Need help with a login script

2010-01-08 Thread Adam Jimerson
I know this topic is beaten to death, and then some, but I was
wondering if someone could help me figure out what is wrong with my
login script.  No matter if I try to login with a valid credentals or
not it says that the login has failed.  I'm sure it has something to
do with the way that I am compairing what the user provides with what
is in the database but I can't figure out exactly what it is.

Here is my working code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;
use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser');
delete @ENV{ 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
my @user; #...@user deals with username and password in this case
my $dbh;
sub db_connect {
use constant username = 'AmeriVista';
use constant password = 'pfVjBaseBNCD42GV';
my $database = 'VistaCloud';
my $server = 'localhost';
my $errors;

my $dsn = DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$server;port=3306 ||
die Couldn't Connect to the Database: $!;
$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, username, password, {RaiseError = 1}) ||
die Couldn't authenticate to the Database: $!;

db_connect ();
my $cookie = cookie(-name='sessionID',
print header(-cookie=$cookie);
print start_html (-title=AmeriVista Event Logging,
print h1AmeriVista Event Logging/h1\n;
print hr;
if (param) {
form_verify (@user);
print Username: $user[0]\nbr /Password: $user[1]br /\n; #use
for debugging
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM Users WHERE 'UserName' = '$user
[0]' AND 'Password' = '$user[1]'); #check that username and password
exist and match
my @Login = $sth-fetchrow_array();
if (($Login[2] eq $user[0])  ($Login[3] eq $user[1])) {
print pHello $user[0]!/p\n; #debugging use only, will add 
} else {
print pLogin Failed!/p\n;
print Username:  $user[0]\nbr /Password: $user[1]\n; #use 
} else {
print start_form;
print end_form, \n;

sub form_verify {
$user[0] = param('UserName');
if ( $user[0] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
$user[0] = $1;
} else {
die Incorrect username format given;
$user[1] = param('Password');
if ( $user[1] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
$user[1] = $1;
} else {
die Incorrect password format given;
return @user;

sub print_form {
print div align='center'\n;
print table width='25%' border=1 summary='Log in'\n;
print td align='left' valign='middle'\n;
print pLogin Data/p\n;
print pUsername: , textfield(-name='UserName',
-maxlength=120), \n;
print br\n;
print Password:  , password_field(-name='Password',
-maxlength=120), /p\n;
print a href=\register.cgi\ title=\Click here to register!
\Click Here to Register!/a\n;
print br\n;
print submit(-name='Submit_Form',
print reset, \n;
print /td\n;
print /table\n;
print /div\n;

print end_html, \n;

To see it in action I have it uploaded at
Username: test
Password: password

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Re: Showing errors with user input

2009-12-10 Thread Adam Jimerson
Greg Jetter wrote:

 start by  checking the content of @errors inside the print_form sub.
 with a print statement and exit.

Thanks for that, now that is working correctly I guess I didn't need to 
go through the array like I was trying.
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other 
reason than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Re: Showing errors with user input

2009-12-09 Thread Adam Jimerson
Greg Jetter wrote:

 You are trying to use a local scoped var as a global , line 93 
 used  out of its scope ,
 if ( $user[5] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
 $user[5] = $1;
 eval {
 my $GoodMail = Email::Valid-address( -address = $user[5], -
mxcheck =
 #push @errors, pError: Double check your email address/p if 
 $user[5] = $GoodMail;
 it should read
 if ( $user[5] =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/ ) {
 my $GoodMail ;
 $user[5] = $1;
 eval {
 $GoodMail = Email::Valid-address( -address = $user[5], -mxcheck 
= 1);
 #push @errors, pError: Double check your email address/p if 
 $user[5] = $GoodMail;
 or even declare it  up with the other globals  if you want , but the 
 have it  now it is out of scope after that eval { } block completes.
 there may be other errors , fix that one first and try it again  and 
 what else pops up.
 have fun

Ok I fixed that issue, can't even remember why I tried to declare it 
in the eval block I guess that is what I get for writing code while 
half asleep.  The only other change that I made was I uncommitted out 
the push @errors, pError: Double check your email address/p if 
$@; line and here is the new error I get

[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: Illegal character in 
prototype for main::form_verify : @user at register.cgi line 43.
[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: main::form_verify() called 
too early to check prototype at register.cgi line 36.
Content-type: text/html

h1Software error:/h1
presyntax error at register.cgi line 93, near quot;pushquot;
register.cgi had compilation errors.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error 
and the time and date of the error.

[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: syntax error at register.cgi 
line 93, near push
[Mon Dec  7 22:24:30 2009] register.cgi: register.cgi had compilation 

There is something about this push statement that Perl doesn't like, 
the only thing I can think of is the if $@ part.

