I am confused with looping to stop repeat accurances of a entryies ina log for a report

2002-09-03 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I am trying to parse a squid log file to let It management know where people
are browsing too.  my plan block diagram goes a follows
1. open log
2. seperate by IP address , list only one at a time no repeats of the same
IP address
3.  list only one instance of a visited site , per IP address
4. print HTML file 
but I guess the best route would be dump each log entry in its own array (
by ip address of client machine)  but I am not getting the desired results .
I have a file for debuging called scratch.txt 
here is the code
 logmess = LOG;

 open XML log for writing
   print LOGXML ?xml version=\1.0\?\n; 
   print LOGXML list\n;

## open scratch

 foreach $message(logmess) {

   fields = split(/\s+/, $message);
  $time = $fields[0];
  $site_visited  = $fields[6];
  $userip = $fields[2];
   $userip1 = $userip;
   $userip1 =~ s/\./_/g;
   $xml_ip = $userip1..txt;


scratch = test;
# dump into array
#do loop search
  foreach $el(scratch){
$found = no;
print IP : $xml_ip ... $el\n;
 if($xml_ip eq $el) {
   $found = yes;
   print Yes !!\n;
  if($found ne yes) {
  push(scratch, $xml_ip);

  foreach $rt(scratch){
 print scratch $rt\n;
open(XML_IP,$xml_ip); # holding file per IP addresses

$fetch = $fields[8];
$type = $fields[9];
##   Dump each into its own variable   ##
visited = split(/\//,$site_visited);
# add date ,  dump into array
 print XML_IP $userip $visited[2]\n;
my scratch file looks like this 
there are more clients that that any suggestions  ?

What perl module converts unix time to regular time and date

2002-08-26 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

What perl module converts unix time to regular time and date ?

get page with IO::Socket , but having trouble saving to file

2002-07-13 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello, get page with IO::Socket , but having trouble saving to file

This is what I got:

use IO::Socket;

  $host = www.cnn.com;

  $document = /newhomepage1.htm;

 foreach $doc ($document) {

$remote = IO::Socket::INET-new( Proto = tcp,
 PeerAddr  = $host,
 PeerPort  = http(80),


$EOL = \015\012;

$BLANK = $EOL x 2;

unless ($remote) { die cannot connect to http daemon on $host }


#print $remote GET $document HTTP/1.0 . $BLANK;


   print LOG9  $remote \GET $document HTTP/1.0\ . $BLANK;

 while ( $remote ) { print LOG9 }

close $remote;

Help , what am I doing Wrong ??


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disable printing an output of a perl script file

2002-07-12 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a quiz program, the script queries the DB and print to the browser a
test for the student to take. I would like to prevent them from printing
that test. All my clients are IE 6.0 

Is there a perl module that allows access to Notes on NT box from a Red hat Box

2002-07-11 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Is there a perl module that allows access to Notes on NT box from a Red hat

I need advise Redhat7.1/MYSQL/PERL updates DB on Lotus Notes on NT box

2002-07-09 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I need advise Redhat7.1/MYSQL/PERL updates DB on Lotus Notes on NT box, is
this project hopeless ?  Any Ideas where to start? 

help Grading my test

2002-06-24 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

hello , I have a quiz script. I randomly generates questions up to an
certain number ( what is ever set in the quiz name settings table) , passes
it ina variable to a grade.cgi.  the variable looks like  this
!34!56!5!67! all question numbers seperated by a delimiter. all these
questions com from a mysql table. 
Everything works except for it misses the first question. The script pulls
the number , the db doesnt query for the answer, it continues on with the
rest of the grading fine.
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
  while( $questions_asked =~ /!([^!]*)/g) {
 my $num1 = $1;

print  this is the number : $num1;
# my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where num  = ? );   #
i tried these 
# $sth1 - execute($num1) or die  unable to execute query ;
#  i tried these 
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where num  = '$num1');
$sth1 - execute() or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();

output example


Test results for Test : Exchange 


this is the number : 486 
486  What two folders are available in Exchange Server? 
Correct answer is : CE   You answered  A
The Reason  

this is the number : 564 
564  Which bindery attachments does the Internet Mail Service support:

