a while.  I guess I could take a screenshot...

I could have sworn there was some way to just get the stack as text and save to a file, wasn't 


[super-ideally, I could just hit a button, and the issue would be sent to someone who cares, 
or to Mantis, or into some other bit bucket, so I'm not sitting here pretending I can debug 
Morphic or streams...]

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: new vs. initialize

2008-12-10 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Greg,

My comments are below...

Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc. wrote:

> Now I read on the WWW that the added sending of #initialize from
> Behaviour>>new was added in 3.9.

Where did you read this? I've been using Squeak for a few years and as 
far as I know the default implementation of #new has always sent 

The history of Behaviour>>new shows one version dated 23-8-2003. This is 
well before 3.9.

Just for fun I did a search for senders of #basicNew and I found quite a 
few which are from #new methods in classes which subclass directly from 
Object and which are in classes that also define their own #initialize 
method.  The curious bit is how some of these #new methods do send 
#initialize, but not all.  I'm guessing some that don't are for abstract 
classes, but is it true that all are?

There are a number of reasons one might call #basicNew, e.g. 
compatibility with other dialects, limiting use of #new by signalling an 
error, avoiding the normal initialisation from an alternative 
constructor, etc. In most cases "super new" would also work.

Those that call intitialize may do so because they still need that 
method to be called, perhaps after doing something else. Some call it 
for compatability...

Also, doesn't this still create an _enormous_ portability problem with 
other Smalltalks?

Have a look at what Seaside and other cross dialect projects do. I 
believe but am not sure they all have some sort of "self basicNew 
initialize" on all their top level classes.

- Zulq
Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Inspector instances

2008-12-07 Thread Zulq Alam

Once you have the window you can #delete it. There may better (safer?) ways.

(Inspector allInstances gather:
  [:e | e dependents collect:
[:d | d window]])
  asSet do: [:e | e delete]

- Zulq

Claus Kick wrote:

Hello everyone,

I tried to update my Squeak image a bit.

Since I wanted an uninterrupted update, I changed 
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10>>loadTogether:merge: a bit, as not to throw a 
walkback window saying "The changes should be reviewed".

Unfortunately, I forgot to comment out opening the inspector as well. 
Then I started the update and had dinner. I think one or two warnings 
kept creeping up (replacing changed classes - where can you get rid of 
that message btw?)

So, now I have an updated 3.10 Image and a million (at least it feels as 
if) Inspectors open.

Now, in other Smalltalks you do just that

Inspector allInstances do:[:win | win close]


Inspector allInstances do:[:in | in mainWindow close].

I tried getting the SystemWindow of each Inspector instance, but sending 
#close to it just yields yet another walkback.

How do you do that in Squeak? I spent the last half hour browsing 
through Morph, its Subclasses and ToolSet (trying to understand what 
acutally happens if you inspect an Object).

Please help a poor updater :D

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Transcript usage

2008-12-04 Thread Zulq Alam

This is probably not the best way but has worked for me...

To create a new transcript:

  t := TranscriptStream new.
  t open.

With #open you can create any number of windows on the same transcript 
stream. All of these views are kept in the ivar 'dependents'. So you 
could do:

  (t dependents at: 1) minimize.
  (t dependents at: 1) restore.
  (t dependents at: 1) maximize.
  t dependents do: [:e | e restore].

Note that there may be other things in the dependents collection such as 
any basic inspectors you have open on the object.

The global var 'Transcript', which you probably use in your code, refers 
to the instance of TranscriptStream available via the menu 
World->open...transcript. So if you want to manipulate the "main" 

  Transcript dependents: [:e | e restore]

Hope this helps.


Sophie (itsme213) wrote:

How do I programatically:

- Find an existing Transcript window, or create a new one
- View it (if it was previously docked or minimized)


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: pretty printing

2008-09-28 Thread Zulq Alam
An awkward pretty print is a good sign you need to simplify. I would use 
another method for the case statement. You couldn't use collect because 
for each character as you are not collecting characters but strings when 
you escape.

