in over my head, but having fun treading water

2002-03-02 Thread James Woods

Greetings all,

I've attached my code as a text document (hope this newsgroup takes 

The address of the page that I'm working on is

The page seems like it should be pretty simple... but I'm a total newbie to 

When you check various boxes in the "Play" column and click "Update" the 
following should happen:
1) the checked cards should be removed from the "Draw Deck"
2) the checked cards should be added to "Played Cards"

The cards are removed from the "Draw Deck" just fine, but the "Played Cards" 
side is populated with the next card in the "Draw Deck" list (as opposed to 
the exact card you checked).  It's easiest to just check the first card, and 
pay attention to the second card.  The second card will show up in the 
"Played Cards" list, but the first card (the one you checked) gets removed 
from the "Draw Deck".

I'm figuring that I'm just missing some @rray thing (being 0-based and all), 
but I just can't see what I'm doing wrong.

I appreciate all the help!


James Woods
Web Developer for Christ by night
WebMaster at by day
Web Applications and Cold Fusion Programming

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;

#This program needs several text files
# 1) deck.txt => The whole deck
# 2) draw.txt => The draw deck
# 3) played.txt => all cards that have been played
#Each time the page is "updated" (by clicking on "update" in the form:
# 1) the draw.txt file should be created anew with all the played
#(checked) cards removed
# 2) the played.txt file should be created anew with all the played
#(checked) cards appended
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print qq{
Start Over

my @Deck; # The whole deck, orderd
my @Draw; # The current, shuffled deck
my @playedCardsCheckbox = param("playedCardsCheckbox") || "";
my @playedCards;
my $iterate;
my $random;
my $control;
my $counter = 0;
my $valueName;

# if the update button has NOT been pressed.
# e.g. when the page is just run for the first time.

if (param("update") eq "no" || param("update") eq undef){

unlink ("played.txt");

open (DECK,"deck.txt");
@Deck = ;
close DECK;

@Draw = @Deck;

&Randomize (\@Draw);

open (DRAW,">draw.txt") || &CgiDie ("Cannot open $!");
foreach my $item (@Draw){
print DRAW $item;
close DRAW;

# The else happens when the update button has been pressed.


# The DRAW file is used to keep track of the 'shuffle order'

open (DRAW,"draw.txt");
@Draw = ;
close DRAW;

if (playedCardsCheckbox){

   #print param("playedCardsCheckbox");
 foreach my $item (@Draw){
 @Draw[param("playedCardsCheckbox")] = ("");

open (DRAW,">draw.txt");
foreach my $item (@Draw){
   if ($item ne ""){
  print DRAW $item;
close DRAW;

open (DRAW,"draw.txt");
@Draw = ;
close DRAW;

# The PLAYED file is used to keep track of what cards have been
#   played.  This file populates the playedCards select box.

open (PLAYED,"played.txt");
@playedCards = ;
close PLAYED;

if (playedCardsCheckbox){

 print param("playedCardsCheckbox");
 foreach my $item (param("playedCardsCheckbox")){
 print @playedCards[$item],"";
 push(@playedCards, "$Draw[$item]");

open (PLAYED,">>played.txt");
foreach my $item (@playedCards){
print PLAYED "$item";
close PLAYED;

# end of the "update" if/else loop

sub Randomize
  $random = shift;
  for ($iterate = @$random; --$iterate; )
$control = int rand ($iterate + 1);
if ($iterate == $control)
 { next; }
@$random[$iterate, $control] = @$random[$control, $iterate];

print qq|

Draw Deck

Card Name

#This prints out the randomized array
#Ok, figure out how to make the @Draw list remove anything
#checked.  Also how to add whatever was removed to the
#big textarea on the right.
#The first checked element shows up in the textarea.
#Try to loop over the @array in the textarea.

foreach my $item (@Draw){

#$valueName = $counter."_".$item;
$valueName = $item;

print qq|


print "";

print qq|



print qq{
Played Cards

foreach my $item (@playedCards){
print "",$item,"";

print qq{




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help with first Perl application (repost w/ better subject line)

2002-03-02 Thread James Woods

Greetings all,

The address of the page that I'm working on is

The page seems like it should be pretty simple... but I'm a total newbie to 

When you check various boxes in the "Play" column and click "Update" the 
following should happen:
1) the checked cards should be removed from the "Draw Deck"
2) the checked cards should be added to "Played Cards"

The cards are removed from the "Draw Deck" just fine, but the "Played Cards" 
side is populated with the next card in the "Draw Deck" list (as opposed to 
the exact card you checked).  It's easiest to just check the first card, and 
pay attention to the second card.  The second card will show up in the 
"Played Cards" list, but the first card (the one you checked) gets removed 
from the "Draw Deck".

