WWW::Mechanize::field problem

2014-12-04 Thread Patton, Billy N
I’m having trouble with setting a field on a web page.
Here is how I’m attempting to do this:

  ## fourth page
  ok($mech-form_name('ftp_information'),getting the ftp_information form);
  ok($mech-field('pFTPHostname','dogs'), 'Setting ftp host name to dogs');
  ok($mech-field('pFTPUsername','dogs'), 'Setting ftp user name to dogs’);

It fails on the pFTPHost name;

Here’s the raw html :
div id='myForm'
span class='required'*/span indicates Required Fieldbr/br/
table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='100%'
form name='ftp_information' method='POST' action='file_admin.cgi'
input type='hidden' name='rm' value='process_ftp_information'
input type='hidden' name='CGISESSID' 
input type='hidden' name='ftp_information' value='1'
td class='fieldLabel' width='45%'
FTP Hostname or IP Address:
td class='field'
input type='text' class='text' name='pFTPHostname' value='' span 
class='required' */span
td class='fieldLabel'
FTP Username:
td class='field'
input type='text' class='text' name='pFTPUsername' value='' span 
class='required' */span
td class='fieldLabel'
FTP Password:
td class='field'
input type='text' class='text' name='pFTPPassword' value='' span 
class='required' */span
td colspan='2' align='center'br/input type='submit' 
value='Continue' class='button'/td

The form :

$VAR1 = bless( {
  'accept_charset' = 'UNKNOWN',
  'action' = bless( do{\(my $o = 
'http://cportal-test.dfw0.hypercube-llc.com/html/file_admin.cgi')}, 'URI::http' 
  'attr' = {
'method' = 'POST',
'name' = 'ftp_information'
  'default_charset' = 'UTF-8',
  'enctype' = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  'inputs' = [
bless( {
  'name' = 'rm',
  'readonly' = 1,
  'type' = 'hidden',
  'value' = 'process_ftp_information',
  'value_name' = ''
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'name' = 'CGISESSID',
  'readonly' = 1,
  'type' = 'hidden',
  'value' = '3facae5659bca900e5ef3d6c302aad4e',
  'value_name' = ''
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'name' = 'ftp_information',
  'readonly' = 1,
  'type' = 'hidden',
  'value' = '1',
  'value_name' = ''
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'class' = 'text',
  'name' = 'pFTPHostname',
  'type' = 'text',
  'value' = '',
  'value_name' = '*'
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'class' = 'text',
  'name' = 'pFTPUsername',
  'type' = 'text',
  'value' = '',
  'value_name' = '*'
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'class' = 'text',
  'name' = 'pFTPPassword',
  'type' = 'text',
  'value' = 'cats',
  'value_name' = '*'
}, 'HTML::Form::TextInput' ),
bless( {
  'class' = 'button',
  'type' = 'submit',
  'value' = 'Continue',
  'value_name' = ''
}, 'HTML::Form::SubmitInput' )
  'method' = 'POST'
}, 'HTML::Form' );

Re: At wits end CGI

2014-12-03 Thread Patton, Billy N
CGI::Application.pm is version 4.5
Somehow I’ve managed to move beyond this problem. Probably because I dumped 

I’m now getting a time out.  With traces and multiple debug statements I’m 
getting to this location for the time out:

($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://o;
$! = 0;
my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
if ($! != 0) {
croak Your vendor has not defined Socket macro $constname, used;
eval sub $AUTOLOAD { $val };
This is from file 
I hit this inside the debugger.

The code below is from my module that inherits CGI::Application.
From some reason I don’t understand it calls 
CGI::Application::Plugin::TT::import the first thing.
I can’t find where that is coming from.
Why is it calling this before it even calls the “new” in Application.pm

warn Got to here :  . __FILE__ . ':'.__LINE__.\n;
use strict;
use base 'CGI::Application';
warn Got to here :  . __FILE__ . ':'.__LINE__.\n;
use CGI::Application::Plugin::TT; # Template Toolkit
use CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH (qw/dbh_config dbh/); # Database handles

On Nov 25, 2014, at 10:29 AM, John SJ Anderson 
geneh...@genehack.orgmailto:geneh...@genehack.org wrote:

What version of CGI::Application do you have installed?

Assuming the most recent one
line 1951 is:

   if ( $p{path_info}  $self-query-path_info() ) {

$self-query calls the 'query' method, defined at line 493. I'm
guessing code flow goes into the 'else' half of the branch there, and
ends up calling $self-cgiapp_get_query() (on line 503).

That method is defined at line 250, and ultimately returns the result
of calling CGI-new().

