Create HTML code with perl

2006-09-04 Thread Webmaster Adil
Hi All


I need print HTML codes with perl:











I tried with this way, but not work:


print MAPA  "";

print MAPA "\n";

print MAPA "teste\n";

print MAPA "teste\n";

print MAPA "\n";

print MAPA "\n";

print MAPA "teste\n";

print MAPA "teste\n";

print MAPA "\n";

print MAPA  "\n";






2005-05-13 Thread webmaster

i'm looking for a way to activate the taint mode by defaut on my mashine,
with out doing the !#/usr/bin/perl -T  in each script!

Somebody has an idea?


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file - uplaod 0 byte file

2005-04-13 Thread webmaster

i have a problem after changing form perl 5.6.2 to 5.8.
my upload program for files does not work anymore, the
read($fie, $buffer, 2048) is always empty

my Programm starts like this


.. bla bla..
use CGI;
$q = new CGI;
%form = get_form_values();

.. bla bla..
print header();
.. bla bla..

If($form{upload} eq 'do_uplaod') {
Require ""; //the program starts file_upload below

Sub  get_form_values {

   my $q = new CGI();
   my $b = new CGI($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
   my @form = $q->Vars();
   my @names = $b->Vars;
   my @all;
   foreach(@form) {
  push(@all, $_);
   foreach(@names) {
  push(@all, $_);
 return @all;

#short version#
sub  file_upload {

   my $field = shift;
   use CGI; # Modul fuer CGI-Programme
   my $cgi = new CGI; # neues Objekt erstellen
   my $file = $cgi->param("$field");
   my $maxuploadfilesize = $form{limit} * 1024;
   my $pathofpictures = "/www/1/html/normal/";
   my $url = "";;
my ($width, $height, $size, $format, $name,$mas);
if($file) {

   $uploadfilename = "blabla"
   open DAT,'>'. $pathofpictures . $uploadfilename or die 'Error processing
file: ',$!;

   my $data;
   my $length;
   while(read $file,$data,1024) {
print DAT $data;
close DAT;


Now if I make a file upload, with many other fields on perl 5.6.2 he uploads
the image and the field information but since I have perl 5.8 he only
creates me a 0 byte file

If have tried it with CGI::DISABLE_UPLOAD=0; but nothing works!

I'm graceful to any help

Ciao, Thomas

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Help on permissions for CGI

2004-06-29 Thread WEBMASTER
Hello everybody.

I am on a new server and have discovered the Directories in the CGI-BIN are
visible to everybody. This is, if a type  I get a
list of all the files and subdirectories, and so for every subdirectory.

I had never had this issue.

What is the best permission for my directories?

Now, they are 755, but I'm not sure if changing it will cause the scripts
not to run.

The other way would be to place an index.html file in every directory
causein the files not to get listed, but I'm sure there's a correct way to
do it.

Any advise would be very appreciated.


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Re: Re: Simple regex string replacement problem

2002-01-10 Thread webmaster

Yes, I am in fact changing the template file.  Personally my first experience
with CGI::FastTemplate has made me wish it were a bit more flexible, but
I suppose it's certainly conceivable that the flexibility is there and I
just haven't found it based on what I read in perldoc.


-- Original Message --

>On Jan 10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>>Personally, I find that odd -- moving from an array of 21 elements to
>>>DIFFERENT scalars?!
>>You're right, it is odd.  But unless I've missed how to take a populated
>>array and create a usable hash from it to pass to CGI::FastTemplate, this
>>is what I believe I have to do.
>Oh, you're changing the template file then?
>Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>RPI Acacia brother #734
>** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002
> what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.

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Re: Simple regex string replacement problem

2002-01-10 Thread webmaster

Jeff et al,

>>I have a file which has many strings like "$something[0]" through
>>"something[20]" amongst other text (quotes only provided here for
>>What I want to do is replace these strings with: "$SOMETHING0" through
>Personally, I find that odd -- moving from an array of 21 elements to 21
>DIFFERENT scalars?!

