ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and 
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to 
so I'll be able to use them ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Solved: ISP won't install Perl modules

2003-01-17 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

At 17-01-2003 15:18 +0100, I wrote:

My ISP won't install some Perl modules I want to use (Email::Valid and 
Is there a way to install these modules in some directory I have access to 
so I'll be able to use them ?

I installed the modules in a different dir and solved the problem this way :

   push(@INC, /path/to/my/modules);

Thanks for your response.

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Crypted script ?

2003-01-17 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

I found a (commercial) script on the net which shows me all the installed 
Perl Modules.  Trying to see how thing were done showed me that this script 
was sort of cripted :


Almost no human readable text in it.  Can someone tell me more about how 
this is done or point me at a doc I should read ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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flock and Fcntl

2003-01-09 Thread Rene Verharen
Hi all,

Do I always need

   use Fcntl qw(:flock);

if I want to use

   flock(FILEHANDLE, 2)

in my scripts ?  I'm asking because some scripts I found on the web do and 
some other don't, although they all use flock.

Is there also a nice way to omit the flock() unimplemented on this 
platform error when testing my scripts local on a W98 platform ?
I'm using ActiveState Perl version 5.005_03

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Re: CGI scripts permissions

2002-12-24 Thread Rene Verharen

At 24-12-2002 18:09 +0200, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Please tell me what file permissions should I use for a CGI script.

chmod 755

Can I deny other users to see the content of the cgi-bin directory (chmod
700) and chmod 755 only the files?

Put a index.cgi in your cgi-bin directory that routes the users to your 
homepage.  I did this whith all my directories with no index.html in it.

 Begin index.cgi

$detour = '/somedirectorie/welcom.html';
print Location: $detour\n;
print Content-Type: text/html\n;
print \n;

 End of index.cgi

Any comments are welcome.

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Re: Delete preceding zeroes

2002-04-29 Thread Rene Verharen

At 28-4-2002 09:54 -0400, Marty Landman wrote:

Rene, here's a little pgm and output to give you an example :

$waarde = 0073;
$waarde += 0;
print waarde eq $waarde\n;

Thank you Marty for your help. This is what I finally made of it :

print ($waarde +=0 );

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Delete preceding zeroes

2002-04-28 Thread Rene Verharen


Where can I find some information on how to convert a alphanumeric string 
to a number ?

My problem :

$waarde = 0073;   # The value in $waarde comes from a file

  needs to be converted to

$waarde = 73;

Pleas point me in the right direction.

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Re: Regex question

2002-03-10 Thread Rene Verharen

At 10-3-2002 09:36 -0500, fliptop wrote:

Hey y'all, I got over my brain cramp and thought I'd share with the group in
case it helps anyone trying to do something similar. I was making it way too
complicated. All I needed was:
if($email !~ /\w+@\w+\.\w{2,4}/)
  # error stuff here

have you considered using email::valid?

Is there also a module or another way to test the existence of an email 
address ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Re: mkdir in cgi-script

2002-01-20 Thread Rene Verharen

At 19-1-2002 15:29 -0600, Shawn wrote:

Try something like this:

my $string=$homDir;
my @dir=qw(directory somedir someotherdir yetanotherdir);
for(@dir) {
   mkdir $string, 0755;


Tested and approved, but...

The (sub)dirs I want to create are input from a form, so I had to change 
your example a little because

my @dir=qw($FORM{'dir'});

doesn't work.  This is what I made of it :

my $string = $homeDir;
my @dir = split (/\//, $FORM{'dir'});
for (@dir) {
  $string .= /$_;
  mkdir $string, 0755;

This seems to work for me but comments are welcome.

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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mkdir in cgi-script

2002-01-19 Thread Rene Verharen


Can someone please point me in the right direction ?

In a script I'm trying to write I need to create a new directory.  This new 
directory looks something like /directory/somedir/someotherdir/yetanotherdir.

What I do now is :

mkdir $homeDir/directory, 0755;
mkdir $homeDir/directory/somedir, 0755;
mkdir $homeDir/directory/somedir/someotherdir, 0755;
mkdir $homeDir/directory/somedir/someotherdir/yetanotherdir, 0755;

Although this works I think I'm using to much code.  Is there a more 
efficient way to do this ?

Kind regards,

Rene Verharen

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Problem with soft line break

2001-11-01 Thread Rene Verharen


I found on the web a script that acts like a simple listserver.  I modified 
this script so there is now a sort of archive of the posted messages.  All 
works fine, except that the soft line breaks appear like  =20  on my 
browsers (IE 5 and Netscape 4.7).  The hard returns are OK.

Before I send someone the script :  Is this a CGI-issue or do i need to 
look at my MTA (Postfix) to solve this little problem ?

Vriendelijke groet,

Rene Verharen

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Determine number or word

2001-10-11 Thread Rene Verharen


Is there a simple way to determine if a variable contains a number or (one 
or more) alpha-nummeric characters ?

Vriendelijke groet,

Rene Verharen

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