Correct answer is : AC   You answered   
The Reason  

this is the number : 274 
274  Which are components of Exchange Server?   
Correct answer is : BD   You answered   
The Reason  

this is the number : 43 
43   How are schedule free and busy times handled by the Exchange
Correct answer is : CYou answered   
The Reason  

Jim Flaherty

What am I doing wrong... I want to increment a number in a DB

2002-06-02 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a query to draw it out on my redhat 7.1 box with MySQL 3.23 and I
increment it and run update query . Some where it resets back to zero all
the time

the code

foreach $row(@$array_ref) {
$format,$qty,$lab,$rew,$sta,$history5,$check) = @$rows;

$history2 = $history5;

$dbh2 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);
my $sth2 = $dbh2 - prepare(update media1 set history5 ='$history2' where
num =

$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;

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Hello all this grading program is still messing up

2002-05-23 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a test maker script , that generates random questions from a DB
My grader script needs to grade those same random questions 
it has a variable that called $questions_asked  
its output is like this !146!612!145!385!655!34!122!583!119!109
the code 
#! /usr/bin/perl
#user grading script
#   May 23, 2002 ver 0.03

require subparseform.lib;

$test = $formdata{'test12'};
$sname = $formdata{'name'};
$date1 = $formdata{'date1'};
$numofques = $formdata{'numofques'};
$questions_asked = $formdata{'admin_test'};

# make Page

print content-type: text/html\n\n;
print html\n;
print head\n;
print Script Language=\JavaScript\\n;
print //--+\n;
print // SmartMenus v.1   |\n;
print // \©2001 VASIL DINKOV - PLOVDIV, BULGARIA   |\n;
print //  http://mp3.dinkov.com http://mp3.dinkov.com | vasko\@dinkov.com
print //--+\n;
print // For Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 6   |\n;
print //--+\n\n;
print //==1==Defining Colors\n;
print var menuFrameColor=\'#4d4c76\'\;\n;
print var menuBgColor=\'#bebddf\'\;\n;
print var menuOverBgColor=\'#fff5c6\'\;\n;
print var menuFontColor=\'#4d4c76\'\;\n;
print var menuOverFontColor=\'#4d4c76\'//(can be the same as
print //==2==Defining TARGET for the links in the menu\n;
print var target=\'self\'//(newWindow or self)(cannot navigate to
print  //==3==Defining font, menu cell padding  frame border width\n;
print var font=\'verdana,arial,helvetica\'\;;
print var fontSize=\'10px\'\;\n;
print var fontWeight=\'bold\'\;//(bold or normal)\n;
print  var cellPadding=\'2\'\;\n;
print  var frameBorderWidth=\'1\'\;\n;

print  //==4==Defining The Menus Width\n;
print  var menuWidth=\'140\'\;\n;
print  //==5==Defining The Menus Placement (top left corner of the
print var menuTopPixels=15\;//from document top  left corner(without
print  var menu1LeftPixels=0\;\n;
print  var menu2LeftPixels=74\;\n;
print  var menu3LeftPixels=144\;\n;
print var menu4LeftPixels=226\;\n;
print  var menu5LeftPixels=296\;\n;
print  //var menu6LeftPixels=400\;//(if you want more add like this)\n;
print //==6==Defining The Menus Count (how many do you want)\n;
print  var menuCount=2\;//(without quotes)\n;
print  //=MENU DEFINITIONS=\n;
print  //(be sure to have the same number of array items for both href 
print  //===Menu 1\n;

print href1=new Array(\'nam.cgi\',\'addmaterial.cgi\',\'adduser.php\',;
print \'\')\;\n;
print  text1=new Array(\'Add a Patron\',\'Add Material\',\'Add a User\',;
print \'Edit a User\')\;\n;
print function MV1(){var x=\'\'\;for(i=0\;ihref1.length\;i++);
print {x=x+\trtd class=mxz onclick=doGo(\'\+href1[i]+\\');
print  onmouseover=ov(this) onmouseout=ou(this)\+text1[i]+\/td;
print /tr\}\;return x}\;\n;
print  //===Menu 1 END \n\n\n;

