arrays problem

2001-06-13 Thread F.H

Hi All,

Here is my problem with the script below:
 I can access each item from each line. But I got stuck trying to figure
 out how to access each hobbies/sports lines!!
 I need to be able to get data from for instance:

 $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[0][2] which should yield H3
 $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[3][0]   to get HG.

(data file is at bottom of message)

In a loop:   
for ssn = xyz:

 Hobbies are:
 line 0, row 0 : =
 line 0, row 1 : =
 line 1, row 0: =
 line 1, row 1: =
 and so on.

  script is below
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; # print &Data::Dumper::Dumper($var);

my %ssns;

while () {

#   chomp;  # remove \n
next if /^\s*$/;# skip blanke lines

my @line = split /\s*,\s*/, $_;
my $key = $line[0];
my $ssn = $line[1];

# Name, SSN, , 

if ($key =~ /^Name/i) {
$ssns{$ssn}{name} = $line[2];
$ssns{$ssn}{number} = $line[3];

# Sports, SSN, , ...

if ($key =~ /^Sports/i) {
push @{$ssns{$ssn}{sports}}, @line[2 .. $#line];

# Hobbies, SSN, , ...

if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, @line[2 .. $#line];
#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%ssns], [qw(ssns)]);# dump hash

# print results

foreach (sort keys %ssns) {

print "For ssn $_:\n";

print "  Sports are:\n";
foreach (sort @{$ssns{$_}{sports}}) {
print "$_ ";
print "\n";

print "  Hobbies are:\n";
foreach (sort @{$ssns{$_}{hobbies}}) {
print "$_ ";
print "\n";
print "\n";

exit 0;

Name ,123-43-4352, JX, 1234
Sports,123-43-4352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
Hobbies, 123-43-4352, H1,H2, H3
Hobbies, 123-43-4352, HH, HHH, 2
Hobbies,123-43-4352, H1,H43

Name ,223-63-9352, JX, 1234
Sports,223-63-9352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
Hobbies, 223-63-9352, H1,H2, H3
Hobbies, 223-63-9352, HH, HHH, 2
Hobbies,223-63-9352, H1,H43
Hobbies,223-63-9352, HG, HG, HGFR

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Re: arrays problem

2001-06-13 Thread F.H

Thanks for taking the time to solve this problem. Of course those are not real ssn 
I tried your suggestion:

if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, [@line[2 .. $#line]];
# print results
print "\n TEST: $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[2][2]\n";
It came out with no results and down below in the foreach loop:
It printed:
  Hobbies are:
 ARRAY(0xca6840) ARRAY(0xca6828) ARRAY(0xca67f8) ARRAY(0xca67a4)

Did I miss/skip something in the code?


Michael Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:09:29PM -0400, F.H wrote:
> [snip]
> >  $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[0][2] which should yield H3
> >  $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[3][0]   to get HG.
> [snip]
> >     if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
> >         push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, @line[2 .. $#line];
> >     }
> From this, your data structure is:
>     %ssns = (
>         '123-43-4352' => {
>             'hobbies' => [qw(
>                 JX 1234 SKI BaseBall swimming H1 H2 H3 HH HHH 2 H1 H43
>             )],
>             ...
>         },
>         ...
>     );
> But you're trying to access it as:
>     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[0][2];
> You have one index too many.  To get 'H3' you'd use:
>     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[7];
> If you want to preserve the line numbers you need to push an array
> reference:
>     if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
>         push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, [@line[2 .. $#line]];
>     }
> Your data structure would then look like this:
>     %ssns = (
>         '123-43-4352' => {
>             'hobbies' => [
>                 [qw(JX 1234              )],
>                 [qw(SKI BaseBall swimming)],
>                 [qw(H1 H2 H3             )],
>                 [qw(HH HHH 2         )],
>                 [qw(H1 H43               )],
>             )],
>             ...
>         },
>         ...
>     );
> Then you'd be able to access 'H3' as:
>     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[2][2];
> You have commented lines in your script for printing out the data structure
> using Data::Dumper.  This is a good idea, and ideal for determining why your
> accesses aren't getting the data you want.
> > __DATA__
> > Name ,123-43-4352, JX, 1234
> > Sports,123-43-4352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> > Hobbies, 123-43-4352, H1,H2, H3
> > Hobbies, 123-43-4352, HH, HHH, 2
> > Hobbies,123-43-4352, H1,H43
> > 
> > Name ,223-63-9352, JX, 1234
> > Sports,223-63-9352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> > Hobbies, 223-63-9352, H1,H2, H3
> > Hobbies, 223-63-9352, HH, HHH, 2
> > Hobbies,223-63-9352, H1,H43
> > Hobbies,223-63-9352, HG, HG, HGFR
> I sincerely hope these aren't real social security numbers.
> Michael
> --
> Administrator            
> Programmer, System Administrator
> --
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Re: arrays problem