You're right, it is odd.  But unless I've missed how to take a populated
array and create a usable hash from it to pass to CGI::FastTemplate, this
is what I believe I have to do.

>It should be writing back to file.  If you want to make a backup, give
>-i flag an extension:
>  perl -p -i.bak -e 's/something\[(\d\d?)\]/SOMETHING$1/g' file

Thanks for this; I was making the mistake of putting a space between the
-i argument and the ".bak" extension.


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Simple regex string replacement problem

2002-01-10 Thread webmaster

Hello All,

I know this is very basic and similar items have come up numerous times
on this list, but I'm not sure where my boneheaded mistake is here.

I have a file which has many strings like "$something[0]" through "something[20]"
amongst other text (quotes only provided here for clarity).

What I want to do is replace these strings with: "$SOMETHING0" through "$SOMETHING20".

When I run:

perl -p -i -e 's/something\[([0-9][0-9]?)\]/SOMETHING$1/g' file

"file" becomes 0 bytes.  I'm not quite sure why this is happening; is it
a fault of my regex?  Or - maybe less likely - could it because "file" is
on a file system Samba mounted from Linux to NT?  I know there is a command
line option to use a backup file instead of modifying the original, but
no matter how many times I've seen this, I can't recall it.

Thanks much,


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Re: CGI::FastTemplate confusion

2002-01-07 Thread webmaster

Hello Peter et al,

>>This probably should be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but since
>>think I can help, here goes.

Sorry about that; I thought about it only after hitting send.

>You need to use the assign method before the parse.  tpl->assign($hashref)
>This method expects a hasref as an argument.  Put all your variables in

>this hash ref and then pass it to assign.  Also, I think the variable names
> must be all caps.

Thanks much - this worked.  I knew I was making it too simple.  And for
reference, it doesn't restrict variable names to all caps.


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CGI::FastTemplate confusion

2002-01-07 Thread webmaster

Hello all,

I've just begun to use CGI::FastTemplate and I get the feeling I am misunderstanding
something.  I have read the perldoc repeatedly, but I guess it's just not
sinking in.  If anyone can lend some insight, it would be much appreciated.

I have done the following:

1) Created an HTML template file which contains HTML code (of course) and
the names of variables that are populated in my script.  For example, if
the following line is in my template file:

Hello $name

Then somewhere in my perl script, you will find:

my $name = "Ian";

2) Included the following in the perl script:

$tpl->define( main   => "filename.tpl");
$tpl->parse( PAGE  => "main");

I get the feeling I am misinterpreting how CGI::FastTemplate works, but
what I see is that the script does indeed print my template file, but does
not replace any of my variables at all (with strict on, I can see them in
the output quite clearly).  So I am left to wonder, did I just make a silly
mistake, or did I misinterpret how it works?  That is, I believe I am most
confused by the syntax of $tpl->parse().  Does this just tell FastTemplate
to parse the template file and replace the variables with those in the script,
or do I have to actually define a separate variable for each one I want
FastTemplate to replace?  In the code above, I picked "PAGE" as an arbitrary
name representing my template with all variables replaced.  Should this
instead be the name of a variable in itself that I want parsed in the template,
meaning I need to call $tpl->parse() for each and every one of my variables?

I hope I have been clear.  Again, any insight into my confusion is appreciated.