We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other 
reason than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Showing errors with user input

2009-12-07 Thread Adam Jimerson
I am working on a registration page and there for want it to show the 
user errors it has found with their input.  I have two subroutines in 
my code, the first one prints out the form, also takes an array with 
error descriptions that is passed by the other subroutine.  The other 
subroutine takes the user input and verifies it, any errors that it 
finds it pushes into an array called @errors and passes that back to 
the first subroutine.   The problem is it doesn't work right when I 
run it from the command line this is what I get:

vend...@seserver:~/public_html/AmeriVista perl -cT register.cgi
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: Illegal character in 
prototype for main::form_verify : @user at register.cgi line 43.
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: Scalar found where operator 
expected at register.cgi line 93, near $user
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi:(Missing semicolon on 
previous line?)
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: main::form_verify() called 
too early to check prototype at register.cgi line 36.
Content-type: text/html

h1Software error:/h1
presyntax error at register.cgi line 93, near quot;$userquot;
Global symbol quot;$GoodMailquot; requires explicit package name at 
register.cgi line 93.
register.cgi had compilation errors.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error 
and the time and date of the error.

[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: syntax error at register.cgi 
line 93, near $user
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: Global symbol $GoodMail 
requires explicit package name at register.cgi line 93.
[Sun Dec  6 14:12:12 2009] register.cgi: register.cgi had compilation 

I have attached my code for the script, if someone could look at it 
and give some ideas as to how to make this work or a better way then 
please do
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other 
reason than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

Description: Perl program
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Re: Web photo album, is this possible in CGI

2009-05-23 Thread Adam Jimerson
It seems that my posts haven't been making it to the list, or have been 
moderated for some reason.  I would like to thank everyone for their 
replies to my question I have have a starting place up and running.  One 
question that is bugging me now is how to link to an external javascript 
file in the html header of the script?  The page is here but as you can see I have the 
javascript directly in my page

print start_html(-title=Photo Viewer v$version,
-meta={'copyright'='copyright 2009 Adam Jimerson'},

To get the javascript in the $jscript variable I am currently using a 
here doc statement.  I'm sure due to the length of my javascript code it 
is slowing down my page being made.  If linking to the code in the 
header is possible then I'm sure it would be better than what I have now.

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Testing a scalier for two possible values at once

2009-05-13 Thread Adam Jimerson
I need to test a scalier to see if its value is not two possibilities, 
because this test is being done inside a while loop I can not use an elsif 
statement without things getting ugly.  I have tried it like this if 
($scalier nq 'A') || ($scalier nq 'B') { but that just gave me a syntax 
error when I tried to run it.

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Web photo album, is this possible in CGI

2009-05-10 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hi all,

I am wanting to put something together where every time the script executes 
it looks into a set directory for photos and then builds a web page with 
those photos, or even a enlargeable thumbnail of the photo, in kind of a 
photo album way.  I don't know if something like this can be done in CGI or 
not, and figure I would ask and see what everyone here says before I give it 
a try, if it is possible maybe someone would have any tips or pointers that 
would be helpful.

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Using hashes in a format

2009-01-18 Thread Adam Jimerson
I am working on a program that will act as a contact manager of sorts,  it 
uses two hashes to store everything (although the second one is commented 
out because I am not ready to work with it).  I am using the format function 
to display everything but I don't know how to get it to show the keys to the 
hash which is where the names are.  Here is my code so far to show what I am 
talking about:

,[ CODE ]
use warnings;
use strict;

#define hashes
my %phone_numbers = ();
#my %email_address = ();
my $full_name;
my $phone_number;

print CSCC Workstudy/Co-Op/Intern Contact Manager\n;
print Version 0.6\n;

if (@ARGV eq 'add') {
dbmopen(%phone_numbers, $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers, 0766) || die Can't 
open database: $!\n; #Open database for writing
print \nFull Name: ;
chomp($full_name = STDIN);
print Phone Number: ;
chomp($phone_number = STDIN);
$phone_numbers { $full_name } = $phone_number;
dbmclose(%phone_numbers) || die Can't close database $!\n; #saves and 
closes the database
exit 0;
} elsif (@ARGV eq 'view') {
dbmopen(%phone_numbers, $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers, 0666) || die Can't 
open database: $!\n; #Open database for reading
foreach (keys %phone_numbers) {
exit 0;
} else {
die Usage: $0 [add|view]\n;

format STDOUT =
@ @##-###-
$phone_numbers{$_} #needs to print the keys of the hash for the name, and 
values for the phone number so it will be like this Some Name 555-555-

format STDOUT_TOP =
Full Name Phone Numbers
= =

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Re: Using hashes in a format

2009-01-18 Thread Adam Jimerson
(Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

 Adam == Adam Jimerson writes:
 Adam my %phone_numbers = ();
 Adam $phone_numbers{$_} #needs to print the keys of the hash for the
 name, and Adam values for the phone number so it will be like this Some
 Name 555-555- Adam .
 Back in the day, formats couldn't access lexical (my) variables. I think
 got changed, but I stopped paying attention to formats five years ago. 
 Why are you using formats?

I decided to use formats because I figured it would be an easy way to have 
it print out the report the way I want the end result to be.