2001-06-13 Thread F.H

Let me just clarify that in this loop where it doesn't work:
foreach $i ( 0 .. $#{ $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies} } ) {

print " $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[$i]";


I need to be able to access through maybe a multidemensional array each elemnt of the 


> Michael,
> Thanks for taking the time to solve this problem. Of course those are not real ssn 
> I tried your suggestion:
> if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
> push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, [@line[2 .. $#line]];
> }
> }           
> # print results
> print "\n TEST: $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[2][2]\n";
> It came out with no results and down below in the foreach loop:
> It printed:
>   Hobbies are:
>  ARRAY(0xca6840) ARRAY(0xca6828) ARRAY(0xca67f8) ARRAY(0xca67a4)
> Did I miss/skip something in the code?
> Regards
> I.S
> Michael Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:09:29PM -0400, F.H wrote:
> > [snip]
> > >  $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[0][2] which should yield H3
> > >  $ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}[3][0]   to get HG.
> > [snip]
> > 
> > >     if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
> > >         push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, @line[2 .. $#line];
> > >     }
> > 
> > From this, your data structure is:
> > 
> >     %ssns = (
> >         '123-43-4352' => {
> >             'hobbies' => [qw(
> >                 JX 1234 SKI BaseBall swimming H1 H2 H3 HH HHH 2 H1 H43
> >             )],
> >             ...
> >         },
> > 
> >         ...
> >     );
> > 
> > But you're trying to access it as:
> > 
> >     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[0][2];
> > 
> > You have one index too many.  To get 'H3' you'd use:
> > 
> >     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[7];
> > 
> > 
> > If you want to preserve the line numbers you need to push an array
> > reference:
> > 
> >     if ($key =~ /^Hobbies/i) {
> >         push @{$ssns{$ssn}{hobbies}}, [@line[2 .. $#line]];
> >     }
> > 
> > Your data structure would then look like this:
> > 
> >     %ssns = (
> >         '123-43-4352' => {
> >             'hobbies' => [
> >                 [qw(JX 1234              )],
> >                 [qw(SKI BaseBall swimming)],
> >                 [qw(H1 H2 H3             )],
> >                 [qw(HH HHH 2         )],
> >                 [qw(H1 H43               )],
> >             )],
> >             ...
> >         },
> > 
> >         ...
> >     );
> > 
> > 
> > Then you'd be able to access 'H3' as:
> > 
> >     $ssns{'123-43-4352'}{'hobbies'}[2][2];
> > 
> > 
> > You have commented lines in your script for printing out the data structure
> > using Data::Dumper.  This is a good idea, and ideal for determining why your
> > accesses aren't getting the data you want.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > __DATA__
> > > Name ,123-43-4352, JX, 1234
> > > Sports,123-43-4352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> > > Hobbies, 123-43-4352, H1,H2, H3
> > > Hobbies, 123-43-4352, HH, HHH, 2
> > > Hobbies,123-43-4352, H1,H43
> > > 
> > > Name ,223-63-9352, JX, 1234
> > > Sports,223-63-9352, SKI, BaseBall, swimming
> > > Hobbies, 223-63-9352, H1,H2, H3
> > > Hobbies, 223-63-9352, HH, HHH, 2
> > > Hobbies,223-63-9352, H1,H43
> > > Hobbies,223-63-9352, HG, HG, HGFR
> > 
> > I sincerely hope these aren't real social security numbers.
> > 
> > 
> > Michael
> > --
> > Administrator            
> > Programmer, System Administrator
> > --
> > 
> __
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deep hash

2001-06-16 Thread F.H

Hi All,
I am trying to display some data as follows:

 City: Chicago
 Street: Main
   John Doe 1
   John Doe 2
   J.D 3

  City: L.A
 and so on...for the other states
my %state;
While ($line = ){
push @{$state{$city}{$street}{people}}, @line[5..$#line];

Now the problem:
foreach $city (keys %state) {
print" City: $city\n";
 foreach $i (0 .. $#{$state{$city}{$street}}{
print"   Street: $street\n";
   foreach $j (0 .. $#{$state{$city}{$street}{people}{
  print"  $_\n";
This is where I get stuck. I'd appreciate if someone can help.