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Re: counting

2001-08-23 Thread webmaster

yes but here the result of $count will always be 0, it should see the 
imput file and count tell me how many processed lines I hve in total, for 
the momento it is presentig all the precessed lines, so it gives an out 
put that says proceseed line 1 procesed line 2 and so on, but for th 
fineal report I would like to know how many in tootal were procesed 
how can I do that? here is the whole source 

use strict;
my $REPORT_FILE="report.htm";
my $blast_file=$ARGV[0]||'blast.dat';
unless (-e $blast_file)
  die "$0: error:missing file: $blast_file";
#slurp all the seqs in to the scalar
my ($query_src,$sbjct_src);

#open the blast data file and end prg (DIE) if we can't find it open(IN,
#$blast_file) or die
open (IN, $blast_file) or die "$0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!";

#go trought the blast file line by line, concat all the query and sbj seqs

my $line;
while ($line=)
  chomp $line;
  print "processing line $. \n";
  my @words=split /\s+/, $line;
  if ($line=~ /^Query/)
$query_src .=$words[2];
  elsif ($line =~ /^Sbjct/)
$sbjct_src .=$words[2];
#next line closes the blast file
close IN;

#analysis part
my @patterns=('gtccca', 'gcaatg', 'cagct', 'tcggga', '-');

#find the patterns and sotore them in to the hashes
my (%query_counts, %sbjct_counts);

#search and store
foreach my $pattern (@patterns) 
  while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  while ($sbjct_src=~ /$pattern/g)
$sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;

#create an empty report fele
open (OUT, ">$REPORT_FILE") or die "$0: ERROR: cant write $REPORT_FILE";

#print the header of the report file
#print OUT "Seq report \n",
"lo que sea ", scalar localtime, "\n",
"\nnote in the sakasl saklkskfkdkskskjfkddkfj \n",
"total lenght  of the 'Query' seq:  \n" ,"\nlenght $query_src,  
characters $

#adds agc
my $count=0;
while (  )
  print "prsdf line $count\n";
print "process $count lines\n";

my $thetime = scalar (localtime);
print OUT <<"END_OF_REPORT";

Blast report

Seq report,
local time for this report $thetime
Note: A dash - represents missing data in the chromosomal seq
total lenght of the query seq  $query_src
 Results for query
nueva var $count


#print the query mathces

#foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
#  print OUT "\t '$key' seen $query_counts{$key}\n";
#print OUT "\nTOTAL lenght  of 'Sbjct' seq: ","\nlenght $sbjct_src", 

#print the sbjct mathces
#foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
#  print OUT "\t'$key' seen  $sbjct_counts{$key}\n";

close OUT;

an imput file looks like this

Query: 1tcgggaaagaa--aatggtggc-ttcaagtttccagtcagctgctctctgtcccag

Sbjct: 1ctacaca-gaaagaatggtgg---tcaagtttcttcttgctctctctctgtcccag

so for example at the momento it is not giving me the number of 
characters on the quey line  again how can I do that?

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Troy Denkinger wrote:

> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:31:09 -0400
> From: Troy Denkinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: counting
> On Wednesday 22 August 2001 11:58, webmaster wrote:
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > $REPORT_file="report.htm";
> > $ imput_file=$ARGV[0]||'imput.dat';
> > unless (-e $imput_file)
> > {
> > die "$0: error:missing file: $imput_file";
> > }
> > open (IN, $imput_file) or die "$0 : error: $imput_file: $!";
> All of this ( except the #! line ) can be replaced by this:
>   open( IN, shift ) or die( "Open failed: $!" );
> > #print $imput_file;
> > my $line;
> > while ($line=)
> > {
> >   chomp $line;
> >   print "processing line $. \n";
> > }
> If I understand the question, you want to be told by the while look what line 
> is processing and then, at the end, be told how many lines were processed.
> I'd use a counter to keep track of it all:
> my $count = 0;
> while(  ){
>   $count++;
>   print "Processing line $count\n";
> }
> print "Processed $count lines\n";
> Also, use strict and use warnings, you'll be happy to did - maybe not now, 
> but someday.
> Regards,
> Troy

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2001-08-22 Thread webmaster

I have

$ imput_file=$ARGV[0]||'imput.dat';
unless (-e $imput_file)
die "$0: error:missing file: $imput_file";
open (IN, $imput_file) or die "$0 : error: $imput_file: $!";
#print $imput_file;
my $line;
while ($line=)
  chomp $line;
  print "processing line $. \n";

and it works, takes an imput file and for each row read says processing 
line and the number of the line, if the imput file has 10 lines then it 
will say me 10 times one line after the other processing line 1...10 now 
I would like to know how canI get the total number of rows with having to 
have the procesing line 1...n I mean that just gives me as an output 
number of lines: number of rows in the text: number of w in the text: by 
the way this may sound very easy but ...