Perhaps something like...

escapeString: aString
  ^ String streamContents:
[:aStream |
aString do:
  [:eachCharacter |
  aStream nextPutAll: (self escapeCharacter: eachCharacter)]

escapeCharacter: aCharacter
   aCharacter = $< ifTrue: [^ '<'].
   aCharacter = $> ifTrue: [^ '>'].
   aCharacter = $' ifTrue: [^ '''].
   aCharacter = $& ifTrue: [^ '&'].
   ^ aCharacter asString

I use #streamContents: a lot as #, causes a lot of unnecessary Strings 
to be created and also unnecessary work.

I rarely use the pretty printer but instead aim to keep my methods short 
and simple.


Mark Volkmann wrote:

Here is how one of my methods was pretty printed.

escape: aString
"escapes special characters in XML text"
| result |
result := ''.
do: [:char | result := result
, (char caseOf: {
[$<] -> ['<'].
[$>] -> ['>'].
[$'] -> ['''].
[$"] -> ['"'].
[$&] -> ['&']}
 otherwise: [char asString])].
^ result

Yikes! To my beginner eyes, that doesn't look good. What's the deal with 
the excessive indentation?

BTW, comments better ways to do what this code does are welcomed. Could 
I use collect for this?

Mark Volkmann

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Tools flap icon order

2008-09-27 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Mark,

Not sure if this is the best way but you can change the order of the 
tools flap by modifying Flaps(class)>>#defaultsQuadsDefiningToolsFlap. 
When you are done do: "Flaps replaceToolsFlap".

Note that the current order may not match the defaults defined in 
#defaultsQuadsDefiningToolsFlap. I suspect this is because the flap 
object has evolved to it's current state. This was the case in my image.


Mark Volkmann wrote:

Is there an easy way to change the order of the buttons on the Tools flap?
It seems like they should either be in alphabetical order or in order by 
how frequently they are used.
To my beginner eyes it doesn't seem that either is the case since 
Browser is at the bottom.

Mark Volkmann

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: What is the simplest way to create a collection from a text file in CSV format?

2008-09-10 Thread Zulq Alam

I ususally do something like this:

(((FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'file.csv')
  contentsOfEntireFile   " read and close "
findTokens: String crlf) " split into lines "
  reject: [:e | e isEmpty])  " lose empty lines "
collect: [:e | e findTokens: $,] " split into fields "


Andy Burnett wrote:
I have a small database containing questionnaire responses. The DB can 
output the responses (mainly descriptive paragraphs) in CSV format.  
Ideally, I would like to read each of the records into a collection of 
some kind.  I was hoping that there might be a 'fromCSV:' method, but I 
haven't found one.  One approach I had thought about was to edit the 
text so in order to create a series of array definitions, and then paste 
that into a workspace. However, that does lack a bit of elegance! So, is 
there a neat way of doing this?


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Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Binary file I/O performance problems

2008-09-02 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi David,

You could try using stream next: 4 to read the 4 bytes in one go:

[StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'Base.image' do:
[:stream |
[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
[stream next.
stream next.
stream next.
stream next.]]] timeToRun
" 328505 "

[StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'Base.image' do:
[:stream |
stream binary.
[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
[stream next: 4]]] timeToRun
" 144469 "

If you can, read larger chunks:

[StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'Base.image' do:
[:stream |
stream binary.
[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
[stream next: 2048]]] timeToRun
" 343 "

[StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'Base.image' do:
[:stream |
stream binary.
[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
[stream next: 2048]]] timeToRun
" 197 "

I'm surprised there isn't a generic class for this, like 
java.io.BufferedInputStream. Perhaps I haven't discovered it yet. Anyone?


David Finlayson wrote:

There are at 4 calls to stream next for each integer and sure enough,
a profile of the code (attached below) shows that most of the time is
being lost in the StandardFileStream basicNext and next methods. There
must be a better way to do this. Scaled up to operational code, I will
need to process about 40 Gb of data per day. My C code currently takes
about 16 cpu hours to do this work (including number crunching). In
Squeak, just reading the data would take 3 cpu months!

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Howto find all subclass responsibilities for a given Class

2008-08-16 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Felix,

A method may be required explicitly:

self subclassResponsibility

or implicity:

self requiredMethod

where #requiredMethod has not been implemented.