print //===Menu 2\n;
print  href2=new Array(\'checkout_report.cgi\')\;\n;
print  text2=new Array(\'Checkout Report\')\;\n\n;
print  function MV2(){var x=\'\'\;for(i=0\;ihref2.length\;i++);
print {x=x+\trtd class=mxz //onclick=doGo(\'\+href2[i]+\\');
print  onmouseover=ov(this) onmouseout=ou(this)\+text2[i]+\/td;
print /tr\}\;return x}\;\n;
print  //===Menu 2 END \n\n\n;
print if(document.all){topY=menuTopPixels}else{topY=menuTopPixels-2}\;;
print /*NS bud*/function rV(){q=\'\'\;for(z=1\;z=menuCount\;z++);
print {if(document.all){q=q+\m\+z+\.style.display=\'none\'\;\};
}}\;return q}\;;
print eval(\function hide(a){if(a.clientY=topY){\+rV()+\}}\;;
print function hide2(){\+rV()+\}\)\;eval(\function ov(ok);
print {ok.style.background=\'\+menuOverBgColor+\\'\;ok.style.;
print color=\'\+menuOverFontColor+\\'}\;function ou(ok);
print {ok.style.background=\'\+menuBgColor+\\'\;ok.style.;
print color=\'\+menuFontColor+\\'}\;function doGo(ok);
print {var tgt=\'\+target+\\'\;if(tgt==\'newWindow\'){window.open(ok);
print }else{document.location.href=ok}}\;function
print {eval(a).style.display=\'\'}else{document.getElementById(a).style.;
print display=\'\'}}\)\;document.write(\style.mxz{font-family:\;
print +font+\\;font-size:\+fontSize+\\;color:\+menuFontColor+\\;;
print +cellPadding+\\;cursor:default}/style\)\;function buildTheAsses;
print (){for(j=1\;j=menuCount\;j++){document.write(\div
print absolute\;top:\+(menuTopPixels-1)+\\;left:\+(eval(\'menu\'+j+\';
print LeftPixels\')-100)+\\;z-index:3\;display:none id=\+(\'m\'+j);
print +\table 

FW: Hello all this grading program is still messing up

2002-05-23 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I am so sorry , I get an output like question 

 this is question 41miss didnt get grade results

   this is question  52  works
  you answered  a   when correct answer is c  

 it will not split the variable $questions_asked and and query the DB
correctly  , maybe parsing the array is too fast for the query ???

  I attached a results for a grading page 



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:08 PM
To: Beginners (E-mail)
Subject: Hello all this grading program is still messing up 

I have a test maker script , that generates random questions from a DB
My grader script needs to grade those same random questions 
it has a variable that called $questions_asked  
its output is like this !146!612!145!385!655!34!122!583!119!109
the code 
#! /usr/bin/perl
#user grading script
#   May 23, 2002 ver 0.03

require subparseform.lib;

$test = $formdata{'test12'};
$sname = $formdata{'name'};
$date1 = $formdata{'date1'};
$numofques = $formdata{'numofques'};
$questions_asked = $formdata{'admin_test'};

# make Page

print content-type: text/html\n\n;
print html\n;
print head\n;
print Script Language=\JavaScript\\n;
print //--+\n;
print // SmartMenus v.1   |\n;
print // \©2001 VASIL DINKOV - PLOVDIV, BULGARIA   |\n;
print //  http://mp3.dinkov.com http://mp3.dinkov.com | vasko\@dinkov.com
print //--+\n;
print // For Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 6   |\n;
print //--+\n\n;
print //==1==Defining Colors\n;
print var menuFrameColor=\'#4d4c76\'\;\n;
print var menuBgColor=\'#bebddf\'\;\n;
print var menuOverBgColor=\'#fff5c6\'\;\n;
print var menuFontColor=\'#4d4c76\'\;\n;
print var menuOverFontColor=\'#4d4c76\'//(can be the same as
print //==2==Defining TARGET for the links in the menu\n;
print var target=\'self\'//(newWindow or self)(cannot navigate to
print  //==3==Defining font, menu cell padding  frame border width\n;
print var font=\'verdana,arial,helvetica\'\;;
print var fontSize=\'10px\'\;\n;
print var fontWeight=\'bold\'\;//(bold or normal)\n;
print  var cellPadding=\'2\'\;\n;
print  var frameBorderWidth=\'1\'\;\n;

