Re: Using strict and configuration files

2002-05-29 Thread Carl Franks

This is how I do it.

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
my $conf;

unless ($conf = do ('/path/to/')) {
  die (Could not open file);

print $conf-{'var1'}, \n;


Then in a file called

  var1 = one,
  var2 = two


The unless part is just to check that the file was opened successfully.
The do actually opens the file and assigns the hash structure to $conf.

Hope this helps!

 Hi all,

 I want to use:

 use strict;

 And I want to use a configuration file in a Perl script.
 The configuration file uses:


 This way I get errors if I run the script because the variables are not
 defined with my.

 I've tried putting in the configuration file:

 my %page1=(

 But this method doesn't work.

 I use a configuration file and I would like to put the settings only in this
 file without modifying the script.

 Is it possible?



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Re: Counter and scoping(?) issue

2002-05-29 Thread Roberto Ruiz

Hi, God bless you.

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 12:45:53PM -0500, Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
 I've been having this problem in various permutations throughout my Perl
 life. For this particular function, I set $confirm_counter to 1. Then I use

 $xheader = X-HTTP-Client: [$1]\n
  . X-Generated-By: NMS v$VERSION\n;
   if ( $confirm_counter = 1){
  ^ May be this your problem?

 if ( $send_confirmation_mail ) {
   open_sendmail_pipe(\*CMAIL, $mailprog);

In the indicated if condition below you are allways assigning 1 to
$confirm_counter instead of comparing it to 1. Should be:

if($confirm_counter==1) {

Well that may be a typo, but if you pasted this part of the script
then it may be the error. 

If this is the error, it should be good for you to use the '-w' flag
in the perl command line to check for simple errors like this. Also
using: 'use strict;' could be useful. :) Just put:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

At the beginning of your scripts.

See you
Roberto Ruiz

A train stops at a train station; a bus stops at a bus station; on my
desk I have a workstation...

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Re: Counter and scoping(?) issue

2002-05-29 Thread Janek Schleicher

Camilo Gonzalez wrote at Tue, 28 May 2002 19:45:53 +0200:

 I've been having this problem in various permutations throughout my Perl life. For 
this particular
 function, I set $confirm_counter to 1. Then I use a foreach loop to send email to 
 recipients. Within the foreach loop, I increment $confirm_counter by using 
$confirm_counter++. I
 then use the value of $confirm_counter as a test for an if conditional. If the 
counter is one,
 then a confirmation email will be sent to the person who submitted the form. If not, 
 confirmation email will be skipped. This is to prevent any user from receiving more 
than one
 confirmation email. However, it seems that $confirm_counter is not being incremented 
and the user
 will receive as many as 7 email confirmations. Any ideas? I'm enclosing the code in 
   if ( $confirm_counter = 1){

That's the problem. 
You wanted a comparison, but you did an assignment.
Just use ==.
 if ( $send_confirmation_mail ) {
   open_sendmail_pipe(\*CMAIL, $mailprog);
   print CMAIL $xheader, To:
   close CMAIL;

When the problem occurs often,
there's a trick to avoid:

if ( 1 == $confirm_counter ) { ... }

When you write a '=' instead of '==' the interpreter is complaining 
before the script starts :-)


PS: I'd bet, it's the most done beginner's mistake.
Is there anybody who has already written a program to dedect it ?
(Like lint)

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Re: Counter and scoping(?) issue

2002-05-29 Thread Kevin Meltzer

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 03:05:36AM -0500, Roberto Ruiz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
 Hi, God bless you.
 On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 12:45:53PM -0500, Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
if ( $confirm_counter = 1){
   ^ May be this your problem?
 In the indicated if condition below you are allways assigning 1 to
 $confirm_counter instead of comparing it to 1. Should be:
 if($confirm_counter==1) {

You don't need the quotes if you are doing a numeric check.

if($confirm_counter == 1) {


[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
Down that path lies madness.  On the other hand, the road to hell is
paved with melting snowballs. 
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RE: Counter and scoping(?) issue

2002-05-29 Thread Camilo Gonzalez

Gack, you Perl Lords once again save my butt. Thanks Roberto, it worked like
a charm.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Meltzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 7:30 AM
To: Roberto Ruiz
Cc: Camilo Gonzalez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Counter and scoping(?) issue

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 03:05:36AM -0500, Roberto Ruiz
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something similar to:
 Hi, God bless you.
 On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 12:45:53PM -0500, Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
if ( $confirm_counter = 1){
   ^ May be this your problem?
 In the indicated if condition below you are allways assigning 1 to
 $confirm_counter instead of comparing it to 1. Should be:
 if($confirm_counter==1) {

You don't need the quotes if you are doing a numeric check.

if($confirm_counter == 1) {


[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
Down that path lies madness.  On the other hand, the road to hell is
paved with melting snowballs. 
--Larry Wall in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Verifying the CONTENT_LENGTH

2002-05-29 Thread Ovid

--- Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note: I've tried using the functions for uploading from CGI module, but with
 no good results in Windows 2000, and that's why I want to write my code.


