Re: Checking for existance for data in a column

2002-12-03 Thread Jason Purdy
You can most likely preclude empty/invalid data with SQL.  Let's say your
field/column name is 'name'.  Then with your DBI prepare() call, you can
preclude records where name is blank, null, or whatever you'd like.

$sth = $dbh-prepare( 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE name IS NOT NULL' );

# Proceed with your fetchrow_hashref()'s, etc

HTH  Have Fun!


T. Murlidharan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a CGI that looks up data from a mysql data base and
 does a bunch of calculations.  I only want to do calculations
 on the columns which contains any data.  What I mean is for
 some colums there is no data available at all.  So I don't want to do
 any calculations on them obviously.  How do I check whether
 the column contains data, once I have retrived all the  data
 using fetchrow_hashref().
 Thanks and Cheers alway!!

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Re: multiple selection

2002-11-23 Thread Jason Purdy
Two things:
1) Your action parameter of the form tag was pointing to a separate program.
If you leave it blank (or leave it out altogether), then this same script
will process it.
2) You don't need to split param('list') - will automatically make an
array for you, if it contains multiple entries.

HTH  Have Fun!


use CGI qw(:standard);

$action = param('action');

print header();
print start_html();

  if (!$action) {
print start_html();
print qq~
form method=POST action=
input type=hidden name=action value=doit
font face=arial size=2BSelect List:/BP
print scrolling_list(
print qq~
input type=submit value=Submit/form
print end_html();
   } else {
@lists = param('list');
print qq|Total: @lists|;


Mikeblezien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello all,

 having a problem with processing multiple selection from a scrolling
 first time working with tha scrolling list. Here is the test script I'm
 use CGI qw(:standard);

 $action = param('action');

 print header();
 print start_html();
   if (!$action) {
 print start_html();
 print qq~
 form method=POST action=/mailer/cgi/
 input type=hidden name=action value=doit
 font face=arial size=2BSelect List:/BP
 print scrolling_list(-name='list',
 print qq~
 input type=submit value=Submit/form
 print end_html();
} else {
@lists = split(/ /,param('list'));
 print qq|Total: @lists|;


 Now I thought that the @list array would store all the selected values
from the
 list... but it doesn't, just one, even if all the items have been selected
 the list... what am I missing here ??

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Re: arrays lists

2002-11-23 Thread Jason Purdy
 I know I am missing a lot in my knowledge, but I'm trying to figure
 something out  seemingly am in a hole...

MySQL can do a lot of this for you, I believe...

You want a random record from the database and retrieve a particular field
from that record:

# Untested, but you would call this subroutine like so:
# getRandomRecord( $dbh, SELECT field_Im_interested_in FROM $TABLE
# WHERE month like $month and day like $day );
# NOTE: $sql (2nd parameter) can't already have a LIMIT in it, or any SQL
# statement which a LIMIT suffix would result in an invalid SQL statement.
sub getRandomRecord {
my( $dbh, $sql ) = @_;
my ( $sth, $randomNumber, $myValue );

$sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );

$randomNumber = int(rand( $sth-rows ) );
# $randomNumber will be 0 = $randomNumber  $sth-rows, which
# fits nicely with MySQL's LIMIT clause

( $myValue ) = $dbh-selectrow_array( $sql .  LIMIT $randomNumber,
1 );
return $myValue;

HTH  Have Fun!


 the task is as follows:

 1) query a mysql database for as many records as match a criteria
 (I can do this OK)

 2) put the resulting records, how ever many there are, into a list or an

 3) count the number of records I have retrived
 (I can do this OK)

 4) choose a random record number
 (I can do this)

 5) get the record corresponding to the random record number from the array

 6) get a particular field from the stored record

 I am using DBI to get the data from the database. here is what I have so

 sub getRandomRecord{
   my $cgi = shift;
   my $dbh = shift;
   my $month = shift;
   my $day = shift;

   my $searchResult;
   my $returnValue;