print  //==4==Defining The Menus Width\n;
print  var menuWidth=\'140\'\;\n;
print  //==5==Defining The Menus Placement (top left corner of the
print var menuTopPixels=15\;//from document top  left corner(without
print  var menu1LeftPixels=0\;\n;
print  var menu2LeftPixels=74\;\n;
print  var menu3LeftPixels=144\;\n;
print var menu4LeftPixels=226\;\n;
print  var menu5LeftPixels=296\;\n;
print  //var menu6LeftPixels=400\;//(if you want more add like this)\n;
print //==6==Defining The Menus Count (how many do you want)\n;
print  var menuCount=2\;//(without quotes)\n;
print  //=MENU DEFINITIONS=\n;
print  //(be sure to have the same number of array items for both href 
print  //===Menu 1\n;

print href1=new Array(\'nam.cgi\',\'addmaterial.cgi\',\'adduser.php\',;
print \'\')\;\n;
print  text1=new Array(\'Add a Patron\',\'Add Material\',\'Add a User\',;
print \'Edit a User\')\;\n;
print function MV1(){var x=\'\'\;for(i=0\;ihref1.length\;i++);
print {x=x+\trtd class=mxz onclick=doGo(\'\+href1[i]+\\');
print  onmouseover=ov(this) onmouseout=ou(this)\+text1[i]+\/td;
print /tr\}\;return x}\;\n;
print  //===Menu 1 END \n\n\n;

print //===Menu 2\n;
print  href2=new Array(\'checkout_report.cgi\')\;\n;
print  text2=new Array(\'Checkout Report\')\;\n\n;
print  function MV2(){var x=\'\'\;for(i=0\;ihref2.length\;i++);
print {x=x+\trtd class=mxz //onclick=doGo(\'\+href2[i]+\\');
print  onmouseover=ov(this) onmouseout=ou(this)\+text2[i]+\/td;
print /tr\}\;return x}\;\n;
print  //===Menu 2 END \n\n\n;
print if(document.all){topY=menuTopPixels}else{topY=menuTopPixels-2}\;;
print /*NS bud*/function rV(){q=\'\'\;for(z=1\;z=menuCount\;z++);
print {if(document.all){q=q+\m\+z+\.style.display=\'none\'\;\};
}}\;return q}\;;
print eval(\function hide(a){if(a.clientY=topY){\+rV()+\}}\;;
print function hide2(){\+rV()+\}\)\;eval(\function ov(ok);
print {ok.style.background=\'\+menuOverBgColor+\\'\;ok.style.;
print color=\'\+menuOverFontColor+\\'}\;function ou(ok);
print {ok.style.background=\'\+menuBgColor+\\'\;ok.style.;
print color=\'\+menuFontColor+\\'}\;function doGo(ok);
print {var tgt=\'\+target+\\'\;if(tgt==\'newWindow\'){window.open(ok);
print }else{document.location.href=ok}}\;function

Perl / MySQL problem

2002-05-14 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Does anyone have an Idea whats going on here  , I have an array feeding a
SQL Query, But it doesnt always come back with a success .  What this query
does it is on a Quiz web site . Students take quiz, variable is passed to
grade.cgi. that variable is parsed with a while statement. and a variable is
feed to the query. If the student takes 10 question, only 6 or 7 will get
I have red hat 7.2 and mysql 3.23  , is it possible the while statement
executes to fast for the query ??  
#  connect to DB

use DBI;
my $database = cram;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database;
my $username = user;
my $password = password;
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;

  while( $questions_asked =~ /!([^!]*)/g) {
  my $num1 = $1;
print  This is a test:  $num1BR;   # this statement for debug
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where num  = '$num1' );
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
It would miss every other to every third one Help!

How to a parse a string in perl

2002-05-10 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

 I want to slice up this variable into a single variable and loop until its
The variable is seperated via  !  explnation points and I want the numbers.
This string can be various in length ? Note it doesnt end with that
delimiter. Help
  $jims = !23!45!67

Scripts picks random elements from array , but it repeats sometimes

2002-04-29 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello , My script picks out random elements from an array , but it sometimes
repeats ( which is no good) .. I want to prevent this , Do I delete the
element from the array  or is there a better way ? And how do I do
either ?  

