
2004-01-16 Thread Paul Kraus
I am using the code below. When I run the script if I run it for just one
file then everything works fine. It asks me for my passpharase and copies
perfectly. If I uncomment both scp -> iscp statements and run the script it
asks me for the first one and then locks on the question proceed [y/N] for
the second I have to kill the cmd window to get back.

Any thoughts?


use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::SCP qw / scp iscp /;
my $leases = 'hylafax:/var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases';
my $access = 'hylafax:/usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log';

my $scp = Net::SCP -> new ( 'hylafax', 'pdk' );

print "Getting Leases File\n";
$scp -> iscp ( $leases, 'scpleases.txt' );

print "Getting Access File\n";
$scp -> iscp ( $access, 'scpaccess.txt' );

 Paul Kraus
 PEL Supply Company
 Network Administrator
 800 321-1264 Toll Free
 216 267-5775 Voice
 216 267-6176 Fax

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2008-09-19 Thread Dermot

I installed Net::SCP as I was reminded of the module in a recent post.

I need to copy files from one server to another. I generated ssh-keys
for a user and I can use

scp  test.txt myserver:/home/somedude/mytest.txt

without passwords when I su to that user but when I run the script as
myself it doesn't work.

# $DEBUG = 1;
scp /home/somedude/fo.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/images/my170px.jpg
256  lost connection

Is this behaviour by design? The script was meant to run as the httpd
user. Is it recommended to set-up ssh-keys for that account? That
account is set with nologin. I think I would have to enable it to make
the scp work. I can't imagine that's recommended! Should I be thinking
about another route for this?

Thanx and sorry if I have strayed OT.


use Net::SCP (scp);
use strict;
use warnings;

my $file = 'fo.txt';

my $scp = Net::SCP->new("myserver");
$scp->login('somedude') or warn $?, "  ", $scp->{errstr};
$scp->put($file,$remote) or warn $?, "  ", $scp->{errstr};

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2002-06-16 Thread Angshuman Guin

Did anybody get Net::SCP to work in an NT env machine?
I tried

use Net::SCP qw(scp iscp);
$scp = Net::SCP->new( $hostname, $username ) or die "foo";
scp("$username\@$hostname\:$remote_dir$filename", "c:\\$filename") or die

but the program is just hanging without any output or prompts or errors

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2003-09-30 Thread Jose Malacara
Would someone mind telling me what I am doing wrong here please. I am trying to tie 
the SCP Expect module into a backup script I put together, but it keeps failing. I 
stripped out all but the SCP example code and it still generates an error from the 
module. I verified my login, directory and filenames were correct by sending the file 

I am running Perl v5.8.0, Expect-1.14, and Net-SCP-Expect-0.10

===The script===
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::SCP::Expect;
my $host = "host.whatever"; 
my $user = "josem"; 
my $pwd = "password";
my $scp = Net::SCP::Expect->new(host=>$host,user=>$user,password=>$pwd);
exit 0; 

===The error===
josem $./ 
 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/ line 730ease try again.

===Line 730 from
725   if ($#{$pattern} > 3) {
726 # call with parameters if given
727 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp,
728  @{$pattern}[4..$#{$pattern}]);
729   } else {
730 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp);
731   }

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Net::Scp

2004-01-17 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Paul Kraus wrote:
I am using the code below. When I run the script if I run it for just one
file then everything works fine. It asks me for my passpharase and copies
perfectly. If I uncomment both scp -> iscp statements and run the script it
asks me for the first one and then locks on the question proceed [y/N] for
the second I have to kill the cmd window to get back.
Any thoughts?


use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SCP qw / scp iscp /;
my $leases = 'hylafax:/var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases';
my $access = 'hylafax:/usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log';
my $scp = Net::SCP -> new ( 'hylafax', 'pdk' );

print "Getting Leases File\n";
$scp -> iscp ( $leases, 'scpleases.txt' );
print "Getting Access File\n";
$scp -> iscp ( $access, 'scpaccess.txt' );
What system are you running this on? What is the system you are 
connecting to?  Can you clarify where it is hanging, is it on the 
proceed question for the first or second file? Is the first file being 
copied successfully?

I suspect it is a problem with the 'waitpid' that is being done to reap 
the process, that or the fact that it is using an Open3 call but doing 
nothing with the writer/reader pipes.