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Hash of arrays

2001-06-28 Thread F.H

Hi All,

I just wonder why the if condition is always true regardless of the value of the array 
@AB = [1,2], and $i gets printed even for values not inlcuded in array AB.

foreach $i ( 0 .. $#{ $testsec{'AB'} } ) {
if ($testsec{'AB'}[$i] = "6543"){ # always true
 print "$i\n";
else { last ;}
print " $testsec{'AB'}[$i]\n";

I appreciate if someone can help.

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data matching

2001-06-28 Thread F.H

Hi all,

I am trying to skip any line in my input file that doesn't have a city with a street 
named 'MAIN'. I am matching record[3] in my input file with a $city (array) from a 
hash (%state) that I got from another file. The problem is that @city contains more 
than one element!

while ($line = ){

$city = $record[3] ;
for ($i = 0; $i <=  $#{ $state{$city}; $i ++  ) {  

next if$state{$city}[$i] ne "MAIN"




@city is an array of streets can be = ['MAIN', 'MAIN1','BROADWAY','PARK'], I want to 
Thanks for your help

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data matching

2001-06-28 Thread F.H

Hi all,

I am trying to skip any line in my input file that doesn't have a city with a street 
named 'MAIN'. I am matching record[3] in my input file with a $city (array) from a 
hash (%state) that I got from another file. The problem is that @city contains more 
than one element!

while ($line = ){

$city = $record[3] ;
for ($i = 0; $i <=  $#{ $state{$city}; $i ++  ) {  

next if$state{$city}[$i] ne "MAIN"




@city is an array of streets can be = ['MAIN', 'MAIN1','BROADWAY','PARK'], I want to 
Thanks for your help

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Re: data matching

2001-06-28 Thread F.H

> --- "F.H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> Hi. =o)
> > I am trying to skip any line in my input file that doesn't have a
> > city with a street named 'MAIN'. I am matching record[3] in my input
> > file with a $city (array) from a hash (%state) that I got from
> > another file. The problem is that @city contains more than one
> > element!
> a $city (array) ???
> What do you mean?

Sorry for the confusion, But I meant city is an array and at the same time an element 
of the hash %state.

> > while ($line = ){
> > 
> It might help to see some of the ellipsed code

Nothing much:
for ($line) { # get rid of quotes

> > $city = $record[3] ;
> > for ($i = 0; $i <=  $#{ $state{$city}; $i ++  ) {  
> Never use the
>  for( ; ; ) { }
> construct in Perl without a significant and compelling reason.
> foreach is virtually always better for lots of reasons. Try:
>   for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $state{$city} ) {
> >             next if    $state{$city}[$i] ne "MAIN"
> Is that next supposed to advance the while loop?
> Because I think it's an expensive no-op that just advances the for
> loop.

I've tried that as well, and the purpose is to skip any line where the city doesn't 
have street = 'MAIN'
> Label the while like this:
>   READ: while($line=) {
> and then specify which loop is being advanced with
>   next READ if 
> >                } 
> Hmm...
> maybe:
>   READ: while($line=) {
>         my %lookup = ();
>         @lookup{@state{$city}} = 1 .. scalar(@state{$city});
>         next READ unless $lookup{MAIN};
>         # it's there, so do whatever code...
> > }
> I haven't tested this, and something about it feels funny
> But it's a start. =o)
> __
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Re: data matching

2001-06-28 Thread F.H

Here is my script, I am missing something. All I am trying to do is to skip
LA and BURLINGTON lines, because they are missing 'MAIN'.