FW: Scripts picks random elements from array , but it repeats sometimes

2002-04-29 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello , My script picks out random elements from an array , but it sometimes
repeats ( which is no good) .. I want to prevent this , Do I delete the
element from the array  or is there a better way ? And how do I do
either ?  
my mistake here is the code 
while($numofques  0) {
$index   = rand numbers;
$element = $numbers[$index];


How do I pass an array to another CGI script

2002-04-24 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

What is the best and easiest way to pass an array to another CGI script?
I am open for any suggestion

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Help with MIME::Lite module

2002-04-12 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I am wanting to send HTML reports to clients that can read html mail.
In the Data section is where you put the body of the message . If I type
html tag and text it works fine. but when I try to add a variable the body
of the message has
nothing on whats in the variable. Help 
my $msg = MIME::Lite-new(
   From   = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ,
mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ,
   Subject= 'Morning Trouble Call report',
   Type   = 'text/html',
   Data   = '$rhtmlpage'

I have numbers in an array how do extract them in a random order ?

2002-04-10 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have numbers in an array how do extract them in a random order ? . I want
to feed them to a sql query to extract information , just the first 10 of
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select num from tests where subject = '$test'
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;

   $count1 = 0;
  my $array_ref = $sth1-fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row($array_ref){
 $num1 = $row-[0];
 push(numbers, $num1);

#   now to extract them 
$num = rand(numbers)
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where num = '$num1' );
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;

Jim f

Trying to add things to an array , but it has blank spaces

2002-04-03 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello, It seams I am sucessfully adding numbers to my array , but in turn
tey are blank spaces. I need Help 

My code 

$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select num from tests where subject = '$test'
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;

   $count1 = 0;
  my $array_ref = $sth1-fetchall_arrayref();

  foreach $row(@$array_ref){

 $num = $row[0];

 push(@numbers, $num);

thanks You 

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thanks for the response yesterday , but I still dont get it ... Trying not to add dup names in DB

2002-03-28 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I made the column testname unique . But I did quite understand how to change
to query syntax.
Stephen told me  to add where clause Where IDENTIFIER NOT IN (  SELECT
I dont get what he means .. I am new to perl .
the table 
show columns from phistory;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| num   | int(4)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| testname  | varchar(60) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
| numpeople | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
| numtimes  | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
| average   | float   | YES  | | NULL||
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select distinct testname from testhistory);
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
my $array_ref1 = $sth1-fetchall_arrayref();

  foreach $row($array_ref1) {
 my($tname) = $row;

   my $sth2 = $dbh - prepare(insert into
$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;


Help ..trying to send HTML Email to clients on outlook 2k with MIME-Lite-HTML-1.8

2002-03-27 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I  trying to send HTML Email to clients on outlook 2k with
I want to send reports html enabled mail intead of the old text mail .  
I was working with this module from CPAN , help our am I going about it the
wrong way
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
###   Get Date   ###

use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
# use CGI::CARP qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use MIME::Lite::HTML;
my $mailHTML = new MIME::Lite::HTML
  From   = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ,
mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ,
#   To = param( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ),
  Subject   = 'Your html Mail';
url =  http://www.cnn.com http://www.cnn.com ;
 my $MIMEmail = $mailHTML-parse(param('url'));

Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call in scalar assignment at test.cgi
line 15
, near  http://www.cnn.com http://www.cnn.com ;
Execution of test.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.


I have a script that print test questions and grades them... how do I make them print a random order

2002-03-27 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a script that print test questions and grades them... how do I make
them print a random order, and a certain amount ??  


$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where subject = '$test' );
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
the table 
mysql show columns from tests;
| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| num | int(5)   |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| subject | varchar(200) | YES  | | NULL||
| ques| longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| quesA   | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| quesB   | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| quesC   | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| quesD   | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| quesE   | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| ans | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL||
| corr_a  | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| corr_b  | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| corr_c  | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| corr_d  | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| corr_e  | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| exp | longtext | YES  | | NULL||
| pipe| varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL||
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)


How Do I add a record to a table if it dont exist ??

