Re: HOw to pass parameters to the perl script?

2002-09-07 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Almond,

Along with what Bob suggested, you can also try using the module GetOpt::Long, too.  
It should be
included in the standard distribution.



--- Almond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 trying to invoke perl script from the shell and have to pass parameter to it.
 What is the right way to do it?
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Re: another way to show results ?

2002-07-25 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Ali,

I hope I understood your question correctly.

A user fills out a form, and you want the results to be displayed on the same page 
(URL) ?

If that's the case, read up on subroutines.  Subroutines are kind of like bins that 
hold perl

Here's some pseudocode:

if (some_condition){


} else {



sub run_subroutine_1 {

# do something


sub run_subroutine_2 {

# do something


run_subroutine_1 could display a form, for example.
And run_subroutine_2 could process those results.

All done on the same page.


--- alpha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all 
 i am new in perl and want to know can a perl cgi , return results in other way ? 
 i know cgi script return result in new webpage . but i dont want a new  page open . 
 i want it return result in same page and in row i call it . 
 like a counter or other web tools 
 thank u in advance


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Re: Newbie about STDIN

2002-07-13 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Mark,

the chomp function will take care of that problem for you.  chomp removes carriage 
returns, if
any, from the input.  

you might have also heard of chop which removes the last character of a string, 
which may or may
not be a return.  So, use chomp instead.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

@array = STDIN; # or $scalar = STDIN;
chomp @array;

Hope that helps,


--- Mark Thumper Weisman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello List,
I've got an easy one probably, however, I can't figure it out. I'm 
 writing a command line script which asks the user to complete some 
 simple information. I use the STDIN pushing the value into a variable, 
 however when I got to post the variable to another variable or array, it 
 has a carraige return in it so instead of posting the way it should it 
 adds lines vertically. Can anyone help me get the Carriage returns out 
 of the STDIN?
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cgi script that takes in data then runs script on different host

2002-05-26 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi All,

I've got a cgi form that takes in data.  Then, I want the data to be passed to a 
script that's
waiting on a DIFFERENT host.

So, say I have this pseudo-code:

cgi script on host 1pass $name to host 2  script on host 2
# get $name ---  print hi there $name!\n;

Obviously, I'll be doing something a little more in-depth than printing the variables, 
but you get
the idea!

I went through perlfaq 8 in the perldocs, but I didn't understand the networking 
jargon :-(



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cgi script that takes in data then runs script on different host

2002-05-26 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi All,

I've got a cgi form that takes in data.  Then, I want the data to be passed to a 
script that's
waiting on a DIFFERENT host.

So, say I have this pseudo-code:

cgi script on host 1pass $name to host 2  script on host 2
# get $name ---  print hi there $name!\n;

Obviously, I'll be doing something a little more in-depth than printing the variables, 
but you get
the idea!

I went through perlfaq 8 in the perldocs, but I didn't understand the networking 
jargon :-(



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running system command on another host

2002-05-10 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi All,

I've never tried something like this before, so
my apologies if it's easy

We all know about the system command:

my $program =;

This would execute the program
on the current host.

But what if I wanted to run a script on
another host?  Should I create a socket?

use IO::Socket;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET-new(PeerAddr = $remote_host,

I'm trying to run a BLAST program on the
other machine.

Many thanks all :-)


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extracting elements from arrays of arrays of arrays ;-)

2002-03-13 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hiya All,

I hope you'll forgive this oo perl rookie for asking a routine question.  I'm not new 
to perl, but
the bioperl module I'm working on is giving me a headache! ;-)

Let's say I have this:

my @array = qw(12 56 41 23);

my $array_ref = \@array;

# where $var1, $var2, and $var3 are other array references.
my $ref = [$var1, $var2, $array_ref, $var3 ];

my @object = ();

push @object, $ref;

QUESTION:  How do I obtain the array $array_ref refers to in this situtation?  Let's 
say I want to
give @new the values in @array.

Thank many thanks for your time and help!


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unique elements in array

2002-02-26 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi All,

The solution to my question is probably dead easy, but the bioperl module I'm working 
on right now
has sucked up all by brain juice! ;-)

Let's say I have this array:

@food = qw(milk ham eggs bread eggs milk);

How can I write a script that sticks all UNIQUE elements (occurs only once) into 
another array?
So, in the above case, @another_array would receive ham and bread

Many thanks for your time, Everybody!


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recommend oo tut

2002-02-16 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi All,

I'm not new to perl, however I would like to pick up some object-oriented perl.
Can anyone out there recommend a good BEGINNER'S tutorial out there?  I've spent
some time searching on Google, couldn't find much for a oo newbie.  Right now, 
I reading Randal's oo tutorial on CPAN.

Thanks for your time, All! ;-)


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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-14 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hiya Gerry,

Is this db a relational database (like MySQL) ??  If so, have you heard of the DBI 
module?  Using
it, you can query the db and return the info in an array.  Then, using a while loop, 
your script
can determine how many TD's in the table to have.  Like most of the other modules 
in Perl, the
DBI module is quite well documented.

Hope this helps.  Try posting a snippet of what you've got and the rest of us can 
probably provide
more specific help.

--- Gerry Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been tormented by a very small problem. I'm trying to display the 
 results of a database query using CGI. What I've done is create subroutines 
 to return the names of the table columns and another to return the data, both 
 of which are stored in seperate arrays. So I have my data, but the table just 
 doesn't come out right. The problem is the arrays can be of different sizes, 
 and I'm finding it really difficult to code a dynamic table using CGI. I 
 could do it in pure HTML easily, but that's not the point: I'm trying to keep 
 my code consistent. I've searched the 'net but the solutions I found didn't 
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: Question!! number of line....

