Re: Stuck in the Perl Beginners Panic-Zone!

2001-06-15 Thread Mark Folse

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ok here goes; 
> the name of the file that I'm trying to run is which is
> located in 
> at:
> C:\Perl\
> When I open (launch) my PERL inturpreter (location
> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe) I 
> get a black screen with a blinking white line.

Whoa! Don't open the Perl interpreter.

At the c:\perl prompt, type perl

Type set. If c:\perl is in the search path, you can type "perl" from any location in the directory tree.

If its not in the search path, you can add Perl to the search path.

Either edit the existing path statement, or add one below it with like
this: PATH=%PATH%;C:\perl  in the autoexec.bat.

Viola! Perl Does Windows! Or should I say Perl Does DOS 7. Or is it DOS
8, in ME?


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Re: Where to begin??!!??

2001-06-15 Thread Mark Folse

Just so I understand, you can't:

 ($date, $time, $add1, $add2, $add3, @rest) = split(/\|/); # can you?

>   @f = split(/\|/);   # \| because | is a regexp char, splits $_
>   # grab the bits we want to duplicate for each record. you will have
>   # to tweak for the actual number of fields.  @rest should just
> contain
>   # the numbers
>   ($date, $time, $add1, $add2, $add3, @rest) = @f;
>   foreach $n (@rest)
>   {
> $n =~ /^\s*$/ && next;# If the field is blank or space only
>   # ignore. =~ binds the pattern match
> print "$date|$time|$add1|$add2|$add3|$n\n";
>   }
> }
> You can make this a bit more efficient but it would have been harder
> to explain and wouldn't include some handy perlisms
> Enjoy, Steve
> Crystal Wrote...
> Hi all,
> I have a problem and I need to know where to begin. At the magazine I
> work
> for we have what are called "bingo cards" in the magazine that people
> can
> fill out and send back to us to get information on whatever of 271
> topics,
> stores, resorts, etc. of their choice. They can also fill this out
> online.
> What we end up with is a DAT file with each users stuff as one entry
> in
> a
> pipe-delimited file with hard returns at the end of each entry. Of
> course we
> could bring this into Excel or Access or some other DB, but the
> problem
> then
> becomes that there are 283 fields. Not many  DB's support that many.
> The point:
> I need to take this text file and format each entry (separated by
> hard
> returns) so that the user info (name address, etc) are all in their
> own
> columns still and then for each number they chose (up to 271 out of
> 271)
> it
> creates a new entry with their contact info and one number in the
> last
> column.
> For example: Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|1|2||8||10|11|
> would
> then become:
> Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|1|
> Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|2|
> Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|8|
> Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|10|
> Joe Smith|123 Main
> St.|Yourtown|US|83124|888-555-1212|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|11|
> Here is a sample entry from the DAT file.
> |6/12/2001|13:05:34|Closet Geek|456 Flibity Jibet Way|My
Town|CA|90450|US|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|760-555-1212||1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10
> |262|263|264|265|266|267|268|269|270|271|
> |6/12/2001|13:14:42|closetgeek|456 Flibity Jibet Way|Yucca
Valley|California|5|yugoslavia|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|760-555-1212|Submit||
> I really need to know where to begin. Should I put everything between
> the
> first 12 pipes (including the pipes) into a variable and then run a
> loop
> on
> the remainder? 
> Closet Geek >^..^<


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Re: I need help running perl for windows

2001-06-15 Thread Mark Folse

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello! I am new to Perl programming so please, bare with me.

I am typing this naked to the waist if that helps.

I have
> been 
> working on Perl for a month now and I'm just getting started on
> regular 
> expression. Anyway, learning Perl is not my problem. My problem, is
> getting 
> my Perl scripts to run on my PC. 

If hello world pops up and disappers, that may be just what you've
asked the script to do. The DOSneyland window in later version of
Windows 9x will remain open after the command-environment program (in
this case the perl interpreter and scipt) are done, unless you change
the properties of the shortcut used to invoke it. I'm at my NT box now
and don't remember the precise menu location, but you can do this in
the DOS window itself before your close it. Right click the bar at top
and view the properties of the command interpreter (DOS windows).

For the past month I have been
> running 
> MacPerl on my Macintosh Computer, which doesn't deal with command
> lines 
> (Bless Apple). 

Used Macs for a long time, and yeared for a command environment the
entire time. Now that they're going to have one, I don't need to use
them anymore.