You can see all of these by sending your class #requiredSelectors, for 

  MyMorph requiredSelectors asArray
  "prints: #(#addWorldHaloMenuItemsTo:hand: #slotName etc..."

Or alternativlely, if you are using the OmniBrowser you can install 
DynamicProtocols which will add a "-- required --" protocol dynamically 
when you are browsing.

The required dynamic protocol will include all the methods returned by 
#requiredSelectors. If you select one of these methods you will be shown 
a simple template for implementing the method.


Felix Dorner wrote:

I am playing around with Morphs to create a Board for the ancient Go
game. Given that I'd like to create a completely new kind of Morph
(i.e. a Class that extends Morph), I'd like to find out which methods
in the Morph class are defined as subclass responsibilities. Is there
any fast way to do such a kind of search?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Fighting again with MC

2008-08-11 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Giuseppe,

I'm not familiar with the code in question but it seems like somehow you 
have a category named '' (empty string).

If I am correct, then the following should evaluate to true:

  InciGestApp organization categories includes: ''

And, if it does, it may or may not have methods:

InciGestApp allMethodsInCategory: ''

I am not sure how this could have happened or how to fix it, but if it 
is the case perhaps someone else could suggest a safe solution.


Giuseppe Luigi Punzi wrote:

Still with the same problem :(

The class giving me problems is InciGestApp, a WebApplication children. 
But, IncigestApp is under Aida category, under InciGest package. All 
seems ok.

I uploaded a DebugReport if someone can take a look.



Giuseppe Luigi Punzi escribió:

Hi all,

Is the second time I'm having  troubles with simple changes to my 
package :S, and I can't figure out what I'm doing bad.

I'm working in a little app. I did it 2 minor changes writing some 
comments on Doc side of a class, one line on a method commented and so 

Now, I'm trying to commit to my MC repository, and I get an:
Error: Subscript Out Of Bounds: 1

Following the debugger, seems the error is in:
foreignExtensionMethodsForClass: aClass
   ^ (self foreignExtensionCategoriesForClass: aClass)
   gather: [:cat | (aClass organization listAtCategoryNamed: cat)
 collect: [:sel | self referenceForMethod: sel 
ofClass: aClass]]

where 'cat' is nil. But I don't know wich Category is this.

Some advice?

Note: Debug Report attached. 

Beginners mailing list

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: if absent put nil (Riaan)

2008-08-06 Thread Zulq Alam
I would probably do as Klaus suggests but you could also use a cascade 
and then #ifEmpty:. For example:

self workSession attendees
  do: [:each | html text: each person displayString]
separatedBy: [html text: '; '] ;
  ifEmpty: [html text: 'NO ATTENDEES']  

Note the cascade ";" at the end of the third line. This sends 
#do:seperatedBy: and then sends #ifEmpty: to the collection returned by 
#attendees. Of course, #ifEmpty: and #do:separatedBy: will only do 
something if the collection is either empty or not.


Riaan van Aarde (SpeCon Eng.) wrote:

I have the following code

renderAttendeesOn: html
self workSession attendees do: [:each | html text: each person
			separatedBy: [html text:'; '.]

if there is no attendees for my worksession, it needs to display : NO

Please assist.

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Another extension proposal -> subsets

2008-07-25 Thread Zulq Alam

Nicolas Cellier wrote:

the algorithm you are proposing is very simple but has major problems:

1) it is not efficient for large size n: it will do (n factorial) loops when
only (2 raisedTo: n) are necessary

It's better than N! because it will not loop over a set already 
processed. For instance, for a set of 5 elements it will try 81 sets but 
only process 32 of these. Not 120 in either case (5 factorial).

2) each loop will result in a costly hash lookup.
Your hashBlock involve LargeInteger of size (B raisedTo: p) where

It doesn't need to. That was just a very rough attempt at producing a 
hash that didn't evaluate to only 16 values. It should be possible to 
create one that produces SmallIntegers but with a higher cardinality.