2001-12-29 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hiya Mark,

Something like this should work:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $file = file.txt;

open (READ, $file) || die Can\'t open file: $!;

my @list_of_words = READ;

close (READ) || die Can\'t close file: $!;

my $counter = 1;

foreach my $word (@list_of_words){


if ($word eq Apple){

my $counter2 = $counter;



print Found \'Apple\' in line $counter2;


### Each cycle in the foreach loop increases the value of $counter by 1.  When the 
word is
located, the loop exited due to the last command. So, if the word is in line number 
5, $counter
will have a value of 5.

I hope this helps.


--- Mark Mclogan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How I can know in that I number of line finds a word in a text file?.
 For example, a file file.txt contains the following list:
 How I can know in that line number is the Apple word?
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options for the checkbox...?

2001-09-08 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Everyone,

Let's say I have this snippet of code for a checkbox:

input type=checkbox name=bill

$name = param('bill');

If the box is checked, $name will have a value of on
If the box is NOT checked, $name will be undefined (have no value).

My Question:
Is there a way to make $name have a value of off when the box is UNCHECKED?

Many thanks for your time, Everyone.


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param('$name') syntax......?

2001-09-02 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hey Everybody,

I have the following code:

$k = 0;
foreach $item (@array){

print $item;

print qq{input type=checkbox name=$k};


print qq{input type=hidden name=kvalue value=$k};

What is the proper syntax to see if the checkbox had been checked or not?
I've tried this:

my $check = param('$k');

if ($check eq on){

print check!;


Doesn't seem to work.

Many thanks for your time.

Warmest Regards,

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

-Albert Einstein

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Re: sending @array as hidden variable

2001-08-26 Thread Simon K. Chan


Your suggestion does not seem to work for me.  My apologies for sending you the 
script, but the 
my @food = param('food'); does not work for me!  Any and all suggestions would be much

here is the ovid1.cgi:

use CGI qw/:standard/;

print Content-type:text/html\n\n;
@food = (bread, ham, eggs);
print EndHTML;
form method=post action=;
input type=submit value=click
foreach $item (@food){
print qq{input type=hidden name=food value=$item};
print /form;

And here is ovid2.cgi:


use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

print Content-type:text/html\n\n;

my @array = param('food');
my $array;

foreach $array (@array){
print $array
print BR;}

### ReadParse #

sub ReadParse {  
local (*in) = @_ if @_;
###reads the form inputs and sorts. DON'T CHANGE!!!  
local ($i, $loc, $key, $val);
  if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq GET) { $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; }
  elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq POST) {
  @in = split(//,$in);
  foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
$in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g;
($key, $val) = split(/=/,$in[$i],2); # splits on the first =.
$key =~ s/%(..)/pack(c,hex($1))/ge;
$val =~ s/%(..)/pack(c,hex($1))/ge;
$in{$key} .= \0 if (defined($in{$key})); # \0 is the multiple separator
$in{$key} .= $val;
  return 1; # just for fun

--- Curtis Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Simon K. Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everybody,
  I am trying to send an array as a hidden value in my script as follows:
  @array = (eggs, ham, bread, pop);
  foreach $food (@array){
  print INPUT TYPE=\hidden\ NAME=\food\ VALUE=\$food\;
  My two questions are:
  1.  Is this the most efficient way of sending an array as a hidden value?
 Hello Simon,
 What do you mean by 'efficiency'?  You could mean most efficient in terms of 
program speed,
 bandwidth, or ease of use.  I am assuming that you mean ease of use.  If so, I would 
say yes,
 you have the most efficient method.  However, it's not very robust.  Consider the 
 use strict;
 my @array = ( 'Ovid', 'Fred Flintstone', 'Barney the wimp Rubble' );
 foreach my $name ( @array ) {
 print qq{INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=name VALUE=$name\n};
 In the above example, the HTML will be broken by the quotes marks embedded in Barney 
 name.  To deal with that, use HTML::Entities.  That will encode your data so it 
doesn't mess up
 your forms.
 use strict;
 use HTML::Entities;
 my @array = ( 'Ovid', 'Fred Flintstone', 'Barney the wimp Rubble' );
 foreach my $name ( @array ) {
 $name = encode_entities( $name );
 print qq{INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=name VALUE=$name\n};
  2.  And if so, what is the corresponding $input{''} syntax?
 use strict;
 use CGI qw/:standard/;
 my @food = param( 'food' );
 Note that when using, the CGI::param function uses 'wantarray' to see if 
you're expecting
 scalar or an array returned.  If you were to do this:
 my $food = param( 'food' ); would only give you the first food item.  Using '@food' gives you all foods 
 Curtis Poe
 Senior Programmer
 Onsite! Technology (
 Ovid on
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sending @array as hidden variable

2001-08-23 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to send an array as a hidden value in my script as follows:

@array = (eggs, ham, bread, pop);

foreach $food (@array){
print INPUT TYPE=\hidden\ NAME=\food\ VALUE=\$food\;

My two questions are:

1.  Is this the most efficient way of sending an array as a hidden value?

2.  And if so, what is the corresponding $input{''} syntax?

Many thanks for your time, everybody!  

Warmest Regards,

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-Albert Einstein

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executing a cgi-script continously

2001-08-16 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hey all,

Is it possible to have a CGI script that, at the end of doing all the stuff you want, 
itself (executes itself again)?

I'm writing this for a CGI script that uses a DBI script to connect and return queries 
from a
Mysql database.

Many thanks!

Simon K. Chan

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

-Albert Einstein

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