I would suggest either putting in some debug print() statements into
that cgiapp_get_query() routine, or using the debugger to stop
execution inside there and looking at what that call from CGI-new()
is actually returning.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Patton, Billy N 
billy.pat...@h3net.commailto:billy.pat...@h3net.com wrote:
OS : mac 10.10.1 Yosemite
Perl version : 5.16.0 (perlbrew)
I have file cp.cgi that is the top level
It uses CP.pm
which inherits Base.pm
which inherits CGI::Application
CGI::Application Requires CGI.pm
CGI.pm has a use CGI::Util qw(… unescape …);

When I try and run cp.cgi I get a timeout.
The erro log only tells me that I get a timeout
[Tue Nov 25 09:13:53.677383 2014] [cgi:warn] [pid 461] [client ::1:63053] 
AH01220: Timeout waiting for output from CGI script 
/Library/WebServer/Documents/cportal/html/cp.cgi, referer: 

when I try and run it from the command line : perl cp.cgi
I get
h1Software error:/h1
preUndefined subroutine CGI::unescape
 line 1951.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.

[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi: Undefined subroutine CGI::unescape
[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi:  at 
 line 1951.

unescape exists in CGI::Util.pm and is exported.

When I put a Dumper \%INC I get: Making sure that I wasn’t mixing too many 

'CGI/Application.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Redirect.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/TT.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/ValidateRM.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/LogDispatch.pm'  = 
'CGI/Carp.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Config/YAML.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/DBH.pm'  = 
'CGI/Util.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Forward.pm'  = 

unescape does not exist in Application, even though it tells me line 1951
%INC shows me that it is including the right file.
Util.pm is exporting
package CGI::Util;
use base 'Exporter';
require 5.008001;

At wits end CG::unescape

2014-11-25 Thread Patton, Billy N
OS : mac 10.10.1 Yosemite
Perl version : 5.16.0 (perlbrew)
I have file cp.cgi that is the top level
It uses CP.pm
which inherits Base.pm
which inherits CGI::Application
CGI::Application Requires CGI.pm
CGI.pm has a use CGI::Util qw(… unescape …);

When I try and run cp.cgi I get a timeout.
The erro log only tells me that I get a timeout
[Tue Nov 25 09:13:53.677383 2014] [cgi:warn] [pid 461] [client ::1:63053] 
AH01220: Timeout waiting for output from CGI script 
/Library/WebServer/Documents/cportal/html/cp.cgi, referer: 

when I try and run it from the command line : perl cp.cgi
I get
h1Software error:/h1
preUndefined subroutine CGI::unescape
 line 1951.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message
and the time and date of the error.

[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi: Undefined subroutine CGI::unescape
[Tue Nov 25 09:34:59 2014] cp.cgi:  at 
 line 1951.

unescape exists in CGI::Util.pm and is exported.

When I put a Dumper \%INC I get: Making sure that I wasn’t mixing too many 

'CGI/Application.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Redirect.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/TT.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/ValidateRM.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/LogDispatch.pm'  = 
'CGI/Carp.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Config/YAML.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/DBH.pm'  = 
'CGI/Util.pm'  = 
'CGI/Application/Plugin/Forward.pm'  = 

unescape does not exist in Application, even though it tells me line 1951
%INC shows me that it is including the right file.
Util.pm is exporting
package CGI::Util;
use base 'Exporter';
require 5.008001;
use strict;
use if $] = 5.019, 'deprecate';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape
expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic);

our $VERSION = '4.09’;

Re: CGI::Application::Plugin::TT

2014-11-13 Thread Patton, Billy N
Doing the perlbrew thing now.
perl -MTemplate -e 1 returned nothing
But I did a sudo cpan Template and it told me it was up to date.
Hopefully this perlbrew will help things out.
thanks for the info.
On Nov 12, 2014, at 8:50 AM, John SJ Anderson 
geneh...@genehack.orgmailto:geneh...@genehack.org wrote:

perl -MTemplate -e 1

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2014-11-12 Thread Patton, Billy N
I’ve , mistakenly, updated to Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite.
That completely caused my app to fail in Apache 2.4.
Looks like it might be a version problem for TT.pm
I’ve tried to install a new TT.pm from cpan but it tells me that it is up to 
I’ve tried changing the Template-new to HTML::Template- new with bad results.
I’ve tried changing use Template to use HTML::Template with bad results
I’ve tried changing the use Template 2.0; to use Template. results are still it 
It looks like MAC 10.10 was released with a bunch of incompatible versions of 
perl modules.
What can I do?
The error I’m getting is :

Can't locate object method new via package Template at 
/Library/Perl/5.18/CGI/Application/Plugin/TT.pm line 60.

TT.pm snippett :
use Template 2.0;
# Get a Template Toolkit object.  The same object
# will be returned everytime this method is called
# during a request cycle.
sub tt_obj {
my $self = shift;

my ($tt, $options, $frompkg) = _get_object_or_options($self);

if (!$tt) {
my $tt_options = $options-{TEMPLATE_OPTIONS};
if (keys %{$options-{TEMPLATE_OPTIONS}}) {
  $tt = Template-new( $options-{TEMPLATE_OPTIONS} ) || carp Can't 
load Template;
} else {
  $tt = Template-new || carp Can't load Template;
_set_object($frompkg||$self, $tt);
return $tt;


$HTML::Template::VERSION = '2.95’;
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $self;
{ my %hash; $self = bless(\%hash, $pkg); }

using string as module

2014-11-08 Thread Patton, Billy N
I currently have something like this
use MyFoo::ABCBar;
use MyFoo::DEFBar;
use MyFoo::HIJBar;
my $fooABC = MyFoo::ABCBar-new();

What I would like to do is 

foreach $pgm ( ‘ABC’ , ‘DEF’ , ‘HIJ’) {
  my $foo = MyFoo::{$pgm}Bar-new;

This gives me an error.
What is the correct syntax?