2002-03-27 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a delima I want to add records to a table in mysql , only if that
record isnt there , Help 
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select distinct testname from testhistory);
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
my $array_ref1 = $sth1-fetchall_arrayref();

  foreach $row($array_ref1) {
 my($tname) = $row;

my $sth5 = $dbh- prepare(select testname from phistory);
$sth5 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
 my $array_ref5 = $sth5-fetchall_arrayref();
foreach $row1($array_ref5) {
   my($tname) = $row1;
if ($tname ne ){
 my $sth2 = $dbh - prepare(insert into
$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
this code doesnt add at all 

I am clueless about making my test generator program to generate random questions.... Help

2002-03-22 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have a script that generates test questions  and grades them .  I was
asked to make them generate in a random order , can someone point me in the
right direction 
They come in two files  make_test.cgi   and grade.cgi 
#! /usr/bin/perl
#make test  for Cram Program
#   version 0.02  mar 18 2002

require subparseform.lib;
$name = $formdata{'name'};
$test = $formdata{'test1'};
#  connect to DB

use DBI;
my $database = cram;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database;
my $username = root;
my $password = elaine;

##  make sure they havent taken the test before

# $dbh = DBI - connect($data_source, $username, $password)

# my $sth = $dbh1 - prepare(select * from scores where name = '$name' and
test = '$test');
# $sth - execute

# $result = $result
# if($result ne ) {

# my Arrary
###Make Random   # 

$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant connect
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select * from tests where subject = '$test' );
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
#$sth1 - finish;
#   make count
  $count = 0;
# make Page

print content-type: text/html\n\n;
print html\n;
print headtitle Welcome ;
print $name;
print  /title/head\n;
print /head\n;
print body bgcolor=\#FF\ text=\00\ \n;
print background=\notebook.jpg\\n\n;
print h3 align=\right\$name /h3 \n;
print h3 align=\right\$test Test/h3 \n;
print hr\n;
print div align=\center\\n;
print center\n;
print table border=\1\ width=\80%\\n;
print form action=\grade.cgi\;
print  method=\post\ ;
print  name=\cramtest\\n;
print input type=\hidden\ name=\name\ value=\$name\\n;
print input type=\hidden\ name=\test12\ value=\$test\\n;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
   foreach $row($array_ref){
#   Count Routine
 $count ++;
my($num, $subject, $ques,$quesA, $quesB, $quesC, $quesD,$quesE,$ans) =
$tot_ans = 0;
print tr\n;
print td width=\3%\$num/td\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;/td\n;
print td width=\84%\ bgcolor=\#00\$ques\n;
$c_ans = $num.c_ans;
print nbsp; nbsp; input type=\hidden\ name=\$c_ans\
print   /td\n;
print /tr\n;
$ques1a = $num.a;
if ($quesA ne ){
print tr\n\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1a\\n;
print value=\ON\/td\n\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;A./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesA  /td\n;
print /tr\n;

$ques1b = $num.b;
if ($quesB ne ){
print tr\n;
$num_a = $num;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1b\ ;
print value=\ON\/td\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;B./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesB/td\n;
print /tr\n;
$ques1c = $num.c;
if ($quesC ne ){
print tr\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1c\ ;
print value=\ON\/td\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;C./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesC/td\n;
print /tr\n;

$ques1d = $num.d;
if ($quesD ne ){
print tr\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1d\ ;
print value=\ON\/td\n;

print td width=\3%\nbsp;D./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesD /td\n;
print /tr\n;
if ($quesE ne ){
$ques1e = $num.e;
print tr\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1e\ ;
print value=\ON\/td\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;E./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesE /td\n;
print /tr\n;

$ques1f = $num.f;
if ($quesf ne ){
print tr\n;
print td width=\3%\nbsp;input type=\checkbox\ name=\$ques1f\ ;
print value=\ON\/td\n;

print td width=\3%\nbsp;f./td\n;
print td width=\84%\$quesf /td\n;
print /tr\n;
$tot_ans1 = $num.tot_ans1;
print input type=\hidden\ name=\$tot_ans1\ value=\$tot_ans\\n;

print input type=\hidden\ name=\count\ value=\$count\\n;
print /table\n;
print input type=\Submit\ value=\Submit to Be Graded\\n;
print /form\n;
print /center\n;
print /div\n;

print /body\n;
print /html\n;
#! /usr/bin/perl
#user grading script
#   Mar 18, 2002 ver 0.02

require subparseform.lib;
$test = $formdata{'test12'};
$sname = $formdata{'name'};

#  connect to DB

use DBI;
my $database = cram;

perl DBI to Mysql , what happens when field I query is blank ?