3) the algorithm must store all partitions even if we don't want to collect but
just to iterate on partitions.


No offense, but you'd better not bother opening a mantis issue for this time.

Agreed. I was just curious about why the naive algorithm was so slow and 
then as a seperate question how one gets such changes in.

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Another extension proposal -> subsets

2008-07-24 Thread Zulq Alam

Klaus D. Witzel wrote:

Squeak looks to be already fast in this case, your routine is almost 
optimal :) Implementing it in Set so that Set's internal can be of 
benefit won't bring these figures down much -- what remains is (aSet 
includes: another), times #copyWithout: loop, and that seems to be 

It's significantly faster with a more appropriate hashing function:

{2->0 . 3->0 . 4->1 . 5->1 . 6->3 . 7->9 . 8->22 . 9->59 . 10->138 . 
11->305 . 12->686 . 13->1640 . 14->4366 . 15->10550 . 16->28104 . 
17->93373 . 18->303425}

  | combinations |
  combinations := (PluggableSet new: (2 raisedTo: self size))
  [:aSet |
inject: aSet size
into: [:hash :each | hash * each hash + each]];
  self combinationsInto: combinations.
  ^ combinations

combinationsInto: aSet
  (aSet includes: self) ifTrue: [^ self].
  aSet add: self.
  self do:
[:each |
(self copyWithout: each) combinationsInto: aSet].   

I think the problem is that most of the sets contain similar data so the 
hashes (calculated with bitXor) tend towards to a small set of values. 
This means there are a lot of collisions and each #add: and #includes: 
is very expensive.

How about naming

^ self asSet powersetInto: (Set new: (2 raisedTo: self size))

with Set>>#powersetInto: and putting that into the next release.

Even now, I'm still not clear on how one takes a change like this and 
drives it into a squeak release - Tests, Mantis, then what?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Another extension proposal -> subsets

2008-07-24 Thread Zulq Alam
Actually, we don't need #permutationsDo: as we're only looking for 
combinations. With a few optimisations:

  ^ self combinationsInto: (Set new: (2 raisedTo: self size))

combinationsInto: aSet
  (aSet includes: self) ifTrue: [^ self]. "optimisation"
  aSet add: self.
  self do:
[:each |
(self copyWithout: each) combinationsInto: aSet].   
  ^ aSet

[(1 to: 8) asSet combinations] timeToRun "215"
[(1 to: 9) asSet combinations] timeToRun "918"
[(1 to: 10) asSet combinations] timeToRun "3989"
[(1 to: 11) asSet combinations] timeToRun "16349" 
[(1 to: 12) asSet combinations] timeToRun  "68780"

So a little better, but I was expecting much more. What's worrying is this:

(1 to: 10) asSet combinations size  "1024"
((1 to: 10) asSet combinations collect: [:e | e hash]) asSet size "16"

So, 1024 distinct Sets have only 16 distinct hashes between them? That 
seems pretty bad. It would probably be possible to get a little bit more 
out of the routine with a better (more appropriate) hash function. Even 
so, I don't think it will ever be as fast as your method but will 
happily be proved wrong! :)


cdrick wrote:

 | subsets |
 subsets := Set with: self.
 self asArray permutationsDo: [:e | subsets add: e asSet].
 self do: [:e | subsets addAll: (self copyWithout: e) subsets].
 ^ subsets

nice too and frustrating how you got it quick :)

I tried a recursive method too first but found the byte ressemblance so...
My only consolation is that the recursive solution (subsets2) is
slower and hardly work for Set with more than 10 elements.

set := #(1 2 3 4 5) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun ." 1"
[ set subsets2  ] timeToRun. " 8"

set := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun ." 5"
[ set subsets2  ] timeToRun. " 233"

set := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun . " 11"
[ set subsets2  ] timeToRun. " 1683"

set := (1 to: 10) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun . " 46"

set := (1 to: 15) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun ." 2484"

set := (1 to: 20) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun .  "559953"  "but here the result has (2
raisedTo: 20)  1 048 576 Sets :)"

set := (1 to: 50) asSet.
[ set subsets  ] timeToRun ."I got a "space is low   wow" :)

