On Friday, August 2, 2002, at 08:09 , Chad Kellerman wrote:
> ** I always have issues with scope....  Can I use Sys::Hostname  just in
> the subroutine, or any perl module for that matter?  Or do I have to use
> it globally?
> $host=hostname; finds that daggone hostname and I have hostname all over
> te place....my bad.  :^(.

there are two strategies I hear you are asking about:

        a) the difference between 'use v. require'
        b) the scoping of variables

plan A:

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;

        use Sys::Hostname


        sub Freak_Out {

                my $msg = shift;
                my $host = hostname;

the 'use' of course is essentially 'require foo && import foo'
so we imported the function there - and might not remember where
we got that function from - especially if we did not annotate
it up at the top of the script.

so you might try
plan B:

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;


        sub Freak_Out {

                my $msg = shift;
                require Sys::Hostname;
                my $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname();

and completely ISOLATE the fact that you are using
the hostname() function there.

Your Third strategy would be something on the order of say

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;

        use Sys::Hostname
        my $host = hostname;


        sub Freak_Out {
                my ( $from_host, $msg ) = @_;

hence requiring the caller to define it.

What I personally would consider the worst of all possibles
in this is the 'leaking global gag':

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;

        use Sys::Hostname
        my $host = hostname;


        sub Freak_Out {
                my ( $msg ) = @_;

                Log($host, $msg);

where you USE the globally defined '$host' without passing
it into the function.... this type of 'side effect' gets
ugly the first time you try to re-use the function Freak_Out()
somewhere else.... and forget that you were using a global
variable by indirection.




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