Listing a Windows file, getting creation date

2005-02-24 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Hi all,
I am very new to Perl.  I have had assembler and Rexx experience on a
mainframe. I would like to be able to use Perl to list a directory, get
the propeties of the files (eg. date created), and keep the newest 3.
The reason I want to do this is because I am running a UDB system that
creates weekly backups.  The backups never get deleted unless I do that
by hand.  I would like to keep the 3 newest UDB backups.  Any help, in
any direction, would be greatly appreciated.  Once I get started on
this, I think perl will make more sense to me.
The directory structure is:
Bret Goodfellow
Questar Gas,
S.L.C.,  UT

Perl error --> Global symbol requires...

2005-02-25 Thread Bret Goodfellow
I'm getting the following error in my code.  If I define $i as my $i
then everything works fine.  What's wrong?
use strict ;
use warnings ;
$i = 1;
while ($i < 10) {
 print "I am at $i\n";
Global symbol "$i" requires explicit package name at
C:\BegPerl\ line 6

Any ideas on 'uninitialized value in lenth'?

2005-03-03 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Here's a simple perl script where I am listing out the contents of a
directory.  When it completes, the following error occurs.  How do I
eliminate this?
Use of uninitialized value in length at C:\BegPerl\ line 23.
Below is the script:
# Dsrch1.plx
# use strict ;
use warnings ;
$directory = $ARGV[0]; 
opendir(DIR, $directory) or die "Can't open $directory\n" ;
$direntry = readdir(DIR);
 ($mtime) = stat($direntry);
# read entire directory contents and print out#
while (length($direntry) > 0) {
 print "$direntry - modify date: $mtime\n" ;
 $direntry = readdir(DIR);

Invalid data-time stamps

2005-03-07 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Hi all,
I am attempting to list out the contents of a directory, and print the
last time accessed.  The data-time is not correct though.  I am running
this code on a Windows XP workstation.  There doesn't seem to be a real
easy way to get the timestamps of directories.  H   Here is the
use strict;
# use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $file;
my $write_secs;
opendir $DIRHANDLE, "$ARGV[0]" or die "Can't open directory handle: $!";
 while ($file = readdir $DIRHANDLE) {
  $write_secs = (stat($file))[9];
  printf "file %s updated at %s\n", $file,
 scalar localtime($write_secs);
closedir $DIRHANDLE;
I get the following output:
C:\BegPerl> c:\db2_backup\udbt.0\db2\node\catn
file . updated at Wed Dec  1 10:53:32 2004
file .. updated at Tue Jan  1 00:00:00 1980
file 20050204 updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file 20050228 updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file 20050301 updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file 20050302 updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file 20050304 updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file dir.lst updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
file march.txt updated at Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969

Testing for a '\' in a string

2005-03-09 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Hi all,
I am trying to evaluate a string, and determine if the last charater of
the string has a backslash '\' .  The piece of code I am using doesn't
appear to work.  What I've found with this peice of code is that if the
string does contain a \, then the following code still adds another
slash.  If there is not backslash in the string, the the code appears to
work fine by adding a backslash.  Any ideas?
   print "Deleting old directory $dir_no: $Dir_name\n";
   $arg_length = length($ARGV[0]);
   $arg_lastchar = substr($ARGV[0], $arg_length-1, 1);
   print "last char is: $arg_lastchar\n";
   # add a \ if one was not present in argument   #
if ($arg_lastchar ne '\\' or $arg_lastchar ne '/') {
$Dir_name = '\\' . $Dir_name;
print "Adding \\ to: $Dir_name\n";

Why am I getting data from Current Directory?

2005-03-11 Thread Bret Goodfellow
I am writing a script to list out a directory's contents, showing the
number of days since modified.  The problem I am having is that the
script doesn't list out the "modified time" unless I change to the
directory being listed.  If I change to the directory I want to list,
then all works okay.  Is there a way to fix this script so that I don't
have to run the script from the current directory?
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::find;
use File::stat;
my $arg_length;
my $arg_lastchar;
my $arg_string;
my $Len;
$arg_length = length($ARGV[0]);
$arg_lastchar = substr($ARGV[0], $arg_length-1, 1);
$arg_string = $ARGV[0];
print "Argument: $arg_string\n";
print "length: $arg_length\n";
print "last character: $arg_lastchar\n";
print "Contents of $arg_string\n";
opendir DH, $arg_string or die "Couldn't open directory: $arg_string

# Read one file at a time into $_

while ($_ = readdir(DH)) {
 next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
 next if -d $_ ;
# append upto 30 blanks after the file name #
 print $_, " " x (30-length($_)); 
 print " age of file: ";  # age of file
 $Len = index(-M $_, ".");
 print substr(-M $_, 1, $Len-1);
 print "\n";

RE: Why am I getting data from Current Directory?

2005-03-11 Thread Bret Goodfellow
The File::Find::name didn't seem to make any difference.  I still have
to be in the directory that I want to search. Hmmm.