2002-03-20 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello I have redhat 7.1 and mysql  , I am trying to query DB of People
if there is no record for this person , I want to add them . My problem
seams to be what is in query results with it comes back blank
here is the code 

$dbh1 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth1 = $dbh1 - prepare(select owner from users where owner =
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
# $sth1 - finish;
# $dbh1-disconnect;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row($array_ref){

my($owner) = $row;
  if($owner eq NULL){ 

$dbh4 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;
my $sth2 = $dbh4 - prepare(insert into users(owner)values('$user_n'));
$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;


$sth - finish;
#  look up results ??
thanks in advance


How do I get trim or rounding on a float number ?

2002-02-08 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

$ aver = $total_hours/$total_jobs
some times comes up with   24.97  . I would like to round or trim to
24.99 for example .  any Ideas  ??
Jim F

Help with negitive query results in Perl and MySql

2002-01-24 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I have Red hat 7.1 .  I have a script that scans the common drive and
gathers file owner name , size, and last access date . and dumps into a DB.
the second half if the script gets owners name and looks up in another table
.. that I have been manually installing user name to email . I want the
script if It cant find a email for the user , it will email to remind me to
research the name and enter a email. 
The problem is quering the table and what is the result when It doesnt find
an email for this users 
Here is the Code 

# Open userfile and put into an array #

@logmess = LOG;

### get dink users email address ###

my $database = shared;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database; 
my $username = root; 
my $password = elaine; 
$dbh1 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die cant
connect to
$data_source : my $dbh- errstr\n;

## this is broke needs something that reads results NULL or none

foreach $mess1(@logmess) { 

my $sth1 = $dbh1 - prepare(select email from users where owner =
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ; 

my $array_ref = $sth1-fetchall_arrayref(); 

# add string to check if query came back negitive 
# ( check other scripts )
# print Name : $mess1\n;

foreach $row(@$array_ref) { 

my ($email_u) = @$row; 

print $mess1 and $email_u\n;

if ($email_u eq NULL){

print the is Bad: $mess1\n;

print LOG3 $mess1\n;


if($email_u ne ){

# get files and email user 

open(MAIL, |/usr/lib/sendmail -t)|| 

print MAIL To:$email_u\nFrom:jim.flaherty\@somewhere.com\n;
print MAIL Subject:Unused files on shared drive\n\n\n; 

print MAIL The following listed files are Files you own on the Shared
print MAIL ( Drive s:) havent been accessed for 6 months. Please Click on
print MAIL  the link below to review your files. ;
print MAIL  Please delete any unnessary files : ;
print MAIL  http://kins2158/bad/$mess1;;
print MAIL \n\n If you have any questions please call Jim Flaherty at




help with count query in mysql

2002-01-15 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

How do you  do a count query in mysql ?  I have redhat 7.1 mysql 3.23   
# get stats
use DBI;
my $database = VHD;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database;
my $username = name;
my $password = password;
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select count(*) from jobs where status =
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;

my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row(@$array_ref){
my($closedJ) = @$row;
# print LOG $row;
print LOG $closedj[0];
$dbh - disconnect;
thank you in advance
Jim F

help with DBD error

2001-12-20 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

hello, I have redhat 7.1 and perl is loaded with mysql , I have several
scripts with perl , DBI, DBD and mysql working fine , so If think I have
everything set up properly 

But I get an error :

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '204' for key 1 at

in/sobt/chstatus2.cgi line 107.
 unable to execute query  at /var/www/cgi-bin/sobt/chstatus2.cgi line 107.
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit

this is the section of code ( with line numbers)  

 97  $dbh2 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);

 98my $sth2 = $dbh2 - prepare(select title from media1 where num
100$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
103  $dbh2 =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);

104my $sth2 = $dbh2 - prepare(insert into
107$sth2 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;


 Jim F

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Help with global match and replace

2001-11-19 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

My script dumps file name into a mysql DB on redhat 7.1 linux . The problem
I have is sometime windows files has  a single quote  ( ' )  in the name. I
want to replace it with a space . I not strong on pattern matching in perl

$thestring = this isn't a good file name;

Help ,

thanks in advance 
Jim F 

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problem with redirect

2001-09-16 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

This is what my error log says on my redhat 7.1

[Sun Sep 16 13:18:33 2001] [error] 
Undefined subroutine main::redirect called at /var/www/cgi-bin/sobt/add.cgi
line 38.

