Read Write to file .. need help

2005-01-14 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I need to read and write to a file before allowing the anyone else to read
or write.
I found this on the web.. but it does not work...maybe its my version of
File Operation modes:
$filepath Read access only (The same as not specifying a mode.)
$filepath Write access, create if nonexistant, and overwrite existing
$filepathWrite access, append to existing data.
+$filepathRead and Write only, no file creation/appending. Overwrite
existing data. I tried this one
+$filepathRead, Write, Create, overwrites rather then appending.
+$filepath   Read, Write, Create, Append, no overwriting.
| SYSCOMMANDWrite data to external command only.
SYSCOMAND | Read data from external command only.

Anyone know about this? or can I just:
#Open to read
open (DataFile, $_[0])||die Sorry, I can't open $_[0]\n;
  flock (DataFile,2);
   @Data =DataFile;
#open to write
 open DataFile, $_[0])||DieNice3(Can't write to $_[0]);
 flock (DataFile,2);
 foreach $Data(@Data)
  print DataFile $Data\n;
close (DataFile)||die Sorry, I can't close $_[0]\n;

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Re: screen size...

2004-11-05 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Ok.. now how do I get the screen size info to a hidden input (in a form) or
send back to a cgi ?

I'm guessing as a hiiden input with in a form or as part of the link
command, which calls the game.cgi?W=WvarH=Hvar

p +
A HREF='game.cgi?W=  + screensize . width + $H= screensize . height
'click here/A+

yes ?yes? did I do it.. I really don't know JS : (
just guessing...

BTW .. thanks for your help!

- Original Message - 
From: Chasecreek Systemhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: screen size...

 On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 10:48:12 -0500, Luinrandir Hernsen
  It there a way to get the screen size info using perl?

 As a CGI, not really.  Try:

 blockquotetable border=3 bgcolor=#00trtd
 toolkit = java . awt . Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ();
 screensize = toolkit . getScreenSize ();
 document . writeln
 p +
 You screen is  + screensize . width +  pixels wide. +
 document . writeln
 p +
 You screen is  + screensize . height +  pixels tall. +

 HOWEVER, The remote client must have JS enabled and have Java installed

 WC -Sx- Jones

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Files -read write - an epiphany and question

2004-10-18 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I have been studying W/R to files...
W/R to a string and to an array.
and I must say I think I have it.

I can read a file into an array IF i wrote the file using \n between vars, yes

and I can read the entire file into a string (to later be split) by using delimiters 
like ,yes???

I have some data files that hold lists (like cities) that I want in an array.
and some files that hold a collection of vars (name, city, color, cartype, etc) that I 
want to delimit and later read as a string ($Slurp) and then ($name, $city, $color, 
$cartype, $etc)=split (,,$Slurp)

my question is if I write a file using delimiters like ,  can I later read the 
entire file into a string and then
@Cities = split (,,$Slurp) ??

but how do I read a file that used the \n and then split it later???
right now i wold have to
open file...
@Array=read entire file into @Array
close file

and then...


there must be a better way like ?
$name, $city, $color, $cartype, $etc)[EMAIL PROTECTED];

of can I split using the special var $\ or \n as a delimiter

?? am I making the example clear?
or am i trying to do the impossible?

Comment WITH example correction welcome..
the above syntax may not be completely correct
but it gives you the please dont crusify me for it...


Re: Need to check file

2004-10-15 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
sigh.. so sorry for not being more exact...
I did use the quotes
if (-e 'filename.dat')

I guess I will have to find out the full path...


- Original Message - 
To: Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Need to check file

  I have successfully checked a file in the same dir ,
  my question is do I have to chdir when doing a
  if (-e filename.dat)

 I don't think you will get success without a quote for 'filename.dat'.
 It could be the return value for sub filename concating sub dat, be

  I tried looking for files in other dirs using
  if (-e .../html)
  etc.. but with no success.

 By giving the full path ( not url ) of the file, you will get your job
 without chdir.


