
I'm a new Perl programmer and CPAN user.

Here's my problem:

When I try to use CPAN to fetch something, all the normal mechanisms
time out, and then I get down to ncftpget, which works.

I'm not behind a firewall, so I would have thought that LWP would work
(as a matter of fact, I've written Perl scripts using LWP that run on
this machine and work fine).  

I'd like to know why the first fetch methods fail, but I'd settle for
being able to configure CPAN to use ncftpget immediately...

I've read CPAN.pm and don't see anything obvious.




 ------------------------------ snip! ------------------------------

        cpan> install JavaScript
        CPAN: Storable loaded ok
        Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
          Database was generated on Mon, 23 Jun 2003 21:43:28 GMT
        Running install for module JavaScript
        Running make for C/CL/CLAESJAC/JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz
        CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
        Fetching with LWP:
        LWP failed with code[400] message[FTP return code 000]
        Fetching with Net::FTP:
        Couldn't fetch JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz from ftp.perl.org

        Trying with "/usr/bin/ncftpget" to get
JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz:            ETA:   0:00    2.83/ 14.72 kB  117.79 kB/s  
JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz:            ETA:   0:00   14.72/ 14.72 kB   54.83 kB/s  
JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz:                                 14.72 kB   54.83 kB/s  
JavaScript-0.52.tar.gz:                                 14.72 kB   54.83 kB/s  
        CPAN: Digest::MD5 loaded ok


 ------------------------------ snip! ------------------------------

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