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Re: Using hashes in a format

2009-01-18 Thread Adam Jimerson
John W. Krahn wrote:

 Adam Jimerson wrote:
 I am working on a program that will act as a contact manager of sorts, 
 it uses two hashes to store everything (although the second one is
 out because I am not ready to work with it).  I am using the format
 function to display everything but I don't know how to get it to show the
 keys to the
 hash which is where the names are.  Here is my code so far to show what I
 am talking about:
 ,[ CODE ]
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 #define hashes
 my %phone_numbers = ();
 #my %email_address = ();
 my $full_name;
 my $phone_number;
 print CSCC Workstudy/Co-Op/Intern Contact Manager\n;
 print Version 0.6\n;
 if (@ARGV eq 'add') {
 That should be:
 if ($ARGV[0] eq 'add') {
 dbmopen(%phone_numbers, $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers, 0766) || die Can't
 open database: $!\n; #Open database for writing
 perldoc -f dbmopen
  [This function has been largely superseded by the tie
 perldoc -f tie
 perldoc AnyDBM_File
 perldoc DB_File
 perldoc GDBM_File
 perldoc NDBM_File
 perldoc ODBM_File
 perldoc SDBM_File
 print \nFull Name: ;
 chomp($full_name = STDIN);
 print Phone Number: ;
 chomp($phone_number = STDIN);
 $phone_numbers { $full_name } = $phone_number;
 dbmclose(%phone_numbers) || die Can't close database $!\n; #saves and
 closes the database
 exit 0;
 } elsif (@ARGV eq 'view') {
 dbmopen(%phone_numbers, $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers, 0666) || die Can't
 open database: $!\n; #Open database for reading
 foreach (keys %phone_numbers) {
 exit 0;
 } else {
 die Usage: $0 [add|view]\n;
 format STDOUT =
 @ @##-###-
 @##-###- is not a valid format string, that is a three digit number
 followed by the literal string '-###-'.
 $phone_numbers{$_} #needs to print the keys of the hash for the name, and
 values for the phone number so it will be like this Some Name
 555-555- .
 format STDOUT_TOP =
 Full Name Phone Numbers
 = =
 You probably want something more like this:
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use DB_File;
 print CSCC Workstudy/Co-Op/Intern Contact Manager\n,
Version 0.6\n;
 @ARGV == 1 or die Usage: $0 [add|view]\n;
 # define hashes
 tie my %phone_numbers, 'DB_File', $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers
  or die Can't open $ENV{HOME}/phone_numbers: $!\n;
 #tie my %email_address, 'DB_File', $ENV{HOME}/email_address
 #or die Can't open $ENV{HOME}/email_address: $!\n;
 if ( $ARGV[ 0 ] eq 'add' ) {
  print \nFull Name: ;
  chomp( my $full_name = STDIN );
  print Phone Number: ;
  chomp( my $phone_number = STDIN );
  $phone_numbers{ $full_name } = join '-', $phone_number =~
 elsif ( $ARGV[ 0 ] eq 'view' ) {
  for ( keys %phone_numbers ) {
 format STDOUT_TOP =
 Full Name Phone Numbers
 = =
 format STDOUT =
 @ @
 $_, $phone_numbers{$_}
 untie %phone_numbers;
 exit 0;

Yea I read that dbmopen was superseded by the tie function but I couldn't 
figure out the permissions for it:

tie(%HIST, 'NDBM_File', '/usr/lib/news/history', 1, 0);

Which is what I though the 1,0 was there for.  A quick question though, any 
certain reason why you used DB_File in your code over any of the other 

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Re: Opening a pipe when taint mode is enabled

2009-01-13 Thread Adam Jimerson
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

 How would I allow for spaces but not newlines
 By including a space in the regex, just as Mike showed you in another

Oh my USENET client didn't have the space in his reply.

 This is the reason that I am doing it so I can
 learn, I learn better by doing so by doing this and making mistakes (and
 fixing them) is a lot better for me than just reading about it.  Sorry
 reusing code from the CPAN is nice,  but doesn't really help me learn.
 It depends on what it is you want to learn. In any case, a program with
 which you invite the world to submit things to your system is not a good
 learning environment.

Which I am glad that that was pointed out to me so it could be fixed.

 This list is rather quiet, but make that comment on the beginners list,
 and you'll see what I mean. ;-)

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Re: Opening a pipe when taint mode is enabled

2009-01-12 Thread Adam Jimerson
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

 Adam Jimerson wrote:
 On Jan 11, 8:21 am, (Gunnar Hjalmarsson) wrote:
 Adam Jimerson wrote:
 It seams I over looked the space, is it possible to include spaces in
 the search string?

 Of course it is. What you call search string is a regular expression.

 Obviously you have some reading to do:
 Yea I looked it up and all I needed to do was add \s for whitespaces,
 Which would also allow for newlines. That sounds dangerous to me, and is
 an example why it's not a good idea to write your own code, that allows
 the world to submit data to your system, before you really know what you
 are doing.

How would I allow for spaces but not newlines in a textbox like the one that 
I use obtain the name?  This is the reason that I am doing it so I can 
learn, I learn better by doing so by doing this and making mistakes (and 
fixing them) is a lot better for me than just reading about it.  Sorry but 
reusing code from the CPAN is nice,  but doesn't really help me learn.