#prepare and execute SQL statement
 $sqlstatement = SELECT * FROM $TABLE WHERE month like $month and day
 like $day;
 $sth = executeSQLStatement($sqlstatement, $dbh);

$counter = 0;

# put the records returned in an array/list  count how many
 while ($searchResult = $sth-fetchrow_array() )
 # get the 4th field from the record in the array  put it in the list
 my @list = ($searchResult[3]);

 # pass the counter to the random integer routine  get a value back
 my $randomNumber = getRandomNumber($counter);

 $returnValue = @list[$randomNumber];

# clean up the DBI

return $returnValue

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Re: listing perl modues on system

2002-11-21 Thread Jason Purdy
One easy way is to run the command:
perldoc perllocal


Jerry M . Howell II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello there,

I was wondering if there is an easy way to list the perl modules that
 installed on a system?

 Jerry M. Howell II

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Re: console window

2002-11-21 Thread Jason Purdy
At the end of your perl program, add the line:
system( PAUSE );



Gary Rocco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
when i ran perl programs using windows 98 operating system, i double clicked
on the program name in windows explorer.  i kept the program files right in
the C:\Perl directory.  the programs would open a command prompt type
console window and execute.  the console window remained open until i
clicked on the X to close it.

now i have a new hp pavilion pc running windows xp. everything else being
the same, when i run the perl programs from windows explorer, the console
window opens, executes and closes before i can see anything in it.  i
realize that if i open the command prompt, i can see the program results but
i would like to be able to run the programs directly from windows.  i have
tried changing the suffix from .pl to .bat(using pl2.bat).  the results are
the same either way.

thank you

gary rocco


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Re: Perl Editors

2001-08-08 Thread Jason Purdy

I like ActiveState's Komodo product.  It's free for non-commercial use
(tinkering at home, etc) and has a lot of great features, including a
built-in debugger.

Have fun!


Dale Pellerin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Anyone have any suggestions for a Windows based perl editor with compiling

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How to profile CGI scripts?

2001-08-07 Thread Jason Purdy

Disclaimer: I've read the docs, talked to several folks, and played around
with the scripts, but I must be missing something.

I'd like to get the tmon.out file output from the -d:DProf flag when my
CGI scripts execute remotely on the web server that I'm developing on, but
whenever I add the '-d:DProf' flag in the shebang line, I get a 500 Internal
Server Error.  I've also tried setting the 'PERL_DPROF_OUT_FILE_NAME'
environment variable in a BEGIN block.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: How to profile CGI scripts?

2001-08-07 Thread Jason Purdy

 I just tested a command line script by putting -d:Dprof in the shebang
line and didn't have any
 problem.  Of course, I'm using ActiveState here and that might make a
difference.  Perhaps you
 could tell us what's in your error log?

Yea ... that's another problem - I don't have access to the error log -
talk about your pure black box development. ;)  The server I use is hosted
by ValueWeb and it's a Linux box (I also believe it's an Apache server).
The server I'm developing on is also Apache, but Win2K and ActiveState.
 The -d:DProf flag works fine on my box, though it's not using my

 You could create a new file extension and associate that with the -d:Dprof
flag.  Then, run the
 script (with the new extension) and manually grab the tmon.out file.  You
could even write another
 perl script that runs continually in the background and detects the
creation of the tmon.out file,
 grabs it, and writes it to a new directory with some sort of identifier
embedded in the filename.

Not following you here.  The presence of -d:DProf seems to result in a 500
error for any script on the host I'm using, even a simple Hello World


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Re: e-mailing HTML form results

2001-07-25 Thread Jason Purdy

I had this earlier this morning - this means the Net::SMTP object wasn't

In my code, I redirected STDERR and created the object using Debug=1 to get
more information.

open (STDERR, /logs/mail_log);
$msHandle = Net::SMTP-new ('localhost',
   Hello = '',
   Timeout = 10,
   Debug = 1);

Then you can check out the log to see what's going on.  More than likely,
the server you're trying to use is denying your request.  To keep your code
from 'dying', surround the rest of your code with an if clause:

if ($msHandle) {
# do the rest of the processing


- Original Message -
From: Helen Dickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:14 PM
Subject: re: e-mailing HTML form results

 Now I am getting the error message
 Can't call method recipient on an undefined value at
 line 77.
 Does this mean that my address as recipient is wrong?

