Monthly posting statistics for perl.beginners - October 2002.

>From 2002-10-01 to 2002-10-31 there were 
1675 articles posted (81799 lines) by 326 authors, giving an average 
5.14 articles per author, and an average article length of 49 lpa.
The average number of articles per day was 54.

There were 432 (26%) original articles, and 1243 (74%) replies
(articles that started with 'RE:' in their subject line).

145 (44%) authors posted only one article.

The authors top-10 by number of articles is as follows:

 All/Ori Lines  lpa  Author
  95/0    4349   45  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Krahn)
  74/1    2305   31  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jenda Krynicky)
  51/0    1558   30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff 'Japhy' Pinyan)
  50/0    1799   35  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fowler)
  48/7    2797   58  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Edward Gray ...
  47/5    4084   86  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Beau E. Cox)
  44/0    2003   45  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David)
  36/1    2241   62  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Johnson)
  36/2    1651   45  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Kipp)
  34/1    1407   41  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Johnson)


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