Radius Client modules

2009-04-01 Thread Chris Knipe


I've been looking at a few Radius modules to use in some applications.  I
need my perl scripts to send either a COA or Disconnect message to my NAS

Every radius client for perl I've looked at though, does not seem to support
COA or Disconnects.

Is there anything that anyone can recommend perhaps instead of using exec()
to call radclient ?

Many thanks,

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Radius CPAN Modules

2006-02-20 Thread Chris Knipe
Is there any modules that supports Radius Disconnect type messages
(RFC3576).  Spend some extensive time going through what's available on
CPAN, but I haven't found anything that supports Disconnect Messages 
Did I miss anything, or is radclient my only option?? :(

radius parsing

2002-08-15 Thread Hernan

hello people i am trying to parse a radius log with a regexp provided by 
rob,the regexp used to work with a cisco cdr log and i am trying to 
adapt it to parse a radius log. I am trying to get the NAS-IP-Address 
parameter but i get the following output:

 perl optrad.pl

Argument IP isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at optrad.pl line 54.
Argument NAS isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at optrad.pl line 54.
Argument Address isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at optrad.pl line 54.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at optrad.pl line 54. 
NAS-IP-Address :
I tried to scape the - but it did'nt work

This is the script:

 my $log_entry = q[Sat Jul 27 07:07:00 2002
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port-Type = Async
 User-Name = 555
 Called-Station-Id = 8
 Calling-Station-Id = 33
 Acct-Status-Type = Stop
 Service-Type = Login-User
 h323-gw-id = h323-gw-id=bue-pstngw-div1.
 Cisco-AVPair = h323-incoming-conf-id=53E0B5CC A08011D6 
8D649004 9931091
 h323-call-origin = h323-call-origin=answer
 h323-call-type = h323-call-type=VoIP
 h323-setup-time = h323-setup-time=*07:14:18.107 GMT Sat Jul 27 
 h323-connect-time = h323-connect-time=*07:14:39.524 GMT Sat 
Jul 27 2002
 h323-disconnect-time = h323-disconnect-time=*07:15:02.198 GMT 
Sat Jul 27 2002
 h323-disconnect-cause = h323-disconnect-cause=10
 h323-remote-address = h323-remote-address=
 h323-voice-quality = h323-voice-quality=10
 h323-conf-id = h323-conf-id=53E0B5CC A08011D6 8D649004 9931091
 Acct-Session-Id = 053D
 Acct-Input-Octets = 17895 Acct-Output-Octets = 7825
 Acct-Input-Packets = 453 Acct-Output-Packets = 397
 Acct-Session-Time = 23 Acct-Delay-Time = 0 Client-IP-Address = ];
  # a single log entry

my %data = ();
 # grab the date from the first section,
 # and remove the first section all-together

$log_entry =~ s/^(.*?:.*?:\d+).*?:.*?:.*?:/Date $1,/;

# split the line my the commas

for (split /\s*,\s*/, $log_entry) {
# grab the name/value pairs and save to a hash

/^(\w+)\s*(.*)/ and $data{$1} = $2 and next; }

# grab what you need from the hash

print DATE: $data{Date}\n; print NAS-IP-Address : 
$data{NAS-IP-Address }\n; # etc...

Any ideas on how to adecuate the regexp?
Thanks in advance,sorry for the long mail

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2001-07-08 Thread Ryan Gralinski

Is there anything out there to authenticate a user with a perl script from
a radius server?
