2006-04-25 Thread Paul D. Kraus
I am picking up python and messing around with it and I always come running
back to perl :)
At any rate I am curious what the more experienced programmers think of the
language and its uses.

Best tool for the best job seems to be the slogan. So my question is what do
people use python for that perl doesn't also do just as well?
Reg exp are a joke in python and every program I write uses them so I keep
coming home.

I was thinking about this last night over a beer(the only way to conteplate
by the way :) ) and the only thing I could up with was for gui design or
prototyping for C.

However I learned a lot about code resuse that I never considered before
trying python out that I have adopted 100% in my perl programming.

If you are not using your own custom modules you are working to hard.

I am not asking for info on why perl is better or worse just what
situtations have you been in when perl didn't fit the bill and another
scripting language did.



2006-04-25 Thread Dave Gray
On 4/25/06, Paul D. Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am picking up python and messing around with it and I always come running
 back to perl :)
 At any rate I am curious what the more experienced programmers think of the
 language and its uses.

One thing that a lot of people like about Python is the encapsulation.
I personally hate that feature... everyone says that Python is easy
for programmers to read and understand, but if I have to do the
following a bunch of times

  import pprint
  dump = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat
  # ...
  dump(obj) # nothing useful
  dump(obj.__dict__) # more useful

in order to see what's going on inside an object, that really makes me
miss Data::Dumper and the sort of manual introspection Perl allows.

That wasn't really what you asked for, I guess, but whatever :)

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