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Re: Opening a pipe when taint mode is enabled

2009-01-11 Thread Adam Jimerson
On Jan 11, 8:21 am, (Gunnar Hjalmarsson) wrote:
 Adam Jimerson wrote:
  Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
  You don't say what to do if the untainting fails. This code:

  if ($name =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/) {
  $name = $1;

  should better be:

  if ($name =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/) {
  $name = $1;
  } else {
  die Untainting of the name failed;

  Please consider, for instance, what happens if the user submits both a
  first and last name.

  It seams I over looked the space, is it possible to include spaces in the
  search string?

 Of course it is. What you call search string is a regular expression.

 Obviously you have some reading to do:

  Since this is about a contact form, I can't help calling your attention
  to my contact form module. The link in the sig below takes you to a form
  that was created by that module. The whole code that is needed, given
  that the form has been installed, is:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -T
  use CGI::ContactForm;

  contactform (
  recname   = 'My Name',
  recmail   = '',
  styleurl  = '/style/ContactForm.css',

  You find the module at CPAN:

  Your form looks interesting, but in the long run I think it would benefit me
  more learning wise to fix my program.

 For some definition of benefit, maybe. ;-)

 Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Yea I looked it up and all I needed to do was add \s for whitespaces,
now that that is solved and everything is working the question comes
to mind (I'm sure a Google search would help me here) what about if
the program handled uploaded files would they need to be untainted as
well and if so how?  Perlsec didn't cover that, but I figure that
something like that is kind of advanced to include in a doc page.

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Re: Opening a pipe when taint mode is enabled (was: Send email using SMTP)

2009-01-10 Thread Adam Jimerson
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

 Adam Jimerson wrote:
 According to perlsec I need to use it as a key in a hash or reference a
 substring.  The example given is
 ,[  ]
  if ($data =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/) {
 $data = $1; # $data now untainted
  } else {
  die Bad data in '$data'; # log this somewhere
 When I tried it, using the same search string,
 What happened then? Show us the code and possible error messages, please.
 all I need is to check for
 alphanumeric characters to cover the name, email address and a message.
 Are there tainted email address and message variables also?
 Is there something wrong with the above search string?
 Only you can tell, I suppose...

I attached my code for my program, the error doesn't happen until the form 
is filled out.  The error that I get is Insecure dependency in piped open 
while running with -T switch at /srv/www/cgi-bin/contact line 96.  All the 
variables that have user submitted content go through the above search 
string as soon as the program retrieves it.

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Re: Send email using SMTP

2009-01-10 Thread Adam Jimerson
matt wrote:

 This is usually the result of a mismatch between the character set
 used by your ssh client and the locale settings of your session.
 Here's a link that discusses:
 [u...@host ~]$ echo $LANG
 en_US.UTF-8  --make sure your SSH client character set matches this
 Generally, I have found on Redhat and Suse that they now use the above
 by default and that setting my SSH client to use UTF-8 fixes this

You mean like this

vend...@big-o:~ echo $LANG

My system is using UTF-8 by default

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Re: Send email using SMTP

2009-01-09 Thread Adam Jimerson
Adam Jimerson wrote:

 I wasn't able to remember what it exactly said, but yes it is about
 $ENV{PATH}, on my machine perldoc perlsec is riddled with formating
 problems it looks like, here is a copy of what I mean:

Ok adding $ENV{PATH} = ''; or even $ENV{PATH} = '/usr/bin'; (in case it 
needs to be pointed to an existing directory) changes the error that I get 
to this:

Insecure dependency in piped open while running with -T switch at 
/srv/www/cgi-bin/contact line 87.

Line 87 is where I open /usr/bin/mail for writing, how do I solve this 

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Re: Send email using SMTP

2009-01-09 Thread Adam Jimerson
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

 I wasn't able to remember what it exactly said, but yes it is about
 $ENV{PATH}, on my machine perldoc perlsec is riddled with formating
 You can always read it online:
 Do I need to specify anything for the $ENV{PATH} or do I just leave it
 It depends. You have to take into consideration whether your program
 relies on any of the paths. If not, it's fine to leave it blank.

The only time I call something that is not a Perl function in my program, 
which if I understand this correctly is why I have to set $ENV{PATH}, is 
when I call /usr/bin/mail, but when I set $ENV{PATH} to blank or to /usr/bin 
I get this error Insecure dependency in piped open while running with -T 
switch at /srv/www/cgi-bin/contact line 87.  That line is where I open the 
mail command for writing which I have done so like this

open(MAIL, |/usr/bin/mail -s \User, $name, has left a message\ vendion) 
|| die Can't send mail: $!;

Now without the -T switch this sends the message to my local mbox on my 
system, its just something about it that the switch just does not like. 

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Re: Send email using SMTP

2009-01-09 Thread Adam Jimerson
Mike Williams wrote:

 You can read the output of perldoc perlsec on the web at:

That will help, thanks!

 What version of perl are you using?  What OS?
 I've seen similar problems with perldoc a few years ago while using perl
 5.6.1 on early versions of fedora and on windows.