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Re: Needing a script to...

2001-07-17 Thread Jason Purdy

I'm working with Excel (just for the reading aspect, though)  fortunately,
someone has written ParseExcel ( WriteExcel).  Looking on CPAN, I don't see
a similiar offering for Word.  The ParseExcel module does rely on the
OLE::Storage_Lite module - you may want to check that out and see if that
can help.  In OLE::Storage, there's an example (lhalw) that draws text out
of Word files.

Can't do it with PDF or HTML files?  (take the same information and put it
in a PDF or HTML file and e-mail that doc format)


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: Needing a script to...

Does anyone know of a cgi or perl script that will work for taking the
information from an online form, inputting the data onto a form on a word
doc and then having that word doc form emailed to the email address?  I know
this can be done though I can not quite work myself through this one. Thanks
for any info...

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cookie/state challenge

2001-07-17 Thread Jason Purdy

In processing an HTML form, I need to get a userID field from a cookie from the 
client's browser.  The cookie is created at the front-door of the site where the user 
can login.  But the user could come directly to this HTML form, bypassing the login.  
So I see situations where the cookie doesn't exist.  My question is when I process the 
form and the cookie doesn't exist, how can I get the user to login (or register) and 
afterwards, continue to process the original HTML form.  I thought of having my script 
create a dynamic form with hidden fields, going to a separate script to handle 
login/registration and setting up the cookie and then possibly handing the hidden 
field information back to the original script to process, but that seems messy (or at 
least I've got a hunch that there's a better way).

I don't know much about the production environment (I just have FTP access), but I do 
know it doesn't support mod_perl.

Thanks in advance!


Re: test script

2001-07-11 Thread Jason Purdy

Gotta know a few things ahead of time:  what kind of server (Windows or
UNIX) and the location of the perl interpreter.

Making some gross assumptions, try:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print Hello World!BR\n;

Next, see if the server has CGI installed:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use CGI;
use strict;

my $htmlPage = new CGI;

print $htmlPage-header;
print Hello World!BR\n;

Place the script in a cgi-bin directory (upload using ASCII format), give it
the right permissions (rwxr-x-r-x), make sure it ends in .pl (or .cgi) and
then in your Web browser, go to that URL.  These are also making more
assumptions, but give it a shot and let us know what does or doesn't work if
you have further complications.


- Original Message -
From: john.twycross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: test script

 Can anyone tell me what is the most basic script that I can load onto a
 server to test that it is working?

 John Twycross

Re: Sources

2001-07-10 Thread Jason Purdy

My guess would be permissions and how you have your mysql server setup.
When you're running the script on the terminal, it's using your ID to
connect to the database server.  When the webserver's running the script,
it's using the server process' ID.

I'm not sure if that's the right answer, though - GURUs: do databases answer
anonymous requests  provide the names of the available sources, no matter
who's requesting it?


- Original Message -
From: Guillaume Denizot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 4:45 AM
Subject: Sources

when I execute this script :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
print Content-type:Text/html\n\n;
print bPilotes disponibles:/bbr\n;
 print $_ br\n;
print \nbrbSources de donnees disponibles:/bbr\n;
 print $_ \nbr;

with the terminal, I obtain:
Pilotes disponibles:
Sources de donnees disponibles:

but when this script is called in HTML page like
form action=/cgi-bin/ method=POST
I obtain only:
Pilotes disponibles:
Sources de donnees disponibles:
Why not sources of mysql driver?

