
2001-07-09 Thread GoodleafJ

This will sound silly.

I need to come up with a simple status indicator of some sort. I have in
mind a "spinner." You've seen them before I'm sure, where there's a '-'
then it changes to '\' then '|' then '/' then '-' and so forth, so that it
appears to be spinning. Actually, I really don't care what the status
indicator looks like, I just want it to be easy to code and move in such a
way that long-time Windows users will understand that the computer is
working and has not hung. My solution so far is just to tuck a print "*"
thing in a while loop that's already present doing other work. This is
inelegant though, as it prints just thousands of asterisks. I was hoping
someone knew of a better way. Is there a module?

(I have a DBI search tool that can handle lots of text strings matched
against a large db. It takes 2-15 minutes to run and users keep killing the
program because they think it's "stuck." For some reason, they never read
the instruction line, printed to the screen, that says "This may take up to
15 minutes.")



2001-07-09 Thread GoodleafJ

I don't fully understand why yet; that select(undefPAUSE) thing eludes
me, but I'll hit the books tonight.


Jeff 'japhy'   


Subject: Re: timer/display



02:37 PM   


respond to 




On Jul 9, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>I need to come up with a simple status indicator of some sort. I have in
>mind a "spinner." You've seen them before I'm sure, where there's a '-'
>then it changes to '\' then '|' then '/' then '-' and so forth, so that it
>appears to be spinning. Actually, I really don't care what the status
>indicator looks like, I just want it to be easy to code and move in such a
>way that long-time Windows users will understand that the computer is
>working and has not hung. My solution so far is just to tuck a print "*"
>thing in a while loop that's already present doing other work. This is
>inelegant though, as it prints just thousands of asterisks. I was hoping
>someone knew of a better way. Is there a module?

All you need to do is:

  1. fork a process to do the spinning
  2. have it spin
  3. have the main process kill it when the time-consuming part is done

Here's the bare code needed:

  use constant PAUSE => .5;  # time to pause in seconds

  # part 1
  if (my $pid = fork) {

# part 3
kill TERM => $pid;  # kill the spinning part
  elsif (defined $pid) {
# part 2
my @chars = qw( / - \ | );
my $i = 0;
$| = 1;  # turn off output buffering

while (1) {
  print $chars[$i++], "\r";
  select(undef, undef, undef, PAUSE);

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
I am Marillion, the wielder of Ringril, known as Hesinaur, the Winter-Sun.
Are you a Monk?  http://www.perlmonks.com/ http://forums.perlguru.com/
Perl Programmer at RiskMetrics Group, Inc. http://www.riskmetrics.com/
Acacia Fraternity, Rensselaer Chapter. Brother #734
**  Manning Publications, Co, is publishing my Perl Regex book  **

Re: Problems with ^M

2001-07-16 Thread GoodleafJ

--Warning-- Answer coming from relative Newbie!

I think you need to press CTRL V and then CTRL M to represent that
character. Caret-M doesn't work. I had this problem with some stuff on
FreeBSD and was pointed to the following link:


Several solutions are provided.




AdministratorTo: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  




11:48 AM   



This is for newbies, right? Can anyone tell me why a s/^M//g won't get rid
of the annoying ^M on the end of each line of an imported Paradox database?
Is there a better way? I know this has to be simple, yet I can find no
reference in my plethora of Perl books.
TIA for any and all help - you guys are great and I appreciate the time you
all put into this effort to help folks like me :-)

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Re: Ok brain fart here...

2001-07-18 Thread GoodleafJ

--Warning-- Newbie responding

In what way is it not working?

I may be making the same mistake as you. It looks good to me, excepting
that there's no prompt to tell someone to type in a string. So if it ran
as-is, it would appear to be hanging there, when it's just waiting for



Richie Crews   


 Subject: Ok brain fart here...


08:26 AM   



Ok I am beating my head why this is not working...

$fname = ;
chomp $fname;
$fletter = substr($fname,0,1);
# now we have the first letter of the first name
if ( $fletter =~ /[a-f]/i) {
print "First letter is a-f\n";

You get the picture I would have other if's based on the first letter
however my regex is not working any idea I just need another prospective on

Richie Crews
Unix Systems Administrator

(706) 773 - 3436 CELL
(706) 634 - 3681 DESK
(706) 634 - 3831 FAX

Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors
and not the fault of the sender.

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Bundle for cryptography-related stuff?

2001-08-28 Thread GoodleafJ

I just wanted to get some ssh and/or ssl-related modules, since I was
toying with writing a simple encrypted data transfer client/server.
However, I can't seem to get CPAN to fetch the stuff, since each module
requires other modules, which require other modules and so forth and CPAN
invariably fails with an error on some front while pushing through layers
of requirements.