-Original Message-
From: Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 3:13 PM
To: Bret Goodfellow;
Subject: RE: Why am I getting data from Current Directory?

Bret Goodfellow wrote:
> I am writing a script to list out a directory's contents, showing the 
> number of days since modified.  The problem I am having is that the 
> script doesn't list out the "modified time" unless I change to the 
> directory being listed.  If I change to the directory I want to list, 
> then all works okay.  Is there a way to fix this script so that I 
> don't have to run the script from the current directory?
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use File::find;
> use File::stat;
> my $arg_length;
> my $arg_lastchar;
> my $arg_string;
> my $Len;
> $arg_length = length($ARGV[0]);
> $arg_lastchar = substr($ARGV[0], $arg_length-1, 1); $arg_string = 
> $ARGV[0];
> print "Argument: $arg_string\n";
> print "length: $arg_length\n";
> print "last character: $arg_lastchar\n";
> print "Contents of $arg_string\n";
> opendir DH, $arg_string or die "Couldn't open directory: $arg_string 
> $!";
> ##
> ##
> #
> # Read one file at a time into $_
> #

> #
> while ($_ = readdir(DH)) {
>  next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
>  next if -d $_ ;
> #
> # append upto 30 blanks after the file name #
> #
>  print $_, " " x (30-length($_));
>  print " age of file: ";  # age of file
>  $Len = index(-M $_, ".");
Change the $_ to $File::Find::name ( Fully qualified name of
file ) Is in the doc. Wags ;)
>  print substr(-M $_, 1, $Len-1);
>  print "\n";
> }

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Passing command line arguments

2005-04-13 Thread Bret Goodfellow
I have a script that is reading input from ARGV.  The script is being
passed a file name as follows: c:\program files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2diag.log
The problem I am running into is that the space is not recognized in the
argument.  All that I get passed to is is c:\program.  How do I get
the rest of the argument.  Below is a portion of the script.  Thanks.
 # check input parameter*
 $arg_length = length($ARGV[0]);
 $arg_lastchar = substr($ARGV[0], $arg_length-1, 1);
 $arg_string = $ARGV[0] ;
 print "Parameter argument is: $arg_string \n";

host id

2005-06-09 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Simple question to answer, I hope. I am running on an HP-UX system, and
would like to retrive the UNIX system's host-id (name of box). Is there
a function to do this?

finding needle in a haystack

2005-06-22 Thread Bret Goodfellow
All right, I know how to do this in REXX because there is a word()
function, but how do I do this in Perl.  I want to read in one record at
a time, that has space-delimited fields.  There may be multiple spaces
between the words.  I want to be able to get for example, the 4th word
of the record.  How do I do this?  Just for grins, my record looks like
/dev/sun11/lvol13   1032192  377921  613445   38% /techsupp

RE: finding needle in a haystack

2005-06-22 Thread Bret Goodfellow

-Original Message-
From: Chris Devers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:17 PM
To: Bret Goodfellow
Cc: Perl Beginners List
Subject: Re: finding needle in a haystack

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Bret Goodfellow wrote:

> All right, I know how to do this in REXX because there is a word() 
> function, but how do I do this in Perl.

The split() function is what you're looking for.

$ perldoc -f split

The perldoc gives this example:

A pattern matching the null string (not to be confused with a
null pattern "//", which is just one member of the set of pat-
terns matching a null string) will split the value of EXPR into
separate characters at each point it matches that way.  For

print join(':', split(/ */, 'hi there'));

produces the output 'h:i:t:h:e:r:e'.

It shouldn't be hard to adapt this example to your needs.

Chris Devers

Thanks Chris,

This is what I actually did to resolve my issue:

@words = split(/ * /, $line)
Print "the third word is: $words[2]\n";

Bret Goodfellow

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Can't locate object method "driver"

2006-10-13 Thread Bret Goodfellow
I have implemented Nagios, and wanted to run this perl script to
interrogate my Oracle systems.  This really isn't a coding question, but
rather a setup or execution question.  I would like to understand why I
am getting the following error when I run
natively from the linux shell:
serv:~ > ./ -u nagios -p password -c mwm -t
DBD::Oracle initialisation failed: Can't locate object method "driver"
via package "DBD::Oracle" at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ line
Perhaps the capitalisation of DBD 'Oracle' isn't right. at
./ line 157
serv:~ >
I'm sure some perl guru knows exactly what is wrong here, and could
point me in the right direction.

How do I truncate or remove a trailing character

2007-08-01 Thread Bret Goodfellow
Okay, I know this has to be simple, but because I am trying to truncate
or remove a special character I've run into a roadblock.  Here's what I
want to do.  
$value = "12345)" ;
How do I change $value so that the trailing ")" is removed.  In
otherwords with the given example, how do I manipulate $value so that
its value is "12345"?  Please keep in mind that $value may be variable
in length, so I can't use substr($value, 0, 5).  Can split be used to do
this?  Stumped.