Dear Sir/Madam,

while I try to connect and query some data from bugzilla, I am getting
following error.


RPC::XML::Client::send_request: HTTP server error: Can't verify SSL peers
without knowing which Certificate Authorities to trust at
/Library/Perl/5.18/RPC/XML/ line 416.



use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);

use LEOCHARRE::CLI2 ':all','u:p:s:';

use LEOCHARRE::Dir ':all';

$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

use WWW::Bugzilla3;

use Net::SSL;

use Smart::Comments '###';

$opt_u or die("Missing username");

$opt_p or die("Missing password");

$opt_s or die("Missing site");

my $b = WWW::Bugzilla3->new( site => $opt_s );

my $r = $b->login( $opt_u, $opt_p ) or die("Could not login");

### $r

my @pids = $b->get_selectable_products(); # product ids

### product ids: @pids

# get descriptive.. hashes..

my %product;

for (@pids){

   my $p = ($b->get_products($_))[0];

   $product{$_} = $p;


### %product

my @all_bugs = $b->search;

### @all_bugs;

my $count = scalar @all_bugs;

warn("Have $count bugs");

$count or exit;

my @bugs = $b->get_bugs( @all_bugs ); # bug ids

## @bugs

#my $c = scalar @bugs;

#($c == 1) or warn("Got $c bugs in id $id, expected 1 only?");

# get_bugs is weird

BUG: for my $bug ( @bugs ){

   $bug->{internals}->{resolution} ||= 'OPEN';

   $bug->{internals}->{resolution}=~/INVALID|DUPLICATE/ and next BUG;

   # example return for $bug

##       {

##            alias => '',

##            creation_time => '20090623T15:34:00',

##            id => '15',

##            internals => {

##                           alias => '',

##                           assigned_to => '1',

##                           bug_file_loc => '',

##                           bug_id => '15',

##                           bug_severity => 'enhancement',

##                           bug_status => 'RESOLVED',

##                           cclist_accessible => '1',

##                           cf_web_browser => '---',

##                           component_id => '4',

##                           creation_ts => '2009.06.23 15:34',

##                           delta_ts => '2009-06-23 15:55:39',

##                           everconfirmed => '1',

##                           op_sys => 'All',

##                           priority => 'P5',

##                           product_id => '3',

##                           qa_contact => '',

##                           rep_platform => 'All',

##                           reporter_accessible => '1',

##                           reporter_id => '1',

##                           resolution => 'FIXED',

##                           short_desc => 'branding all the clients in the

##                           status_whiteboard => '',

##                           target_milestone => '---',

##                           version => 'DMS2'

##                         },

##            last_change_time => '20090623T15:55:39',

##            summary => 'branding all the clients in the dms'

##          }

##        ]

   printf "---

title: %s

id: %0.3d

product: %s

status: %s




      $product{ $bug->{internals}->{product_id} }->{name},

      ( $bug->{internals}->{resolution} || 'OPEN'),




sub usage {

   qq{$0 [OPTION]..

Show bugzilla summary for bureaucracy.

   -d          debug

   -h          help

   -v          version

   -p string   password

   -u string   username

   -s string   url of bugzilla website

Example Usage:

   $0 -u jbarik -p hahaha -s


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