slash question

2003-06-25 Thread Susan Aurand

If  I want the following field to contain forwarded slashes - this is for a linux box, 
as follows.


How do I get the forward slashes in there?
I have tried:
$dir ='//ITC';
$dir ='//ITC';
$dir =`//ITC`;
Nothing works. Help.
Thank you - Susan

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2003-06-25 Thread Susan Aurand
If  I want the following field to contain forwarded slashes - this is for a linux box, 
as follows.


How do I get the forward slashes in there?
I have tried:
$dir ='//ITC';
$dir ='//ITC';
$dir =`//ITC`;
Nothing works. Help.
Thank you - Susan

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2003-03-12 Thread Susan Aurand
I am getting an error can't locate, I have tracked that down to - I need
Convert-BER-1.25.tar.gz.  I have downloaded the file. I cannot find the documents on 
this download,
where to unzip and load, etc...  Does anybody know.
Thanks - Susan

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2003-03-12 Thread Susan Aurand
I am getting an error can't locate, I have tracked that down to - I need
Convert-BER-1.25.tar.gz.  I have downloaded the file. I cannot find the documents on 
this download,
where to unzip and load, etc...  Does anybody know.
Thanks - Susan

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2003-03-11 Thread Susan Aurand
Can anyone tell me why I am receiving an error can't locate Net/ in @ INC (@INC 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 etc, etc etc, etc.

Thanks - Susan

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2003-03-11 Thread Susan Aurand
Can anyone tell me why I am receiving an error can't locate Net/ in @ INC (@INC 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 etc, etc etc, etc.

Thanks - Susan
P.S - No, I am not a Student.

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using an AND operator

2003-01-11 Thread Susan Aurand

Is there an AND operator in perl? For example;

if ($SRF=1 and $SRL=1) {printYES;)

 Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you - Susan

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Post Method versus Get Method

2003-01-07 Thread Susan Aurand
I know the POST Method the data is sent to STDIN, and GET method the data is attached 
to the URL and
then submitted. When and why would you want to use the GET method versus the POST 
method. Is is
because of  firewalls? or what?  I would appreciate any input on this subject.
Thank You.
Susan Evans

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strip first space

2002-03-01 Thread Susan Aurand

If I have a string and the first character is a space,
may not always be a space.
Example:  John

John and Beth have a space, Tommy does not.
How do I strip that. I do not want to use the global
command because a want the space between First
and Last name. Any suggestions?

Information Technology Center

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ignore spaces in files

2002-02-18 Thread Susan Aurand

I have been writing Perl code for (1) week as of  today. Thanks to the
beginner user e:mail, and thank you to John Edwards, and
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and other input I have learned from this page. I have
put togther the following. It works well, and is doing what I want it to
do. Except, 1 little problem remains. Please read the below, and I would
appreciate any advice.
I have tried trim and chomp with no results.
Thank You Susan. (P.S. - I am not a student - I work in the ITC

This routine opens 15 different school files, for this example, I have
shorten it to 1 school. It creates a data file
call STNAME.DAT. This file contains, last name, first name, student #,
and school #. I then open STNAME, look for
duplicates using ( first 5 char's of last name+1 char of first name).
Look in arrary does it exist. if yes, add a counter to name.
I then store this in a result file, called result.dat. What my question
is, how do I strip out the spaces on the last name if the last
name is not 5 char. long. example: ASHE J  123456  396.

Example:  open(FILE396,396.TXT) or die $!;  # open file for input
 print OUT
  while FILE396;

# CREATE result file, look for duplicates add counter on name, rebuild

 my %names;

 open(I,STNAMES.DAT) or diename: $!\n; # open student consolidated
 open(O,results.dat) or dieresults: $!\n;  # result file open

   foreach $line(I)
  my $name=substr($line,0,6);
  my $workingname=$name;
  my $counter=1;


 print O $workingname,substr($line,7,13),\n; # add back
Student #
   # School #

# The file below is results.dat  (if last name is less than 5 chars. it
fille in spaces. I want the spaces gone)

LINDSD   5 314

LINDS1   13065 314

LINDS2 225   396

LINDS3   11125 378

LOCK S   90174 314

LOKE  J   14013 314

LONDOS   13009 314

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2002-02-15 Thread Susan Aurand

I am learning Perl, so this may seem a dumb question to the advance Perl
What exact purpose does $foo do?
Example $foo=$_. What benefit do I get  from making the input string
$foo? Every place I look I
do not get a clear understanding or picture of $foo.
Thank you

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Re: Help me out

2002-02-15 Thread Susan Aurand

I took your advice and added the following code to my source code. I want to print
the students name to the result
file regardless if I add a number on the end of the student name  or not. I have
tried putting the PRINT O
at different location in this code. I can not get it to print to the result file.
WHY and HELP!!
Thank You

 open(I,'STNAMES.DAT') or die$!; # open student consolidated names
 open(O,'results') or dieresults: $!\n;  # result file open output


 $foo=substr($_,0,26);# strip out only the student last name and first name.

 while(exists($student{$foo})){ # if the students is used already
$foo= $_$c; # add the numer to it
$_=$foo,substr($_,27,20); # add the remainder of the file back on to input
$c++; # increment the number }

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sort file

2002-02-13 Thread Susan Aurand

What is the fastest or best way to sort a file alphabetically, the
rewrite it to a file.

Haywood County Schools

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2002-02-13 Thread Susan Aurand


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What is the fastest or best way to sort a file alphabetically, the
rewrite it to a file.

Haywood County Schools

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