Can you be more specific about the no good results?  If there is a problem with and
Windows 2000, I am sure that *many* people would want to know.

Curtis Ovid Poe

Ovid on
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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why do I get the following warning for taint

2002-05-29 Thread Rob Roudebush

 When I run perl -c myscript.cgi to test the syntax or perl -w ..., it produces this: 
Too late for -T option at maintenance.cgi line 1 (my line 1 is just the shebang line 
with the -T option). Does this mean that something is wrong?
  Carl Franks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi,
This is how I do it.

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
my $conf;

unless ($conf = do ('/path/to/')) {
die (Could not open file);

print $conf-{'var1'}, \n;


Then in a file called

var1 = one,
var2 = two


The unless part is just to check that the file was opened successfully.
The do actually opens the file and assigns the hash structure to $conf.

Hope this helps!

 Hi all,

 I want to use:

 use strict;

 And I want to use a configuration file in a Perl script.
 The configuration file uses:


 This way I get errors if I run the script because the variables are not
 defined with my.

 I've tried putting in the configuration file:

 my %page1=(

 But this method doesn't work.

 I use a configuration file and I would like to put the settings only in this
 file without modifying the script.

 Is it possible?



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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: why do I get the following warning for taint

2002-05-29 Thread Kevin Meltzer

You need to have -T on the command line as well:

perl -cT script

To find out why, 'perldoc perlsec'


On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 10:51:45AM -0700, Rob Roudebush ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
  When I run perl -c myscript.cgi to test the syntax or perl -w ..., it produces 
this: Too late for -T option at maintenance.cgi line 1 (my line 1 is just the 
shebang line with the -T option). Does this mean that something is wrong?
   Carl Franks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi,
 This is how I do it.
 #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
 use strict;
 my $conf;

[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.
-- Frank Zappa

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cisco log parsing

2002-05-29 Thread Hernan Marcelo Salvarezza

Hello people

i been working on this script provided by drieux  but i still have some
doubts about it.

the scripts works fine with a small log but when i try to run it in the
long log file it displays all the log file
just as if it is being opened with cat.

I am trying to get just the number,setup time and disconnect time from
the log,,just this values in a single
line like this

53353454545 18:10 18:20

When i ran the script it joins the values in a couple of  lines,the
problem is that i don't entirely understand the
regexp,and therefore i cant break it down to get only the number,setup
time and disconnect time values

From the script

my $dtgT = '\d|:|\.';   #numbers or colons or dots
my $upT = 'SetupTime';
my $downT = 'DisconnectTime';
my $prefT = '38\#';

my $find = qr/(.*)\s+ (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s* $prefT (\d+), \s* $upT\s*
([$dtgT]+)\s*$downT\s* ([$dtgT]+)/xo;

so the question is  how should i form the regexp to just get the number
from the entire log file?
how should i form the regexp  get only the disconnect time?

Log File:

May 10 14:25:00  13310: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1,
ConnectionId 0 0 0 0, SetupTim
e 17:30:58.645 UTC Fri May 10 2002, PeerAddress 38#533147631,
PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 2F  , Disconnect
Text no resource., ConnectTime 17:30:58.655 UTC Fri May 10 2002,
DisconnectTime 17:30:58.655 UTC Fri May 10 200
2, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0,
TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes
May 10 15:03:05  13311: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1,
ConnectionId 0 0 0 0, SetupTim
e 18:09:04.262 UTC Fri May 10 2002, PeerAddress 38#5347631,
PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 2F  , DisconnectTe
xt no resource., ConnectTime 18:09:04.262 UTC Fri May 10 2002,
DisconnectTime 18:09:04.262 UTC Fri May 10 2002,
 CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0,
TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0
May 10 15:03:38  %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 2,
ConnectionId DF125DE2 637711D6
 BD90A185 393856AE, SetupTime 18:09:15.110 UTC Fri May 10 2002,
PeerAddress , PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause
10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing., ConnectTime 18:09:37.970 UTC
Fri May 10 2002, DisconnectTime 18:09:
37.970 UTC Fri May 10 2002, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2,
TransmitPackets 451, TransmitBytes 18040,
 ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0

Thanks in advance

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