I'm figuring that I'm just missing some @rray thing (being 0-based and all), 
but I just can't see what I'm doing wrong.

I appreciate all the help!



use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;

#This program needs several text files
# 1) deck.txt => The whole deck
# 2) draw.txt => The draw deck
# 3) played.txt => all cards that have been played
#Each time the page is "updated" (by clicking on "update" in the form:
# 1) the draw.txt file should be created anew with all the played
#(checked) cards removed
# 2) the played.txt file should be created anew with all the played
#(checked) cards appended
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print qq{
Start Over

my @Deck; # The whole deck, orderd
my @Draw; # The current, shuffled deck
my @playedCardsCheckbox = param("playedCardsCheckbox") || "";
my @playedCards;
my $iterate;
my $random;
my $control;
my $counter = 0;
my $valueName;

# if the update button has NOT been pressed.
# e.g. when the page is just run for the first time.

if (param("update") eq "no" || param("update") eq undef){

unlink ("played.txt");

open (DECK,"deck.txt");
@Deck = ;
close DECK;

@Draw = @Deck;

&Randomize (\@Draw);

open (DRAW,">draw.txt") || &CgiDie ("Cannot open $!");
foreach my $item (@Draw){
print DRAW $item;
close DRAW;

# The else happens when the update button has been pressed.


# The DRAW file is used to keep track of the 'shuffle order'

open (DRAW,"draw.txt");
@Draw = ;
close DRAW;

if (playedCardsCheckbox){

   #print param("playedCardsCheckbox");
 foreach my $item (@Draw){
 @Draw[param("playedCardsCheckbox")] = ("");

open (DRAW,">draw.txt");
foreach my $item (@Draw){
   if ($item ne ""){
  print DRAW $item;
close DRAW;

open (DRAW,"draw.txt");
@Draw = ;
close DRAW;

# The PLAYED file is used to keep track of what cards have been
#   played.  This file populates the playedCards select box.

open (PLAYED,"played.txt");
@playedCards = ;
close PLAYED;

if (playedCardsCheckbox){

 print param("playedCardsCheckbox");
 foreach my $item (param("playedCardsCheckbox")){
 print @playedCards[$item],"";
 push(@playedCards, "$Draw[$item]");

open (PLAYED,">>played.txt");
foreach my $item (@playedCards){
print PLAYED "$item";
close PLAYED;

# end of the "update" if/else loop

sub Randomize
  $random = shift;
  for ($iterate = @$random; --$iterate; )
$control = int rand ($iterate + 1);
if ($iterate == $control)
 { next; }
@$random[$iterate, $control] = @$random[$control, $iterate];

print qq|

Draw Deck

Card Name

#This prints out the randomized array
#Ok, figure out how to make the @Draw list remove anything
#checked.  Also how to add whatever was removed to the
#big textarea on the right.
#The first checked element shows up in the textarea.
#Try to loop over the @array in the textarea.

foreach my $item (@Draw){

#$valueName = $counter."_".$item;
$valueName = $item;

print qq|


print "";

print qq|



print qq{
Played Cards

foreach my $item (@playedCards){
print "",$item,"";

print qq{




James Woods
Web Developer for Christ by night
WebMaster at by day
Web Applications and Cold Fusion Programming

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from file to a list containing lists

2002-03-04 Thread James Woods

I've got a file that I would like to import into a list.  The file has many 
rows, and each row has 3 records, seperated with a "|".

Example of file is as below:

f|Axe Strike|d
f|Disquiet of our people|p
f|Dwarven Armor|p

When I was just using 1 record in the file, @Array =  ended up working 

Now that I've moved on and added two more records, I just don't know what to 
do.  I'm working with split now, but it's only returning the first row.

I know you all can help this rookie out, thanks!!!

