Re: killing a forked process (external programs always detach from child process)

2009-04-13 Thread Michael Alipio


I'm trying to launch and external program using fork.

my $pid = fork()

if ($pid == 0){

system (top);
exit (0);
waitpid ($pid, 0)

print External Program died!;

The problem is top, or the program i'm actually going to run always detaches 
to the child perl process I have forked. If I open another terminal while my 
script is running and kill the child's PID, (usually the one with higher number 
because there are two perls running), the external program still keeps running..

How do i tell it to stick to the child process so that when i kill the child, 
the external program will die. Is there a way to capture the PID of the 
external program? I tried using open to launch it but open quickly exits the 
program after assigning it to a variable, e.g my $extern_pid = open TOP, top 
| or die $!;


--- On Mon, 4/13/09, Michael Alipio wrote:

 From: Michael Alipio
 Subject: killing a forked process
 To: begginers
 Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 4:49 PM
 My program looks like this:
 my $pid = fork ();
 if ($pid == 0){
   exec (top);
my $time = 0
while (1){
  sleep 1;
  if ($time == 10){
  kill 9, $pid;
 That is, after running the forked top process
 for 10 seconds, the main program will end it.
 Any idea why it's not working for me?
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Re: killing a forked process

2009-04-13 Thread Chas. Owens
On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 04:49, Michael Alipio wrote:
 my $pid = fork ();

You must check to see if $pid is defined.  If it isn't
then fork failed.  The parentheses are oddly placed and

 if ($pid == 0){
  exec (top);

Again with the odd parentheses placement.  Function
calls should look like this

func($blah, $blah);

Control structures should look like this

while (1) {
if ($it_is_true) {

That space is one of the ways humans use to tell
function calls and control structures apart.


There is no need to make this an else statement, exec
replaces the current process, so the child can never
reach the rest of the code

   my $time = 0

You are missing a semi-colon at the end of this statement.

   while (1){

You are trying to read from a non-existent filehandle
named 1, I assume you meant to say

while (1) {

to get an infinite loop.  This is also why your script
will never end: this while loop has no exit condition
and no calls to last in its body.

     sleep 1;
     if ($time == 10){

Why all of this mess instead of a simple sleep 10?

         kill 9, $pid;

SIGKILL is the kill of last resort, try SIGTERM instead.
It is also a good idea to reap the child with waitpid at
this point.  Right after this statement is where a call
to last should go.


It might be a good idea to run stty sane to fix the
terminal (top leaves it in a bad state if killed).


use strict;
use warnings;

die could not fork unless defined(my $pid = fork);

if ($pid == 0) {
exec top;
die could not exec top;

sleep 3;

kill 15, $pid;
waitpid $pid, 0;

#fix the terminal after killing top
system stty, sane;

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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