I have version 5.10.0 of perl as for my OS its openSUSE 11.1, this is 
happening even in perldoc perldoc so I'm going to report it to my distro.

 You can also try perldoc -t perlsec which should get rid of most of the
 ESC... stuff.
 It will still leave some junk in places where perldoc is meant to display
 bold or underlined characters, but it should get rid of most of the
 terminal control stuff.

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Re: Send email using SMTP

2009-01-08 Thread Adam Jimerson
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

 Adam Jimerson wrote:
 I solved my problem using the sendmail with the code below in my script:

 open (MAIL, |/usr/sbin/sendmail -t );
 print MAIL From: someaddr...@somedomain\n;
 print MAIL To: someaddre...@somedomain\n;
 print MAIL Content-Type: text/plain\n;
 print MAIL Subject: Very simple email test\n\n;
 print MAIL Body of the message;
 close (MAIL);
 This is kind of off topic, but are you using the -T switch on your
 script? When I tried to open /usr/bin/mail with that switch on I get a
 error message about an insecure environment command.
 Did it just say insecure environment? On my box it says: Insecure
 $ENV{PATH} ..., which means that you need to untaint the $ENV{PATH}
 variable. The easiest way to do that is:
  $ENV{PATH} = '';
 Please read more about Perl security in perldoc perlsec.

I wasn't able to remember what it exactly said, but yes it is about 
$ENV{PATH}, on my machine perldoc perlsec is riddled with formating problems 
it looks like, here is a copy of what I mean:

Perl automatically enables a set of special security checks, called 
m ESC[4mmodeESC[24m,
   when it detects its program running with differing real and effective 
user or
   group IDs.  The setuid bit in Unix permissions is mode 04000, the 
setgid bit mode
   02000; either or both may be set.  You can also enable taint mode 
explicitly by
   using the ESC[1m-T ESC[22mcommand line flag. This flag is 
ESC[4mstronglyESC[24m sugge
sted for server it is like that through out the whole thing, is it like 
this for anyone else?

Do I need to specify anything for the $ENV{PATH} or do I just leave it 
blank, sorry for asking but this might be faster then trying to decyhper the 

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Re: Verifying email addresses given by a user

2009-01-02 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Mike Williams wrote:
 What are you expecting to happen?  Email::Valid will throw an
 exception if *it* encounters an error.
 Finding an invalid address is not an error for Email::Valid.  That's its job 
 $addr will be undefined if the email address is valid.
 If the email address is valid $addr will contain the validated email address.
 I tried your code and it worked for me.
 You probably want to move the definition of $addr to *before* the eval
 if you want to test it after the eval.  Otherwise the scope of the
 scalar $addr is only within brackets of the eval.
 #my $email = '';
 my $email = 'test';
 my $addr;
 eval {
 $addr = Email::Valid-address( -address = $email,
   -mxcheck = 1);
 print valid address ($addr)\n if $addr;
 print Invalid address ($email)\n unless $addr;
 Here's the output from two test runs, alternately commenting out the
 two addresses above:
 $ ./
 valid address (
 $ ./
 Invalid address (test)
 Happy New Year,

Ok my problem with is was after it tests the email address I didn't use
$addr, I reused $email instead.  So if I change it to test to see if
$addr is defined then I won't have this problem.
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Verifying email addresses given by a user

2009-01-01 Thread Adam Jimerson
I'm trying to make my script verify a email address that a user has 
given to it.  I have installed and using Email::Valid but it doesn't 
seem to be working for it allowed this as a email address:


The way that I have it checking is by this:
eval {
my $addr = Email::Valid-address( -address = $email,
-mxcheck = 1);

I pretty much took this from I 
don't know what is wrong.

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Re: Is there some IDE dedicated to perl?

2008-12-30 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

sanket vaidya wrote:
 Instead of going for IDE It would be better to download Perl Interpreter 
 use some editor. For Windows few editors are Crimson, Context, Perl Express
 etc. I use Perl Express.

I played with Perl Express a bit and wasn't really happy with it, all
you really need is a text editor like others say and I have to put my
vote as +1 for VIM.
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Re: embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-16 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Greg Jetter wrote:
 On Monday 15 December 2008 3:50:24 am Adam Jimerson wrote:
 Dermot Paikkos wrote:
 -Original Message-

 Looking at the website and the documentation, still reading through

 I'm still not sure how to mix this with my CGI scripts to make them
 like the rest of the site even though Konqueror supports the object
 tag, which I would think would be the last browser to support it.  It
 may just be that I'm new to CGI so I'm having to take what I am
 and throw it out the window?
 I am not sure TT is what you want.