Is there a bundle containing all this stuff? I couldn't find one; thought
you folks might know.


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this is basically a regex question; processing 'ps'

2001-08-31 Thread GoodleafJ

Basically, what I want to do here is catch the output from ps. The ultimate
goal is to find processes meeting certain criteria (not yet detailed) and
kill them.

One of the things I'll want to do is find out how long a process has been
running, so essentially I'm trying to extract the date from ps and convert
it to epoch seconds so that I can make a neat subtraction. Among other
things, I'm lousing up the first pattern match. The string would look
something like:
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DLs
I was fussing with split, but the delimiters are inconsistent--could be one
space, could be four spaces depending on the length of the user name etc,
and I want to pass the entire date section to the subroutine in one scalar.
If anyone has any advice, that'd be swell. Obviously, I barely know what
the heck I'm doing with pattern matches, and the design itself may be
flawed. (And in any case, not everything is in the program; I ripped a
bunch of stuff out--including the strict pragma until such time as I know
how far down my wrongness goes.) Such are the costs of an inconsistent
education ;)


use warnings;
use Time::Local;
sub convert($);

@procs=`ps axo user,lstart,state`;

shift @procs; #REMOVE HEADER LINE

my $currentdate = convert(`date`);

$_ =~ /^([a-z]+)\b(\w.*\d{4})\s+?(\S+?)$/;
print "$1\t$2\t$3\n";


sub convert {
 my $datetime = shift;
 my ($day, $month, $mday, $time, $zone, $year,$hour, $min, $sec)
= "null";

if($datetime =~ /PDT/){
  ($day, $month, $mday, $time, $zone, $year)=split (/\s+?/,
  ($hour, $min, $sec)= split (/:/, $time);
 }else {
($day, $month, $mday, $time, $year)=split(/\s+/,
  ($hour, $min, $sec)= split (/:/, $time);


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regex: can't match pattern... dang

2001-09-04 Thread GoodleafJ

I posted a similar question last week; this is a rephrasing.

I have the following strings:

 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DLs
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 ILs
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DL
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DL
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DL
 rootWed Aug 22 04:44:59 2001 DL
 rootWed Aug 22 04:46:37 2001 Is
 rootWed Aug 22 11:46:38 2001 Ss
 rootWed Aug 22 11:46:39 2001 Ss
 daemon  Wed Aug 22 11:46:40 2001 Is
 rootWed Aug 22 11:46:41 2001 Is
 rootWed Aug 22 11:46:41 2001 Ss
 rootWed Aug 22 11:46:41 2001 Is
 rootWed Aug 22 12:31:21 2001 Is
 postfix Wed Aug 22 12:31:21 2001 I
 rootWed Aug 22 12:32:21 2001 Ss
 nobody  Wed Aug 22 12:32:21 2001 I
 nobody  Wed Aug 22 12:32:22 2001 I
 nobody  Wed Aug 22 12:32:22 2001 I
 nobody  Wed Aug 22 12:32:22 2001 I

I want three things:

user, the entire date, the state.

I'm currently trying to get this with:


I want $1 to be the user (e.g. 'root' 'postfix').
I want $2 to be something like 'Wed Aug 23 05:30:01 2001'.
I want $3 to be the state, which was a lot of forms, but which is, for
example 'DLs' above.

Shouldn't this get the first 7, then 24 characters, then the glop that's
left over?

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: extracting character string

2001-09-25 Thread GoodleafJ

Regular expression, unpack(); depends on exactly what you want to do... Can
you be more specific, or give an example?



<[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Perl (E-mail)" 
lecom.com>   cc:   

 Subject: extracting 
character string  
09/25/01 05:10 AM  




How can i do to extract a string between two others strings ?



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Re: Net::FTP module

2001-09-25 Thread GoodleafJ


Complete module list. I may be wrong (relative newbie) but I thought
Net-FTP was part of the perl-5.6.1 package...

If you have a Windoze system, you can use 'ppm' at the command line.
Then at 'ppm> '
you can 'search Net' to see what's available or 'query' to see what you've

  Subject: Net::FTP module 
09/25/01 09:40 

>From where can I download the Net::FTP module?

Thanks in advance

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Re: parsing strings

2001-09-25 Thread GoodleafJ

(Newbie responding)
I think:

$part2 = substr($part1, 0, 4);

That's string, position from which to start, length

The parentheses aren't technically necessary; I just like them...

derated.CATo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
09/25/01 10:32Subject: parsing strings 


I've been programming for a number of years, but I'm VERY new to Perl, and
it looks like a lot of fun.  However, I'm very much in the learning stage,
so please be patient, I'm still learning all the keywords etc...