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Need to check file

2004-10-14 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I have successfully checked a file in the same dir ,
my question is do I have to chdir when doing a
if (-e filename.dat)
and then change back to the cgi-bin dir? is where my perl files are. is where the file I want to check is.

chdir /html;
if (-e filename.html)
{print qq|File Found|; }
else {print qq|File NOT found|;}

I tried looking for files in other dirs using 
if (-e .../html)
etc.. but with no success.

do I make sence?

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Do you use OptiPerl???

2004-06-22 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Any one here use OptiPerl to make CGI?? 
I have questions if you do.

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cgi question

2004-06-18 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I am writing a perl cgi online game.

I would like to load the graphic.gif's to the players computer and then call
them from there..

ideas? JS? perl? something else? can it be done at all? where do I start


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Re: CGI and mySQL book, any recommendation.

2004-05-29 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Real information to your answer..
I use these...

CGI Programming on the world wide web / O'Reilly
CGI by example / Niles  Dwight
CGI Programming / Hamilton

If you are new to perl.. avoid the O'Reilly books... there are, IMHO,
written by PhD's for PhD's

the Visual books , Read less, Learn More are really good.

the Dewey Dec. Number at my library is 651.84's

the CGI books mention the SQL's and you can go from there.

something you need to know about perl that confused me for a year...
there is the long way of writing code and a shorthand form.
for instance... I now squat about so answers that reffer to are usless to me.

I will be happy to help you as much as I can.
I am wrting a web site just for beginners like usyou could help.


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Array Question

2004-05-14 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Can I do something like this?

@CityA=Suburb1, Suburb2, Suburb3;
@CityB=Suburb1, Suburb4, Suburb5;



I am trying to construct a sting from a variable.

make sence?


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Re: Questions about game design in perl

2004-04-07 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
What ever I did I'm sorry. Obvisious ly it upset someone...
I'm gone.. you guys are way to uptight about little shit

L Hernsen

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about game design in perl

 Morbus Iff wrote:
  I suspect a good amount of people have no clue
  the purpose of a Message-ID/References, much less how
  replying to the wrong one (ie. I don't feel like typing
  the To: address myself) and then rewriting the subject
  line can cause havoc with archivers and threaders.
 Just as bad are MUAs which do not honor
 the Message-ID/References and start a new
 thread EVEN when they actually do reply to
 a post in a proper manner...
 SUN's dtmail - even within Solaris 9 -
 is guilty of this...  You listening SUN?
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Questions about game design in perl

2004-04-06 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I am trying to build a game in perl. I have questions.
This is a story book game... here is the story, make a choice
next is the story, make a choice

1-Do I set up the login file (password name and your game details)
in one big file, or in many files, one file per player?


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Re: More Details --- Re: Questions about game design in perl

2004-04-06 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I went to
Do I download for windows and DBI for perl
do I need

Contributed APIs:
DBI -- for connecting to MySQL from Perl

I downloaded MySQL 4.0

I have OptiPerl, which I use top write perl
I have windows 98.
My Web Host has Unix.

I kow how to parse a variable... but still need to know how to pass
variables with the HIDDEN INPUT command from web page to web page that perl

Thanks for your help again

- Original Message - 
From: James Edward Gray II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Perl Beginners [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: More Details --- Re: Questions about game design in perl

 Let's keep this discussion on the list so all can learn and help.

 On Apr 6, 2004, at 3:08 PM, Luinrandir Hernsen wrote:

  This will be a multi player game
  Interactive fiction-yes
  No audio files
  Have you ever heard of Zork Books?

 No, but I believe I'm getting the idea now.

  Basically, you get a piece of the story, make a decision, and click on
  link to that decision.
  more story, more choices... but in a large , multi city setting.
  many players

 I agree with what others have said.  A database backend is probably the
 way to go.


