how to make PMs on Win32?

2002-02-16 Thread Hytham Shehab

 hi guys,
 I used to make files on RH 7.2, but how i do the same on XP??
 Hytham Shehab

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RE: 'Internal Server Error' with module

2002-02-16 Thread Al Hospers

> i decided to put the "use CGI::Carp" declaration before the "use"
> declaration for my module, and sure enough the browser fed me
> information.

that's good. 

> it claims that the module wasn't found in any directory in
> @INC, but i could
> have sworn that "." is included.  is there any reason that it
> wouldn't be?
> and how can i add it?

use lib '/path/to/Module'; #adds /path/to/Module to @INC
use Module;

that "should" do the job.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

Shockwave and Director development, CD-ROM, HTML,
CGI scripting, and Graphic Design.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Re: 'Internal Server Error' with module

2002-02-16 Thread W P

i know this is very bad form, but i think i may have pinpointed the problem.
i decided to put the "use CGI::Carp" declaration before the "use"
declaration for my module, and sure enough the browser fed me information.
it claims that the module wasn't found in any directory in @INC, but i could
have sworn that "." is included.  is there any reason that it wouldn't be?
and how can i add it?

> I posted a question here not long ago about whether creating a module was
> the best solution to a problem i had, and the response was that it was the
> best solution.  so i created a little module.  i have tested it via
> and it works fine, but when i try to 'use' it in scripts run via the
> web server i get an "Internal Server Error."   I even set the permissions
> for the script to 4755 hoping that it was a permissions issue, but that
> didn't work.  then i used CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser ), and it still
> wouldn't tell me anything.  i've requested access to my error log, but
> might take a week to occur, so i was hoping maybe someone else might have
> had a problem like this and could help me out.  oh yea, by the way, the
> file is in the same directory as the scripts that are using it.

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'Internal Server Error' with module

2002-02-16 Thread W P

I posted a question here not long ago about whether creating a module was
the best solution to a problem i had, and the response was that it was the
best solution.  so i created a little module.  i have tested it via telnet
froml, and it works fine, but when i try to 'use' it in scripts run via the
web server i get an "Internal Server Error."   I even set the permissions
for the script to 4755 hoping that it was a permissions issue, but that
didn't work.  then i used CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser ), and it still
wouldn't tell me anything.  i've requested access to my error log, but that
might take a week to occur, so i was hoping maybe someone else might have
had a problem like this and could help me out.  oh yea, by the way, the .pm
file is in the same directory as the scripts that are using it.

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Perl y SSL

2002-02-16 Thread Francisco Javier Albacete

Mi problema es que tengo dos CGIs que funcionan sin ningún problema bajo http,
pero no sucede lo mismo bajo https. Bajo https, el primer CGI se carga sin ningún
problema, cuando desde el primer CGI pulso el boton "continuar" y redirecciono al 
segundo CGI me sale la página de error. Si vuelvo a intentar esto mismo una segunda 
vez entonces si me funciona.

Este problema no me da bajo http pero si bajo https, además, justo antes de
redireccionar al segundo CGI y estando bajo https (se supone que una conexión
segura) el navegador me dice que voy a abandonar una conexión segura,
¿qué es lo que pasa?¿es problema de utilizar PERL bajo SSL?

Nota: Las páginas están en un servidor seguro.

Re: regrex question

2002-02-16 Thread fliptop

David Gilden wrote:

> $key ="Departure date";
> $key =~ s/([\w\w+])/\u$1/;
> ---> Desired result:
> Departure Date
> What is wrong the above regrex?

it's probably easier to use the ucfirst() function:

my $key ="Departure date";
my @result = map { ucfirst } split /\s+/, $key;
print join " ", @result, "\n";

this prints

Departure Date

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