I'm curious how I can parse part of one variable into another

$part1 = "this is a great day"
# I want $part2 = the first four letters of $part1 (this)

how would I do this?

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Re: problem with 'use strict'

2001-10-26 Thread GoodleafJ

--Newbie answering! Grain o' salt...

Could it be that strict is objecting to the non-localized variables in the
library script?  What do the errors look like?
Also--and I may not understand this fully, so don't trust anything I
say--shouldn't the initialize_dbi subroutine return something to be used
the main script. Seems like there needs to be a handle in there

I'll be interested to see what others say...


David Gilden   


10/26/01 02:39  Subject: Re: problem with  'use 



On Friday, October 26, 2001 at 5:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brett W.
McCoy) wrote:
> Sorry, I meant that to say "And it runs without 'use strict'?

Yes the code works fine, untill I try to use strict


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RE: Off-Topic (200%) - Where are you from?

2001-11-12 Thread GoodleafJ

Seattle, Washington

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RE: [Fwd: RE: Sendmail alternatives]

2001-11-14 Thread GoodleafJ

I've become fond of postfix. It's reputed to be highly secure and is
reasonably fast. And it's much, much easier to configure (to my mind

See postfix.org


Shaunn"  To: 'Miles Sapp' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
bsm.com> cc:   
 Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Sendmail 
02:44 PM   


--i haven't been on this list for very long.
coming from a unix background, there *are* things
that are quirky, thus, you should at least keep
up within a few versions of sendmail.

--i should read the bad things that were said about
sendmail.  i mean, you can pretty much customize
it (the mc files are getting pretty easy to
put together) any way  you choose.  there is
also a list of security features you can
flag to make it 'secure' (i use the term loosely).

--but if you're not interested in sendmail,
what type of OS platforms are you using?
maybe i can get an idea of what other tools
we use and make a constructive suggestion.

--is it that you need another mailer and
didn't want to go with sendmail?  (like
smail or whatever?)


-Original Message-
From: Miles Sapp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: [Fwd: RE: Sendmail alternatives]

I'm not referring to anything specific.  I don't know that much about
it, I've just seen people say bad things about Sendmail on this mailing
list in the past and wondered if there is something better that is in
common use.

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Sendmail alternatives
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 16:48:05 -0500
From: "Johnson, Shaunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


--just a question: what version of sendmail are you
referring to?  there are a slew of items that
has security measures (some of it is due in part of
your system security), but sendmail is getting
pretty good at telling people what they are and how
to fix it.  as a rule of thumb, never go with the
default installation.

--before i go much further, i haven't touched
sendmail since 8.8.X ... i know a lot has changed.
what security problem are you referring to.
(this might be a question that is best taken
off line from the 'perl.org' mail list).


-Original Message-
From: Miles Sapp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:21 PM
Subject: Sendmail alternatives

I've heard Sendmail isn't a very good mail program because of security
holes, etc.  Can anyone recommend a good alternative script for sending
mail from an HTML form?  Thanks!

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Re: Is A File Encrypted?

2001-12-06 Thread GoodleafJ

I assume you mean just files on a drive, rather than files in an email...
(which could be s/mime or openpgp or just flat out encrypted). I can't
really think of any better tests--although I think you'd have to be careful
looking for patterns in the text. Could someone with a different character
set throw you off?

Anyway, ascii armored pgp and gnupg files usually have a comment section at
the beginning of the encryption block that reads, for example, "-BEGIN
PGP MESSAGE-"  (That's five hyphens I believe.) Following it is a
version line, which may also be useful if you want to capture it. Mine
Version: Gnupg v1.0.6 (SunOS)

Hope that helps.

Moustafa To: Ray Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Subject: Re: Is A File Encrypted? 
09:13 AM   

If you expect a certian pattern of text in the file, I think, you
can grep the file from the expected text pattern. If you find any, then
the file is not encrypted; otherwise, the probability of the file being
encrypted would be higher.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://arbornet.org/~ahmed

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Ray Murphy wrote:

> Hello,
> Want to make sure I'm not missing anything here.  My
> task is to see if a file looks like it's encrypted.
> I'm splitting the path/filename/extension via
> File::Basename and checking to see if the extension is
> ..pgp or .gpg.  I'm also checking to see if the file is
> a text file via 'if (-T $file)'.  Is there any other
> (better) way of testing to see if a file is encrypted?
>  I don't want to call the decryption routines if the
> file is not encrypted.
> Cheers
> Ray.
> __
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Advice Wanted: authenticating users with perl

2001-12-20 Thread GoodleafJ

Okay, let me just start by saying that I'm only looking for advice and
triage. (In other words, I'm not asking you to do the work for me. Please
don't send nasty emails along the lines of "Use Google you moron." Done
that; there's a lot out there.)