>But the reality is that I have to learn how to run
> Perl on 
> both systems and eventually Unix also. For now though,considering
> that I just 
> spent $1500 on this PC I would just like to get my scripts going on
> it.  I 
> created my scripts with a text editor and saved them with the .pl
> extension; 
> I installed PERL version 5.2.2 (APi522e.exe) and followed all the 
> installation instructions; but, I can't seem to run my scripts.
> Whenever I 
> try to open my script from the command line (the infamous "Hello,
> World" 
> script), I can see hello world! on my screen for 1 second and then my
> Perl 
> inturpreter suddenly disappears off of my screen; also, when I try to
> close 
> the Perl inturpreter I keep getting an error message saying that I am
> not 
> using the proper method of exiting the program. I know that I sound
> pretty 
> dumb, but I have three books on PERL (The Camel,SAMS TYP in 21days
> and, 
> Perl,CGI,and Javascript complete) and none of these seem to cover (in
> English) how to actually get started runninng your scripts. Whats
> going on? 
> Did I install the wrong version of PERL? am I typing the wrong
> commands on 
> the command line?

Forget the hardware. It sounds fine. How are you invoking your script?
In a batch file? Is this opening a 2nd command window which is left
waiting for you to manually close it?

Send what you're trying to run, and if its a batch/command file, send
both that file and the test script.

> Here are some specs on my setup:
> I am running Microsoft Windows Me, operating system. 
> I use Edit Revolution 2 as my text editor. 
>  I installed PERL version 5.2.2 (APi522e.exe)
> I have a 750mhz processor.
> I have 256mb of RAM.
> Please Help!  Thanks!


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2001-06-15 Thread Mark Folse

Is Perl in your system path? The first line in the script doesn't help
any in DOSneyland. I usually just type "perl" if it is. It is
possible to associated the dot-p-l extension with Perl.exe in the
Windows GUI, but I don't believe its possible to flag an executable in
dos that isn't EXE or COM (or BAT or CMD). Usually if you need to run
in the dark box, you make a batch file.

--- Crystal Gruetzmacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once upon a time I could use MS-Dos to run my Perl scripts at the
> C:\Perl
> prompt. Then use Perl or whatever the name was. That
> isn't
> working anymore. Anyone have any idea why? What can I do to fix it.
> I've
> tried reinstalling Perl but that doesn't work. Should I just use the
> Linux
> box I have here?
> Crystal


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Re: Problem printing a system value to a filehandle (windows)

2001-06-14 Thread Mark Folse

I started out doing the same thing on my NT box many moons ago, and
found this more reliable and easier to manage:

($day,$month,$date,$time,$year)=split (/ /,localtime);

--- Craig S Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I decided that I wanted to time stamp each of
> the entries
> >  $time =~ system('TIME \/T');
>  $date =~ system('DATE \/T');
>  print DATAFILE "\n$time $date";


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Re: [META] Rants (was:Re: space)

2001-06-12 Thread Mark Folse

Having further considered, I agree with not munging. I've not run lists
but I've run mail servers, so lets not make anything messier that we
don't need to. Next we'll be mucking with DNS resolvers for our local
convenience, as it appears Win2000 has done. Yikes!

I would recommend anyone who wants munging to follow the URL in the
earlier post on the subject and read. It changed my mind.

Many of my lists (I believe that's me below) are DOSneyland-centric,
and so are perhaps administered (read: munged) for the
computing-impaired like myself. Perhaps when I get a Real Operating

> But don't break it for the rest of us.  Contrary to what someone else
> said in this thread, the lists *I* subscribe to that do reply-to
> munging are in the minority, and of those lists, usually one message
> every two weeks is "oops, accidentally sent to the list, that was
> supposed to be private".  That's just silly.
> Reply-to munging: just say no.
> -- 
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503
> 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl


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Re: how can system() execute all .exe file?

2001-06-11 Thread Mark Folse

Are you specifying the full file path? Are you using UNIX-style forward
slashes for directory delimiters?

Perl on NT will follow Windows conventions about finding and executing
files, and I never rely on the search path. Its always better to give a
full path to the executable.


   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   # Running an exe in DOSneyland with full path & 'Nixian slashes
   use Strict;
   use Diagnostics;
   system ("e:/ntreskit/ls.exe -l e:/eric");
--- zhongji tao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on NT, IIS server. I tried system() to execute .exe
> file. But only those files that in c:\windows directory can be 
> executed. It does not work even I copy and paste some other .exe file
> in that directory. Anyone know how to solve the problem?
> thanks.


