RE: beginners Digest 15 Feb 2002 16:00:47 -0000 Issue 686

2002-02-15 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


I would like to know if it is possible to add meta tags through a perl
program? I have a SHTML file which calls the Perl program and I want this
program to insert meta tags in the HEAD section of SHTML document.


Localizing message strings and static text

2001-09-25 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


I am creating a Perl based web site template and it will be deployed in
different languages. I have some static text in the site like form labels,
window titles, user error messages etc. I want to store these strings
separately so that these can be easily translated. Which storage media is
best for this purpose? Text file with key-value pairs, DBM or a RDBMS.
Gettext module talks about po files. What are those? Will I need to do any
specific programming to be able to use GetText module?


Sending attachments in email

2001-09-14 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


I am using sendmail module to send emails but now I have a new requirement
to send two attachments in the email which a user has attached in the form.
I don't think sendmail has a capability to do that. What options do I have
where I don't have to install a third party product?

Thanks in advance,


Querying XML data

2001-09-08 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


Is there a way to query XML files in Perl 5.005 (solaris 2.7)? I have data
stored in XML files and I want to extract data only from the files which
match my selection condition. I guess that if there is something like that
then I should be able to query files first and then process the result set
using parser module. Is that right?

Please clarify if I can query a collection of XML files and not just one


UTF Problem

2001-09-06 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


Is it true that Perl 5.005 (UNIX) does not supports UTF? Does this means
Perl code cannot understand non ASCII characters. I have a PERL program
which manipulates data retrieved from XML files and XML data can be non

Any help is appreciated.


Site design

2001-08-27 Thread Rustagi, Dhiraj


I am new to PERL. I need to know if embperl module works only with Apache
server and not other HTTP servers? Also, can any one of you point me to any
documentation which talks about designing a PERL site keeping
internationalization in mind?
