Confused with File::Find

2017-06-23 Thread Harry Putnam
Trying for a better understand of using File::Find, butI'm missing
something pretty basic I think

First: The directory structure in this test:


So each directory in the layering has the same type -f file in it.

  ls -R ./one
  ./one:  two



I'm sure its something in my formulation (in other words, pilot
shooting self in foot) but; This bit of code seems not to do what one
would expect:

---   ---   ---=---   ---   ---

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use File::Find;

  my $d = './one';

  find sub {
return if -f;
print "\$File::Find::dir<$File::Find::dir>\n";
  }, $d;

---   ---   ---=---   ---   --- 

  reader > ./

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Re: Using __DATA__ with XML::LibXML

2017-06-23 Thread khalil zakaria Zemmoura

I didn't understand what you did with the package that you defined

the use of the  "SPECIAL LITERAL"  _DATA_  is not clear since i didn't see
any usage for it in the 'XML_Check' package. I mean you didn't use in

I didn't try running the script but i can give you some hints to work with:


Did you try to print the lines inside the  filehandler.

while () {

to see if you are accessing it.


if you are importing the package in a script for example, the TOKENS after
the data in the package 'XML_Check' are accessible via the XML_Check::DATA
filehandler according to the documentation.

"  Text after __DATA__ may be read via the filehandle "PACKNAME::DATA",
where "PACKNAME" is
   the package that was current when the __DATA__token was encountered.

maybe this should work.


if you use _DATA_ section in your main script, you can use it as you did.

you can also reference it as 

hope that helps

Good luck

*Khalil Zakaria Zemmoura*
*Visiteur Médical EST*
*Laboratoire NOVOMEDIS*

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 10:27 PM, SSC_perl  wrote:

> I think I'm losing it.  I'm trying to do something simple here but
> I can't get it to work.
> I'm using XML::LibXML to verify XML sitemaps and it's working fine
> with an external XSD file.  However, I'd like to add the schema to a
> __DATA__ section so that I only need a single file.  However, no matter
> what I do, I get error messages***.  I've tried the following:
> my @data = ;
> my $data = join ('', @data);
> my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => $data);
> -
> my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => *DATA);
> -
> my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => \*DATA);
> but the only thing that works is:
> my $schema_file = '/home/user/cron/sitemaps/xsd-schema.xsd';
> my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => $schema_file);
> Why can't I get the DATA solution to work?
> Thanks,
> Frank
> *** Some of the error messages I've seen:
> Schemas parser error : Failed to parse the XML resource 'in_memory_buffer'.
> Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
> ---
> The full script is as follows:
> package XML_Check;
> use XML::LibXML;
> use FindBin qw($Bin);
> use lib "$Bin/../../perl/Modules";
> require EmailSender;
> #
> ## Load YAML Config File 
> #
> use YAML qw(LoadFile);
> my $config = LoadFile('/home/user/conf/config.yaml');
> my $to_address   = $config->{'email'}{'report_to'};
> my $from_address = $config->{'email'}{'report_from'};
> ##
> sub verify_xml {
> my $document = shift;
> my $schema_file = '/home/user/cron/sitemaps/xsd-schema.xsd';
> my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => $schema_file);
> my $parser = XML::LibXML->new;
> my $doc= $parser->parse_file($document);
> eval { $schema->validate($doc) };
> if ($@) {
> my $subject = 'XML Sitemap Error';
> my $message = "There was an error in the $document sitemap.";
> EmailSender::send_mail($subject, $message, $to_address,
> $from_address, 'text/plain');
> }
> return $@;
> }
> 1;
> __DATA__
>"; xmlns="
>"; targetNamespace="http://www.
>" elementFormDefault="qualified">
> XML Schema for Sitemap files. Last Modifed 2008-03-26
> Container for a set of up to 50,000 document elements. This is the root
> element of the XML file.
>  processContents="strict"/>
> Container for the data needed to describe a document to crawl.
>  processContents="strict"/>
> REQUIRED: The location URI of a document. The URI must conform to RFC 2396
> (
> OPTIONAL: The date the document was last modified. The date must conform
> to the W3C DATETIME format ( Example:
> 2005-05-10 Lastmod may also contain a timestamp. Example:
> 2005-05-10T17:33:30+08:00
> OPTIONAL: Indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is
> likely to change. The value "always" should be used to describe documents
> that change each time they are accessed. The value "never" should be used
> to describe archived URLs. Please note that web crawlers may not
> necessarily crawl pages marked "always" more often. Consider this element
> as a friendly suggestion and not a command.
> OPTIONAL: The priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the
> same site. The value for this element is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 where
> 0.0 identifies the lowest priority page(s). Th