Re: Regex to match valid host or dns names

2004-10-13 Thread K.Prabakar

> example below, it fails to match "" as a valid host
> name. I modify the regex several times - but still don't get the right
> outlook.
> my @hosts = qw( localhost
> foreach (@hosts){
> # Works ok
> push (@ips, $_ ) if $_ =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1|3}/; 
> # Can't match "". 
> push (@dns, $_) if $_ =~ /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*\w+$/;
> }

 /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*\w+$/-->Here you look for only one "-" and 
also not allowing any other non-word charaters(like hyphen).

The "." can match any character even other than "-" .

You can think like this:(For IP's)
 search for a number with maximum 3 digits and 
then followed by the same kind of 3 numbers but prefixed with a dot.
Try this ---> $_ =~ /^\d{1,3}[\.\d{1,3}]{3}/

You can think like this:(For DNS's)
search for a WORD which may(-?) contain hyphen 
within it and then followed by the same kind of zero-or-more-WORDs 
but prefixed with a dot which is a normal dns name pattern.

Try this > $_ =~ /^\w\w*-?\w+?[\.\w\w*-?\w+?]*$/

But this will allow IP's also in your "@dns" because \w can match digits 



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RE: Regex to match valid host or dns names

2004-10-13 Thread K.Prabakar
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, K.Prabakar wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Babale Fongo wrote:
> > K.Prabakar's  suggestion looks good but also failed the test:
> > 
> > "$_ =~ /^\w\w*-?\w+?[\.\w\w*-?\w+?]*$/",
> > 
> >  It will match an invalid dns name like this ( as a valid.
> > I'm still working on it, but will welcome any other suggestion.
> > 
> > Babs
> > 
 As "Randal L. Schwartz" pointed out I used character class"[]" in the 
 above regex which is wrong. That should be "()" like 
 this--> /^\w\w*-?\w+?(\.\w\w*-?\w+?)*$/
 Now it won't match "" like names.
 Other thing is this will allow dns names starting with DEGITS.In that 
case the worst case solution will be 
 /^[a-zA-Z]\w*-?\w+?(\.[a-zA-Z]\w*-?\w+?)*$/ .
 This will allow names like
 "bla-3bla.bla" , "bla-bla" but won't allow "3bla.bla" and "bla.4bla"
 To avoid underscore again the worst case will be to replace \w with 
 [-a-zA-Z] in the above expression. That won't look good at all. 


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Re: Need Help

2004-10-07 Thread K.Prabakar
  Within single quotes "[" is not considered as a special character.
So,it's a mess trying to escape this character with backslash "\".
So,your code expects \[%one_two%\] instead of [%one_two%].

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, Anish Kumar K. wrote:

> Hi
> Please anyone help me in Reg Exp. I wanted to replace "[%one_two%]" and "[%pne%]" 
> with the value "New" say...

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $openTag='\[%';
> $closeTag='%\]';
> my $count=0;
> $_= "This is a test for [%one_two%] number and [%pne%] numbers.";
> s/$openTag.*$closeTag/New/g;
> print "The new line is:: $_ \n";


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