Testing my CGI

2014-11-04 Thread Patton, Billy N
I’m using WWW::Mechanize for testing my CGI.
I’m having trouble with the $mech-tick

Here’s my code :
  ok($mech-form_name('cdr_format'),getting form cdr_format);
print pAllFields =  . $mech-value('pAllFields') . \n;
219-  ok($mech-tick('pAllFields',1), 'Setting checkbox to native CDR format');
220-  ok($mech-tick('pAllFields’,0), 'Setting checkbox to native CDR format’);

Here’s a snippet of the html :
div id='myForm'
form name='cdr_format' method='POST' action='file_admin.cgi'
input type='hidden' name='rm' value='process_cdr_format'
input type='hidden' name='CGISESSID' 
input type='hidden' name='cdr_format' value='1'
table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='100%'
td class='fieldLabel' width='60%'
We would like the files in native CDR format:
td class='field'
input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='pAllFields' value='1'


When I execute I get this :
ok 40 - getting form cdr_format
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./test_cportal.pl 
line 218.
pAllFields =
not ok 41 - Setting checkbox to native CDR format
#   Failed test 'Setting checkbox to native CDR format'
#   at ./test_cportal.pl line 219.
not ok 42 - Setting checkbox to native CDR format
#   Failed test 'Setting checkbox to native CDR format'
#   at ./test_cportal.pl line 220.

Here’s the documentation from WWW::Mechanize
$mech-tick( $name, $value [, $set] )

Ticks the first checkbox that has both the name and value associated with it 
on the current form. Dies if there is no named check box for that value. 
Passing in a false value as the third optional argument will cause the checkbox 
to be unticked.

WWW::Mechanize question

2014-11-03 Thread Patton, Billy N
I’ve inherited an app that uses templates.
Most of the template contain multiple forms and tables within and buttons 
within that.
The order of the forms I can get from the template, most are not named forms so 
I have to get them with form_number(#)

Can I depend on the form number being the same each time it is loaded?
Or will it change.

Re: WWW::Mechanize question

2014-11-03 Thread Patton, Billy N
Some times it is conditional, depending on admin rights.  But your right I 
should add  a name to each of them, it would make things much easier.
Just can’t do it to the current production version.
Guess I need to make copy and test that one :)
 On Nov 3, 2014, at 8:50 AM, John SJ Anderson geneh...@genehack.org wrote:
 Hi Billy -
 Are any of the forms in the templates displayed conditionally? (I.e.,
 are there forms inside IF blocks in the templates.)
 If not -- if all the forms are always shown -- then yes, the numbers
 should be stable.
 My suggestion would be to just add unique identifiers to the forms,
 because then you won't have to worry about it.
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Patton, Billy N billy.pat...@h3net.com 
 I’ve inherited an app that uses templates.
 Most of the template contain multiple forms and tables within and buttons 
 within that.
 The order of the forms I can get from the template, most are not named forms 
 so I have to get them with form_number(#)
Can I depend on the form number being the same each time it is loaded?
Or will it change.

Re: WWW::Mechanize question

2014-11-03 Thread Patton, Billy N
I’ve gotten everything copied and working from the Chrome, but when I execute 
my test script I get :
ok 1 - In sub main::login
ok 2 -: 49   : Credentials passed ok
Error GETing http://cportal-test.dfw0.hypercube-llc.com/html/cp.cgi: 
Authorization Required at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.18/LWP/Authen/Basic.pm 
line 56.

Here is my .htaccess :
AuthType Basic
AuthName HyperCube Customer Portal requires a username and password
AuthUserFile /var/www/passwords/cportal.passwd
Require valid-user

login/password is the same for all versions.

I know it is something just one step away, can’t get what it is?

 On Nov 3, 2014, at 8:50 AM, John SJ Anderson geneh...@genehack.org wrote:
 Hi Billy -
 Are any of the forms in the templates displayed conditionally? (I.e.,
 are there forms inside IF blocks in the templates.)
 If not -- if all the forms are always shown -- then yes, the numbers
 should be stable.
 My suggestion would be to just add unique identifiers to the forms,
 because then you won't have to worry about it.
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Patton, Billy N billy.pat...@h3net.com 
 I’ve inherited an app that uses templates.
 Most of the template contain multiple forms and tables within and buttons 
 within that.
 The order of the forms I can get from the template, most are not named forms 
 so I have to get them with form_number(#)
Can I depend on the form number being the same each time it is loaded?
Or will it change.