 If you want to run perl code from within a html tags that's not possible
 as far as I know. You could use Greg's suggestion of or use AJAX to call your perl cgi
 scripts. But if you insist that you want to put you code in the page
 then you really want ?php

 I'm not trying to put perl code into the page, they way I have it now is
 I have the page generated by my CGI script inside another page that is
 using my CSS.  I've tried to have my CGI script directly handle my CSS
 but it didn't work due to its limited support for CSS.  So now I'm
 trying to find a better way to make my CGI script look like the rest of
 my site, I'm guessing this is what Template Toolkit if I can figure out
 how to do it, or if my solution is the best.
 if you  decide to go with a template system  , a good  simple one I use quite 
 a lot is the module HTML::Template . this allows you to have separate  html 
 template pages  with place holder tags that your CGI script  would process 
 and then  output to the  calling browser. You could then  just take  your 
 regular html page with your css stuff  applied and  replace  those bits that  
 have to  have a calculation or other function  with  a template var.
 you then can maintain the look  of your static pages with your dynamically 
 generated pages .

Correct me if I am wrong but these template systems seem to only handle
output from the CGI script, which would be nice if my scripts only
handled output but they also need user input.
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Re:[SOLVED] embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-16 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Mike Williams wrote:
 I have tried that and when I tried to call up a div object, in my css
 (is attached) called leftcolumn, instead of getting a navy blue column
 on the left side of the page it is just white.

 Did you  perhaps  use  'div class='leftcolumn'   ?
 That will not work with your stylesheet.
 div id='leftcolumn'  *will* work
 Here is a little cgi program that uses and your style sheet to print
 a some stuff in a blue column on the left side of the screen:
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use CGI;
 my $q = CGI-new();
 print $q-header(), $q-start_html(-title=list msg test,
   'div id=leftcolumn';
 for (my $i = 1; $i  26; $i++) {
 print $q-br(blue column line $i);
 print '/div', $q-end_html();

I have tried div id but they way I tried it was different, this is how I
tried it

print div id=leftcolumn;
print Some information;
print /div;

I guess that I was doing something wrong because it is working now thank
you for the help

 - From what I see in the tutorial,
 the Templete Toolkit only outputs information from the script, but I
 need it to handle input as well, my script I am working on is a
 guestbook so it needs to get the name of the guest and a message then
 output it, as well as save it to a log for later use by the script.
 Everything works but the plain white background is ugly and doesn't
 match the rest of my site which is why I started this thread.

 You seem to be under the mistaken impression that you cannot get input using or Template::Toolkit.
 That is incorrect, either of those tools allow you to generate forms that
 can be used to get input from the user.
 If you look at perldoc CGI the very first screen contains an example of how
 to generate a form.

I know how to generate forms with CGI which is where I have been putting
my forms, but I didn't think that Template::toolkit could generate a
form and pass the information off to the script for processing.

 Hope this helps,

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Re: embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-15 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Dermot Paikkos wrote:
 -Original Message-

 Looking at the website and the documentation, still reading through 
 I'm still not sure how to mix this with my CGI scripts to make them
 like the rest of the site even though Konqueror supports the object
 tag, which I would think would be the last browser to support it.  It
 may just be that I'm new to CGI so I'm having to take what I am
 and throw it out the window?
 I am not sure TT is what you want. 
 If you want to run perl code from within a html tags that's not possible 
 as far as I know. You could use Greg's suggestion of or use AJAX to call your perl cgi 
 scripts. But if you insist that you want to put you code in the page 
 then you really want ?php

I'm not trying to put perl code into the page, they way I have it now is
I have the page generated by my CGI script inside another page that is
using my CSS.  I've tried to have my CGI script directly handle my CSS
but it didn't work due to its limited support for CSS.  So now I'm
trying to find a better way to make my CGI script look like the rest of
my site, I'm guessing this is what Template Toolkit if I can figure out
how to do it, or if my solution is the best.
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Re: embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-15 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Mike Williams wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Adam Jimerson wrote:
 On Dec 12, 12:47 pm, (Sean Davis) wrote:

 Are you talking about this,
 If so it doesn't really say what it is for I am completely lost in how
 to use it for my needs.

 Take a look at the template toolkit web site, that may help you understand it.

Looking at the website and the documentation, still reading through it,
I'm still not sure how to mix this with my CGI scripts to make them look
like the rest of the site even though Konqueror supports the object
tag, which I would think would be the last browser to support it.  It
may just be that I'm new to CGI so I'm having to take what I am learning
and throw it out the window?
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Re: embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-15 Thread Adam Jimerson
Hash: SHA1

Mike Williams wrote:

 Your first question was:
 Is it possible to embed a CGI scrip into a HTML page?
 Now you say:
 I'm not trying to put perl code into the page
 You will get better answers if you start with clearer questions.

I'm sorry I guess I should have been more specific in my question, I
never wanted to try and put perl code ino my HTML page, I know that that
is impossible because the browser has no clue what to do with it, what I
 am asking about is embedding the text/html the generates into a
page where I do have my style at.

 I have the page generated by my CGI script inside another page that is
 using my CSS.  I've tried to have my CGI script directly handle my CSS
 but it didn't work due to its limited support for CSS.  So now I'm
 trying to find a better way to make my CGI script look like the rest of
 my site, I'm guessing this is what Template Toolkit if I can figure out
 how to do it, or if my solution is the best.
 Are you using
 If so, you can use css by adding: -style={'src'='/mystyle.css'} to
 the aguments of start_html:
 print $q-start_html(-style={'src'='/mystyle.css'});
 This will cause your cgi code to use the stylesheet.