my %state;
%state = (
LA => ["DELTA", "GAMMA"],

SWITCH:{ while ($line = ){
#next if /^\s*$/;
@line = split /\s*,\s*/, $line;
$city = $line[3];
#print @line;
#print "CITY : $city\n";
foreach  $street (@{ $state{$city} } ){
   print $street, "\n";  
 if ( $street ne "MAIN"){
   next SWITCH;



Michael Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 02:34:31PM -0700, Paul wrote:
> > > $city = $record[3] ;
> > > for ($i = 0; $i <=  $#{ $state{$city}; $i ++  ) {  
> > 
> > Never use the
> >  for( ; ; ) { }
> > construct in Perl without a significant and compelling reason.
> > foreach is virtually always better for lots of reasons. Try:
> > 
> >   for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $state{$city} ) {
> Well, you make a good point that one should use foreach, but then you use it
> in almost identical way as the for loop.  If you were to use it this way,
> you might as well use a for loop.  The most readable and idiomatic way to do
> this is:
>     foreach my $street (@{ $state{$city} }) {
>         ... if $street ne "MAIN";
>     }
> You should try to avoid the foreach (0 .. $#array) form; that list has to go
> into memory somewhere, and it's just a more verbose way of saying foreach
> (@array).
> Otherwise, that's some good advice.
> Michael
> --
> Administrator            
> Programmer, System Administrator
> --
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Re: data matching

2001-06-29 Thread F.H

Michael Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You probably shouldn't be using a bare block as a looping construct.  What
> is the intent of your code, what do you want it to do if $street eq 'MAIN'
> or $street ne 'MAIN'?
Sorry I have not been quite clear about what I want to get:

use strict;
my %state = (
   LA  => [qw(DELTAGAMMA  )],
   BOSTON  => [qw(FIRSTMAIN   )],
   SEATTLE => [qw(GREATMAIN   )],

CITY:while (my $line = ){

my @line = split /\s*,\s*/, $line;
my $city = $line[3];

foreach my $city (keys %state) {
foreach  my $street (@{ $state{$city} } ){
if  ($street ne 'MAIN'){
 next  ;
   next CITY;
  print "$line\n";



I want my output to be (print only lines where city/ street <> 'MAIN' :


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encrypt password

2001-07-02 Thread F.H

Anyone know is there is a way(Perl built in function etc..) to encrypt a line in a 
configuration file. something like this:
password= test_password
user= test_user
I want to be able to encrypt the password line only, but be able to read from it.

Also another question:
Is it NOT recomended to have a for loop nested in a 'if' statement or it doesn't 
really matter.


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string position

2001-07-05 Thread F.H

I'd like to be able to print a string at a specific location . Is there any function 
that does that.
$test = "abcd';
I want to print $test at position 20-25.
I appreciate if someone can help
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Re: string position

2001-07-05 Thread F.H

I meant, counting characters from left to right, $test will occupy charcater position 
20 through 25, the print out will look like this.

   ,abcd  ,  

there are other string variables before and after that $test of course. Greg 

Meckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can try:
> $test = "abcd";
> $test = sprintf "%24s" , $test;
> Greg
> __
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Re: DBI fatal error message

2001-07-12 Thread F.H

I am able to connect successfully to the sybase SQL server. 
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=$server;loginTimeout=240", $userID, $pass)

my problem is that eventhough I have set a timeout parameter I still get that message 
pretty regularly!!! I set it to a higher value and still the same.