I have to go,
That was fun :)

See you


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[Newbies] Re: Another extension proposal -> subsets

2008-07-23 Thread Zulq Alam
Couldn't find anything obvious but remembered #permutationsDo: which may 
help. Not sure if these does what you want, but maybe it can be adapted?

  | subsets |
  subsets := Set with: self.
  self asArray permutationsDo: [:e | subsets add: e asSet].
  self do: [:e | subsets addAll: (self copyWithout: e) subsets].
  ^ subsets

#(1 2) asSet subsets.
"a Set(a Set(1 2) a Set() a Set(2) a Set(1))"

#(1 2 3) asSet subsets.
"a Set(a Set(1 2) a Set() a Set(2) a Set(1 2 3) a Set(2 3) a Set(3) a 
Set(1 3) a Set(1))"


cdrick wrote:

When we don't find method, we reinvent the wheel. Ok, so this is what
happened with my quest on rounding float. So here is another example.
I needed a method subsets ... to have all subsets of a Set...

#(1 2 ) asSet subsets " -> a Set(a Set(1 2) a Set(1) a Set(2) a Set()) "

Is there already something ? I couldn't find so here is what I did ?
probably hackish (because of the binary mask) so feel free to comment

| subsetsSize subsets workArray |
workArray := self asArray.
subsetsSize := 2 raisedTo: self size.
subsets := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: subsetsSize do: [:ea |
subsets add: ((workArray masquedBy: (ea printStringBase: 2))
asSet)]. "masque par une conversion binaire"
^subsets asSet  "could be an array of sets"

ArrayedCollection>>masquedBy: aBitString
| result entry bitString |
entry := self reverse.
bitString := aBitString reverse.
result := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: (self size) do: [:ea |
 ((bitString  at: ea ifAbsent: []) = $1) ifTrue: [result add: 
at: ea)]].
^result reverse


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[Newbies] Re: Rouding Floats up to a number of decimals - Method Finder

2008-07-23 Thread Zulq Alam

Are #truncateTo: and #roundTo: what you want?

1.2288 roundTo: 1 "1"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.1  "1.2"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.01  "1.23"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.001  "1.229"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.0001  "1.2288"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.05  "1.25"
1.2288 roundTo: 0.002  "1.228"

1.2288 truncateTo: 1 "1"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.1 "1.2"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.01 "1.22"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.001 "1.228"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.0001 "1.2288"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.05 "1.2"
1.2288 truncateTo: 0.002  "1.228"


cdrick wrote:

So anybody has an idea of methods that truncate/round Floats ?

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: How to shorten a method (using inject: into: ?)

2008-07-22 Thread Zulq Alam
Yes, it's not a good idea to couple your classes with others for 
frivolous reasons. I just wanted to see how tersely it could be 
expressed with #inject:into:.


stan shepherd wrote:

Is there a style issue with introducing an object type which is not part of
the problem? Is point often used like this- it's being treated as a
shorthand form of an array of 2 elements which has some handy methods, is it

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: How to shorten a method (using inject: into: ?)

2008-07-21 Thread Zulq Alam

Using #inject:into and Point objects to store the totals:

  | totals |
  totals := Forecaster testMale meiose inject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] into:
[:subtotals :strand |
subtotals + (strand maternalCount @ strand maternalCount)].
  self should: [totals = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The point notation makes it look very clean (to me).


stan shepherd wrote:

So until the next cunning suggestion

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: How to shorten a method (using inject: into: ?)

2008-07-21 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Stan,

How about using #detectSum:?

pTotal := Forecaster testMale meiose
detectSum: [:strand | strand testRun paternalCount].
mTotal := Forecaster testMale meiose
detectSum: [:strand | strand testRun maternalCount].
self should: [mTotal = 100 and: [pTotal = 100]] 

Other methods of this variety include #detectMin:, #detectMax: and 
#count: and possibly others.


stan shepherd wrote:

Hi, I have the following method, that code critics flags as long:

| testSet mCount pCount mTotal pTotal |
pTotal := 0.
mTotal := 0.
Forecaster testMale meiose
		do: [:strand | 
			testSet := strand testRun.

mCount := testSet maternalCount.
pCount := testSet paternalCount.
mTotal := mTotal + mCount.
pTotal := pTotal + pCount].
should: [mTotal = 100
and: [pTotal = 100]]

I'm trying to shorten it, including various attempts with inject: into: ,
but with no success. Any tips please?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Regular Expression Question

2008-01-26 Thread Zulq Alam

pbohuch wrote:

testString := 'this is a test'.
testCollection := '(^\s*)|(\s)|\w+' asRegex matchesIn: testString.