I have tried that and when I tried to call up a div object, in my css
(is attached) called leftcolumn, instead of getting a navy blue column
on the left side of the page it is just white.

 If you are not using please specify what other module(s) you
 are using, or if you are just generating the html yourself (not

No I am letting generate the HTML for me, I figured that it would
be the easiest way to do it.

 Template toolkit is a very useful and powerful tool, but it is
 probably overkill if all you want to do is use stylesheets.  You can
 do lots of other things with Template::Toolkit that may make it worth
 the time is takes to learn how to use it.  For example, having header
 and footer information that appears on all of the pages on your site
 in a template, allowing you to make one change to the template and
 have that effect your entire site.  You can also use template toolkit
 to generate static pages, so you can use templates to generate pages
 that do not require cgi, and re-used those templates in you cgi

- From what I see in the tutorial,,
the Templete Toolkit only outputs information from the script, but I
need it to handle input as well, my script I am working on is a
guestbook so it needs to get the name of the guest and a message then
output it, as well as save it to a log for later use by the script.
Everything works but the plain white background is ugly and doesn't
match the rest of my site which is why I started this thread.


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body {
line-height: 1.5em;

b {
font-size: 110%;

em {
color: red;

h5 {
color : #ff;

#topsection {
background: #fff;
height: 90px;
/*Height of top section*/text-align: center;

#topsection h1 {
margin: 0;
padding-top: 15px;

#contentwrapper {
float: left;
width: 100%;

#contentcolumn {
margin-left: 210px; /*Set left margin to LeftColumnWidth*/

#leftcolumn {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 210px; /*Width of left column*/
height: auto;
overflow: auto;
background-color: #80;
color: #fff;

#leftcolumn a {
color : #FF;
padding-left: 20px;

#footer {
clear: left;
width: 100%;
background: #80;
color: #00;
text-align: center;
padding: 4px 0;

#footer a {
color: #80;

.innertube {
margin: 10px;
/*Margins for inner DIV inside each column (to provide padding)*/margin-top: 0;
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Re: embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-14 Thread Adam Jimerson
On Dec 12, 12:47 pm, (Sean Davis) wrote:

 You cannot put perl in a webpage the way that you do with PHP.
 However, there are a number of template engines written for and in
 perl that give you similar features.  Take a look at Template Toolkit,
 as an example.


Are you talking about this,
If so it doesn't really say what it is for I am completely lost in how
to use it for my needs.

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embedding a CGI script in a HTML page?

2008-12-12 Thread Adam Jimerson
Is it possible to embed a CGI scrip into a HTML page?  I don't know if CGI 
scripts work in a way that allow for this, I know that in PHP this is possible, 
because I want to make my CGI scripts and website have a unified look but I 
can't get my CSS to work in any of my scripts.
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason 
than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Re: Problem with uploader

2008-11-24 Thread Adam Jimerson
On Saturday 22 November 2008 11:23:28 pm Owen wrote:

 I apologize for not having the rest of your thread, but don't forget
 that CGI::Carp can be used, one use is in the set_message routine

 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
 set_message(Please report details of this error to a
  href=\mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/a. Thankyou.);

 It may not be applicable to your case, so FWIW


I already added CGI::Carp to the script with fatalsToBrowser but its not 
coming up with any kind of error when I run the script, but yet there is no 
uploaded file ether.  I also upgraded CGI::Carp to the latest from CPAN to see 
if that would change something but it didn't change anything.
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason 
than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Re: Problem with uploader

2008-11-22 Thread Adam Jimerson
On Friday 21 November 2008 11:23:11 am you wrote:
 On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 10:49 -0500, Adam Jimerson wrote:
  If the open failed then wouldn't the die kick in and at least say
  something in the server logs?  Also how would one go around and get a
  more descriptive error message?  For testing reasons the path is pointing
  to /tmp which is world readable and writable, as for the file it seems
  the script is looking for something other than what I want rereading my
  logs I found this:

 Sorry I glanced at the wrong open statement regarding the above advice.
 You may however want to use the cgi_error function to catch some
 potential problems with uploaded data.

What would be the best place to place the cgi_error function, at the end of 
the script or replace die() with it as this how to suggests (although is is 
targeted more to making your own cgi_error system, but I think calling it 
would work the same)

 The CGI module creates a temporary file for the uploaded file before it
 is handled by your script (which would likely result in a filename like
 above).  It may be with this implicit step that you're having problems.
 Check options and permissions.

What exactly do I need to be looking for in options and permissions?
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason 
than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Re: Problem with uploader

2008-11-19 Thread Adam Jimerson
Matthew Whipple wrote:

 The open must have failed.  You could work on getting a more descriptive
 error message but I'd suggest starting with the the path and
 permissions.  Also check to make sure existing files are handled
 properly.  Make sure the path used is relative to its environment (if
 the server is chrooted or anything).

