
2002-12-31 Thread gkhgkh
Does anyone know where I can find the DBI::st module?  If have looked on 
CPAN and Activestate and cannot locate it.


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DBD::Sybase Question

2002-11-13 Thread gkhgkh
I am relatively new and always trying new things and now I am trying to print 
the output of a select statement to a file.  However I am having issues, the 
print statement just prints the IN file to the outfile and not the results of 
the select statement.  Inserts, deletes, updates etc work fine.  Any 


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#use strict; #uses strict perl coding rule

use DBI;
use DBD::Sybase;

my $server = 'Development';
my $db = 'mm_dev';
my $file = 'new_objects1.txt';
my $file1 = 'new_objects_sec.txt';
my $table = 'al_sec_window_id';

open IN, $file;
open OUT, $file1;
select OUT;

while (IN) {
chomp(@_ = split);
my $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Sybase:server=$server, ghansen, jshjsh99 )
or die Can't Connect:  $DBI::errstr\n;

$dbh-do(use $db);

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( select *
from $table
where w_id = '$_[0]' );

print $dbh;

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Win32 - Problem updating the registry

2002-11-01 Thread gkhgkh
I am trying to update the Registry using a script from 
David Roth's book Win32 Perl Programming.  The script 
appears to run, no errors, however the Key does not get 
added to the registry.

Any help is appreciated.


#!/perl/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Win32::Registry;

my $Path = 'Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Word\Options';
my $ValueName = AutoSave-Path;
my $Key;

if ($HKEY_CURRENT_USER -Open($Path, $Key)) {
my($DataType, $Data);
if ($Key-QueryValueEx($ValueName, $DataType, 
if ((REG_SZ == $DataType) || (REG_EXPAND_SZ == 
$DataType)) {
#$Data =~ s/^c:/d:/i;
$Key-SetValueEx($ValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, 

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2002-05-23 Thread gkhgkh

I receive the following error when using the 
Mail::Sender module.  I am running it on Redhat 7.2.

Any help in resolving this issue is appreciated.


Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at /usr/local/ActivePerl-
5.6/lib/site_perl/lib/5.6.1/Mail/Sender.pm Line 763, 
GENO line 1.  Server error: 501 Command helo 
requires and argument

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Calculating Last Login on Unix

2002-04-29 Thread gkhgkh

Is there a module or a method using perl to calculate 
the last login date for a user.  I know I can do this by 
installing accounting, however I prefer not to do to 
other issues.

Any thoughts/help is appreciated.


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Re: Calculating Last Login on Unix

2002-04-29 Thread gkhgkh

That gives me the information I want, the problem is it 
relies on wtmp.  I believe wtmp gets nulled out on an 
ipl of the server and therefore nulls wtmp.  Therefore I 
lose my history.  What I am trying to do is identify 
user IDs that have not been used for say 60 days and get 
rid of them.

Thanks for your help
 umm. you can run the last command and grep for the
 last login id. Is this what you need?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a module or a method using perl to
  the last login date for a user.  I know I can do
  this by 
  installing accounting, however I prefer not to do to
  other issues.
  Any thoughts/help is appreciated.
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 Peter Lemus
 UNIX/NT Networks Engineer
 --The universe is way too big for us to be alone; the real question is; who is 
 out-there, besides us humans? 
 --A wise man will be master of his mind, a fool will be its slave.  Dr.David 
 --Enjoy every moment of the day; Live like as if today was your last day alive, 
 and perhaps, it might be.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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2002-03-13 Thread gkhgkh

I am using Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3 and encounter the 
following error when running a script.

Use of uninitialized value 
at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/Sender.pm 
line 944, GEN0 chunk 5.
Can't use an undefined value as filehandle reference 
at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/Sender.pm 
line 944, GEN0 chunk 5.

I have used this on other sysystem without any 
problems.  Does anyone know if there are any issues with 
Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3?


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Mail::Sender Timeout

2002-03-13 Thread gkhgkh

Where in the Sender.pm file can I find the parameter for 
timeout to the mail server?  I need to increase this.  I 
keep getting a cannot connect error. 



