Re: Date::manip query

2007-12-19 Thread pauld
im sorting it on a key of the hash
my @daylistsorted = sort { $$a{'START_DS'} <=> $$b{'START_DS'} }
 generates a
Argument "2007:09:30 13:41" isn't numeric in numeric comparison (<=>)
at ./518573


my @daylistsorted = sort { $$a{'START'} <=> $$b{'START'} } @daylist;


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Re: Date::manip query

2007-12-18 Thread pauld
the END_DS field is the date  field that I want  - but as I couldnt
get it back from the seconds  since epoch field I included it.
IMHO it would be tideir to just use the (numerical) date-seconds and
convert it back as necessary . i used the Date::Manip function
Date_SecsSince1970($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s); to get the date& time  into a
format  I can sort it by. i was wanting to use Date::manip to extract
the bits i want ( HH:MM) for the final display. i can do it by
splitting the text formatted  value (START_DS)  but i thought it would
be neater ( and i'd learnt something ) by doing it using the module

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Re: Date::manip query

2007-12-17 Thread pauld
im importing data from an excel spreadsheet into an array of hashes.
the date is initially converted using Date::Format::Excel.

for this bit

{START} = unix start time .{START_DS} = string that I use to convert
to unixtime with

my $var=0;my [EMAIL PROTECTED];
while ($var<$va_length)
print "${$daylistsorted[$var]}{TH} ";
print   'from ';
print ${$daylistsorted[$var]}{START};
print ' to '.${$daylistsorted[$var]}{END_DS};
print "   duration  ";print   int((${$daylistsorted[$var]}{END}-$

if (exists(  ${$daylistsorted[$var+1]}{TH}  )   )
print "\tinterval to next start "; print int ((${$daylistsorted[$var
+1]}{START}-${$daylistsorted[$var]}{END})/60);print " \n";

Sat  04-08-2007
1 from 1186220100 to 2007:08:04 10:33   duration  58 interval to next
start 34
4 from 1186225620 to 2007:08:04 13:29   duration  142  interval to
next start 26

and when i change it to
#print ${$daylistsorted[$var]}{START};
print UnixDate(${$daylistsorted[$var]}{START}, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M');

 I get this

Sat  04-08-2007
 1 from  to 2007:08:04 10:33   duration  58   interval to next start
 4 from  to 2007:08:04 13:29   duration  142  interval to next start

with both dates as strings

Sat  04-08-2007
1 from 2007:08:04 09:35 to 2007:08:04 10:33   duration  58   interval
to next start 34
4 from 2007:08:04 11:07 to 2007:08:04 13:29   duration  142  interval
to next start 26

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Date::manip query

2007-12-16 Thread pauld
im using Date::Manip to convert dates  and times eg  2007:08:02 12:23
to allow me to sort them, which it does .
but I cant see how to get the number back into a human -readable

print scalar localtime($var{STARTTIME}); prints the long string . is
there a better way to get just the bits I want  , or do I have to
parse the string I get from print scalar localtime  output ?

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getting data from excel

2007-12-04 Thread pauld
i want to extract data from an excel spreadsheet into a hash of hashes
so row 1
@headings=  [col0,col1,col2 etc ]
then i can loop through the rest ,extract the data a row at a time
then i can
for each row @columns =  [col0,col1,col2 etc ]

and then $alldata{rownumber}=\%hash;

(i think this is it !)

using the example in e Spreadsheet::ParseExcel gives me an output of
the data and cell references but i cant see how toget it  a row at a
time toput it into a hash
looking at the excel object with Data::Dumper there is something
called 'PkgStr'  that contains what i want  - buit i dont  know enough
about it to go there.

is there a way of extracting the data from within the loop into an
array  ?

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Re: why "cant execute " error ?

2007-10-15 Thread pauld
thank you .
this is why it cant execute

Can't execute: called with 1 bind variables when 0 are needed

 my $sql="SELECT value,text FROM res_prior";

has no bound variables - or has it ?

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why "cant execute " error ?

2007-10-14 Thread pauld
# now connect and get a database handle
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass) or die "Cant connect to the
DB: $DBI::errstr\n";
my $sql="SELECT value FROM res_prior";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "cant prepare";
$sth->execute($sql) or die "cant execute";

and i get a "cant execute" error from  cgi script thats running the

I can connect to mysql and the query is OK

mysql> SELECT value FROM res_prior;
| value |
| M |
| H |
| R |
| N |
| U |
| O |
| P |
7 rows in set (0.06 sec)


how do i sort out what the problem is ?

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Re: perl sort query

2007-06-19 Thread pauld

> $ perl -le'
> print for @x = qw/200610011733 200610012057 200610011029 200610010928
> 200610011220/, "";
> print for sort @x;
> '
> 200610011733
> 200610012057
> 200610011029
> 200610010928
> 200610011220

the time is the last 4 digits (hhmm)
so the first is 17:33
then 20:57
then 10:29
then 09:28

i want them chronologically

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perl sort query

2007-06-18 Thread pauld
I want to sort a hash of  hash by date&time and then extract some of
the data.