  The players file will be reffereenced to see what tools you have, and
  for movement options accordingly.
  I am working on a simple sample game to show you
  - Original Message -
  From: James Edward Gray II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:26 PM
  Subject: Re: Questions about game design in perl
  On Apr 6, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Luinrandir Hernsen wrote:
  I am trying to build a game in perl. I have questions.
  This is a story book game... here is the story, make a choice
  next is the story, make a choice
  Are we talking Interactive Fiction, or where you referring to actual
  audio files?  Sounded like a Choose your own Adventure Audio Book, am
  Is this online, or an actual executable?
  1-Do I set up the login file (password name and your game details)
  in one big file, or in many files, one file per player?
  How many users are we talking about here?  How much information is
  included in game details?

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File question

2004-03-08 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I want to write an online game...
I need a to make a logon page and a new person page.
I think I can do this with little help...
however on the map... 
Do I keep one big file with all the info..
of several little files..
which is better?


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Deleting a file(s) with variables _HELP!

2004-02-03 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen

I have a group of files I need to delete.
They have a format like this.


the actual file name is

I need to delete all files in this directory with the partial name of
where the (variable) is a wildcard.

In dos it would be *file*.*

What is it in perl?

I found the delete command as unlink

will this delete the file on the players computer or on my server
I want it to delete the file on the players computer.

Thanks for your help.

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capturing a webpage in a variable

2004-01-28 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
IS this how I capture a web page code to a variable?

 use LWP::UserAgent;
 my $req;
 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new;
 $req = HTTP::Request-new(GET = '');

print $req; ## ?
from here I can print at the code for the web page?


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Simple Perl code/syntax question

2004-01-23 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Hallo everyone and thank you for your previous help

in basic the code would be

for x=1 to 100
Select Case
then do this
   else do this
end select
next x

how is this done in perl?

foreach (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90);
do this;

 I think I need to unpack my books! (i'm moving)LOL

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Re: Program to write code

2004-01-22 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I use OptiPerl from
Any one else use this?
L Hernsen

- Original Message - 
From: McMahon, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: Program to write code

 I like jEdit: .  It runs anywhere Java runs, is
 lightweight, knows syntax for most major programming languages (including
 Perl) out of the box, and even gets plugins written for it from weirdos
 Tandem people.
 I got turned on to jEdit because a vendor I was working with had
 written jEdit plugins for the Tandem-specific scripting language TACL.
 It's not a full IDE, but it's way better than Notepad/Word, easy to
 use, and is extremely portable, if you don't always work on Windows.

  -Original Message-
  From: Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:03 AM
  Subject: Re: Program to write code
  On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:32:56 -0300
  Marcelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi, could anyone recommend a good program to write code,
  currently using notepad.
  If you are using Windows, there are a number of Notepad
  improved editors. Google for windows text editors and you
  will get them all I guess. Some of these like NoteTabPro have
  libraries to assist in programming, some better than others.
  There is also windows versions of Emacs or Vim which are unix
  originated editors.

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Join strings problem

2004-01-21 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Hallo and thank in advance.
what am I doing wrong? I'm new to Perl.
my Building string is not being built.
is it that I need to declare the joined strings a string?How?

print qq|Content-type: text/html\n\n|;

my $EW5NS5=TEST.gif; ##this is the string I need to build.

print qq|TABLE\n|;
for ($row=0; $row10; $row++)
print qq|TR\n|;
for ($col=0; $col  10; $col++)
  ##build variable
  print qq|TD bgcolor=black$Building/TDTD/TD\n|;
print qq|/TR\n|;
print qq|/TABLE\n|;
print qq|x $EW5NS5 x br\n|;
print qq|x $Building x\n|;

Re: need help/ advice

2003-07-27 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Yes thanks...

I want to capture the code of a webpage to a string so I can pick out the
stuff I want and put the code into another of my design.

I will try your suggestion
Is there another way to do this? with out the LWP::UserAgent
I see you are using a get command.. ok I know about those

to say it better I want to get the output / HTML code from another web
the stuff between the HEAD to /BODY commands... clearer?
many thanks.. I am real new to this...
I'll look up the perldoc stuff too.