[Sun Sep 16 13:18:44 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of

here is my code:

$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);

my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(insert into
$sth1 - execute ;
#$sth1 - finish;


#  re direct page back

print redirect('sobt_admin.cgi');

thanks for your time 

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Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().

2001-06-11 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Why am I getting this  ??

Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit

the code 


#  Script to maintain  KBHD Stats  #
#   Version  1.0   #
#   date : 6 Jun 01#

# require subparseform.lib;
# Parse_Form;
#  Start Writing the Page #
print LOG Title Stats for Techs /title\n;
print LOG /head\n;
print LOG body bgcolor=\#C0C0C0\ text=\00\\n;
print LOG div align=\center\\n;
print LOG   h1Stats Page/h1\n;
print LOG  /div\n;
print LOG hr align=\center\ size=\4\ width=\80%\\n;
# !--  this is the Stats Page , it will have reports total jobs and grades
# get stats 
use DBI;
my $database = VHD;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database;
my $username = user;
my $password = password;
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password);
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select count(*)from jobs where status =
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row(@$array_ref){
my($closedJ) = @$row;

print LOG pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;;
print LOG  font color=\#800080\bOverall Stats/b/font/p;
print LOG div align=\center\\n;
print LOG   center\n;
print LOG   table border=\1\ width=\80%\\n;
print LOG tr\n;
print LOG td width=\38%\ bgcolor=\#FF\b;
print LOG font color=\#FF\Number Ofnbsp;
print LOG Closed Jobs :nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;; 
print LOG /fontfont color=\#00\\n;
print LOG $closedJ /font/b/td\n;
print LOG td width=\30%\Total Time/td\n;
print LOG td width=\34%\Average time per Call/td\n;
print LOG /tr \n;
print LOG /table\n;
print LOG brhr size=\4\\n;
print LOG bGrades for techs /b\n;
#Query techs names#
use DBI;
my $database = VHD;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database;
my $username = ;
my $password = ;
$dbh =DBI -connect($data_source, $username, $password); 
my $sth1 = $dbh - prepare(select username from tech1);
$sth1 - execute or die  unable to execute query ;
my $array_ref = $sth1 - fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row(@$array_ref){
   my($tech) =@$row mailto:=@$row ;

  print LOG center $tech /centerbr\n;
print LOG  table border=\1\ width=\40%\ bgcolor=\#00FF00\\n;
 print LOG TR\n;
print LOG  td width=\57%\bnbsp;nbsp; Total Jobs
print LOG  td width=\6%\nbsp;/td\n ;
print LOG td width=\37%\nbsp;nbsp; bfont color=\#FF\
print LOG /tr\n;
print LOG tr \n;
print LOG td width=\57%\nbsp;bnbsp; Total Hours Spentnbsp;nbsp;
print LOG td width=\6%\nbsp;/td\n;
print LOG td width=\37%\nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; font
print LOG /tr\n;
print LOG tr\n;
print LOG td width=\57%\nbsp;/td\n;
print LOG  td width=\6%\nbsp;/td\n;
print LOG   td width=\37%\nbsp;/td\n;
print LOG /tr\n;
print LOG tr\n;
print LOG td width=\57%\nbsp;nbsp; font color=\#00\bAverage
time to;

print LOG Complete/b/font /td\n;
print LOG   td width=\6%\nbsp;/td\n;
print LOG td width=\37%\nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; font
print LOG /tr\n;
print LOG   /table\n;
print LOG brbr\n;


is there a receipt for send mail

2001-05-23 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello, I want to automatically get a receipt for a user when they read the
email  my script sends out . I have red hat 7.1 
Thanks in advance

Help With Matching

2001-05-11 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I am trying to substite , I want to replacebetween the words and
replacing them with  /tdtd 
because I am reading a file that is uploaded and making a table in a web
page when this script is run 
$test1 =  the is a test;
$test1 = s///td/td/g 
I dont get the desired result , can anyone help ?