Hi, folks

I have 5 labels in a perl tk program.

I have this line in my file:

1000975996: 44CGMB0114.col.bsf.alcatel.fr: read request for /bootp/cygwin.bat: 
success .

my code is :
open FILE, "< $SYSLOG" or die $!;
        while (<FILE>) {
            if (/([0-9a-z:]+)\s*via eth0/) {
                $MAC_addr = $1;
            } elsif (/read request for/) {
                ($IP_addr, $install_file_path) = m[:\s*(\S+):.+?(/\S+):];
                $client_name = $IP_addr =~ /^(\w+)/;
                $boot_file = $install_file_path =~ /([\w.]+)$/;

my fist label works fine ie :$Mac_addr
my second too ie:$IP_addr
my third is wrong I have $client_name wich displays 1 instead of 44CGMB114
my forth is wrong too ie $bootfile displays 1 instead of cygwin.bat
my fith is good it displays /bootp/cygwin.bat.

Could you help me why my 2 labels are wrong.
Thanks a lot

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