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Regex Help

2002-03-12 Thread gkhgkh

Here is snippet of data:

'BRANCH  ':'Kurt':'Strothenke'
'BRANCH  ':'Michael':'Mulligan'
'BRANCH_SSC  ':'Kevin':'Oaks'
'BRANCH_SSC  ':'Thomas':'Grove'
'BRANCH_SSC  ':'Stephen':'Orban'
'BRANCH_SSC  ':'Gerald':'Parnell'
'BRANCH_SSC  ':'Liane':'Mcintyre'
'BRANCHADMIN ':'Ann':'White'
'BRANCHADMIN ':'Brent':'Uhl'

2 problems:

1.  I want to remove the tickmarks from fields 1,2,3 and 
put the data into an array using the : as a separator.  
I am having trouble getting rid of the tick marks, 
everything else works fine.

2.  I want to match whole words only.  I don't want to 
BRANCH to match on BRANCH_SSC or BRANCHADMIN.  My code 
currently matches BRANCH with all three. 

Thanks for your help

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Email Attachments

2002-03-06 Thread gkhgkh

Within my perl script running on AIX I am using qx to 
run mpack to attach text files to an out going mail 
message.  This works fine, however it is limited.  I 
want to be able to add body to the message explaining 
the text file attachment.  Are there any modules within 
perl or other freeware utilities that will send 
attachments as well as body of a message..

for you help


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Changing Lines per page? $=

2002-02-27 Thread gkhgkh

I know it is possible to change the number of lines per 
page using $=.  Can this be changed using a variable 
such as $=$page_length and if so where do you place this 
in your code?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Looping Code ?

2002-02-27 Thread gkhgkh

What I am trying to do is get a total of line that 
matches a specific criteria and when it stops matching 
return the total to variable. If I have the following 
file1:   file2:
$line[1] =  $field[0] 
AR  AR  

and use the following:
if ($line[1] = (/^:$field[0]/)) {
 $total = $count++;}

I want $total for AR to = 3 and $total for ACCT = 4.

When I run it I get
4 etc...

Any thoughts


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Minor issues with format()

2002-02-26 Thread gkhgkh

The only problem I have with the following script is it 
does not print the header information on the first 
page.  I must have missed something.  

I would appreciate any comments/suggestions.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use constant PATH 
= /usr/local/scripts/security/sybase/user/;
use constant GROUPS = group_files.doc;
use constant ACCESS = user_access_all.doc;

my $user;

open F_GROUPS, PATH.GROUPSor die Can't open:  $!;

while (F_GROUPS) {
chomp(my @field = split /:/);

open OUT, $field[1]  or die Can't open:  $!;
open F_ACCESS, PATH.ACCESSor die Can't open:  

while (F_ACCESS) {
chomp ();
$user = $_;
write OUT if (/$field[0]/);

format OUT_TOP =

Company Name||
Report Title|

Security Group  First Name
Last Name

format OUT = 

close OUT   or die Can't close:  
close F_ACCESS  or die Can't close:  

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Minor issues with format()

2002-02-26 Thread gkhgkh

I see what is happening, I think:  I am writing to a 
separate file each time through the loop and format 
doesn't know that each time through is a different page, 
I think.  Any pointers on how to tell format to print 
the header at the start of each new file would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help.

 The only problem I have with the following script is it 
 does not print the header information on the first 
 page.  I must have missed something.  
 I would appreciate any comments/suggestions.
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use constant PATH 
 = /usr/local/scripts/security/sybase/user/;
 use constant GROUPS = group_files.doc;
 use constant ACCESS = user_access_all.doc;
 my $user;
 open F_GROUPS, PATH.GROUPSor die Can't open:  $!;
 while (F_GROUPS) {
 chomp(my @field = split /:/);
 open OUT, $field[1]  or die Can't open:  $!;
 open F_ACCESS, PATH.ACCESSor die Can't open:  
 while (F_ACCESS) {
 chomp ();
 $user = $_;
 write OUT if (/$field[0]/);
 format OUT_TOP =
 Company Name||
 Report Title|
 Security Group  First Name
 Last Name
 format OUT = 
 close OUT   or die Can't close:  
 close F_ACCESS  or die Can't close:  
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