"C.J. Collier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heya I.S,
> I think we need to be a bit more specific.  You're not giving us any
> information (even wrong information) about how you connect to the
> database.  We don't know for sure whether you're passing the right
> arguments.  I am going to assume you're using MySQL, as it's a common
> database engine, and I know it better than others ;)
> so here's some code (mostly from perldoc DBD::mysql)
> use DBI;
> $driver = "mysql";
> my $hostname = '';
> my $database = 'mydb';
> my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname";
> my $username = 'user';
> my $password = 'pass';
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password);
> my $table = "mydb"; # this bothers me.  do you really mean it?
> my $query = "SELECT ? ? from $table"; #?s replaced in the execute() call
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query ) 
>   or die "Can't prepare statement: $DBI::errstr";
> my $rc = $sth->execute("field1", "field2")
>   or die "Can't execute statement: $DBI::errstr";
> while (($field1, $field2) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
> }
> die $sth->errstr if $sth->err
> that might clean things up for you a bit.  I'm kinda' in a hurry and
> didn't get a chance to test this.  If you could let us know how you're
> connecting (and maybe try a different approach), we might be able to
> give you a bit more information.
> Good luck,
> C.J.
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, F.H wrote:
> > Hi ALL,
> > I get pretty much all the time this fatal error message when I try to connect to a 
>remote sql database. But when I run the perl script again, it runs just fine.
> > Anyone knows why this is happening and how to overcome it? 
> > code looks like this:
> > #I tried sleep 5; and didn't do much
> >  my $dbh = DBI->connect( >       || die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr";
> >    $dbh->do("use mydb");     
> > 
> >     my $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{
> >           SELECT   field1  field2 from mydb
> >   }) || die "Can't prepare statement: $DBI::errstr";
> >                                         
> > 
> >      my $rc = $sth->execute
> >       || die "Can't execute statement: $DBI::errstr";
> >  
> >    while (($field1, $field2) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
> >     
> >     
> >        }
> >     die $sth->errstr if $sth->err
> > 
> > error:
> > 
> > DBI->connect(server=OMEGA) failed: OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN =
> >  (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (6)
> > Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: 
> > Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect
> >  at line 13
> > Can't connect to : OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) N
> > UMBER = (6)
> > Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: 
> > Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > 
> > I.S
> > __
> > Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 
> > 
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2001-07-13 Thread F.H

Does anyone know how to get a difference between 2 dates. For instance
something like (07/12/01 - 07/13/01) that would get me 1.

Thanks in advance


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error messages

2001-07-15 Thread F.H

I am just wondering if there is a way thru an API or others to display a perl script 
error messages in a Powerbuilder/VB application that calls this perl script.
Any help is appreciated


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sprintf question

2001-07-17 Thread F.H

Anybody know the right syntax to left justify a string with zeros using sprintf ot any 
other function?
$test = "mytest";
$test = sprintf "0%24s", $test;
print "test";

I am getting only one zero.

Thanks for your help.

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Date problem

2001-07-25 Thread F.H

does anyone know how to convert a date from mmddyy to mmdd?
so 010201 becomes 01022001

Thanks for your help


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input output append

2001-08-03 Thread F.H

anyone knows the right syntax for  reading and writing (appending) to a file.
I tried this and it didn't seem to work
open (FH,"+< file.txt" )



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2001-08-03 Thread F.H

Hi there,
I am trying to sort on  cities but it doesn't seem to yield the right sort:
here is my code snippet:
foreach  $country ( keys %world){

  foreach  $city ( sort keys %{$world{$country}}) {

foreach my $street ( keys %{$world{$country}{$city}} 

ANybody know what's wrong with this



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arguments with a module

2001-08-16 Thread F.H

Hi there,
Can you use in a perl script a module with an argument. something like
use mymodule -myargument;

I get this message: "-myargument" is not exported bt the mymodule module.
I tried in the module this
@mymodule::EXPORT = qw(myargument )
and still it didn't work.

I'd appreciate any suggestion


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RE: Re: arguments with a module

2001-08-16 Thread F.H

what I mean by argument is a switch/option that I pass to the module that I call 
whithin my main perl script. Yes I have those line in my module:
>use vars qw( @EXPORT, @ISA );
>@EXPORT = qw( function_name );
>@ISA = qw( Exporter );
>require Exporter
the module is so long that is not worth posting over here. All I need is to be able to 
pass an argument/switch  to it, in my case is a file name.
so I need to have something like
use mymodule -myargument=

I hope I am a little clearer this time.



Troy Denkinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thursday 16 August 2001 16:16, F.H wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Can you use in a perl script a module with an argument. something like
>> use mymodule -myargument;
>> I get this message: "-myargument" is not exported bt the mymodule module.
>> I tried in the module this
>> @mymodule::EXPORT = qw(myargument )
>> and still it didn't work.
>Is this a module you're creating?  If so, can you post all (if it's brief) or 
>some of it so we can see what you're trying to do?
>I think what you probably want is:
>use vars qw( @EXPORT, @ISA );
>@EXPORT = qw( function_name );
>@ISA = qw( Exporter );
>require Exporter;
>I'm not sure what you mean by "argument".

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[FWD: RE: Re: arguments with a module]

2001-08-16 Thread F.H

I meant to send this to the whole list.