 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new();
 my $response = $ua-get($host_port);

The perl code above is what I want ? yes?

The code below just gets me the name of your home page as a string.

 but were I to do something like say
 my $url = URI-new();

 my $response = $ua-get($url-as_string());

 would get you my 'home page' of that site.

 So it's rather important which part of that process
 you were trying to 'solve'.

 cf perldoc URI
 perldoc LWP::UserAgent



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Re: how to create a submit button in perl?

2003-06-07 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen

the submit button is part of the  form command in HTML.
I use perl to:
print qq|formhtml commands like the submit button/form|;

if thats what you are looking for check out your HTML commands for FORM


- Original Message - 
From: Scot Robnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: how to create a submit button in perl?

 perldoc CGI
 -Original Message-
 From: Annie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 3:57 PM
 Subject: how to create a submit button in perl?
 hi i need to create a submit button on one of my web page and i need the
 code to create that in perl?
 can anyone help me!!
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Any one who knows Formmail by Matts Scripts

2003-04-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I need to have my form mail to 2 or 3 addresses.
Anyone familiar enough with this popular program to advise???

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self refreshing web page question

2003-04-02 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I want to create a web page that calls on another web page and automatically
refresh the other webpage every minute. can I do this in JS alone? Perl
alone? or do I have to use both?

Thanks for the help, I just need to be pointed in a direction...


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screen size question

2003-03-27 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
how do I find the current screen size of someone running my perl program?
many thanks

question about perl.

2003-03-27 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
How do I run another perl program from within another perl program?

if (x=0)
perl_ program_

Re: screen size question

2003-03-27 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Ok i tried it...
do I have to parse the info or what?
or do I set it up in an if/ifels/else ?
sorry if I sound dumb, but i'm just learning perl.

- Original Message -
From: Jeff Westman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: screen size question

 system(stty -a) should get you what you want I don't know if perl
 anything 'built-in'.


 --- Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  how do I find the current screen size of someone running my perl
  many thanks

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File Transfer

2003-03-13 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Is there a way in Perl to make a directory and transfer files to it?

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Images in memory

2003-03-11 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I am writing in Perl, to create a web page.
The CGI calls on itself repeatedly as you move on the map.
I need to preload some small images in memory of the players computer.
Javascript has a way of doing this, but since the cgi calls on itself, if I
put the code in my cgi
the images would only be reloaded every time the cgi ran.

I have come up with two possiblities. Have a separate window open
(minimized) with the images being loaded on it but would the other
window be able to call on them???
or use a frame with the images loaded on a window in a frame that can't be

any ideas anyony? can perl load and call on images in the clients computer?
or do I have to find a way to do this in JS?

Thanks for your time Lou

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HTML for my perl CGI

2003-03-06 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Can anyone direct me to HTML help?
Re: Tables, backround, and images

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Max Len for string in perl???

2003-03-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
What is the maximum number of charecters in a string?

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Random access files in Perl????

2003-03-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Long ago in GW Basic there were sequential files and random access files.
Does perl have the latter? I only to get (and then put) certain info in a certain 
place every time.
If I can avoid writing the whole file every time I bet my web site hoster would 
appreciate it!
Just point me in a direction...

Re: Max Len for string in perl???

2003-03-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I just did the math

250x300 is the size of the data file
thats only 75,000

  - Original Message - 
  From: Fred Sahakian 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 3:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Max Len for string in perl???

  I think I read the other day that it was unlimited, but I could be wrong (might have 
been PHP). Just keep it as short as possible.  

   Luinrandir Hernsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/04/03 05:43AM 
  What is the maximum number of charecters in a string?

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Parsing variables

2003-03-03 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
I need  simple parsing  code for a get not a post.
that will yeild 4 or 5 variables.