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Re: rant on space

2001-06-11 Thread Mark Folse

Consider this a formal request that the list messages should default to
reply to the list, and either copy the originator (or no one). This
would best accomodate the way people communicate on lists, in my view.

I didn't originate this thread, but I feel compelled to comment in that
I typically use a list client that is not configurable to accomodate
this. I also find that this behhavoir is different that that of most of
the lists I have followed via this account.



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Re: Perl and the MicroSoft NT/Win2000 GUI

2001-06-08 Thread Mark Folse


 open THEOUTPUT, ">e:/test/output.txt";
 while ( <$ARGV[0]> ) { print THEOUTPUT};

worked with this NT command file (NTWS 4 SP5)

 perl.exe e:\test\ $1

Not sure why perl.exe wouldn't run it without an absolute path, but
such are the ways of DOSneyland.

Remember that the file association created in NT only applies to My
Computer/Explorer interfaces, and not to The Dark Windows.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to run a perl script and pass in an argument (ARGV[0])
> by
> dragging a textfile icon on to the perl script icon.  This would be
> on an
> NT/Win2000 system using the icons in file manager, desktop, etc.  The
> argument passed in would be the path to the textfile.  This works
> with a
> DOS batfile, but I'm having trouble with a ".pl" file.
> Thanks,
> George Gage


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Re: A gentle reminder about jeopardy quoting

2001-06-05 Thread Mark Folse

But we should be encouraging the list members to avail themselves of
the Perl FAQ and all the other resources at their disposal. I know I
always want to exhaust as many other avenues as possible before
admitting to thousands of stranges that I can't figure it out. But
that's just me.

Many of us learned our on-line etiquette the hard way, in less gentle
forms at a time when the Internet was first catching fire in the 90s.
(Remember when AOL.COM = flamebait?). 

If there was a welcome to the list e-mail other than the bot
instructions, I don't remember it and didn't save it like I usually do
listadmin stuff. Perhaps a gentle introduction to the list to new
subscribers would be sufficient, with off-line/direct mail nudging of
folks (so we dont' clutter up the list like I'm doing now) with

--- Elaine -HFB- Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *>I think gentle etiquette reminders are fine, if they don't begin to
> bog
> *>down the list. Perhaps a short list etiquette mailing once a week
> or so
> *>for new users, similar to FAQ postings, would be in order.
> Not a bad idea but I don't much like rules since people like to go
> out of
> their way to break them and seemingly FAQs are the last thing people
> read
> :)
> e.


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RE: A gentle reminder about jeopardy quoting

2001-06-05 Thread Mark Folse

At first I sent this is a direct mail to the listed folks, but decided
to send it on to the list:

--- Eduard Grinvald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Umm, let's get back to perl, please... Etiquette is nice, but is
> hardly the
> point of this list.

I think gentle etiquette reminders are fine, if they don't begin to bog
down the list. Perhaps a short list etiquette mailing once a week or so
for new users, similar to FAQ postings, would be in order.

It could be as simple as:

1. Please use descriptive subject headers.

2. Please delete all portions of the messages replied to not directly
related to your response (ie, the example you are discussing, or the
suggestion you are disagreeing with).

3. No off subject posting. Please keep to Perl and the uses of Perl.

4. No flames.

5. No attachments.

Or somebody could write a bot (not me; beyond my meager capabilities).
 still keep and treasure the bot mail from Tom Christiansen's for
jeapardy posting. Its an honor to be chastised by the bot of such an
eminence. And so politely, too.


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RE: A good book?

2001-06-04 Thread Mark Folse

I have moved more onto to the Programming Perl level of interest.
However, next time I'm in the bookstore I will have a look at
_Beginning Perl_, as I'm always on the lookup for ways to help my
fellow travelers.

I am not wedded to O'Reilly, even though I have quite a managerie
between work and home. 

And, for what many of us do, Mastering Regular Expressions should be
boarded onto the ark fairly early. (I have bookmarked the on-line as
yet unpublished tome mentioned in other threads, but have not had time
to look at it). I think this is especially true for those of us coming
from DOSneyland, not weaned on grep and suchlike UNIX things.