Le journal des abonnés Caramail -

Re: Errors

2001-07-10 Thread Jason Purdy

Got 2  3 covered - rwxr-xr-x and /usr/local/bin/perl'd the scripts (that's
one annoying thing I have to update whenever I upload code from my Win32
machine to their Linux box).

#1 - tried that and still getting the ISE, so it must be a compiler error
... I didn't know all of those tips - that will help me with this problem
(and w/ future ones, too) - now if I could just find out what the compiler
problem is ... the syntax checks out ... I can't telnet  execute the script
in their environment.

So you can't just have the normal STDERR that goes to the error_log
redirected to a file of your choice?


- Original Message -
From: Curtis Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Errors

 --- Jason Purdy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm working on a web site that's hosted by ValueWeb (not important, but
they give you CGI access
  but they don't give you access to the error log).  So I feel like I'm
flying (coding) blind
  sometimes.  Especially when I get the Internal Server Error.  The
scripts in question are
  inherited code and a bit complicated, so it would be MUCH better to see
what's going on instead
  of commenting in/out code to track down the problem.
  I've tried:
  open (STDERR, /path/to/error_log);# also tried
/path/to/error_log  *shrug* ;)
  Also added on (thought maybe the output wasn't flushing or something
like that):
  END {
  close (STDERR);
  And that creates a 0-byte file that doesn't have any contents.
  My question is: How can I track down what's going on, on this remote
server (with it's own
  unique setup/environment [it works great on my computer])?
  Thanks in advance!
 Here are a couple of things you can check:

 1.  Top of script:

 use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;

 That should route many error messages directly from the error log to
the browser.  If that
 doesn't work, it may mean that your script is not compiling.  The second,
cryptic, command will
 disable output buffering which should increase the likelyhood of getting
*some* output to the
 browser, so long as your script is compiling.

 2.  Are your permissions set correctly?

 3.  Does your shebang line point to the Perl interpreter?

 Curtis Poe

 Senior Programmer
 Onsite! Technology (
 Ovid on

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Re: By popular request: the source of the invisible webscript.

2001-07-10 Thread Jason Purdy

Well, the slashes (\\) are the wrong way ... try this:


Netscape is more strict than IE w/ HTML, so if you were using Netscape, this
could be your problem.


- Original Message -
From: Samuel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: By popular request: the source of the invisible webscript.

   Here's the script who's output I've described as not
 being displayed in the browser window, even tho 'View
 Source' shows it as correctly transmitted.

 print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;  # HTML header,
 normally supplied automatically
 # by the server for HTML files.

 print HTML\nHEAD\nTITLETest


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Re: newbie question

2001-07-09 Thread Jason Purdy

I'm not familiar with WinCGI, but your code is missing the important shebang
line.  I have Apache running on my Windoze box and my shebang is:


Everything's off my C drive and the DOS path to Perl is: C:\Perl\bin\perl.


- Original Message -
From: nila devaraj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: newbie question

 Thank you for your mail.

 the code is

 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 print Hello World\n;

 This is WinCGI. should i have to give the Shebang
 Should i have Perl installed in the server where the
 Webserver is configured?
 If so, how will i give the shebang operator
 The web server is Iplannet webserver.
 It would be appreciated if anyone help me to come out
 of this problem
 Thank you

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Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-09 Thread Jason Purdy

I posted the original message, but my code is not an alternative to CGI -
it's a supplement to validate a form-fed CGI script and that certain
elements were filled out by the user.  It requires CGI, actually.