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Re: from file to a list containing lists

2002-03-04 Thread James Woods

OK, you're totally right, I should have printed my code 8^(  I figured that 
it would be totally easy... then I remembered that I'm a noobie and 
everything is confusing 8^)

First, let me say that I'm trying to get work to buy me a Perl book, but 
money at the state is tight these days.  I've even gone to the *library* and 
they don't have the Perl books. 8^(  Oh well, that's what the Perl community 
is for, right?

When the line below is commented out the only thing that gets output to the 
browser window is the Start Over link
#push @Draw, [ split /\|/ ] while ;

Ok, the two parts that I'm having trouble with are:
1) getting the file data into an array (which you've helped me with so 

2) printing that array out in the table at the bottom of the code.


use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print qq{
Start Over

my @Deck; # The whole deck, orderd
my @Draw; # The current, shuffled deck

my @playedCards = param("playedCardsHidden") || "";
my @playedCardsCheckbox = param("playedCardsCheckbox") || "";

my @discardCards = param("discardCardsHidden") || "";
my @discardCardsCheckbox = param("discardCardsCheckbox") || "";

my $iterate;
my $random;
my $control;
my $counter = 0;
my $valueName;
my $turnCounter = param("turnCounter") || 0;

# if the update button has NOT been pressed.
# e.g. when the page is just run for the first time.

if (param("update") eq "no" || param("update") eq undef){

open (DECK,"deck.txt");
# when the line below is commented out
# the only thing that gets output to the browser window
# is the Start Over link (yes, when I uncomment the one
# below, I comment out the @Deck = ; line.)

#push @Draw, [ split /\|/ ] while ;

# this (as you well know) just gets each line in my file
@Deck = ;
close DECK;

@Draw = @Deck;

&Randomize (\@Draw);

# Run this code whenever the "End turn" button is pressed


$turnCounter += 1;

# Perform all the actions related to
# @inPlay

# Perform all the actions related to
# @inDiscard

# Perform all the actions realted to
# @Draw

# end of the "update" if/else loop

sub Randomize
  $random = shift;
  for ($iterate = @$random; --$iterate; )
$control = int rand ($iterate + 1);
if ($iterate == $control)
 { next; }
@$random[$iterate, $control] = @$random[$control, $iterate];

# Now we start the output section #

print qq|


Draw Deck

Card Name

#This prints out the randomized array

#my $index=0;
#foreach my $item (@Draw) {
#print "List index $index:\n";
#foreach my $item (@{$item})
#{print "\t$item\n"}

foreach my $item (@Draw){

$valueName = $item;

print "\n";
 print "\t$counter\n";

 print "\t$item\n";

 print "\t\n";

 print "\t\n";

print "\n";


print "\n";

print qq{

  In Play
  In Discard

   Cards in play are listed here
   Cards in the discard pile are listed here


print qq{


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Re: from file to a list containing lists

2002-03-05 Thread James Woods

Ok, I'm getting closer thanks to the help of all the experts out here!!  I'm 
totally thankful for all of your help.

Now, I've rewritten most of what I had before, using suggestions and 
examples from our resident Perl Pros.

While I'm closer to my desired outcome, I'm still not there; here is my 
current problem.

at when you hit "End Phase" it 
passes, as a hidden form field, the contents of @Draw. (I'm not even 
bothering to check any boxes yet.. I need to be sure that no matter what I 
pass the proper @Draw every time).

The first time you hit "End Phase" it's great.  However, subsequent times, 
loses the \n\r at the end of each line and gains two spaces. How should I 
handle this?  Should I detect whether or not $Draw contains /\n\r/ and then 
split on that, and if not split on /  /?  (and if I should do that, how do I 
do that 8^).

Or, should I make sure that I pass the same thing every time and then not 
have to worry about what the delimiter should be?  (and if I should do it 
that way... uh... how do I to that? ;^)

I hope that makes sense to an expert out there.

Any suggestions on what I should do?

I really am learning though!!  I've finally got my boss to get me 'Learning 
Perl 3rd Ed.' and 'Effective Perl Programming'.  Should pick them up 
tomorrow 8^)


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Re: from file to a list containing lists (repost w/ code)

2002-03-05 Thread James Woods

Duh, forgot to change the extention from .cgi to .txt

Ok, I'm getting closer thanks to the help of all the experts out here!!  I'm
totally thankful for all of your help.

Now, I've rewritten most of what I had before, using suggestions and
examples from our resident Perl Pros.