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2001-08-21 Thread webmaster

what does
Global symbol "@ARG" requires explicit package name at line 4.
Global symbol "$sbjct_scr" requires explicit package name at 
line 29
Global symbol "%query_conunts" requires explicit package name at lin
e 46.
Global symbol "$sbjct_srs" requires explicit package name at 
line 48
and why on this lines I am getting a comp error...
  while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  wile ($sbjct_srs=~ /$pattern/g)
$sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;
 the whole wource code is here:

use strict;
my $REPORT_FILE="report.txt";
my $blast_file=$ARG[0]||'blast.dat';
unless (-e $blast_file)
  die "$0: error:missing file: $blast_file";
#slurp all the seqs in to the scalar
my ($query_src,$sbjct_src);

#open the blast data file and end prg (DIE) if we can't find it open(IN,
#$blast_file) or die
open (IN, $blast_file) or die "$0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!";

#go trought the blast file line by line, concat all the query and sbj seqs
while (my $line=)
  chomp $line;
  print "processing line $. \n";
  open (IN, $blast_file) or die "$0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!";
  my @words=split /\s+/, $line;
  if ($line=~ /^Query/)
$query_src .=$words[2];
  elsif ($line =~ /^Sbjct/)
$sbjct_scr .=$words[2];
#next line closes the blast file
close IN;

#analysis part
my @patterns=('gtccca', 'gcaatg', 'cagct', 'tcggga', '-');

#find the patterns and sotore them in to the hashes
my (%query_counts, %sbjct_counts);

#search and store
foreach my $pattern (@patterns)
while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  wile ($sbjct_srs=~ /$pattern/g)
$sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;

#create an empty report fele
open (OUT, ">$REPORT_FILE" or die "$0: ERROR: cant write $REPORT_FILE";

#print the header of the report file
print OUT "Seq report \n",
"lo que sea ", scalar localtime, "\n",
"\nNOTEdfaasafsaada \n",
"total lenght  of the query dseq:",
lenght $query_src, " characters \n", "results for  'Query' :\n";

#print the query mathces
foreach (my $key (sort @patterns)
  print OUT "\t '$key ' seen $query_counts{$key}\n";

print OUT "\nTOTAL lenght  of 'Sbjct' seq: ",
lenght $sbjct_src, "cahracters\n", "resoults for 'Sbjct':\n";

#print the sbjct mathces
foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
  print OUT "\t'$key' seen  $sbjct_counts{$key}\n";

close OUT;



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thanks and keep helping!!!

2001-08-20 Thread webmaster

well thanks for the help... but ... well need osme some more ofo your 
expertise... sorry but I am a new new newest in this perl thing

well following this randal swartz book, the example where the scritpt 
should opne an external file and check for a secretword... the external 
file is supposuse to be WORDLIST, and I assume it must be on the same 
path as the script... but something is not working so agaon I am sendig 
you the script by the way I saved a WORDLIST file in the same path as the 
script is, so well hope you can help me this time as well... cheers

print "what is your name ";
if ($name=~ /^randal\b/i)
  print "hello randal \n";
  print "hello $original_name";
  print "what is the secret word ";
  while (! &good_word($name,$$guess))
print "wrogn, try again ";

sub init_words
  open (WORDLIST, "wordlist");
  if (-M WORDLIST >7)
die "sorry";
  while ($name=)
  close (WORDLIST);

sub good_word
  $somename=~ s/\W.*//;
  $somename=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
  if ($somename eq "randal")
  elsif(($words{$somename}||"groucho") eq $someguess)


so the WORDLIST file is supposuse acording to randals book to be like this:


well hope not to be boring you with thsi easy things.. but I am stuck.. 
and really would like to learn perl , cheers

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help, real perl beguinner!!!