Found a link that described how to do this on the JavaScript side:


Code (assumes you already printed the HTML header and takes in two
arguments: the CGI object and a hash table of required fields):

sub checkRequiredFields {
my ($formHandle, %reqdFields) = @_;
my ($incomplete) = 0;
my (@incFields) = ();

foreach $field (keys %reqdFields) {
if ($field =~ /(.*)\|\|(.*)/) {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if ( (!grep(/$1\b/, $formHandle-param) ||
$formHandle-param($1) eq '') 
 (!grep(/$2\b/, $formHandle-param) ||
$formHandle-param($2) eq '') );
} else {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if !grep(/$field\b/, $formHandle-param) ||
$formHandle-param($field) eq '';

if ($incomplete) {
print H2Incomplete Form/H2\n;
print You missed the required fields:BR\nUL\n;
foreach $incField (@incFields) { print LI$incField\n; }
print /UL\n;
print CENTERIUse your browser's back button  try
exit;   # I couldn't just use the die, b/c it wouldn't format the
$msg like I wanted

Example Hash:
%requiredFields = ( 'upload_file'   = 'Document
'doc_url||docfile'  = 'Specify
either Document URL or Document File',
'capture_date' = 'Capture
'contributor_type' =
'Contributor Type' );

- Original Message -
From: Curtis Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Required Fields Module

 --- fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 since I don't use for basic web stuff, I have my own
 getting values out of the query string, and it was only giving me
the last
 value of MultipleSelectMenu -- bad :(
   that's why you'll be better off just always using or some
   modern equivalent.
   I don't agree.  Why should I spend all that time loading up
when all
   I want to get is the query string?  It's far more efficient to have a
   subroutine that does that.  If I want to use's many features,
   as form writing, or file uploading, or whatever, it's worth loading
   module up.  But for simple, one-time things like getting user input, I
   think it's overkill to use

 Gah!!!  I wish I had seen this thread sooner (I've been out with the flu).

 Whoever wrote their own alternative to, post your code and I'll
point out plenty of flaws
 in it.  I'm sure I'll find at least 5 (one of these days I'll find fewer
in a hand-rolled version,
 but I haven't yet).

 I'm not saying this to be rude, but CGI tends to be much trickier than
people think even though it
 looks really simple.  If you plan to do any long-term work with CGI, why
not go with the industry
 standard?  It's the standard because it works.

 Oh, and about the overhead of loading if you have a site that is
so slow that loading is causing performance issues, than is the last of your
worries.  If you are worried
 that you'll get to the point where will cause those performance
issues, than your
 hand-rolled version will not be adequate.  At the very least, check out

 Curtis Poe

 Senior Programmer
 Onsite! Technology (
 Ovid on

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Re: how to upload a file through an html form?

2001-07-09 Thread Jason Purdy

One thing that snagged me with printing to a filehandle is the binmode.  I
was uploading an Excel spreadsheet and writing it, but it would become
corrupted (b/c it's a binary file).  So if you're dealing with binary files
(and according to the docs, if your system knows the difference [which for
me, I saw on Win2K and Linux]), do a binmode before you print to the

open (OUTFILE, /path/to/file);
while ($bytesread=read($batchUpload, $buffer, 1024)) {
binmode STDOUT; # is this necessary?
binmode OUTFILE;
print OUTFILE $buffer;
close (OUTFILE);


- Original Message -
From: Curtis Poe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: how to upload a file through an html form?

 --- fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Not true.  Printing the file contents directly to the screen is a
common method of testing
   or not the file upload was successful and has nothing to do with
whether or not Hytham was
   properly uploading the file.
  yes, but the original poster was confused as to why when he searched the
  hard drive he couldn't find the file.

 Sigh.  I need to read these darned things closer :)

 Curtis Poe

 Senior Programmer
 Onsite! Technology (
 Ovid on

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Re: how to upload a file through an html form, again.

2001-07-09 Thread Jason Purdy

Check out the CGI documentation - it's very thorough and has a lot of
excellent examples.  Looking at the synopsis example, it looks like you're
missing an if ($q-param()) { ... } around the file uploading part of your
code.  Give that a shot...


 here it is:
 use CGI;
 $q = new CGI;
 print   $q-header,
  $q-start_html('title here'),
  $q-h1('Please fill this form'),

if ($q-param()) {
 if (!$file  $q-cgi_error)

   print $q-header(-status=$q-cgi_error);
   exit 0;
 open(FILE, /home/eHytham/public_html/;
  binmode STDOUT;
  binmode FILE;
  print FILE $buffer;

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-08 Thread Jason Purdy

Excellent points - Thanks for pointing them out!  I'll check out your
tutorial soon (took a quick glance earlier this afternoon and it looks very
thorough, and a good read!  Thanks! :)).