If I execute this in a workspace, I get an infinite loop. I think it's a 
problem with the expression - don't ^\s* and \w+ look for the same 
thing? Anyway, wouldn't '\w+|\s+' do what you want?

'this is a test' allRegexMatches: '\w+|\s+'
"=> ('this' ' ' 'is' ' ' 'a' ' ' 'test')"

Or if you just want the words, '\w+'. And, if you just want the words 
then you can probably just use #findTokens:

'this is a test' findTokens: ' '
"=> ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test')"


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Overriding methods

2008-01-20 Thread Zulq Alam
In response to "(I guess it's possible in this way to create an object 
that destabilizes the system?)", I was demonstrating how one might 
introduce instability. I would normally send super new.

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"Zulq" == Zulq Alam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Zulq> In VW, where initialize isn't called by default, I do this all the time:
Zulq> new
Zulq>^ self new initialize

You mean "basicNew", unless you like infinite loops. :)

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Overriding methods

2008-01-20 Thread Zulq Alam

In VW, where initialize isn't called by default, I do this all the time:

^ self new initialize


Blake wrote:

I not even 100% clear on how it could be so terrible beyond that 
particular class. (I guess it's possible in this way to create an object 
that destabilizes the system?)

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: parenthesis always inserted in pairs?

2008-01-14 Thread Zulq Alam
These are "smart characters". You can disable them via the preference 
ecompletionSmartCharacters available in the Preference Browser.


Ch Lamprecht wrote:


is there a way to switch off the 'paired' insert of () [] ?


Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: Perform

2008-01-14 Thread Zulq Alam
And, instead of concatenating your selector with ':', you can send a 
symbol the message #asMutator (which does it for you).

For example:

#phone1 asMutator "prints #phone1:"
#phone2 asMutator "prints #phone2:"

Which you can use like this:

phoneBook perform: aSelector asMutator with: aValue


Mathieu Suen wrote:

Hi Jakub,

#perform: is for unary message

If you want to pass arguments you have to use
#perform:with:"On argument"
#perform:with:with: "Two arguments"
#perform:withArguments:  "Several arguments inside an Array"

so in your case it should be:

phonebook perform: #phone1 with: aValue


On Jan 14, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jakub wrote:

hello i have class with two setters
phone1: aValue
phone2: aValue

and i want call it dynamically
aSelector is phone1 or phone2 string

setPhohne: aSelector by: aValue

phoneBook perform aSelector, ':' aValue

but this is not working how can i do this when i try this iwth getters 
it works fine

Transcript show: (phoneBook perform aSelector); cr.

Jakub. ___
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[Newbies] Re: Efficiently writing to a file

2007-04-22 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Ian,

You can get significant improvements by, writing to the file in one go, 
avoiding any intermediate strings, and taking a good guess at the size 
of your buffer.

| bs fs bt ft |
bs := WriteStream on: (String new: 6).
bt := Time millisecondsToRun:
[1 to: 1 do:
[:i |
i printOn: bs.
nextPut: Character cr;
nextPut: Character lf]].
fs := StandardFileStream fileNamed: 'c:/test4.txt'.
ft := Time millisecondsToRun:
[[fs nextPutAll: bs contents]
ensure: [fs close]].
show: bt asString;
show: ' / ';
show: ft asString;
show: ' / ';
show: bt + ft asString;

The above runs in about 162ms on my machine where as your initial code 
takes about 275ms.

If, however, I load the VisualWorks implementations of these methods 
(change set attached) the above runs in about 65ms. I wouldn't use this 
change set if I were you - I've probably broken something!