2001-08-20 Thread webmaster

please help HELP

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 05:04:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Gary Stainburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

I have a little problem, it has to do with an exampole from the randal 
schwartz perl book, this is the script and after the script is the error 
msg I am gettin can some of you please lwt let me know what  is it, cheers

print "what is your name ";
if ($name eq "randal")
  print "hello randall";
  print "hello $name";
  $secretword = words{$name};
  if ($secretword eq "")
  print "what is the sw? ";
  while ($guess ne $secretword)
print "no es try agaIN ";

Can't locate object method "words" via package "d" at line 
13,  chunk 1.
 what in the hell does that mean? can some of you please let me know 
that, cheers

one more thingg if I am supposue to look for a secret word in a separrate 
file, and the files name is suppouse to be WORDLIST I put the file in the 
same place as the script but anyway the script is not using it... I am 
talking about randals example page 20... from wich I am also sendig the 
script source code...cheer

print "what is your name ";
if ($name=~ /^randal\b/i)
  print "hello randal \n";
  print "hello $original_name";
  print "what is the secret word ";
  while (! &good_word($name,$$guess))
print "wrogn, try again ";

sub init_words
  open (WORDLIST, "wordlist");
  if (-M WORDLIST >7)
die "sorry";
  while ($name=)
  close (WORDLIST);

sub good_word
  $somename=~ s/\W.*//;
  $somename=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
  if ($somename eq "randal")
  elsif(($words{$somename}||"groucho") eq $someguess)


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Breaking out of foreach loop

2001-08-05 Thread Webmaster

Can someone tell me how I can break out  of a foreach loop before the end?



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Re[2]: trying to convert characters into numbers based on a

2001-06-20 Thread WebMaster AIM-US

 Same here, many duplicates in fact.  I thought I was having a little deja 
 vu until I read this one.  Can the list masters look into this one please?

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: trying to convert characters into numbers based on a tab
Author:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:6/20/2001 2:48 AM

According to my email client, this just arrived on the list:
From: "Cohan, Drew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: trying to convert characters into numbers based on a table
It's contents are just slightly different to the one that was also sent 
by Drew and which arrived around the time this one was sent:
I've been seeing a good few double emails recently, with different 
timestamps, but this one, two days late, and with slightly different 
content, takes the cake...

Re: Huge hash ... running out of memory without warning???

2001-06-13 Thread WebMaster AIM-US

 One thing you could do is to read only the things you need into memory at 
 the time you need them to.  If you change the values in the hash(es), you 
 could dump it to a temporary file and load them again as needed(note kind 
 of like a swap file does).
 Another thing would be to make the calculations, print them to the html 
 file, and move on, delete the hash etc.
 As always, there may well be a better solution than the two above

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Huge hash ... running out of memory without warning???
Author:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:6/13/2001 2:04 PM

I have just written a program that makes an array of hashes of hashes of 
hashes.  It reads all kind of information in from a bunch of files and 
then later I access the elements of this thing in a convienient way 
because it's kind of like a little database.  Anyways, I end up printing 
everything out into a very big html table.  I noticed that *sometimes* 
nothing is printed  when I say 'print this part of that array...' Thought 
it was a bug in the code, but then I ran the program on a machine with 
more memory and *now* the elements that were missing previously are 
printed, but some 'further on down the line' are not.  It seems that the 
computer is running out of memory and at some point no data really gets 
added to this monster of a list of lists...  What the heck should I do so 
that I can perform these functions, but not run into this problem of 
running out of memory?