I forgot the print $query-header part of the code.  I also updated the code
to accept '0' values by grepping within the keywords.  I currently don't
have to worry about multivalued parameters - I don't design my forms that


New subroutine:
sub checkRequiredFields {
my ($formHandle, %reqdFields) = @_;
my ($incomplete) = 0;
my (@incFields) = ();

foreach $field (keys %reqdFields) {
if ($field =~ /(.*)\|\|(.*)/) {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if ( (!grep(/$1\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
$formHandle-param($1) eq '') 
 (!grep(/$2\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
$formHandle-param($2) eq '') );
} else {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if !grep(/$field\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
$formHandle-param($field) eq '';

if ($incomplete) {
print H2Incomplete Form/H2\n;
print You missed the required fields:BR\nUL\n;
foreach $incField (@incFields) { print LI$incField\n; }
print /UL\n;
print CENTERIUse your browser's back button  try
exit;   # I couldn't just use the die, b/c it wouldn't format the
$msg like I wanted

- Original Message -
From: fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: Required Fields Module


 hi jason

 after looking at your code, and not typing it in and trying it out, here
 are some of the problems i see with it:

 problem: what if a user passes a value of 0 in one of the required

 let's say one of your required fields is 'number_of_kids'.  some people
 may not have any, and therefore may enter '0'.  your code checks to see
 if a required field is true/false.  your code will not accept a value of
 0 (it will think it's false, even though it's a valid answer).

 instead of checking to see if a field is true/false, check to see if
 it's defined, then check to see if it contains a minimum number of

 problem: if there is an error, you're not sending the appropriate header

 if you just try to print HTML without calling $query-header, the result
 will be an internal server error.

 problem: what if your parameters are multivalued?

 assume for the moment your cgi is called like this:


 will your code handle these values the way you want?

 here are my recommendations:

 1)  put the parameters you're looking for into a list like this:  (key1,
 value1, key2, value2, key2, value3, ...)
 2)  create a parameter hash from this list with values being either
 scalar or references to arrays:
 %parameters = (
   key1 = value1,
   key2 = [ value2, value3]
 3)  check each key's value(s) (if it's required, ie.- not NULL) to see
 that they're defined and have a minimum length.

 if you haven't already seen it, i'd recommend reading the tutorial i'm
 working on which explains how to do all of these things.  it can be
 found at

Re: Required Fields Module

2001-07-08 Thread Jason Purdy

Oops - found another little tweak - it should be $formHandle-param instead
of $formHandle-keywords (unless your form is using an ISINDEX search).

Sorry 'bout that...

- Original Message -
From: Jason Purdy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: Required Fields Module

 Excellent points - Thanks for pointing them out!  I'll check out your
 tutorial soon (took a quick glance earlier this afternoon and it looks
 thorough, and a good read!  Thanks! :)).

 I forgot the print $query-header part of the code.  I also updated the
 to accept '0' values by grepping within the keywords.  I currently don't
 have to worry about multivalued parameters - I don't design my forms that


 New subroutine:
 sub checkRequiredFields {
 my ($formHandle, %reqdFields) = @_;
 my ($incomplete) = 0;
 my (@incFields) = ();

 foreach $field (keys %reqdFields) {
 if ($field =~ /(.*)\|\|(.*)/) {
 $incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
 if ( (!grep(/$1\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
 $formHandle-param($1) eq '') 
  (!grep(/$2\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
 $formHandle-param($2) eq '') );
 } else {
 $incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
 if !grep(/$field\b/, $formHandle-keywords) ||
 $formHandle-param($field) eq '';

 if ($incomplete) {
 print H2Incomplete Form/H2\n;
 print You missed the required fields:BR\nUL\n;
 foreach $incField (@incFields) { print LI$incField\n; }
 print /UL\n;
 print CENTERIUse your browser's back button  try
 exit;   # I couldn't just use the die, b/c it wouldn't format the
 $msg like I wanted

