I  trying to send HTML Email to clients on outlook 2k with
I want to send reports html enabled mail intead of the old text mail .  
I was working with this module from CPAN , help our am I going about it the
wrong way
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
###   Get Date                                       ###
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
# use CGI::CARP qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use MIME::Lite::HTML;
my $mailHTML = new MIME::Lite::HTML
  From       => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' <mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'> ,
  To         => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
<mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'> ,
#   To         => param( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
<mailto:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'> ),
  Subject   => 'Your html Mail';
url = " http://www.cnn.com <http://www.cnn.com> ";
 my $MIMEmail = $mailHTML->parse(param('url'));

Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call in scalar assignment at test.cgi
line 15
, near "" http://www.cnn.com <http://www.cnn.com> ";"
Execution of test.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.


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