formate text sequence

2002-07-17 Thread Konrad Foerstner


does anyone know a function or a module which
i can use to format a text which i get in a string.
i would like to get lines of 40 letters out of the 
string which are surrounded by p and /p; the 
result should be stored in an string.

short example with 3-letter-lines:

$input = 'ABCDEFGHI';

---  $output = 'pABC/ppDEF/ppGHI/p'



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graphic on-the-fly

2002-07-15 Thread Konrad Foerstner

Hey folks,

I would like to have a script which 
produces graphics on the fly,b ut there
are some problems:

- When I write the graphic-file to /tmp/ 
  I can't open it by writing img src=/tmp/pic.png 
  in the page the script produces. But the pictures 
  is verifiable there. 

- So, I tryed an alternativ: Pictures in the /var/www/
  I can open in the page the script produces by
  writing img src=http://localhost/pic.png;.
  But here is the problem, that the script can't write the
  file to /var/www/ and get a Permission denied even
  I give everyone the right to write to that folder 
  (actually I don't like this method because of the
   security hole)

Any solutions?


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2002-06-21 Thread Konrad Foerstner

Hi folks,

okay my prob is not really CGI specific, but I just try here.

I started to use the Chart::Plot module 
to make some plots. Without any modification I get nice plots, 
but when I use setGraphOptions() and getGDobject() the trouble begins:

When I add an the graph title by 
 $img-setGraphOptions ('title' = 'My Graph Title') or the 
title of the axes, a graphic with two times the same plots (one is a 
little bit displaced above the other) is produced.

The problem with getGDobject() ist, that perl can't find it:
Can't locate object method getGDObject via package Chart::Plot 
(perhaps you forgot to load Chart::Plot?). But the modul is loaded.



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Chart:Plot Apache

2002-06-09 Thread Konrad Foerstner


I want to use Chart:P:lot but don't know if I have to 
configure Apache for that. What do I have to do?

At the moment I get this when I'm using a test-script I found in the net:

Can't locate Chart/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) 
at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/auswertung2.cgi line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/auswertung2.cgi line 7.



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Re: CGI::Graph --- description

2002-06-07 Thread Konrad Foerstner

Yes, I had checked this befor, but I need more exmaples and

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:41:09 -0500
David T-G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Konrad --
 ...and then Konrad Foerstner said...
 % Hi!
 % I would like to write some scipts to produce plots and 
 % saw CGI::Graph is a good solution for that. The problem is
 % that I can't find a good introduction or description of 
 % it in the web. Has anyone a good link for me?
 Did you try to look for it??  I did and landed at
 and that seems pretty complete to me...
 % Thanks
 % Konrad
 David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
 (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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