#I know I need to get rid of the 
# Split the name-value pairs
@pairs = split(//, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});

 foreach $pair (@pairs) 
# Split the pair up into individual variables.  
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);


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please please comfirm (was Parsing variables)

2003-03-03 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen
Thank you for your help but I want to learn this too

Here is the code from the HTML GET

And here I think is the CGI code

@pairs = split(//, $input);
 foreach $pair (@pairs)
 ($name, $value)=split(/=/,$pair);
 $form{$name}= $value;

This should break it down so

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Re: converting a list into array

2002-09-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen

I had to replace the pull down menues to text boxes on my order form.
This means I need to filter out unwanted text.
I need to make it alphanumeric only.for security reasons.
I have red/bold the two lines I changed last time to eliminate all 0 zero orders.
if you are not receiving this in HTML mode look for the 

## next line

marker in the code.
This is a Matt's Script
is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks for your help... i will be checking out the books now
L Hernsen

sub return_html {
# Local variables used in this subroutine initialized.   #

# Now that we have finished using form values for any e-mail related #
# reasons, we will convert all of the form fields and config values  #
# to remove any cross-site scripting security holes. #
foreach $field (keys %Config) {
$safeConfig{$field} = clean_html($Config{$field});

foreach $field (keys %Form) {
$Form{$field} = clean_html($Form{$field});

# If redirect option is used, print the redirectional location header.   #
if ($Config{'redirect'}) {
print Location: $safeConfig{'redirect'}\n\n;

# Otherwise, begin printing the response page.   #
else {

# Print HTTP header and opening HTML tags.   #
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print html\n head\n;

# Print out title of page#
if ($Config{'title'}) { print title$safeConfig{'title'}/title\n }
else  { print titleCatalog-Order form/title\n}

print  /head\n body;

# Get Body Tag Attributes#

# Close Body Tag #
print \n  center\n;

# Print custom or generic title. #
if ($Config{'title'}) { print h1$safeConfig{'title'}/h1\n }
else { print h1Thank You For Placing an Order/h1\n }

print /center\n;

print Below is the order submitted to on ;
print $datephr size=1 width=75\%p\n;

# If a sort order is specified, sort the form fields based on that.  #
if ($Config{'sort'} =~ /^order:.*,.*/) {

# Set the temporary $sort_order variable to the sorting order,   #
# remove extraneous line breaks and spaces, remove the order:#
# directive and split the sort fields into an array. #
$sort_order = $Config{'sort'};
$sort_order =~ s/(\s+|\n)?,(\s+|\n)?/,/g;
$sort_order =~ s/(\s+)?\n+(\s+)?//g;
$sort_order =~ s/order://;
sorted_fields = split(/,/, $sort_order);

# For each sorted field, if it has a value or the print blank#
# fields option is turned on print the form field and value. #
foreach $sorted_field (sorted_fields) {
local $sfname = clean_html($sorted_field);

if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$sorted_field} ne '') {
print b$sfname:/b $Form{$sorted_field}p\n;

# Otherwise, use the order the fields were sent, or alphabetic.  #
else {

# Sort alphabetically if requested.
if ($Config{'sort'} eq 'alphabetic') {
Field_Order = sort Field_Order;

# For each form field, if it has a value or the print blank  #
# fields option is turned on print the form field and value. #
foreach $field (Field_Order) {
local $fname = clean_html($field);
### next line
if ( ($Config{'print_blank_fields'}) or ($Form{$field}) ) {
   ## if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0') {
print b$fname:/b $Form{$field}p\n;

print phr size=1 width=75%p\n;

# Check for a Return Link and print one if found.#
if ($Config{'return_link_url'}  $Config{'return_link_title'}) {
print ul\n;
print lia 
print /ul\n;