I don't normally do this, but I am tempted to say you shouldn't use the 
module. In general I don't like shelling out, especially when IPC is 
involved, and I am not sure the module does a good enough job handling 
the possibilities of deadlock with respect to Open3 (which is maybe what 
you are seeing). You also mention entering a password which it says not 
to do, I am not quite sure how that is even working and this might also 
be the problem, as the Perl program isn't prompting for one, it is the 
scp doing that, but if the scp's pipes are being handled by the Open3 
then the password is never getting there, which is curious to say the 
least.  But these issues aside, the fact that there is a parameter 
listed in the POD for 'interactive' mode which is passed through to set 
$self->{'interactive'} in the constructor but then it is 
$self->{'interact'} that is actually called for in the source of scp 
indicates a general lack of attention to detail within what is 
relatively simple source, the fact that it could be misdocumented really 
scares me...

However that doesn't help you much I suspect.  Two options appear to me, 
 if you don't mind the dependency hell of Net::SSH::Perl, and if all 
out speed isn't an issue, you might check out Net::SFTP. I have had very 
good luck with it, 1 issue aside (which has to do with memory leaking in 
Math::PARI for long running (aka 3+ hours) scripts).  Alternatively you 
could roll your own 'scp' wrapper using Expect (which I seldom advocate 
but haven't seen a better option for calling scp yet).

In any case, if you are not using key based authentication and intend to 
run this interactively why both with the Perl script at all?

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Re: Net::SCP

2008-09-22 Thread Vyacheslav Karamov

Dermot пишет:


I installed Net::SCP as I was reminded of the module in a recent post.

I need to copy files from one server to another. I generated ssh-keys
for a user and I can use

scp  test.txt myserver:/home/somedude/mytest.txt

without passwords when I su to that user but when I run the script as
myself it doesn't work.

# $DEBUG = 1;
scp /home/somedude/fo.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/images/my170px.jpg
256  lost connection


You should generate ssh keys for the user which runs your script.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ssh-keygen -t rsa

then add your key from /home/dermot/.ssh/ (I don't remember 
exact file names)

to the end of /home/remote_user/.ssh/authorized_keys

1) $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
2) $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3) $ scp ~/.ssh/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5) remote$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh; chmod 711 ~/.ssh
remote$ cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
6) remote$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
7) remote$ rm ~/

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Re: Net::SCP

2008-09-22 Thread Dermot
2008/9/22 Vyacheslav Karamov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dermot пишет:
>> Hi,
>> I installed Net::SCP as I was reminded of the module in a recent post.
>> I need to copy files from one server to another. I generated ssh-keys
>> for a user and I can use
>> scp  test.txt myserver:/home/somedude/mytest.txt
>> without passwords when I su to that user but when I run the script as
>> myself it doesn't work.
>> # $DEBUG = 1;
>> scp /home/somedude/fo.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/images/my170px.jpg
>> 256  lost connection
> You should generate ssh keys for the user which runs your script.

The script would run as the httpd user and that account is set as
/sbin/nologin. My gut feeling is that it would be considered bad
practise to enable a shell on this account and install ssh keys for

Does anyone have an opinion on that?

Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

2003-09-30 Thread Jose Malacara
Sorry if this comes across twice. It bounced back the first time...

Would someone mind telling me what I am doing wrong here please. I am trying to tie 
the SCP Expect module into a backup script I put together, but it keeps failing. I 
stripped out all but the SCP example code and it still generates an error from the 
module. I verified my login, directory and filenames were correct by sending the file 

I am running Perl v5.8.0, Expect-1.14, and Net-SCP-Expect-0.10

#The Script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::SCP::Expect;
my $host = "host.whatever"; 
my $user = "josem"; 
my $pwd = "password";
my $scp = Net::SCP::Expect->new(host=>$host,user=>$user,password=>$pwd);
exit 0; 

#The error
josem $./ 
 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/ line 730ease try again.

#Line 730 from
725   if ($#{$pattern} > 3) {
726 # call with parameters if given
727 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp,
728  @{$pattern}[4..$#{$pattern}]);
729   } else {
730 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp);
731   }

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Net -> SCP - errstr uninitialized

2004-01-05 Thread Paul Kraus


use strict;
use warnings;


sub dhcpd {
  use Text::DHCPparse;
  use Net::SCP qw( scp iscp );
  my $scp = Net::SCP -> new( 'hylafax', 'pkraus' );
  $scp -> get ( 'dhcpd.leases' ) or die $scp->{errstr};
  print "hello\n";

Use of uninitilazed value in die at C:\Documents and Settings\pdk\My
Documents\perl code\squidlogs\ line12. Died at C:\... line 12