If the open failed then wouldn't the die kick in and at least say something in 
the server logs?  Also how would one go around and get a more descriptive error 
message?  For testing reasons the path is pointing to /tmp which is world 
readable and writable, as for the file it seems the script is looking for 
something other than what I want rereading my logs I found this:

upload: print() on closed filehandle OUTFILE at /srv/www/cgi-bin/upload line 
47, fh1myfile.html line 46.

What is with the fh1 in front of the file?

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Re: Problem with uploader

2008-11-18 Thread Adam Jimerson
On Sunday 16 November 2008 9:10:19 pm you wrote:

 You'll want to look in the error log to see what is there.


All the Apache error logs says is print () on closed Filehandle OUTFILE at 
/srv/www/cgi-bin/upload line 46, but I do have the filehandle open in the 
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason 
than only freedom can make security more secure.  Karl Popper

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Re: Problem with uploader

2008-11-18 Thread Adam Jimerson
Matthew Whipple wrote:

 The die message would most likely be written into the server's log.  A
 quick fix to more easily get the error messages would be using
 CGI::Carp, a use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser) should show you the
 error on the page.

Using CGI::Carp didn't produce any error in the browser and the Apache log is 
saying the same thing.  I did update CGI::Carp to see if it would make a 
difference but no such luck.

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Re: Premature end of script headers

2008-11-16 Thread Adam Jimerson
Mike Williams wrote:

  i need to know the reasons for this error Premature end of script
  headers i checked with my http header content-type:text/html ,but i
  had not solved yet..
 Often this happens when some error occurs in your code before you output
 the headers.
 Try putting this near the top of your script:
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 this will redirect fatal errors to the browser window - see perldoc
 CGI::Carp for more info.
 If neither this nor Sean's suggestion helps post your code so we can take
 a look.

I also had this problem the other day the web browser said that there was a 
Premature end of script headers but the Apache log said that it was a problem 
with permissions.  Checking my script shows that I forgot to make it 
executable.  It might be worth checking the obvious and see if you have a 
similar problem.

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Problem with uploader

2008-11-16 Thread Adam Jimerson
I'm trying to make a CGI script to upload files remotely onto my server, to get 
around my uni blocking everything but port 80, but I have ran into a problem 
with it.  I followed the documentation on CPAN for uploading files and did what 
they have suggested as the best way but it doesn't work.  Here is my code:

use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';

#Declare any variables
my $radio_button;
my $filename;

#Generate the form
print header;
print start_html (File Uploader v3);
print h1File Uploader/h1\n;
print hr\n;
print pWhich file type: /p;
print radio_group(-name='File_Type',
 -values=['HTML', 'CGI'],
print start_multipart_form();
print pFile Upload: /p;
print filefield (-name='Uploaded_file',
-default='Give a file',
print brbr;
print submit('Upload', 'Upload');
print reset;
print endform;

#Do the work
$radio_button = param('File_Type');
if ( $radio_button eq HTML ) {
$filename = upload('Uploaded_file');
open (OUTFILE, /tmp/uploaded.html) || die Can't open the file: $!;
while ($filename) {
print OUTFILE $_;
close (OUTFILE);
open (MAIL, |mail -s \File Uploaded\ vendion);
print MAIL A file has just been uploaded!\n;
close (MAIL);
} else {
#Code soon to come
print end_html;

Running it locally prints out the generated HTML and it looks right and the 
page does open correctly on my server but there is not file in /tmp and the 
mail is never sent and I don't know if it is a problem with opening the OUTFILE 
handle because the die command doesn't kick in from what I can see.

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Adding CSS to a CGI script

2008-11-08 Thread Adam Jimerson
I am curious about adding CSS to a CGI script, lets say that this is my script

use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
print header(), start_html(Add Me);
print h1(Add Me);
if(param()) {
  my $n1 = param('field1');
  my $n2 = param('field2');
  my $n3 = $n2 + $n1;
  print p($n1 + $n2 = strong$n3/strong\n);
} else {
  print hr(), start_form();
  print p(First Number:, textfield(field1));
  print p(Second Number:, textfield(field2));
  print p(submit(add), reset(clear));
  print end_form, hr();
print end_html();

Would it be possible to add CSS when handling HTML like that?

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Re: Reading a list of numbers from a file into a array

2008-10-29 Thread Adam Jimerson
Thanks for the help.

John W. Krahn wrote:

 vendion wrote:
 Hello I am having trouble finding the correct syntax for reading a
 list of numbers from a file, it is open and can read from it, I tried
 while (INPUT) {
 @some_array = $_;
 print @some_array\n;
 my @some_array;
 while ( INPUT ) {
  push @some_array, $_;
 print @some_array\n;
 @some_array = INPUT;
 print @some_array\n;
 chomp( my @some_array = INPUT );
 print @some_array\n;
 but in both cases it reads the entire list at once but in both cases
 it also looped 21 times,
 But, the second example does not loop at all!
 the amount of numbers in the list I am
 reading from.
 Also (this part is off topic) where can I get the server info to post
 to this group with a newsgroup reader?
 Point your Usenet client at:

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