--- Chris Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Learning Perl may not teach you OOP, but that was not what a true
> > beginner comes to learn. I thought it excellent and occasionally
> > entertaining.  (I still chuckle when I think of the index entry for
> > RINDEX).
> My point is that the section on OOP is very useful for understanding
> and
> implementing modules that demand an OOP approach, which happens quite
> quickly in my experience. The section on using modules is very nice
> too.
> _BP_ happens to be a bigger book that has room to cover more.
> _Learning Perl_ is a good book. I just think _Beginning Perl_ is
> better for
> many. I like Simon Cozens, he is active in the Perl community, he's
> written
> a good book. It is deserving of consideration. I know it is sacrilege
> to
> recommend anything but _Learning Perl_ and only slightly less
> offensive to
> mention something that is non-O'Reilly ;)
> Have you checked _Beginning Perl_ out? You might find it is even more
> suitable for those with a lower threshold of experience with
> programming. I
> did. But _Learning Perl_ is great too. Heck, get them both. Like all
> things,
> c


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RE: A good book?

2001-06-04 Thread Mark Folse

I also backed into programming. I am the quintessential "Just Another
English Major Turned SysAdmin" sort. I also came in from DOSneyland and
not from UNIX.

Still, I only undertook to learn Perl after some poking around to see
what language would allow me to best do the sort of automations I
wanted to do. Later, when I found myself deep into list processing to
condition bad customer data files, I was glad I chose Perl.

Learning Perl may not teach you OOP, but that was not what a true
beginner comes to learn. I thought it excellent and occasionally
entertaining.  (I still chuckle when I think of the index entry for

In general, for someone of my sort, Learning Perl is clearly the way to
go. Having gotten through that, one should then rush out and acquire
Programming Perl, and read the first several chapters carefully.

Someone approaching Perl with a much stronger programming background
might prefer to tackle Programming Perl or another book directly. I am
not sure, however, that an experiened C++ program is the intended
audience of this list.

Then subscribe to this excellent list, and get down to work.
--- Chris Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris> Personally, I think _Learning Perl_ is really showing its age.
> I'm going to try to figure out how to say this without insulting a
> book that
> I *do* like and authors who are both Perl wizards and whose writing
> has
> given me a lot. Maybe dated isn't the right word, although the books
> style
> is, for lack of a better word, more "old fashioned." I can only speak
> to my
> own experience and that of those who I know, and I would say that
> half still
> feel that the _Learning Perl_ book is the best book out there, while
> the
> other half found other volumes more effective.
> I've recommended LP in the past many times, and there are certain
> people to
> whom I still make that recommendation. In fact, that might be part of
> it...
> those who are already programmers in another language seem to really
> profit
> from LP.
> For me (who came into computers ass-backwards carrying degrees in
> philosophy
> and writing poetry), it just didn't WORK that well. There seemed to
> be
> little things assumed about the language and terminology assumed
> about the
> reader that I wasn't grokking. I'll grant that it has been a few
> years since
> I used the book (I was using a Second Edition though), nor can I
> recall
> specifics since it has been a few years and I have since learned to
> grasp at
> least a FEW more concepts.
> For what it is--a book that is meant to accompany or represent a
> particular
> class of a particular length in hours-- LP is great. For programmers
> in
> other languages, or who even have experience in any other language,
> it is
> probably great. For me, with very little experience of any kind, it
> didn't
> work out so well. As a single starting tome for beginners, I feel
> that the
> expanded coverage of using modules, OO, CGI, and the generally more
> lengthy
> and in-depth explanations of most concepts in the _Beginning Perl_
> book are
> more fruitful. That might just be a quality of having more room to
> explain
> concepts (or to luxuriate in explanations and handholding and
> diagrams that
> others might not need, some would say). Yes, it would take more time
> to
> cover that book, but my answer wasn't about what book would fit in a
> limited
> number of hours best, but in a series of books that we would
> recommend.
> > I pondered this question VERY carefully when redesigning the llama
> > course over the past few years, which has become the llama3 book
> soon
> > hitting the streets.  There's nothing dated about a book and course
> > that are updated every two months or so.
> I look forward to seeing this revision. The second edition came out
> in 97,
> right?
> c


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How to "touch" a file for testing -C

2001-05-24 Thread Mark Folse

I was written a small application to check the date of the files to
process, and sleep until the new days's files arrived. My problem was
testing. Is there someway not in the man pages to "touch" a file so
that the return from -C reflects the new file system date and time?


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