Hi Jordi,

you could try " Transcript show: 'Put 1'; cr; endEntry " without anything around it. This should guarantee that something is send to Transcript *and* displayed (#endEntry forces to display things which are as yet not displayed).

It is perhaps so that older Squeak does not do #endEntry when you just use #show: (as it was the case with Squeak's anchestors).

If #endEntry doesn't help then replace it by #halt to get an idea if your code is really executed.



On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 13:31:50 +0100, Jordi wrote:


Thanks for your answer. I guess I understand now
why it is image 3.9 who provides the right answer.

Now... back to that code of yours, it is a serious mess. :)

So... I wonder what the 2.5 image does to end up with a BlockContext,
don't have one handy. Perhaps it does some funny stuff if the argument
to Compiler is an Array?

Yes, the code was a mess. The same result is obtained by printing the
result of:

(Compiler evaluate: #([ Transcript show: 'Some Text' ])) class

image 2.5 --> BlockContext
image 3.9 --> Array

I've been playing a little bit more with Squeak, and I found another
strange (to me; please, consider that I am still a newbie) thing.
In some lectures by Stephane Ducasse there is an example illustrating the
difference between literal arrays and arrays created with new:. In particular,
adding the following method to class SmallInteger:


| anArray |
anArray := #( nil ).
(anArray at: 1) isNil
        ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'Put 1'; cr.  anArray at: 1 put: 1. ]
and executing

1 m1

should display the message 'Put 1' only once. And this is how it works...
in image 3.9

But if we repeat the experiment in image 3.0, it displays nothing in the
Transcript (not even the first execution). Again, I am puzzled by this
behavior (I am always assuming that these experiments that behave differently
in different Squeak images are standard Smalltalk).

One more thing. Perhaps there is people wondering why someone should worry about the behavior of an old image. The answer is that I am using a stripped version of image 3.0 to play with Squeak on a Jornada 720. More recent complete images are too heavy for the J720 (at least that is my experience; any clue
on how to improve that?).

Well, thanks in advance for your answers



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