So my big project for Jan is the following:
Write a client/server where-
-client runs on Windows w/activestate
-daemon runs on Solaris
-client taps server, server responds with query for password
-client takes password from user (preferably without echoing) and encrypts
or hashes it
-sends to server, which authenticates agains the Unix password file
-server oks
-client sends file across socket
-server checks file, severs connection; does something with file

This is probably trivial for some of you, but it's a big project for me.
I'd love advice on the password authentication component in particular
(e.g. module suggestions). But if anyone can recommend a site with sample
code I can play with, or any number of books on the subject that would be
great. I just want models and examples and references.

I've ordered a book by the oft-acclaimed Lincoln Stein, "Network
Programming with Perl." Do you think this will go a long way toward helping
me? (As I hope.)


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Re: C vs. Perl

2002-01-02 Thread GoodleafJ

I personally think if you have working, secure scripts in Perl, and are
accustomed  to maintaining them, then it is not worthwhile to port to C.
While it is faster, I think the time spent fussing with the porting, etc is
not worth it. If you really, really need more speed, I would suggest that
throwing more hardware at the problem is probably the better, cheaper way.
(Cheaper when you measure the cost of the time you'd spend otherwise...)

Rivera"  To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject: C vs. Perl   
09:10 AM   

Ok, the local Linux guru has proclaimed that C would be faster than Perl.
know C is very effecient so I don't really doubt him, but my question
would it make that much of a difference?  I certainly wouldn't mind
C, the only question is would be worth the time to port our Perl scripts
over to it?  Right now our setup is Apache w/modperl, and I'm getting quite
good at taking advantage of modperl's benefits.

Hope everyone had a safe New Year,
Agustin Rivera
Webmaster, Pollstar.com

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Security advice: SHA vs crypt for authenticator

2002-01-16 Thread GoodleafJ

I'm using a nice little GDBM file for authentication. It just stores users
and passwords as SHA1 hashes. When I need to authenticate someone (fewer
than 15 lines in the dbm file) I just tie it and compare the SHA'd user
input against the hex value in the dbm file. (The file is not publicly

It has been suggested, however, that this is not adequately secure and that
the passwords would be better stored crypted or some such. I don't really
see the difference between a SHA password and a crypted password in this
context. Wouldn't they be equally difficult to crack?

Oh, I should add that the authenticator runs as part of a server daemon on
a remote system, and so authentication is performed as the same user each

Just wanted to collect some opinions before I go further. (I'm perfectly
willing to accept the possibility I'm wrong--if I weren't I wouldn't
ask--so fire away.)


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Term::ReadKey on Win32 Changing Readmode?

2002-01-21 Thread GoodleafJ

Okay, I've got a little script that takes user passwords on a Win32
terminal client. I've used Term::ReadKey from the activestate module list
to turn off screen echo.

So it's something like
ReadMode 2; #turns off echo
Prompt for password;
Get password;
ReadMode 1; #should turn echo back on

So it turns the screen echo off nicely, but echo won't turn back on. I've
tried ReadMode 0 as well. The docs suggest that ReadMode 1 is 'normal' but
danged if I can get it back.

Am I missing something stupid?


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Advice wanted: source code to perl-postgres web app

2002-02-19 Thread GoodleafJ


I'm looking to prototype a system with a postgresql back end where the gui
is provided conveniently in a web browser. Though I considered using php
for connectivity, I currently lean toward perl. (I'm not trolling here. My
only reason for choosing perl over php is that I know more about it.) I am
new at this though, and I think it would help me to be able to root though
source code to an existing app, just to see how it all hooks together. Does
anyone know of a postgresql-perl-apache application available for download
with source code -- preferably well-commented?

I just got the Practical Postgresql book from O'Reilly, which really talks
up this LXP app server component. Anyone used it, or used it in combination
with Perl?


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^] : what is this?

2002-02-26 Thread GoodleafJ

Sorting through a dump from FileMaker Pro (which, let me digress to
mention, I _hate_) trying to wedge the stuff in a little
checking/reconciliation script. I ran it through dos2unix, but still find a
character that looks like ^]  all over the place. What is this? Tried a few
subs in vi and perl and haven't hit it yet.


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