 - Original Message -
 From: fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jason Purdy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Required Fields Module


  hi jason
  after looking at your code, and not typing it in and trying it out, here
  are some of the problems i see with it:
  problem: what if a user passes a value of 0 in one of the required
  let's say one of your required fields is 'number_of_kids'.  some people
  may not have any, and therefore may enter '0'.  your code checks to see
  if a required field is true/false.  your code will not accept a value of
  0 (it will think it's false, even though it's a valid answer).
  instead of checking to see if a field is true/false, check to see if
  it's defined, then check to see if it contains a minimum number of
  problem: if there is an error, you're not sending the appropriate header
  if you just try to print HTML without calling $query-header, the result
  will be an internal server error.
  problem: what if your parameters are multivalued?
  assume for the moment your cgi is called like this:
  will your code handle these values the way you want?
  here are my recommendations:
  1)  put the parameters you're looking for into a list like this:  (key1,
  value1, key2, value2, key2, value3, ...)
  2)  create a parameter hash from this list with values being either
  scalar or references to arrays:
  %parameters = (
key1 = value1,
key2 = [ value2, value3]
  3)  check each key's value(s) (if it's required, ie.- not NULL) to see
  that they're defined and have a minimum length.
  if you haven't already seen it, i'd recommend reading the tutorial i'm
  working on which explains how to do all of these things.  it can be
  found at

Required Fields Module

2001-07-07 Thread Jason Purdy

I wrote this simple lil' diddy as a reusable module to check required fields and 
wanted to share it.  You can put this in a central .pl file to be required by any CGI 
script that needs to verify that certain fields have been filled out.  Probably makes 
more sense to do this type of verification through JavaScript on the client-side, but 
I'm not as familiar with that.

You just need to create a hash with left-values of the INPUT name from the form and 
right-values of a long-form/presentable form of the field.  Then you can call this 
routine with 2 parameters - the CGI object [requires CGI] and the hash of your 
required fields.

I also added support for a left value with ||'s - meaning if you have a situation (as 
I did) where one of two fields has to be required, but not both.

You may also want to modify the code to format the output/behavior of the clause of 
when a form is incomplete.

I am a sorta-newbie (experienced, but rusty), so I'm sure there are better ways to 
write the code or even if the code is written into some other module out there.



Example Hash:
%requiredFields = (
'upload_file'   = 'Document Source',
'doc_url||docfile'= 'Specify either Document URL or Document File',
'capture_date'   = 'Capture Date' );

Example Usage:

use CGI;
require '';

$query = new CGI;

# let's start by checking the required fields
checkRequiredFields($query, %requiredFields);


sub checkRequiredFields {
my ($formHandle, %reqdFields) = @_;
my ($incomplete) = 0;
my (@incFields) = ();

foreach $field (keys %reqdFields) {
if ($field =~ /(.*)\|\|(.*)/) {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if ( (!$formHandle-param($1) || $formHandle-param($1) eq '') 
 (!$formHandle-param($2) || $formHandle-param($2) eq '') );
} else {
$incomplete = 1  push (@incFields, $reqdFields{$field})
if !$formHandle-param($field) || $formHandle-param($field) eq '';

if ($incomplete) {
print H2Incomplete Form/H2\n;
print You missed the required fields:BR\nUL\n;
foreach $incField (@incFields) { print LI$incField\n; }
print /UL\n;
print CENTERIUse your browser's back button  try again/I/CENTER\n;
exit;   # I couldn't just use the die, b/c it wouldn't format the $msg like I 