# Print the page footer. #
hr size=1 width=75%p
centerfont size=-1a 
href=;FormMail/a V1.92 copy; 
1995 - 2002  Matt Wrightbr
A Free Product of a href=;Matt's Script 

need help ... text boxes/form .... alphanumeric input only

2002-09-04 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen

I had to replace the pull down menues to text boxes on my order form.
This means I need to filter out unwanted text.
I need to make it alphanumeric only.for security reasons.
I have red/bold the two lines I changed last time to eliminate all 0 zero orders.
if you are not receiving this in HTML mode look for the 

## next line

marker in the code.
This is a Matt's Script
is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks for your help... i will be checking out the books now
L Hernsen

sub return_html {
# Local variables used in this subroutine initialized.   #

# Now that we have finished using form values for any e-mail related #
# reasons, we will convert all of the form fields and config values  #
# to remove any cross-site scripting security holes. #
foreach $field (keys %Config) {
$safeConfig{$field} = clean_html($Config{$field});

foreach $field (keys %Form) {
$Form{$field} = clean_html($Form{$field});

# If redirect option is used, print the redirectional location header.   #
if ($Config{'redirect'}) {
print Location: $safeConfig{'redirect'}\n\n;

# Otherwise, begin printing the response page.   #
else {

# Print HTTP header and opening HTML tags.   #
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print html\n head\n;

# Print out title of page#
if ($Config{'title'}) { print title$safeConfig{'title'}/title\n }
else  { print titleCatalog-Order form/title\n}

print  /head\n body;

# Get Body Tag Attributes#

# Close Body Tag #
print \n  center\n;

# Print custom or generic title. #
if ($Config{'title'}) { print h1$safeConfig{'title'}/h1\n }
else { print h1Thank You For Placing an Order/h1\n }

print /center\n;

print Below is the order submitted to on ;
print $datephr size=1 width=75\%p\n;

# If a sort order is specified, sort the form fields based on that.  #
if ($Config{'sort'} =~ /^order:.*,.*/) {

# Set the temporary $sort_order variable to the sorting order,   #
# remove extraneous line breaks and spaces, remove the order:#
# directive and split the sort fields into an array. #
$sort_order = $Config{'sort'};
$sort_order =~ s/(\s+|\n)?,(\s+|\n)?/,/g;
$sort_order =~ s/(\s+)?\n+(\s+)?//g;
$sort_order =~ s/order://;
sorted_fields = split(/,/, $sort_order);

# For each sorted field, if it has a value or the print blank#
# fields option is turned on print the form field and value. #
foreach $sorted_field (sorted_fields) {
local $sfname = clean_html($sorted_field);

if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$sorted_field} ne '') {
print b$sfname:/b $Form{$sorted_field}p\n;

# Otherwise, use the order the fields were sent, or alphabetic.  #
else {

# Sort alphabetically if requested.
if ($Config{'sort'} eq 'alphabetic') {
Field_Order = sort Field_Order;

# For each form field, if it has a value or the print blank  #
# fields option is turned on print the form field and value. #
foreach $field (Field_Order) {
local $fname = clean_html($field);
### next line
if ( ($Config{'print_blank_fields'}) or ($Form{$field}) ) {
   ## if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0') {
print b$fname:/b $Form{$field}p\n;

print phr size=1 width=75%p\n;

# Check for a Return Link and print one if found.#
if ($Config{'return_link_url'}  $Config{'return_link_title'}) {
print ul\n;
print lia 
print /ul\n;

# Print the page footer. #
hr size=1 width=75%p
centerfont size=-1a 
href=;FormMail/a V1.92 copy; 
1995 - 2002  Matt Wrightbr
A Free Product of a href=;Matt's Script 

need help

2002-04-29 Thread Luinrandir Hernsen

This line is from a script

if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0')

I need to change the last part (in bold) to read for both 0 and the empty set ''
so the logic should read

if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0' or '' )

Or to say it another way I need the following two lines to be one.
if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0')
if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '' )

I have tried
if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0,')
if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0' || $Form{$field} ne '' )
if ($Config{'print_blank_fields'} || $Form{$field} ne '0','')
and it doen't work
help? ideas?