Perl Socket Client for C++ Server

2005-04-05 Thread news-funsi
Hi there,

i have written a socket c++ server, which listens for clients and
understands   some commands. 
here the structs of the server commands:


struct string_packet_t
  char str[DATA_LENGTH];

struct int_packet_t
  int data;

struct cmd_packet_t
  command type; 
int_packet_t int_pkg;
string_packet_t str_pkg;

a c++ client would now send following command over the socket to the the

  cmd_packet_t command;
  strcpy(command.str_pkg.str, "Hello World");
  write(fd, &command, sizeof(command);

with c/c++ all is working fine. 

The problem is the perl client. after setting up the socket i tried:

print SOCKET sprintf(%u%d, 0, 2)
# 0 For the first command == SET_PRIO, 2 for the argument
but the server receives no useable data.
("12848" for the command value, instead of 0 and
 "1" for the integer argument)

any idea?


Simon Funke

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Re: Perl Socket Client for C++ Server

2005-04-06 Thread news-funsi
thanks zentara for the answer, but unfortunately this does not work.

I've uploaded the the C++ server/client and the testclient for perl.

after unpacking and compiling the fundaemon, the server executable is
src/fundaemon, which will create a file called /tmp/fundaemon_socket and
listens for clients. 
the c++ testclient is called "testclient", and has a small menu to control
the server.

C++ Server and Client

Perl Client:


Simon Funke

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Re: Perl Socket Client for C++ Server

2005-04-07 Thread news-funsi
Hi Jay,

thanks for the answer. 

> Firt things first.  Why did you comment out use strict?  That's never
> a good sign.  also, loading both IO::Socket::Unix and Socket probably
> isn't the best idea.  the main problem here, though would seem to be
> mixing your syntax.  You're calling the object-oriented IO::Socket
> interface, but you're using it like you would the builtin functions. 
> You're also using incorect argument names.  
Your right. It was a dirty hack, and because it did not work with
IO::Socket::Unix, i tried the Socket library.

i'm playing with your version
(, but i have the same
problem as before :(

Simon Funke

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