I think number printing could be improved considerably without any 


Ian Oversby wrote:

Is this a reasonable way of writing to a file?  It seems to run a
little slower than I would expect.



| myFile |
myFile := StandardFileStream fileNamed: 'c:/test.txt'

Transcript show: (Time millisecondsToRun: [
   1 to: 1 do: [
:x | myFile nextPutAll: ((x asString) , String crlf)
]]) asString , ' millseconds' ; cr.

myFile close.

'From Squeak3.9 of 7 November 2006 [latest update: #7067] on 22 April 2007 at 
11:36:08 pm'!

!Integer methodsFor: 'vw' stamp: 'za 4/22/2007 23:06'!
printDigitsOn: aStream base: b 
"Print a representation of the receiver on the stream, aStream, in
base b where 2<=b<=256.  The receiver is known to be non-negative."

self >= b
[self // b printDigitsOn: aStream base: b].
aStream nextPut: (Character digitValue: self \\ b)! !

!Integer methodsFor: 'vw' stamp: 'za 4/22/2007 23:06'!
printOn: aStream base: b 
"Print a representation of the receiver on the stream, aStream, in
base b where 2<=b<=256."

b < 2
ifTrue: [self error: (#errInvalidBase << #dialogs >> 'Invalid 
base: <1p>'
expandMacrosWith: b)].
self < 0
[aStream nextPut: $-.
self negated printOn: aStream base: b]
[self printDigitsOn: aStream base: b]! !

!Integer reorganize!
('arithmetic' * + - / // \\\ alignedTo: crossSumBase: quo:)
('benchmarks' benchFib benchmark tinyBenchmarks)
('bit manipulation' << >> allMask: anyBitOfMagnitudeFrom:to: anyMask: bitAnd: 
bitClear: bitInvert bitInvert32 bitOr: bitShift: bitShiftMagnitude: bitXor: 
highBit highBitOfMagnitude lowBit noMask:)
('comparing' < = > hash)
('converting' adaptToComplex:andSend: adaptToFraction:andSend: 
adaptToScaledDecimal:andSend: asCharacter asColorOfDepth: asComplex asFloat 
asFloatSimply asFraction asHexDigit asInteger asScaledDecimal: asYear)
('enumerating' timesRepeat:)
('explorer' explorerContents hasContentsInExplorer)
('mathematical functions' factorial gcd: lcm: raisedToInteger:modulo: 
raisedTo:modulo: take:)
('printing' asStringWithCommas asStringWithCommasSigned asTwoCharacterString 
asWords destinationBuffer: digitBuffer: isLiteral printOn:base:showRadix: 
printPaddedWith:to: printPaddedWith:to:base: printStringRadix:)
('printing-numerative' byteEncode:base: printOn:base:length:padded: 
printStringBase: printStringBase:length:padded: printStringHex 
printStringLength: printStringLength:padded: printStringPadded: 
printStringRoman radix: storeOn:base: storeOn:base:length:padded: 
storeStringBase:length:padded: storeStringHex)
('system primitives' lastDigit replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:)
('testing' even isInteger isPowerOfTwo isPrime)
('tiles' asPrecedenceName)
('truncation and round off' asLargerPowerOfTwo asPowerOfTwo asSmallerPowerOfTwo 
atRandom atRandom: ceiling floor normalize rounded truncated)
('private' copyto: digitAdd: digitCompare: digitDiv:neg: digitLogic:op:length: 
digitLshift: digitMultiply:neg: digitRshift:bytes:lookfirst: digitSubtract: 
growby: growto: isProbablyPrimeWithK:andQ: print:on:prefix:length:padded: 
('vw' printDigitsOn:base: printOn:base:)

Beginners mailing list

[Newbies] Re: array literal - a misunderstanding?

2007-03-05 Thread Zulq Alam

Hi Thomas,

The Terse guide to Squeak at http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5699 may help.


Thomas Fischer wrote:

PS: Is there anywhere in the net a *COMPLETE AND COMPACT* list
of all "cryptical" syntax characteristics for smalltalk/squeak?

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