Thank you, David Gray and David K for all your help with understanding
hashes. David Gray, the article you referenced at
<> was very
helpful. Thank you also for the hash of arrays solution which was just
exactly what I was thinking of. Thank you David K for showing me some
excellent SQL techniques, in addition to the program itself.

For those following the thread, and others searching later, here's a
final working program which illustrates the technique. Below it is a
dump of the database used in this example.


www:/cire # cat 
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

our %thehash;

# all dbi stuff is done, show the hash
foreach $key (sort keys %thehash) {
        print"Key: $key   Method name : $thehash{$key}[0]       Method
short name: $thehash{$key}[1]\n";

sub get_method {
   use DBI;
   use DBD::mysql;
   use strict;
   my $dbname = "cire";     # enter your db name
   my $host = "localhost";
   my $dbuser = 'cire';    # user may be required
   my $dbpw = 'xxxxxx';      # pw may be required
   my $mscs = "dbi:mysql:dbname=$dbname;host=$host;";
   my $dbh = DBI->connect($mscs, $dbuser, $dbpw) or die "Connect fails
to $dbname\nError = ", DBI::errstr;
   my $sql = "select methodid, method, sname from method ORDER BY
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Prepare fails for
stmt:\n\t\t$sql\nError = ", DBI::errstr;
   my $rv;
   unless ($sth->execute) {
           print"\n\tExecute fails for stmt:\n\t\t$sql\nError = ",
           die "\n\t\tClean up finished\n";
   print "\t\t$rv\n\n" if $rv;
   our %thehash;
   my @row_ary;
   while (@row_ary  = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
           #$key = $row_ary[0];
           #$thehash{$key} = $row_ary[1];
           $thehash{$row_ary[0]} = [$row_ary[1], $row_ary[2]];
           print "Key: $row_ary[0]      $thehash{$row_ary[0]}[0]       
$thehash{$row_ary[0]}[0]\n"; #for debugging use only
} # sub get_method


mysql> select * from method;
| methodid | method                             | sname   |
|        1 | Combined OCs                       | COC     |
|        2 | Progestin-Only OCs                 | POC     |
|        3 | DMPA/NET EN                        | DMPA    |
|        4 | Norplant Implants                  | NI      |
|        5 | Female Sterilization               | FS      |
|        6 | Vasectomy                          | Vas     |
|        7 | Condoms                            | Condoms |
|        8 | TCu-380A IUD                       | TCu     |
|        9 | Spermicides                        | Sperm   |
|       10 | Diaphragm Cervical Cap             | DCC     |
|       11 | Fertility Awareness-based Methods  | FABM    |
|       12 | Lacational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) | LAM     |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)



Output of program:
www:/cire # ./ 
Key: 1  Combined OCs    Combined OCs
Key: 2  Progestin-Only OCs      Progestin-Only OCs
Key: 4  Norplant Implants       Norplant Implants
Key: 5  Female Sterilization    Female Sterilization
Key: 6  Vasectomy       Vasectomy
Key: 7  Condoms Condoms
Key: 8  TCu-380A IUD    TCu-380A IUD
Key: 9  Spermicides     Spermicides
Key: 10 Diaphragm Cervical Cap  Diaphragm Cervical Cap
Key: 11 Fertility Awareness-based Methods       Fertility
Awareness-based Methods
Key: 12 Lacational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)      Lacational Amenorrhea
Method (LAM)
Key: 1   Method name : Combined OCs     Method short name: COC
Key: 10   Method name : Diaphragm Cervical Cap  Method short name: DCC
Key: 11   Method name : Fertility Awareness-based Methods       Method
short name: FABM
Key: 12   Method name : Lacational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)      Method
short name: LAM
Key: 2   Method name : Progestin-Only OCs       Method short name: POC
Key: 3   Method name : DMPA/NET EN      Method short name: DMPA
Key: 4   Method name : Norplant Implants        Method short name: NI
Key: 5   Method name : Female Sterilization     Method short name: FS
Key: 6   Method name : Vasectomy        Method short name: Vas
Key: 7   Method name : Condoms  Method short name: Condoms
Key: 8   Method name : TCu-380A IUD     Method short name: TCu
Key: 9   Method name : Spermicides      Method short name: Sperm
www:/cire # 

Thanks, again.


E. Kevin Zembower
Unix Administrator
Johns Hopkins University/Center for Communications Programs
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD  21202

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