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what I mean by argument is a switch/option that I pass to the module that I call 
whithin my main perl script. Yes I have those line in my module:
>use vars qw( @EXPORT, @ISA );
>@EXPORT = qw( function_name );
>@ISA = qw( Exporter );
>require Exporter
the module is so long that is not worth posting over here. All I need is to be able to 
pass an argument/switch  to it, in my case is a file name.
so I need to have something like
use mymodule -myargument=

I hope I am a little clearer this time.



Troy Denkinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thursday 16 August 2001 16:16, F.H wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Can you use in a perl script a module with an argument. something like
>> use mymodule -myargument;
>> I get this message: "-myargument" is not exported bt the mymodule module.
>> I tried in the module this
>> @mymodule::EXPORT = qw(myargument )
>> and still it didn't work.
>Is this a module you're creating?  If so, can you post all (if it's brief) or 
>some of it so we can see what you're trying to do?
>I think what you probably want is:
>use vars qw( @EXPORT, @ISA );
>@EXPORT = qw( function_name );
>@ISA = qw( Exporter );
>require Exporter;
>I'm not sure what you mean by "argument".

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2001-08-20 Thread F.H

Hi there,
I hope this a is a simple one,
I am trying to format a number so I get it rounded up to 4 decimals then padded with 2 
zeros afterwards,
$test =  "142.09879543" ;
$test = sprintf( "%.4f", $test);
The output that I am looking for is
This will be done via a loop through a whole set of numbers


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RE: Re: formatting

2001-08-21 Thread F.H

Sorry I meant round not round up and this did it:
$test = sprintf( "%.4f00", $test);


Michael Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 12:30:07PM -0400, F.H wrote:
>> I am trying to format a number so I get it rounded up to 4 decimals then
>> padded with 2 zeros afterwards,
>> $test =  "142.09879543" ;
>> $test = sprintf( "%.4f", $test);
>> The output that I am looking for is
>> 142.098800
>> This will be done via a loop through a whole set of numbers
>See perldoc -q 'round'.  Given that you want to round a floating point value
>in a specific direction (up) and then pad the number out a certain number of
>zeroes, I don't know of a simple solution.  You will likely need to write
>your own function, perhaps some combination of splitting on the decimal and
>using POSIX::ceil.
>Unless, of course, you didn't actually mean you want to round up, just that
>you want to round, in which case you should take Bob Showalter's advice and
>use sprintf or printf.
>Programmer, System Administrator

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append line

2001-10-02 Thread F.H

Hi all,

I have 2 files comma delimited that I want to merge based on similarity of first and 
last entry
file1 looks like this
file2 looks like this:

the output I am looking for is:
basically I want to append content of a line of file 1 if the first element and last 
are same in both files is same .

Thanks for your help


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2001-10-05 Thread F.H

can someone give me an example on how to use 'if exists' to compare 2 hashes.



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hash access issue

2001-10-18 Thread F.H

Hi there,

Here is my dilema:
%HoH = (
flintstones => {
lead1  => "fred",
pal1   => "barney",
jetsons => {
lead2  => "george",
wife2  => "jane",
"his boy"3 => "elroy",
simpsons=> {
lead3  => "homer",
wife3  => "marge",
kid3   => "bart",

$HoH{$key1}{$key2} is the basic structure of my hash. while I am reading from another 
that provides 3 variables if $var1 eq flintsones and $var2 eq pal1, then:
$HoH{$var1}{$var2} = "barney".
Is ther a way that if $var1 eq "anything" and $var2 eq pal1 I can still get "barney".

Any help is highly appreciated


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2001-10-23 Thread F.H

Hi All,

Anyone knows how to get a row/column count instead of specifying them as in
foreach my $row (2..130)
foreach my $column (2..130)



use strict;
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3;# die on errors...
my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application')
|| Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit');  

my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("A:\\perl\\codes.xls"); 

my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets(1);

foreach my $row (2..130)
 foreach my $col (1..3)

my $test = $Sheet->Cells($row,3)->{'Value'};
  print "$test\n";

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2001-12-12 Thread F.H

Hi There,
I am trying to get a count of elements of a reference to an array.
$reftest = \@test
$#reftest, doesn't seem to yield the number of arry elements.
I appreciate if someone can help


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