RE: :Graph - Script archive for beg.

2001-06-26 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)


>Another question, would anyone be interested in helping me create a 
>script/snippet archive geared towards newbies?

I would be interested in careting something like that.  What did you have in

RE: :Telnet

2001-06-22 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

 I tried running an example from the document specified below by John and
get the error:
timed-out waiting for password prompt at ./newtry.cgi line 7

My code from the document is below:
use Net::Telnet;
$telnet = new Net::Telnet (Timeout=>10,
Prompt=>'/>$ $/i');
$telnet->login('...', '...');
print $telnet->cmd('who');

(I have deleted host, user and passwd).

Could anyone suggest what I should change?
Thanks very much.

   [ Wrote 8 lines ]

[c151@myclass router]ic./newtry.cgi

-Original Message-
From: John Edwards
To: 'Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
Sent: 6/22/01 10:18 AM
Subject: RE: :Telnet

This might be of use to you

-Original Message-
From: Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 June 2001 16:07
Subject: RE: :Telnet

 I too have questions on the same topic - Net::Telnet.  I tried the
following code: (I have deleted the hostname, username and passwd), and
the error:

read timed-out at ./teltry.cgi line 13 


my ($hostname, $line, $passwd, $pop, $username);


use Net::Telnet ();
$pop=new Net::Telnet (Telnetmode => 0);
$pop->open(Host => $hostname, Port =>80);

$line= $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line=~/^\+OK/;
$pop->print("user $username");
$line = $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line =~/^\+OK/;
$pop->print("pass $passwd");
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.  My aim is to be able to
telnet to a site, and once there work allow the user to work at the
till the time when the user might wish to telnet to another site.  If
second site is connected to the first, the program shoudl make an
check, and allow the user to telnet there without asking for his/her
username password again.  
I as you see in the code above am at the very early stages of attempting
connect to a remote site.

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Tom Yarrish
Sent: 6/21/01 3:22 PM
Subject: Net::Telnet

Hey all,
Okay, I'm playing with Net::Telnet, and I've gotten to the point where I
connect to the other machine.  What I wanted to know is, can I run and
interact with a program just using the cmd() part of that module?  Or do
need to use another module to do that.  Basically what I'm going is
telnetting to a server, then running a program (perl scripts actually),
then feeding it some options, and then exiting out of the program.  Sort
of like this (snipped)

$session->cmd("2"); # This is fed to the program
$session->cmd("1"); # and this
$session->cmd("y"); # and this


#!/usr/bin/perl -w # 526-byte qrpff, Keith Winstein and Marc Horowitz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # MPEG 2 PS VOB file on stdin -> descrambled
on stdout # arguments: title key bytes in least to most-significant

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RE: :Telnet

2001-06-22 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

 I too have questions on the same topic - Net::Telnet.  I tried the
following code: (I have deleted the hostname, username and passwd), and get
the error:

read timed-out at ./teltry.cgi line 13 


my ($hostname, $line, $passwd, $pop, $username);


use Net::Telnet ();
$pop=new Net::Telnet (Telnetmode => 0);
$pop->open(Host => $hostname, Port =>80);

$line= $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line=~/^\+OK/;
$pop->print("user $username");
$line = $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line =~/^\+OK/;
$pop->print("pass $passwd");
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.  My aim is to be able to
telnet to a site, and once there work allow the user to work at the site,
till the time when the user might wish to telnet to another site.  If the
second site is connected to the first, the program shoudl make an internal
check, and allow the user to telnet there without asking for his/her
username password again.  
I as you see in the code above am at the very early stages of attempting to
connect to a remote site.

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Tom Yarrish
Sent: 6/21/01 3:22 PM
Subject: Net::Telnet

Hey all,
Okay, I'm playing with Net::Telnet, and I've gotten to the point where I
connect to the other machine.  What I wanted to know is, can I run and
interact with a program just using the cmd() part of that module?  Or do
need to use another module to do that.  Basically what I'm going is
telnetting to a server, then running a program (perl scripts actually),
then feeding it some options, and then exiting out of the program.  Sort
of like this (snipped)

$session->cmd("2"); # This is fed to the program
$session->cmd("1"); # and this
$session->cmd("y"); # and this


#!/usr/bin/perl -w # 526-byte qrpff, Keith Winstein and Marc Horowitz
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # MPEG 2 PS VOB file on stdin -> descrambled
on stdout # arguments: title key bytes in least to most-significant

Perl DB Question again

2001-06-21 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

Victor had graciously answered some of my questions earlier about using
DB_File in a perl CGI.  I am now wondering about the following:

I have the following code:


tie %ALIAS, 'DB_File', "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
my ($key, $values);
open Fin, "mockalias";
while ()
($key, $value) = split(/:/, $_);
$ALIAS{$key} = $value;
close Fin;
 If Continue is selected, new entry will be created in the
 Alias file
if ($recstatus eq "Continue")
$ALIAS{$login} = $loginaddress;

 ### If update is selected
if ($recstatus eq "Update")
$ALIAS{$login} = $loginaddress;
###HTML code...

### If delete is selected
if ($recstatus eq "Delete")   
delete $ALIAS{$firstname};
delete $ALIAS{$login};
##HTML code...
 untie %ALIAS; 

My question is the following:  When one gives the update, delete commands,
is the file mockalias also accordingly updated?  (MY file seems to not have
any changes). Once, the hash ALIAS is "untied", should one then rewrite to
the file from the hash?

Thanks in advance.  ( I am a student, as you can tell from my address above,
however, none of this is my homework.  I am doing an internship and have
been assigned two projects, but no one here is there to help me, so I truly
appreciate all your help).
Thanks again.

RE: PERL DB Question

2001-06-18 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

1) unless you have previously populated the db file, it will start off

I guess, this is my most basic and pressing question.  A file by the name
mockalias exists which already has the usernames and e-mail addresses
separated by :
When I use the tie command, am I not pulling up all the existing information
in that file, into a hash?

2) $ALIAS is the reference to the hash, maybe you were trying to say
  and may I suggest a little loop like this :

foreach (keys %hash)
  print "$_ :: $hash{$_}\n";

  which will print the content of the hash in a nice looking fashion.

Thanks very much, I will try it right away.


"Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)" wrote:

>  Thanks for your help.  I did try the modification you suggested. Now
> program does not die (it does not have that option), however when I
ask it
> to list the contents of the file, it does not do anything either.
Here is
> my code again:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI ':standard';
> use DB_File;
> $filename = "./mockalias";
> tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
> $key = "vrunda";
> if (exists $ALIAS{$key})
> {
> print "$key has value $ALIAS{$key}\n";
> }
> print "$ALIAS";
> untie %ALIAS;
> -Original Message-
> To: Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)
> Sent: 6/18/01 1:29 PM
> Subject: Re: PERL DB Question
> Try this instead
> tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
> "Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)" wrote:
> > I have an existing file, called mockalias that contains entries in
> > following format:
> >
> > username : e-mail address
> > I want to use a hash %ALIAS to read the mockalias file into the
> and
> > then be able to delete,
> > update, add entries to this hash.  When I run the following code, it
> tells
> > me that the file
> > mockalias exists, and dies.  How can I read the file into a hash and
> > manipulate the entries
> > of the hash?
> >
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > use CGI ':standard';
> > use DB_File;
> > $filename = "mockalias";
> > tie (%ALIAS, "DB_File", $filename) or
> > die "cannot open file $filename:$!\n";
> > untie %ALIAS;
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your time.
> > Vrunda

RE: PERL DB Question

2001-06-18 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

 Thanks for your help.  I did try the modification you suggested. Now the
program does not die (it does not have that option), however when I ask it
to list the contents of the file, it does not do anything either.  Here is
my code again:


use CGI ':standard';
use DB_File;

$filename = "./mockalias";

tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
$key = "vrunda";
if (exists $ALIAS{$key})
print "$key has value $ALIAS{$key}\n";
print "$ALIAS";
untie %ALIAS;    

-----Original Message-
To: Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)
Sent: 6/18/01 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: PERL DB Question

Try this instead

tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;

"Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)" wrote:

> I have an existing file, called mockalias that contains entries in the
> following format:
> username : e-mail address
> I want to use a hash %ALIAS to read the mockalias file into the hash,
> then be able to delete,
> update, add entries to this hash.  When I run the following code, it
> me that the file
> mockalias exists, and dies.  How can I read the file into a hash and
> manipulate the entries
> of the hash?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI ':standard';
> use DB_File;
> $filename = "mockalias";
> tie (%ALIAS, "DB_File", $filename) or
> die "cannot open file $filename:$!\n";
> untie %ALIAS;
> Thanks in advance for your time.
> Vrunda

PERL DB Question

2001-06-18 Thread Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)

I have an existing file, called mockalias that contains entries in the
following format:

username : e-mail address
I want to use a hash %ALIAS to read the mockalias file into the hash, and
then be able to delete,
update, add entries to this hash.  When I run the following code, it tells
me that the file
mockalias exists, and dies.  How can I read the file into a hash and
manipulate the entries 
of the hash?
use CGI ':standard';
use DB_File;  
$filename = "mockalias";
tie (%ALIAS, "DB_File", $filename) or
die "cannot open file $filename:$!\n";  
untie %ALIAS; 
Thanks in advance for your time.