While I'm closer to my desired outcome, I'm still not there; here is my
current problem.

at when you hit "End Phase" it
passes, as a hidden form field, the contents of @Draw. (I'm not even
bothering to check any boxes yet.. I need to be sure that no matter what I
pass the proper @Draw every time).

The first time you hit "End Phase" it's great.  However, subsequent times,
loses the \n\r at the end of each line and gains two spaces. How should I
handle this?  Should I detect whether or not $Draw contains /\n\r/ and then
split on that, and if not split on /  /?  (and if I should do that, how do I
do that 8^).

Or, should I make sure that I pass the same thing every time and then not
have to worry about what the delimiter should be?  (and if I should do it
that way... uh... how do I to that? ;^)

I hope that makes sense to an expert out there.

Any suggestions on what I should do?

I really am learning though!!  I've finally got my boss to get me 'Learning
Perl 3rd Ed.' and 'Effective Perl Programming'.  Should pick them up
tomorrow 8^)



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keeping \n in an array when being passed through form

2002-03-06 Thread James Woods

[repost with better subject and code put directly into the message]

Ok, I'm getting closer thanks to the help of all the experts out here!!  I'm 
totally thankful for all of your help.

At when you hit "End Phase" it 
passes, as a hidden form field, the contents of @Draw. (I'm not even
bothering to check any boxes yet.. I need to be sure that no matter what I 
pass the proper @Draw every time).

The first time you hit "End Phase" it's great.  However, subsequent times, 
loses the \r\n at the end of each line and gains two spaces.  This makes it 
so I can't split on the \r\n like I did before hitting "End Phase". How 
should I handle this?  Should I detect whether or not $Draw contains /\n\r/ 
and then split on that, and if not split on /  /?  (and if I should do that, 
how do I do that 8^).

Or, should I make sure that I pass the same thing every time and then not 
have to worry about what the delimiter should be?  (and if I should do it 
that way... uh... how do I to that? ;^)

I hope that makes sense to an expert out there.

Any suggestions on what I should do?

I really am learning though!!  I've finally got my boss to get 'Learning 
Perl 3rd Ed.' and 'Effective Perl Programming'.  Should pick them up 
tomorrow 8^)



use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print qq{
Start Over

my @Deck; # The whole deck, orderd
my @Draw;
my $Draw = param("drawHidden") || "";

my @playedCards = param("playedCardsHidden") || "";
my @playedCardsCheckbox = param("playedCardsCheckbox") || "";

my @discardCards = param("discardCardsHidden") || "";
my @discardCardsCheckbox = param("discardCardsCheckbox") || "";

my $iterate;
my $random;
my $control;
my $counter = 0;
my $valueName;
my $turnCounter = param("turnCounter") || 0;

# if the update button has NOT been pressed.
# e.g. when the page is just run for the first time.

if (param("update") eq "no" || param("update") eq undef){

open (DECK,"deck.txt");
@Deck = ;
close DECK;

@Draw = @Deck;

&Randomize (\@Draw);

sub Randomize
  $random = shift;
  for ($iterate = @$random; --$iterate; )
$control = int rand ($iterate + 1);
if ($iterate == $control)
 { next; }
@$random[$iterate, $control] = @$random[$control, $iterate];

# Run this code whenever the "End turn" button is pressed


#  This works great the first time#
#but fails the rest of the time   #
#because it loses it's \r\n   #

@Draw = split(/\r\n/ ,$Draw);

print "Start Printing \@Draw ";

print @Draw;

print " End Printing  \@Draw";
print "\@Draw has ", my $number_of_elements = @Draw, " elements";

$turnCounter += 1;

# Perform all the actions related to
# @inPlay

# Perform all the actions related to
# @inDiscard

# Perform all the actions realted to
# @Draw

# end of the "update" if/else loop

# Now we start the output section #

print qq|


Draw Deck

Card Name

#This prints out the randomized array

foreach my $item (@Draw){

my @foo = split(/\|/, $item);

$valueName = $foo[1];

print "\n";
 print "\t$counter\n";

 print "\t$valueName\n";

 print "\t\n";

 print "\t\n";

print "\n";


print "\n";

print qq{

  In Play
  In Discard

   Cards in play are listed here
   Cards in the discard pile are listed here


print qq{

# here's where I'm passing @Draw   #



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