 Paul Kraus
 PEL Supply Company
 Network Administrator
 800 321-1264 Toll Free
 216 267-5775 Voice
 216 267-6176 Fax

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Re: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

2003-10-01 Thread R. Joseph Newton
Jose Malacara wrote:

> Sorry if this comes across twice. It bounced back the first time...
> Would someone mind telling me what I am doing wrong here please. I am trying to tie 
> the SCP Expect module into a backup script I put together, but it keeps failing. I 
> stripped out all but the SCP example code and it still generates an error from the 
> module. I verified my login, directory and filenames were correct by sending the 
> file manually.
> I am running Perl v5.8.0, Expect-1.14, and Net-SCP-Expect-0.10
> use Net::SCP::Expect;
> my $host = "host.whatever";
> ...
> #The error
> josem $./
>  at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/ line 730ease try again.
> #Line 730 from
> 725   if ($#{$pattern} > 3) {
> 726 # call with parameters if given
> 727 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp,
> 728  @{$pattern}[4..$#{$pattern}]);
> 729   } else {
> 730 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp);
> 731   }

My guess is thatthis is a malformed host name.  It should be in the form.


where ext is the top-level domain, such as .com, .net, .org, .etc.


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Re: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

2003-10-01 Thread Jose Malacara
I am using a proper hostname, and have even tried several different hosts. I
just left it out of the example I sent to the list. I verified all the
login, hostname, filename, password, etc by scp the file manually. I have
even loaded the modules on another machine and I still get the same error.

- Original Message -
From: "R. Joseph Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jose Malacara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

> Jose Malacara wrote:
> > Sorry if this comes across twice. It bounced back the first time...
> >
> > Would someone mind telling me what I am doing wrong here please. I am
trying to tie the SCP Expect module into a backup script I put together, but
it keeps failing. I stripped out all but the SCP example code and it still
generates an error from the module. I verified my login, directory and
filenames were correct by sending the file manually.
> >
> > I am running Perl v5.8.0, Expect-1.14, and Net-SCP-Expect-0.10
> >
> > use Net::SCP::Expect;
> > my $host = "host.whatever";
> > ...
> > #The error
> > josem $./
> >  at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/ line 730ease try again.
> >
> > #Line 730 from
> > 725   if ($#{$pattern} > 3) {
> > 726 # call with parameters if given
> > 727 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp,
> > 728
> > 729   } else {
> > 730 $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp);
> > 731   }
> My guess is thatthis is a malformed host name.  It should be in the form.
> hostname.ext
> where ext is the top-level domain, such as .com, .net, .org, .etc.
> Joseph
> --
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RE: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

2003-10-01 Thread TN
Perhaps you should automate ssh logins by using a key that requires no
passphrase, in other words so you can just "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
you're in with no interaction required.  Then you don't need expect for
Also, have you tried using the hostname IP address, just to see what

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Re: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

2003-10-01 Thread Jose Malacara
I have tried IP address as well and get the same error message. I have
considered alternate ways of doing this, but now I'm bent on figuring out
why this isn't working for me!

Thanks for the input.


- Original Message -
To: "'Jose Malacara'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'R. Joseph Newton'"
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: Net::SCP::Expect

> Perhaps you should automate ssh logins by using a key that requires no
> passphrase, in other words so you can just "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
> you're in with no interaction required.  Then you don't need expect for
> that.
> Also, have you tried using the hostname IP address, just to see what
> happens?
>  -tristram
> --
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Re: Net -> SCP - errstr uninitialized

2004-01-05 Thread drieux
On Jan 5, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Paul Kraus wrote:


use strict;
use warnings;

sub dhcpd {
  use Text::DHCPparse;
  use Net::SCP qw( scp iscp );
  my $scp = Net::SCP -> new( 'hylafax', 'pkraus' );
  $scp -> get ( 'dhcpd.leases' ) or die $scp->{errstr};
  print "hello\n";
Use of uninitilazed value in die at C:\Documents and Settings\pdk\My
Documents\perl code\squidlogs\ line12. Died at C:\... line 12

Ok, there are two things I would think about
a. check and see if you got the file dkcp.leases
from the host hylafax - and of course a part of the
problem there is whether or not that file would
actually be where you think it is
b. it is possible that a part of the problem
is actually in how the local implementation
  waitpid $pid, 0;
  if ( $? >> 8 ) {
my $errstr = join('', <$error>);
#chomp(my $errstr = <$error>);
$self->{errstr} = $errstr;
  } else {
is working on your machine - the way you
would like it to work -
check first the get() function
and then into the scp() function.
then play with say:

$? = 12345;
my $retval = funk_moi() ; #or die "errorno $?\n";
print "got back retval $retval\n";

$?= 3 ;
$retval = funk_moi() ; #or die "errorno $?\n";
print "got back retval $retval\n";

sub funk_moi
  if ( $? >> 8 ) {
   print "error case: $?\n";
  } else {
   print "is ok: $?\n";

} # end of funk_moi
which generated for me:

error case: 12345
got back retval 0
is ok: 3
got back retval 1
so there are a couple of places where things
could be breaking down in strange and twisted manners.
What did you see when you ran it in the perl debugger?


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Re: Net -> SCP - errstr uninitialized

2004-01-05 Thread drieux
On Jan 5, 2004, at 12:32 PM, drieux wrote:
On Jan 5, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Paul Kraus wrote:


use strict;
use warnings;

sub dhcpd {
  use Text::DHCPparse;
  use Net::SCP qw( scp iscp );
  my $scp = Net::SCP -> new( 'hylafax', 'pkraus' );
  $scp -> get ( 'dhcpd.leases' ) or die $scp->{errstr};
  print "hello\n";
Use of uninitilazed value in die at C:\Documents and Settings\pdk\My
Documents\perl code\squidlogs\ line12. Died at C:\... line 12

  waitpid $pid, 0;
  if ( $? >> 8 ) {
my $errstr = join('', <$error>);
#chomp(my $errstr = <$error>);
$self->{errstr} = $errstr;
  } else {
WOW - did I miss a part of that:

notice the problem of

	my $errstr = join('', <$error>);

That is what I would be looking for as the
oddity, since it would seem that the secquence
there is what is "killing you".

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Re: Net -> SCP - errstr uninitialized

2004-01-05 Thread R. Joseph Newton
Paul Kraus wrote:

> Code
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> &dhcpd;
> sub dhcpd {
>   use Text::DHCPparse;
>   use Net::SCP qw( scp iscp );
>   my $scp = Net::SCP -> new( 'hylafax', 'pkraus' );

Could it be that you are using or die one line too late?


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Net::SCP is saving a file name with a wild card

2011-04-28 Thread Dave Thacker
I need to pull a file or files down every day that contain a specific
string.   Here's my code.

use strict;
use Net::SCP;

my $scp=' ';
open (LOG, ">>/home/wesaysopost/logs/retrieve-wesayso-results.log") or die
"Can't open logfile";
LOG-> autoflush(1);

print LOG "Starting Retrieval Process";
$scp = Net::SCP->new ( "", "mylogin");
$scp->cwd("postingscript")  or die "Can't change directories";
$scp->get ("acme_posting*") or die "Can't retrieve results";
close LOG;

The file I'm retrieving is acme_posting20110415.txt   (date changes every

The file is found, but it's being saved as acme_posting*

I'm not specifying a local file name when I get the file, why is SCP saving
it under a different name?

Thanks in Advance!


Re: Net::SCP is saving a file name with a wild card

2011-04-28 Thread C.DeRykus
On Apr 28, 9:31 am, (Dave Thacker) wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to pull a file or files down every day that contain a specific
> string.   Here's my code.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use Net::SCP;
> my $scp=' ';
> open (LOG, ">>/home/wesaysopost/logs/retrieve-wesayso-results.log") or die
> "Can't open logfile";
> LOG-> autoflush(1);
> print LOG "Starting Retrieval Process";
> $scp = Net::SCP->new ( "", "mylogin");
> $scp->cwd("postingscript")  or die "Can't change directories";
> $scp->get ("acme_posting*") or die "Can't retrieve results";
> close LOG;
> exit;
> The file I'm retrieving is acme_posting20110415.txt   (date changes every
> day)
> The file is found, but it's being saved as acme_posting*
> I'm not specifying a local file name when I get the file, why is SCP saving
> it under a different name?

Because perl doesn't know what the actual wildcarded
transfer will return before the call returns. If fact,
several files might be returned.  How would perl know
which one was the target...  So, the basename of  the
remote file is used to generate the local file name. In
this case basename('acme_posting*') just becomes the
identical name "acme_posting*"

Any reason you can't just specify an exact filename each
day.. for instance:

($day, $mon, $yr ) = (localtime time())[3,4,5];
$file = sprintf( "acme_posting%d%02d%02d",
$yr+1900, $mon, $day );

Charles DeRykus

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