>From the data ive got i can contruct a key that is mmddhhmm

and i do this
##error trap absent entries
if ($endan=~m/\d{2}:\d{2}\s+\d{2}/ && $stan=~m/\d{2}:\d{2}\s+\d{2}/ )
  {my %daylist;
##split start and end date and time
my ($endhour,$endmin,$endday,$endmonth,$endyear)=split(/[\ |:|\/]/,
my($sthour,$stmin,$stday,$stmonth,$styear)=split(/[\ |:|\/]/,$stan);

##if its at weekends ( for instance )
my $day = (Date_DayOfWeek($stmonth,$stday,$styear)*1);
if ($day>5 )
my $fd="$styear$stmonth$stday$sthour$stmin";
foreach $key (sort (keys(%daylist)))
print "$key ";print $daylist{$key};print "\n";
print "---\n";

gives me output like this
for 1 Oct
200610011733 HASH(0x8510560)
200610012057 HASH(0x85b3434)
200610011029 HASH(0x85732a0)
200610010928 HASH(0x86268a4)
200610011220 HASH(0x86270fc)

so th print out is in the order

and my data for the 7th oct 2006
200610071321 HASH(0x859cfdc)
200610071156 HASH(0x85a17e8)
200610071514 HASH(0x85a2034)
which is

13:21 HASH(0x859cfdc)
11:56 HASH(0x85a17e8)
15:14 HASH(0x85a2034)

so its not sorted as I want

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Re: accesing a hash of an array of hashes

2007-05-28 Thread pauld
thanks for the help - im looking up hash slices - but id like to get
something that works and then i can add new ideas etc so im going to
leave it as it for the time being.

Data::Dumper has helped sort out where  an error is coming

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
open O, "<$file" or die "could not open $file - $!";
undef $/;
my $whole_file = ;
close O;
$whole_file=~s/\x0D\x0A1/\x0D\x0AABC1/g;my @rows=split(/\x0D\x0AABC/,
##splits in the correct place after looking at the CSV file with a
hex editor - ugly but it seems to work ATM##

my %hash;
my  @headings=split(/,/,$rows[0])
 for (my $j=1;$j<=2;$j++)
my @columns = $csv->fields ();

for (my $i=0;$i<=$#columns;$i++)  {$hash{$headings[$i]}=$columns[$i];}

print Dumper(%hash);
push (@{$Hofdates{$hash{OPDATE}}},\%hash);
print Dumper (%Hofdates);

and i get this output

#1st record

$VAR2 = '06:04';
$VAR3 = 'T3_AN2no';
$VAR4 = '';
$VAR5 = 'DESC3';
$VAR6 = '';
etc etc to the end

$VAR1 = '01/10/2006';
$VAR2 = [
'STANTIME' => '06:04',
'T3_AN2no' => '',
'DESC3' => '',
'P3_STANDTIME' => '',
'T2_AN2name' => '',

 'CANCREASON' => '',
'RN2_NO' => '',
'T2_SUSDuty' => ''

###2nd record from file
$VAR2 = '17:39';
$VAR3 = 'T3_AN2no';
$VAR4 = '';
$VAR5 = 'DESC3';
$VAR6 = '';

$VAR348 = '';
$VAR349 = 'RN2_NO';
$VAR350 = '';
$VAR351 = 'T2_SUSDuty';
$VAR352 = '';

$VAR1 = '01/10/2006';
$VAR2 = [
'STANTIME' => '17:39',
'T3_AN2no' => '',
'DESC3' => '',
'T1_ANSNAME' => '',
'P3_STANDTIME' => '',
'P4_OPCS4_3' => '',
'STANDATE' => '01/10/2006',
'RN2_NO' => '',
'T2_SUSDuty' => ''
grenada tmp #

so its  pushing the second hash onto the array  and overwriting the

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accesing a hash of an array of hashes

2007-05-26 Thread pauld
ive read a load of data in  from a CSV file with Text::CSV and ended
up with a hash (%hash) where the keys are the column labels.
my  @headings=split(/,/,$rows[0])
and then

for (my $j=1;$j<$#rows;$j++)
my $status  = $csv->parse ($rows[$j]);   # parse a CSV string into
my @columns = $csv->fields ();   # get the parsed fields

for (my $i=0;$i<$#columns;$i++)

I want to  process the data once its grouped by the date field present
in $hash. So i think I want a hash of dates  where the key is that
date field
I  push onto the value the hashes of the records that contain the date

push @{$Hofdates{$hash{DATE}}},\%hash;

but im having a problem working out how to access the  individual
items in the  hashes that are elements of the array

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regex and pattern matching

2002-02-05 Thread PaulD

Hi All,

Trying to figure out something that should be easy..
If  $value_a contains $value_b then
Problem is I don't know how to escape the entire variable $value_a so that
the . is not considered a quantifier.

$value_a  = ".com";
$vaue_b = "";

if ( $value_a =~ $value_b ) {
  print "true\n"

I tried  m/$value_b/ig also 

Thanks Paul D'Oyley

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